Archive for the ‘God’ Category

Let us Give Thanks for our Gender-Appropriate Chromosomes

Wednesday, November 22nd, 2023

Finally, Thanksgiving at Home

We are getting ready for our second Thanksgiving together. Last year, we ate at Lawry’s in Singapore, and it was expensive and not very good. Is this because Singaporeans can’t cook American food, or is it because Lawry’s is a bad chain? I don’t know, but I am suspicious of Lawry’s. They serve steamed peas as a side dish, which makes you wonder if they have read a competing menu since 1938.

They served lumpy creme brulee. It’s not a hard dish to make correctly.

I made a pecan pie, and I have a sweet potato pie in the oven. Why not pumpkin pie, like my mother and grandmother? The simple fact is that pumpkin pie is not as good. It’s exactly the same thing, made with a vegetable that isn’t as tasty.

I don’t really understand why pumpkin pie exists. Think of all the better pies. Apple. Key lime. Cherry. Peach. Blueberry. Coconut cream. Cheesecake is a type of pie. It’s a pie people eat out of a sense of obligation. No one orders pumpkin pie in October.

I would guess that most people who have never had sweet potato pie would think it was pumpkin pie upon trying it. They would think somebody had finally made a good pumpkin pie.

I don’t have my own sweet potato pie recipe, so I found the Libby’s pumpkin pie recipe, substituted yams 1:1, I added a couple of things. I put in a tiny bit of nutmeg, some vanilla, and a tablespoon of butter. Butter should be in everything.

Is it wrong to drink the leftover batter? I’m not saying I would do that. But would it be wrong?

Definitely not saying I just did it.

I use the pecan recipe from the Karo bottle, but I add bourbon. Makes a big difference.

I should make my own pie crusts, but I don’t. Not for obligatory pies.

I think the recipe is too hot. It calls for 375°. At this temperature, your crust will burn. When I saw my crust getting dark, I threw a sheet of foil over it. It stuck in one place, but the pie is okay.

Next time, I plan to watch the pie to see how it’s doing, and I’ll drop the temperature to 300° when the crust starts to scare me. There are really only two things you have to do when you make pies of the custard family: brown the crust and firm up the batter. You can firm up the batter at 200° if it makes you happy. There is nothing magical about 375°. You can make fantastic creme brulee at 205° with no water bath. I think bakers use water baths because they’re in a hurry.

Later, I will be fixing green beans with salt pork. They always taste better the second day. I’ll also put some cranberry relish and cornbread dressing together.

Tomorrow, I have to get up and bone the turkey. Then I’ll cram it full of dressing, throw it in the oven, and hope for the best.

I’ll be using a lot of dry white wine in the food. What a difference it makes. But when I suggest it to people, they wrinkle their noses. People want exactly what their mothers made, no matter how bad it is. My friend Mike eats canned cranberry sauce. Sometimes I miss my mom’s spaghetti, which had chili powder in it.

Thanksgiving will seem strange. For the first time, I’ll be celebrating in an environment containing only Spirit-led Christians who can appreciate the purpose of the holiday.

I don’t know if my wife will get the full benefit of the experience, because she has never had traditional American Thanksgiving food. For all I know, she won’t like any of it. But we’ll be together, thanking God, and we won’t be eating restaurant food that is, objectively, substandard.

She is tearing the house up. The sudden cleanliness and order are intimidating.

It will take time to get used to having someone do things for me, without being resentful or keeping score on me. It feels odd, especially in a world of man-hating feminists who are miserable because they bought into one of history’s great lies. I’m no feminist, but I have nagging feelings: “Shouldn’t I clean that up? Is it really okay to just sit here?” I dismiss them.

My wife didn’t have thoughts like that while I was fixing the sinks. Feminism is a one-edged sword. Men are brainwashed to do what wives used to do, but women are not expected to fix sinks, kill spiders, open their own jars, or shoot burglars.

I have never seen a marriage that was in proper order. I’ve seen whiny, unsatisfied women. I’ve seen self-centered men who were like middle-aged frat boys. I’ve seen Christians repeat Satanic marriage doctrine, speaking of men as though we were somehow defective and in need of a redesign. I’ve seen women who pretended to be glad they were able to live their dreams, working in fungible, modestly-paid positions in Dilbertian cubicles with their forgotten liberal arts degrees. I never saw one who turned out to be Amelia Earhart or Wonder Woman, the way feminists say they will.

“Thank you, Betty Friedan, because I get to sit in a cubicle, living out scenes from Office Space every day! Thank God an unvetted Mexican with a 6th-grade education is raising my kids while I shuffle folders and look for ways to torpedo all the other women at my job! Thank God I aborted the burdensome children I conceived while trying unsuccessfully to convince men to marry me. I’m so glad I will never see them grow up!” No woman who is honest has ever felt like saying that.

I’ve known all sorts of women who saw 30 coming and realized they had blown it. You can see a lot of women like that on Youtube. Search for videos about women “hitting the wall.” They enter the workplace at 22 or 25, and before they get beyond entry-level, they’re 30, and their fertility is tanking precipitously. And they are competing with women the better part of a decade younger.

Men like youth. It’s the best cosmetic. There is no substitute. And the way women put out these days, men don’t have much incentive to marry their old girlfriends. They milk the cow until the wall looms up, and then they bail out and trade up.

Since leaving college, I have probably Googled girls I knew fewer than 5 times, and I don’t mean women I wished I had dated or married, because there weren’t any like that. I just wondered if such women could possibly be married. I found them easy to find. Generally, they still had their maiden names.

I went to Columbia University, where 2020 arrived in about 1975. The women were horrible. Perpetually enraged. Landmines that blew up and spewed sexist hate when men got too close. Now I can Google them and find out how they have done, alone, with no kids, in jobs where their legacies mean about as much as the legacy I leave when I check out of a Hampton Inn.

Sometimes I wonder if any college girl* from the Northeast has ever married (a man**) and had children***.

We have a shot at a normal marriage.

No human being can make a marriage work, so I am doing what I can to turn everything over to God. There is no possibility either of us could make it work on our own.

* XX or “actual” woman
** XY or “actual” man
*** not cats

Domesticity and Savagery

Tuesday, November 21st, 2023

Plus the End of Candace Owens

In case anyone is wondering how my life is going now that my wife is a resident of the United States, I am here to let you know. Exactly what you would expect is happening. She is in the process of throwing out everything I hold dear.

Slight exaggeration.

Today, she pulled all the drawers out of my awful dresser, and she has been using a HEPA-filter vacuum to suck the dust out of the dresser itself. The contents of the dresser are all over the room. Hope there was nothing incriminating in there.

We went to a ritzy restaurant as soon as we got away from the airport. Of course, I am referring to White Castle. I thought she might be too tired after around 40 hours of traveling, but she insisted. Sadly, it turned out she didn’t like it as much Shake Shack, so we failed to knock off our bag of 10 cheese sliders.

I did my part.

A friend of mine needed a place to stop on a trip to Miami with his kids. His grandmother raised him, and he was on the way to her funeral. They met my wife on the way back. I made pizza both times.

The kids cleaned up my downstairs. I have no idea why they enjoy doing that, but I don’t exactly discourage it.

My wife is finally caught up on sleep, and this is why she is going over the house. I am trying to look involved. I changed the P-traps under two sinks. They were leaking. The character who installed them used something that looked like a combination of plumber’s putty and pipe dope. Here’s what you’re supposed to apply: nothing. I put a little Teflon grease on the threads, though.

I believe he used a pipe wrench to tighten the joints. They’re supposed to be hand-tight. They were torn up, and I had to exert myself to get them off.

I also took one of the horrible Chinese casters off Marvin’s cage and checked the threads. I have 4 much-better casters on the way. If we’re going to fix up the house, we have to fix Marv’s house as well.

We have Thanksgiving supplies laid in, and I am making cornbread for dressing. I’m making a lot of bacon because I need 3/4 of a cup of grease.

She has been tearing strips of bacon in tiny bits and eating them one at a time. Why do women do that? I told her she knew she was going to eat the whole strip, so she should quit fooling herself. She said, “You’re so vicious.” Then she ate more.

Our plan is to fix the bedroom, living room, and kitchen before anything else. My adored queen size mattress may be exiled to a guest room.

We’ll have to hit Orlando soon, because that’s where the real stores are. I hope the spending tsunami starts to abate by New Year’s.

I have been reading the news. It looks like Candace Owens has decided to murder her own career. Is it admirable, because she’s saying what she thinks is true, regardless of the cost, or is it just ridiculous, because she hasn’t spent two minutes verifying the things she says before buying herself a one-way ticket back to nowhere?

She seems to think Israel is an apartheid state, and she made an ambiguous remark about genocide which seemed to be intended to justify criticisms of Israel.

She said something nutty. She said Jerusalem’s Arab Quarter was the place where Arabs were “allowed to live.” Really insane. As a whole lot of other commentators have remarked since she made her claim, Arabs can live wherever they want in Israel. They hold Knesset seats They serve in the IDF.

The Arab Quarter is pretty small. It holds a small percentage of Israel’s Arabs. This is not classified information. How could an otherwise-bright woman fail to check this out before tying an anvil to her leg and diving into the Ann Coulter abyss?

By “Ann Coulter abyss,” I mean the hole where smart pundits go when they go off the rails publicly.

Owens appears to think the Arab-Jewish conflict is a spat between two peoples, each of which has major legitimate grievances. She seems to think Israeli’s Jews are foreign oppressors who showed up one day and decided to throw Israel’s bona fide historical occupants out, and she doesn’t seem to have any idea how differently Jews and Arabs in the Middle East have treated each other.

Every adult in the US should read a recent article about the rapes that have occurred since October 7. Muslims have raped girls, women, and old ladies repeatedly in more than one orifice. They have broken pelvises. While one victim was being gang-raped, a Muslim sliced her breast off and took it around for others to play with. One Israeli was raped standing up, and while the Muslim was still inside her, he shot her through the skull.

You can go online and see at least one Jewish captive with huge blood stains on the back of her pants and between her legs.

Close your eyes and try as hard as you can to picture Jews doing this.

Yes, Jews have killed civilians. While trying as hard as possible not to. On the other hand, they haven’t deliberately set fire to living babies. I doubt you will be able to find any stories about Jews cutting babies out of women and beheading them while their umbilical cords still tied them to their mothers, but at least one Muslim did that during the terrorist raid.

Antisemitic Muslims are not like Jews. They have equalled the barbarism of the Nazis and the imperialist Japanese.

I keep calling them “Muslims,” not “Hamas,” because their religion is what caused all this. Islam is a religion of murder, torture, rape, slavery, theft, and pillage. It encourages its adherents to do the kinds of things we have seen them do this year.

If Hamas itself were the big problem, we wouldn’t have a slew of other Muslim terrorist groups, and Hamas would not win elections in Gaza by overwhelming margins.

Islam got its start as a protection racket. It’s a shame people don’t know this. Look it up. Mohammed’s new religion was going nowhere, but one day he decided to tell Muslims they were free to raid the towns of infidels and do pretty much what they just did in Israel. People converted not because God opened their eyes and confirmed Mohammed’s ravings, but because they were terrified of their terrorist neighbors, and also because they wanted to be able to do to others what Muslims had done to them.

On October 7, many Muslims celebrated their religion’s origins.

I have never hopped on the Candace Owens bandwagon. I’m relieved I can say that. I saw her saying things I thought were immature and obnoxious, and after that, I didn’t really care whether she was right on the issues. I saw her as a person I did’t want to endorse wholeheartedly. I liked some things she said, but that was as far as it went.

I don’t see politicians or self-anointed pundits as our saviors. It is often enjoyable to see them put leftists in their places, but conservatism per se is not what the world needs. It needs the unity that comes from the Holy Spirit. Conservatism isn’t the answer to our problems. Holy-Spirit-led Christianity is the answer to our problems, and conservatism is just an essential and natural by-product.

Here is one thing I like about watching Candace Owens out herself: it shows how blind intelligent people can be. Conservatives keep telling themselves that if they out-argue and out-meme the facially idiotic left, eventually enough people will come to their senses to bring us victory in the voting booth. It’s not true. If brains and logic mattered that much, nearly all Jews would believe Yeshua was the Messiah and God.

People are subject to supernatural blindness. Only the Holy Spirit can enable you to know the truth. If you’re not full of the Holy Spirit, you’re full of other spirits, and they deceive. They may give you part of the truth, plus some toxic adulterants, but overall, you will be blind.

Candace Owens doesn’t know the Holy Spirit, so in spite of her intelligence and general knowledge, she believes things so stupid a 5-year-old can debunk them in two minutes.

We are swimming in a sea of demonic deception, and only a tiny number of us are hearing the truth from the Holy Spirit.

Ben Shapiro and David Horowitz are done with Candace Owens. They think she’s ridiculous. She is, but so are they. They can’t figure out who their Messiah is. Who is more blind?

Maybe she got her ideas from other black people. No one is willing to talk about the huge problem of black antisemitism. Who knows what Owens heard from her parents and grandparents when she was young? She used to be a leftist. Maybe she hasn’t rejected all the mythology and libel.

The deception is going to get worse, and it will be everywhere. People need to understand this. You can argue and meme all you want. You might as well try to describe sunshine to a rock.

Order Status Update

Friday, November 17th, 2023

“Your Package has Been Shipped”

My wife is somewhere over Africa, telling stewardesses they’re too slow with her champagne. I expect to be having burgers and fries with her some time tomorrow.

Things are going quite well here. One of my best friends was raised by his grandmother, and she just passed away, so he and his kids had to spend the night here on the way to her funeral. His kids seem to be from another planet. They’re polite. They don’t break things. I have to keep telling them to talk LOUDER. Also, they cleaned my house.

I don’t know why they do this, but it happens every time they show up. I would be happy even if they came alone and left Dad at home.

I was dreading cleaning up the man-filth in preparation for trying to fool my wife about how neat I am before she takes over. Now I don’t have to do it.

We had a fantastic day yesterday. We hit Sonny’s BBQ and filled up on ribs. Every restaurant has off days, normal days, and on days. Sonny’s had an on day. The ribs were perfect. For dinner, I made two Sicilian pizzas. One cheese and one pepperoni.

I spent a lot of time talking to my friend’s only son. He has a tough life. Three sisters still in the house.

He started telling me how he loved my computer. I know little about it. I decided I wanted to make Youtube videos, so I found a guy online, telling people which parts to buy to build a suitable PC for a reasonable price. I bought the parts and built the PC. That’s all I know.

Evidently, it’s a gaming PC. I did not know this. Gaming and editing video require similar capabilities.

He knew all about the motherboard and graphics card.

It turned out he had a lot of tech interests. I told him about Arduino and Adafruit. I told him about soldering stations and so on. Maybe the next time I’ll see him, he’ll bring a homemade communications satellite.

Very smart kid.

He’s also conservative, which is not something you see a lot in junior high kids. We talked politics, and I told him stuff I had learned about God.

These kids are so quiet, I never know what’s happening in their lives, so it was a real revelation, conversing with him.

Things are going well for me, but America is not merely circling the drain; it already has one leg in it. This week, many Americans are on the web claiming Osama bin Laden, the mass-murdering idiot behind the deaths of over 3,000 innocent occupants of the World Trade Center (including Muslims), was right.

I’ll post more about that later.

I should hear from the little woman after 5 p.m today, and the next window of opportunity will come tomorrow morning. After that, Orlando in the afternoon.

I am not ready to shift into real married life. I have spent about two months with my wife, but we were always on vacation in exotic places. I have become very good at phone marriage and sending money. Having someone here all the time will be different.

The phone, immigration matters, and trip arrangements have been our chief activities for a long time. When she’s here, we can forget all that. So what will we do?

Fixing up the house and my wife’s wardrobe will kill a little time. After that, we will have to deal with freedom.

It’s a good problem to have. Some people have to get up every day and spend 10 hours trying to sell Bud Light.

I’ll continue the post during the next flight so I can express my thoughts about the bin Laden letter.


My wife had to make a connection in a country that gives Hamas billions, and even though I know that country has no idea who I am or where my wife is, I feel more at ease completing this post now that she is somewhere else.

Bin Laden wrote a ridiculous letter to America, and people are urging others to read it, claiming it proves he was actually a good guy and we were the problem.

Some highlights:

The creation of Israel is a crime which must be erased. Each and every person whose hands have become polluted in the contribution towards this crime must pay its price, and pay for it heavily.

Right away, you can see that this letter is a scary, revealing litmus test. If you agree with bin Laden after reading the above citation, you are a Jew-hater. It’s possible for a person who does not hate Jews to believe Israel has done bad or unwise things from time to time, but if you want to erase the Jewish nation, which is legitimate, and abuse everyone involved in supporting it, you hate Jews.

[Y]ou have not yet tired of repeating your fabricated lies that the Jews have a historical right to Palestine, as it was promised to them in the Torah.

Well, we have the Torah, and it does promise all the land in “Palestine” (a non-historical nation) to the Jews. We have copies that predate the birth of the pedophile rapist Mohammed, who was born in the 500’s. Muslims don’t have a “real Torah” to show us. They do have the groundless ravings that form their own scripture. The same scriptures that mandate the killing of Jews and Christians, not just in Mohammed’s time, but forever.

Muslims believe in all of the Prophets, including Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad

Yeshua received worship and said he was the Messiah, so obviously, Muslims don’t “believe in” him. The Old Testament clearly says the Messiah is God, not just an anointed servant, so when Yeshua said he was the Messiah, he was claiming to be God. If you don’t believe this, you don’t “believe in” Yeshua.

When the Muslims conquered Palestine and drove out the Romans, Palestine and Jerusalem returned to Islam, the religion of all the Prophets peace be upon them.

How did Jerusalem “return” to Islam when it had never been a Muslim city? The Muslims invaded Jerusalem in the same century in which the thief and murderer Mohammed made Islam up. Mohammed’s efforts to create Islam are said to have started in 610, and Jerusalem was invaded and taken over by Muslim imperialists and slavers in 638.

You have supported the Jews in their idea that Jerusalem is their eternal capital, and agreed to move your embassy there. With your help and under your protection, the Israelis are planning to destroy the Al-Aqsa mosque

The Jews held Jerusalem for thousands of years, including times when they lived under occupation. Islam’s claim is based on a dream someone supposedly had about an unnamed mosque in an unnamed location. And Israelis are not planning to destroy the mosque. It will be wonderful when Yeshua finally destroys this den of idolatry, but the Israelis are content to leave it alone.

Thus the American people have chosen, consented to, and affirmed their support for the Israeli oppression of the Palestinians, the occupation and usurpation of their land, and its continuous killing, torture, punishment and expulsion of the Palestinians.

Torture is actually a Muslim thing, just like chopping hands off without anaesthetic, which they do every week. Israelis don’t torture as policy, and soldiers who do it on their own are removed from their posts and sometimes imprisoned, but when Hamas attacked civilians in Israel this year, they printed a torture manual and sent it with their cowardly murderers. As for killing, that’s normal when people are making war on you and rejecting peace offers.

And whoever has killed our civilians, then we have the right to kill theirs.

I think he means, “”whoever has killed our civilians reluctantly and unintentionally, while making a great effort to spare them, at a high cost in lives to their own military, often while we have used our civilians as human shields, then we have the right to kill theirs deliberately, in huge numbers, using means banned by all recognized standards of civilized warfare, and we also get to torture and rape them.”

The American Government and press still refuses to answer the question: Why did they attack us in New York and Washington?

Actually, those questions have been answered about a billion times. We attacked in New York because they tried to blow the World Trade Center up by detonating a huge bomb in the parking garage, hoping to murder as many innocent, defenseless civilians as possible, in conformity with their official policy.

Bin Laden said Al Qaeda was calling victim nations to Islam. Funny how dumb Americans, virtually all of them leftists, are excited about the religion which will execute them SOONER than conservatives.

We call you to be a people of manners, principles, honor, and purity; to reject the immoral acts of fornication, homosexuality, intoxicants, gambling’s, and trading with interest.

Evidently, people of honor set fire to living babies, and they cut babies out of pregnant women and behead them, without even cutting umbilical cords. That’s Al Qaeda honor. In Gaza, they throw homosexuals off tall buildings, so “Queers for Palestine” must be a base-jumping club.

[T]he Jews have taken control of your economy, through which they have then taken control of your media, and now control all aspects of your life making you their servants and achieving their aims at your expense; precisely what Benjamin Franklin warned you against.

I have no idea what Ben Franklin said. I know my life is not controlled by Jews. Even the Jew I worship permits me to do what I want.

Anyone who thinks there is a big Jewish conspiracy should round up a hundred Jews and try to get them to agree on ONE THING. It’s impossible. If there were a Jewish conspiracy, we would see some sign of it in, hello, the government of Israel, which is constantly plagued by disunity.

The Jewish conspiracy is certainly doing a great job of making the media side with Israel; every day, I see articles blaming Israel for the deaths of civilians Hamas uses as human shields. It’s like the entire press industry has turned into Al Jazeera.

If this is what a Jew-dominated press looks like, what would it look like if Jews backed off? “MATZOH PRICES DROP DUE TO INCREASED AVAILABILITY OF PALESTINIAN BLOOD.”

You are a nation that permits the production, trading and usage of intoxicants. You also permit drugs, and only forbid the trade of them, even though your nation is the largest consumer of them.

So leftists support a guy who wants to ban drugs and alcohol. Try and imagine a world in which leftists could not get these things. The Betty Ford Clinic would have to set up FEMA tents. The entertainment industry would cease to exist.

You have continued to sink down this abyss from level to level until incest has spread amongst you, in the face of which neither your sense of honour nor your laws object.

That’s a little weird, given the common Muslim practice of marrying first cousins. Bin Laden married his cousin. Incest hasn’t been spreading in America, but give it time. Post-gay-marriage-revolution, some here have noted that there is no biological reason to prevent gay marriages between relatives, and then there are incestuous couples in which at least one partner is sterile. Leftists will be the first to march for the changes, so how can any leftist support a Muslim extremist? They think Mike Johnson is dangerous because he believes the Bible.

You are a nation that practices the trade of sex in all its forms, directly and indirectly.

So leftists, who gave us the term “sex worker” to replace the accurate term “whore,” support a guy who is against making money from sex.

Go ahead and boast to the nations of man, that you brought them AIDS as a Satanic American Invention.

AIDS came from Africa, and when did leftists suddenly become okay with linking AIDS to sin? I mean, it’s correct, but leftists lose their minds when you dispute the idea that people who got this venereal disease aren’t heroes.

People who did their best to get AIDS got a quilt, but nobody got a trophy for syphilis. Where is the syphilis quilt?

You who dropped a nuclear bomb on Japan, even though Japan was ready to negotiate an end to the war.

Japan was ready to cause the greatest bloodbath the world had ever known, and it was already off to a great start with little projects like the Rape of Nanking and the Bataan Death March. They taught women and kids to fight invaders with pointed sticks. They were ready to resist down to the last person. When the government decided to surrender, the military tried to stage a coup in order to keep the war going. It took TWO bombs to end the war because Japan kept fighting after one city was reduced to radioactive ruins.

We all know how easy it is to get ignorant leftists to believe fake history, though. They still think white people invented slavery, and they won’t admit most black slaves were bought from black traders. This information has been concealed from them in things called “books.” It’s no wonder they think the Japanese were the good guys.

The freedom and democracy that you call to is for yourselves and for white race only

We had a black president, we have numerous black billionaires, and Muslims still enslave blacks, but okay. Leftists don’t read, and they discard obvious facts, so no problem.

Regarding nuclear weapons:

Anyone else who you suspect might be manufacturing or keeping these kinds of weapons, you call them criminals and you take military action against them.

Wow. Wonder why that is. We let you get your hands on two passenger planes, and look what you did. You shouldn’t be allowed to have matches. But leftists who stare at Tiktok all day and think Kim Kardashian should be president believe you.

Tiktokers are claiming we need to read this letter, and they say, “It’s only two pages long.” It’s more like 15 pages long. Who is paying them?

The sudden adoption of hell-resident bin Laden’s beliefs should disturb Americans who aren’t crazy. My fear is that antisemitism has suddenly become fashionable. I think it will be like gay marriage: almost universally opposed one day but coercively, overwhelmingly, oppressively supported the next. I don’t think Jews have years time left to prepare. I think months are all they can hope for, and months aren’t enough. Christians–real ones–will be targeted for genocide next.

The letter is exposing a lot of de facto Nazis of whom we would otherwise be aware.

This is a good time to bring the wife to the armed, fenced Northern Florida compound. I’ll give her a lasered pistol to carry. We’ll get her going with an AK-47 of her very own. I already told her it was hers. We’ll get her a carry permit so she can carry in other states. We’ll pray like crazy and dedicate ourselves to the one who keeps us safe. Maybe we’ll get some dry food. The tiny pawn shop where I pick up guns is selling bagged meals, three for 10 dollars.

I visited the other day, and I have mixed emotions about it. On the positive side, the place was busy handing guns over to people who had had them shipped in, so people here appear to be taking a productive attitude, and that’s reflective of the culture here.

I saw a nice old lady talking about gun classes and various aspects of gun ownership. She was very enthusiastic and seemed to know a lot. The kind of person you would expect to be preparing for Thanksgiving dinner with her grandchildren right now. A guy who worked in the store had a $10,000 M249S on the counter. An old guy from California came and picked up a piece, proving some people have the good sense to leave the state. I was only there about 35 minutes, and I guess 5 guns were picked up.

On the down side, they were selling those dried meals. A sign of well-founded pessimism. Guns can help you prevent disaster. When you’re eating freeze-dried food, disaster has already come.

Another shop I’ve used has a Ma Deuce in the showroom. Probably still ready to rock, full auto. They’re that kind of people. It’s an impressive weapon for a civilian to have. It will lay down a wall of lead, one round will tear a limb off, it’s unusually good for shooting through vehicles, and you can scope it and hit terrorists a very long way off. They splatter. Horrific.

It will be hard imposing sharia law in that shop.

God, not firearms, is my protection, but I don’t see any reason to invite problems through lack of ordinary preparedness. I mean, I own an umbrella. I don’t stand outside in the rain and pray the drops miss me.

The plane is on the way. Before the sun sets tomorrow, my wife and I will be at White Castle.

Looks Like I’ll Have to Share the Stuffing This Year

Tuesday, November 14th, 2023

Mail-Order Bride Shipping Arrangements Made

Thanks, everyone who prayed for my wife to get her visa. They gave it to her this afternoon in Lusaka.

It’s an annoying story. They promised a response within 5 business days and then made us wait two weeks. It’s actually worse than that, because they didn’t do anything at all that we are aware of until she showed up yesterday at the embassy to find out what was going on.

I think they would have let our application go for weeks had she not visited the embassy. I believe we would still be waiting, and I also think she could have gotten the visa last week if she had gone earlier to shake them up.

She had a dream this morning. She was at her grandmother’s house, and a tall Arab dressed in white traditional clothes showed up and bombed the place. Somehow she knew he belonged to her church and attended regularly.

He had arrived on a private plane, and he left on one. He had authority behind him. He was rich.

It sounds bad, but her relatives on her dad’s side curse her and each other all the time. It’s a popular pastime in Zambia. When something good happens to someone in your family, you kill a chicken or whatever and curse them.

The immigration system is weird, as anyone who has seen luxury hotels full of illegals could tell you. I had to pay a new immigration fee today in order to get the green card processed. They should give you a green card when you get your visa, but they make you pay separately.

Looking for flights is annoying. We want her to go business class this one time in her life (until I croak). For $7000, I can get a somewhat better selection. For $5000 or less, I get a research project.

Orbitz offers a bunch of acceptable flights, but when you select one, it disappears or increases in price by a sizeable factor.

Skyscanner is supposedly one of the best flight sites now. We have also used Kayak a lot.

I found an acceptable flight, so we are all set.

Guess it’s time to shop for a turkey.

Still Flying Solo

Monday, November 13th, 2023

God Bless the Government

I guess the 4 people who read this blog are now wondering why my wife isn’t here in my house. I wrote some stuff suggesting she was going to arrive a while back.

New immigrants have to get visas in order to enter the US. Unless they’re criminal or terrorists who just walk across the border and then get many thousands of dollars’ worth of our money in order to help them remain here and burden us. Legal immigrants who do everything right have to be interviewed at American embassies or consulates. Generally, they get their visas within a few days of their interviews. Interview Monday, visa by the following Monday.

We were scheduled for an interview that was to take place almost a month ago. Then the embassy fired a bunch of employees for corruption, and perhaps not coincidentally, our appointment was postponed 10 days. She went to the appointment, they asked for a little more evidence to prove we were sincere, and they said they would get back to her within 5 business days of receiving it.

That was over two weeks ago. We emailed to ask if anything was wrong, and we got no answer. Today she went to the embassy to check on her application, and she was told to show up tomorrow at 2 p.m. “for collection.” This presumably means she is to collect her visa and green card, but she didn’t ask for clarification.

Barring the kind of miracle nobody wants, she will be on a plane this week. We are not going to wait around.

I hoped she would be here the first week of this month. Now I’ll be happy if she is here for Thanksgiving.

Of course, flight prices have gone up a thousand dollars. I don’t care any more. She’s not going to sit over there and wait so I can save a thousand dollars.

She got the impression that the people at the embassy had forgotten about her. They had to poke through their computer. Maybe they are having a hard time now that they have a smaller staff. I suppose it takes a while to replace skilled people.

We should have a visa and green card in hand by 9 a.m. tomorrow. We did everything right. We supplied tons of evidence. Normal life should start by the weekend.

After all this, of course, she will have to get familiar with operating the lawnmower and changing my car’s oil, and as for me, I will want a new recliner.

Okay; probably not.

If I never do another video chat in my life, it will be too soon. I look forward to praying with her in person for a change.

Well Versed

Sunday, November 12th, 2023

I Love You, but Stay Out of my Yard

Last night, I dreamed a blonde woman and her employees were trying to get in my house. I was yelling at them and so on from behind sliding glass doors. I gave her the finger. I opened a door to give her some more, and she somehow inserted a wire in the opening so I could not close the door. I got out a knife to cut it, and I think made a small cut on my left hand.

Anyway, I would have been better off leaving the door shut.

I think obnoxious people in dreams often represent spirits, and we all know spirits try to get inside us, like vampires asking permission to enter houses.

Maybe I am too angry these days, and it gives spirits openings. The cowardly, racist, terrorist attack on Israel, and the terrorist attacks on Jews elsewhere, and the gaslighting and cancel fever among leftists all over the world, have had me thinking a lot about how I hate bullies and liars. I hadn’t thought much about self-defense in a long time, but I started getting back up to speed. I have a wife on the way here, terrorism will definitely reach rural American gentiles, and I can’t play around.

Christians have to be people of love, and we don’t get a break when people start abusing us. That’s the time when we have to be most careful not to fall into hate.

I believe I’m right to arm up, but I also have to prepare my mind and my heart.

I cast out spirits of anger and fear. I asked God to pour his love through me and help me to be rid of adverse spirits. I spent a lot of time praying in tongues. I feel much better.

As I woke up this morning, I heard my wife’s voice say, “Now we can read Hebrews 5:11.” Of course, she is not here, because the consulate is dilly-dallying. I thought maybe I had heard from God. I looked up the verse.

Discussing Yeshua, it says: “Of whom we have many things to say, and hard to be uttered, seeing ye are dull of hearing.”

I wondered the obvious wonder: “Am I resisting things God is telling me?” I’m always asking for correction as well as help in accepting it.

I still have lots of rough edges, but I don’t think I’m the main problem here. I think God was telling me and my wife what people are like.

First, Paul (assuming the traditional attribution is correct) says he has many things to say. Of course he did. He spent a lot of time alone with God, and God poured him full of information other people did not have. This happens to everyone who prays in tongues. Sometimes you get so much stuff, there is distress mixed with the pleasure, because it’s just more material you won’t be able to get anyone else to accept.

What if you lived in a country where almost everyone was dying of scurvy, God kept sending you pallets of Vitamin C, and virtually all of it went to sit in a continually-expanding warehouse, where it would never be opened?

The other day I felt like asking God to stop telling me so many things. “More stuff I can’t tell anyone.” But I immediately stopped myself and told him to give me as much as he wanted. Better for a few people to get revelation, and to feel bad about not being able to share it, than no one at all.

Second, Paul talks about how hard it is to say certain things. Wow. I know what he means. God has shown me all sorts of things, and there are pretty much two people on Earth who listen. Other people don’t respect me enough to listen. Some think TV preachers know everything. I get through to almost no one. So yes, it’s hard to make myself say certain things, because most of the time, people who get revelation are around people who won’t listen and would not understand if they did.

Yeshua told us not to cast our pearls before swine. We are his pearls, but the same principle applies to words. The best way to make swinish Christians mad at you is to tell them something God told you.

Third, Paul says the Hebrews are dull of hearing. That is true of most modern Hebrews as well as most Christians. Yeshua is the Messiah and God of the Jews, but Jews continue to suffer more than the should, because they don’t like him, they have no interest in Judaism, or they believe their confused sages have the answers. Israel would be having a much better time right now if most Jews belonged to Yeshua, but God’s help is limited because their ears are closed.

In the Tanakh, problems for Israel always indicated a state of disobedience. Somehow, most Jews think this is no longer the case. Israel is a pure victim, not in need of correction.

No confession, no repentance. No repentance, no relief. See Psalm 32.

If you are not baptized with the Holy Spirit, you are dull of hearing. Only the Holy Spirit enables people to receive truth. Reject Yeshua and you reject the Holy Spirit. It’s that simple.

Communion consists of two things: flesh and blood. The flesh of Yeshua represents his grace. Every good thing God does for you is grace. It’s charity. None of it is earned. The wine represents the sacrifice. If you share Yeshua’s cup, you agree to share in his rejection. You agree to stand up for him and be persecuted.

If you want the grace, drink from the cup. Don’t defend yourself. Don’t say God owes you anything good. He owes you hell. If you want the good, admit you deserve the bad.

Hebrews 5:11 is an interesting verse in an interesting chapter.

The enemies of Israel are in the wrong, but if you want protection from the wicked, you need to know God. America is like Israel, moving away from the one who protects it.

I will try to keep listening to correction I don’t like. I’m taking solid measures to arm my household, but I don’t need to be weighed down by anger. I will keep praying for the vicious, psychotic enemies of Jews and Christians, and I hope God takes us off this planet before I ever find myself in a situation where I have to consider picking up a weapon.

The Law isn’t Always a Ass

Thursday, November 9th, 2023

Rodent Ragnarok

Every so often, our government does something helpful. Today there are two pieces of good news.

First, it is now, once again, effectively, legal to put braces on pistols. Nationwide.

A brace can be pretty much the same thing as a buttstock. Some can be used to hold a pistol up to the shoulder to be fired like a rifle. There are also pistol braces that allow handicapped people to strap pistols to their arms so they can hold them more effectively.

The truth is that braces are popular because they allowed people to have short-barreled rifles without informing the feds. A brace can be used to turn an AR-15 or AK-47 into what is, all but legally, a rifle.

Joe Biden decided to forget about the Second Amendment and the Administrative Procedure Act and order the ATF to come up with a rule banning pistol braces without expensive permits that take a year to get. To get a permit, you also give up your privacy. The feds keep a record so they can come get your guns later when the country devolves into utter chaos.

All sorts of legal tussling has taken place, and limited injunctions have been issued against the ATF. They helped some people, but not all. Yesterday, however, a Texas judge enjoined enforcement of the rule everywhere in the US.

What does this mean? It means the rule is gone for good. Probably. The injunction only applies while the case is being resolved, but the judge has made it clear he’s going to block the rule permanently. He has all but sworn it. After that, it goes to the 2A-friendly 5th Circuit. That will take a long time, and the 5th Circuit will very likely affirm. After that, the ATF will shoot for a Supreme Court review. They may not get it, and if they do, we have at least 5 justices who are usually pretty good about defending our civil rights. Some of our civil rights.

I suppose the ATF will file some kind of interlocutory appeal right away, but it probably won’t go anywhere, because the 5th Circuit will be the appellate court.

I’d say there is a 95% chance the rule will be dead for a couple of years. It should take that long for it to make it to the Supreme Court, which may or may not review the case. I’m afraid to guess how likely it is the Supreme Court will review the case or affirm. If they refuse to look at the case, it’s over. If they look at it, the odds of affirmation are definitely above 50%.

If the rule is dead for two years, it should be the end of it, because we are overwhelmingly likely to have a Republican president by then, and he will tell the ATF to let it go.

How important is this case? Probably not too important. To me, it means I can have a shouldered AK-47 6″ shorter in my vehicle. That’s great, but to be truthful, I doubt a 10″ barrel is much more likely to save lives than a 16″ barrel.

Still, the almost-certain end of the rule is a nice change. It means I can have the 10″ barrel, and I can also keep a short .22 rifle (oops–shouldered pistol) in my utility cart when I’m out and about on the farm.

And I won’t have to worry about going to prison over a gun part that has zero upward impact on crime rates.

Is it true to say using a brace is legal? I guess not, since the rule is still on the books. But if they can’t enforce it, who cares? In the unlikely event the rule survives, the ATF won’t be able to do anything to people who bought braces under the injunction. Before dusting off the jackboots, they’ll have to give everyone a chance to comply.

Now people have to ask themselves whether they should buy braces today or wait to see if there is an interlocutory appeal. You don’t want to spend $200 today and then have to discard the brace in two months.

Here is the second great thing the government is doing: they may drop the seasonal part of the squirrel hunting regulations on private land. Which is where I live.

Squirrels are horrible, and they are horrible all year round. They eat vehicle wiring. They eat patio furniture. They eat fruit and nuts. They give me dirty looks. I should be allowed to kill every squirrel I see, all the time, with anything short of an atom bomb. They are no better than rats. I should be allowed to kill a hundred a day and leave the bodies for the crows.

It is not unusual for me to look out the window and see 6 squirrels at once. This area is crawling with them. It’s infested with oaks, so it’s squirrel heaven. It’s too much. They need to go.

I haven’t been shooting them for a while. I’m a Christian. We’re supposed to be people of love. I don’t know if it’s good for me to sit in a tent and pop squirrels with a scoped rifle all day, given that I do it partly in anger. I really should start shooting them again, though. My truck won’t start, and I’m pretty sure they did it. I have a productive peach tree, and I’m lucky if they let me have three peaches a year.

I shoot them out of season, because the wildlife people told me it’s legal if they are menacing my property. This only applies near the house, though. I should be allowed to shoot them anywhere. I should be given a bounty every time I run over one.

I wish God would send a plague and make the hair on their tails fall out. Then they would look like rats, and people wouldn’t think they were cute. Animals that aren’t cute get a lot less legal protection.

They resist trapping. I’ve set various types of traps, and I’ve only trapped one squirrel. The best trap, supposedly, is a PVC pipe over a bucket of water. You provide bait, the squirrels slide down the pipe, and they drown. I don’t want to drown anything. I don’t want to sit in my living room wondering if a small animal is struggling for life in a bucket of water.

I’ve used Conibear traps. These are like little versions of the bear traps in old Warner Brothers cartoons. They crush squirrel’s heads or necks, depending on the breaks, putting an end to them fast. But squirrels avoid these traps.

I hope they make this rule change, and I also hope they grow spines and legalize bear hunting. I don’t care what anyone says; we don’t actually “need” 500-pound predators in our backyards. There is a reason why we killed them off in the first place. Every once in a while, a Florida bear kills and/or partially eats someone, and we are reminded how it feels to be prey.

We always hear the same thing. “If we kill off the grizzlies/black bears/wolves/lions/cockroaches/whatever, our ecosystem will suffer a devastating blow from which it will never recover.” What a load. The chestnut trees that used to cover the country died. Things are still fine. We got rid of wolves in most places, and it made life better. The passenger pigeon is gone, but the world keeps turning. Things would be fine if every black bear in Florida disappeared.

The same leftists that killed bear hunting also feed bears and God knows what else, teaching bears that people are food. Amazing.

I like bears, but we need fewer of them, and I will quickly dispatch any bear that bothers me whether or not I think the government will approve. Better to pay a lawyer than several teams of surgeons or a funeral home.

I’d kill Lassie if I thought she was going to bite me. I’m not going to lose the use of a hand so a dog can have a second chance. I was created in the image of God, and dogs were not. One of my hands is worth a whole lot of collies.

Me first. Those are the rules. I guess it’s only one rule. Anyway, me first. I’m more important than an animal. If Commander Biden had attacked me in the White House, they would have found him in a heap with a fractured skull. I don’t have a Secret Service career to worry about.

There are certain animals in my area that should always be killed on sight. Squirrels, rattlers, water moccasins, big alligators, squirrels, coons, bears, possums, armadillos, squirrels, bobcats, hogs, mice, coyotes, all dogs whose owners paint their toenails, and squirrels. That’s just reality.

I quit eating squirrels because they’re tiny and hard to clean, but I may resume once my wife is here. She’ll eat anything. She’s an African. She eats giant maggots called mopane worms.

Let’s segue into a criticism of the leftist media.

Right now, a bunch of people are fighting anthrax in Zambia. A story says 335 people got it. How? They ate hippo meat. Apparently hippos get anthrax.

What did NPR say about this? They claimed it was about African poverty, most of which is caused by me, personally, because I’m white and can tell I’m not a woman. My colonialism and transphobia are at the root of the problem.

NPR started out its stupid story with the claim that Zambians were so poor, they had to eat hippo meat. Instead of tofurkey meatloaf and Starbucks lemon cake like everyone else.

Poverty caused by white Steve causes anthrax epidemic among POC! Get the pitchforks and carbon-neutral torches!

The big problem with this claim is that hippo meat is expensive. It’s better than beef. Zambians love it. Stores can charge a lot. The people who got anthrax got it from a luxury product they could apparently afford. It infected affluent Zambians.

Doesn’t matter. It was my fault. Put me on the scale and find out if I weigh the same as a duck.

I don’t know if I’ll resume shooting squirrels or not, but I hope other people take it up. Hateful things. Worse than anthrax.

When the Enemy is at the Gate, Shoot Your Allies

Monday, November 6th, 2023

The Behar Doctrine Will Age Poorly

Still no word from the State Department regarding my wife’s visa. We figure they will give up tomorrow.

We are both tired of waiting. When you start the process and you know it will be a long time before it’s over, you don’t feel so bad. When they tell you they’ll give you an answer in 5 business days and they don’t come through, it’s worse. You feel like your life has a pause button. You don’t want to do much of anything until the wait is over. The wait absorbs your attention.

While I wait, I am watching the astounding blossoming of antisemitism across the globe. For the first time in my life, Jewish Americans are besieged right here in the country where most of them were born. That’s really something. Immigrants see America as a place of safety. Would they feel that way if they knew their American grandchildren would have to run from the same human filth that tormented them in their home countries?

I guess there must be a lot of Jews who don’t take it seriously, not realizing how terrorism works. It’s a sporadic phenomenon. They attack here. They attack there. Time passes between attacks. Things feel normal almost all the time. It doesn’t mean you’re safe. It just means you’re relying on the odds to protect you. If you’re not taking measures to protect yourself, you’re like a sheep who hopes the wolves will eat other sheep first.

Something like 100,000 Muslims and Islamist allies marched in Washington. If I were a Jew, I’d be flipping out. We will never see that many people march there in support of the Jews.

We are seeing antisemitic protests that are of the same order of magnitude as the Nuremberg rallies, and they’re happening in countries that supposedly support the Jews. Imagine 100,000 Nazis having a rally in Washington in 1942.

Well, we pretty much just saw that. And give the Nazis credit; before they decided genocide was the answer, they tried to ship Jews to other countries. For Muslims, genocide has always been Plan A.

Some Arab nut in Indianapolis just drove a car into a school building she thought belonged to Jews. Indianapolis! Not Riyadh. Not Nuremberg. Not even a city popular with Jews. The weirdest part of the story is that the building belonged to the Black Hebrew Israelites, a wacky cult that says the Jews are really Eastern European impostors who stole their heritage. They’re among the worst antisemites.

Yes, we all know the ancient Jews were actually black people from West Africa. It makes total sense. That’s why the Bible says David had red hair. Like all West Africans.

The Black Hebrew Israelites used to murder people in Miami. The cult was a gang. Their leader was a moron whose birth name was Hulon Mitchell. He called himself Yahweh ben Yahweh. “Yahweh the son of Yahweh.” In Miami, we used to call them the Yahwehs. They still have a headquarters on 2nd Avenue in the 441 Building. They assemble in the parking lot in their weird costumes and practice martial arts moves.

They’re preparing to face imaginary enemies, and the Jews are doing little to prepare to face real ones.

I wonder what I would do if I found out tens of thousands of people with no loyalty to the US had assembled in the capital city to call for my death. I guess I’d move to a conservative county in the country. I’d move into a home with a lot of land, a fence, a gate, conservative neighbors, and a 2A-loving police force. I’d buy a lot of guns and ammunition. I’d also weld up a bunch of target stands with steel gongs, and I’d practice with them erected next to my own berm.

Oh, wait. I already did all that.

I did most of it because I like shooting, not because I was anticipating an invasion, but the end result is the same. I’m safer than most people.

Every day, thousands of military-age single male Muslims enter the US without background checks, and most American Jews are sitting around thinking, “We’ll never be safe until we take Glocks and AR-15’s away from rural Protestants.” They’re letting Joy Behar set their priorities. Wonder if she’ll change her tune when they come for her.

New York contains the largest collection of Jews outside Israel, and in New York, body armor is illegal. ARMOR, which can’t hurt anyone. It boggles the mind. Are the delis really that good? Is it really that important to live near dozens of glatt kosher restaurants?

California, which is number three after Israel, has a similar ban in the works.

Let’s do it right. Make it illegal to take cover behind furniture.

California and New York have enormous Muslim populations, and because Jews insist on living in cities, terrorists in these states will not have to travel far to commit crimes.

If you put 10,000 armed Jews in an enclave in rural Tennessee, it would take the US military to defeat them. No one else could do it. Crazed Uber drivers and falafel-stand proprietors from Dearborn in rented vans wouldn’t stand a chance. And most of their gentile neighbors would jump at the chance to defend Jews. And they would know how.

If you can hit a deer 600 feet away, you can hit a terrorist whose parents are first cousins, fumbling with a cheap AR-15. And a lot of guys in the South can hit a man half a mile away.

Rich gentiles are buying homes built into missile silos in the wilderness. Rich Jews are more concerned about Trump resuming power and making more mean tweets.

My guess is that we are about to see an explosion in antisemitism. Right now, we may be looking at a lit fuse and mistaking it for the bomb. I think many millions of demon-controlled people are about to come out and say it: it’s not Israel’s policies. It’s the Jews. They have to go. And it will eventually become the policy of the majority.

After the Jews, Christians will be the targets. Not gay-church universalist “Jesus is just like Buddha” Christians. Actual Christians.

As the Muslims say, “First the Saturday people; then the Sunday people.”

The people who will be against us won’t just be Muslims. Leftists will join with them, as they are already doing.

Christians are doing a good job already, abolishing real Christianity from the world. When the violence becomes overt and sanctioned, I’m sure many of the people who kill us will identify as Christians.

What do the rest of us do when pogroms become normalized in our cities? Do we get in our trucks and go shoot antisemites? I haven’t thought about it before. Do we stay home and say, “Let the dead bury the dead,” as Yeshua did?

I don’t think God will want Christians to send armed convoys to cities, no matter what happens to urban Jews. It just doesn’t sound like Yeshua. He generally stays out of squabbles among people who don’t listen to him.

I guess I’ll sit back, watch people wait for it to blow over, and then observe their disappointment when it gets worse. My wife and I will continue to pray for Israel every day. There isn’t much more we can do.



Wow. This is interesting. The crazy young female man-wannabee who shot up a Christian school in Nashville had a manifesto, and Steven Crowder has it. He will be reading it online. Here is the first page:

That’s for the Sunday people.

You can find more photos on the web.

Enough With the Drum Roll

Sunday, November 5th, 2023

Just Give her That Green Card

In case anyone is wondering, my wife is still in Africa.

She had her visa interview week before last, and they asked for more evidence that we were really married. We emailed it the same day, but it arrived after working hours because of the time difference. They told us they needed 5 working days. I thought this meant they would finish last week, but we now think they don’t count the day they first see the stuff in their email box. So we should be seeing a response tomorrow, by God’s grace.

The word says, “The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will.” We remember this in prayer. Consulate employees are not kings, but the principle applies.

My wife is nervous because she has been rejected so many times by other countries. It’s not the same thing, however. America is legally obligated to take her, and I have the right and the means to burden the system by pursuing legal remedies if the consulate blows it. They’re going to let her in. They want this application out of their pipeline. People in government jobs love getting problems off their desks.

It’s not like applying for a tourist visa to Italy, where they lie to you and verbally abuse you at the embassy and then go back on their word, knowing there is no accountability.

They wanted more proof I had been supporting her. Not hard to supply. They already had bank documents from her end. They wanted to see what I received from my bank, so I sent examples. Barring contributions from a new husband, it would be hard to explain how an unemployed woman went from living in poverty to owning a car and living in a nice rental house almost overnight, and the foreign trips would also be unlikely in the extreme without help, but they want to be sure.

They also wanted to check into the type of wedding we had. We were married online by the only county in the US that will marry a citizen to a foreign national who isn’t present in America. The embassy lady was not familiar with Zoom marriages, which is surprising, since they became very popular during the pandemic. It’s weird, but it’s 100% binding in every state.

The lady was very nice and seemed to have no doubts. I’m sure she can tell the difference between scammers and bona fide applicants, having seen many of both.

I am hoping I won’t have to buy a weekend ticket. The choices are limited, they cost more, and flights are crowded. We would really like to move her out by Thursday.

I think I’m fairly well prepared on this end. I bought 4 containers of Haagen-Dazs, and I have frozen ribs plus a beef rib roast. I have a set of large creme brulee dishes, too.

Thanksgiving will be upon us very quickly, so we will have to get ready. I’m thinking boneless turkey with cornbread stuffing and gravy, as always. Mashed potatoes with tons of garlic and butter. Cranberry relish. Yams blended with pineapple, butter, and brown sugar, with pecans on top glazed with more butter and brown sugar. One pecan pie. One pumpkin pie. Some other stuff.

The local Publix had BOGO Miracle Whip this week, so we are all set for turkey sandwiches.

I don’t know if I will be able to make her understand that you don’t eat creme brulee on Thanksgiving.

We are still planning to hit White Castle on the day she arrives.

I don’t know if her relatives fully understand their situation. They are less resourceful than she is, and she has helped them with a lot of their problems. She’s about to leave them behind, so she is having to tell them to get it together. I don’t know what will become of them. Because she will be here, her ability to help will be curtailed.

She may never see any of them again. Getting them tourist visas is impossible, and I’m not shelling out 5 figures to bring them over anyway. I have no desire at all to go to Zambia, and I don’t think my wife does, either. She’s not all that close to her siblings. Her mother and father died many years ago, the family has been shaken up, and there are age differences.

She put me on the phone with 4 of my new nephews the other day. I can’t remember their ages, but I think they’re all under 10. They asked all sorts of questions. They seemed to think they would be coming to visit. Even if it was realistic to expect us to fund a $20,000 excursion, which it isn’t, Uncle Sam would not let them come. I didn’t explain this to them. They are too young to understand. Sad.

It’s frustrating having very poor in-laws who aren’t very capable. My wife is not much like them. She gets stuff done.

She’ll have to get a Florida phone number, so a lot of relations and acquaintances who now have her number will not have it in a month. She is looking forward to the peace.

While I wait, I fiddle with trivial endeavors. Today I kegged a wheat beer, and I made it with a new hop: bergamot. Supposed to have a lot of orange flavor.

Very happy with the name I came up with.

I hope I have something good to write tomorrow night.

Shields and Shills

Friday, November 3rd, 2023

At Least Mel Gibson Can Say he was Drunk

Here’s what bad parents do when one of their rotten kids abuses one of their good kids: they punish the good kid because it’s easier, and it gets the problem out of the parents’ hair faster so they can go back to watching TV. The world is in the process of treating Israel like a good kid whose obnoxious sibling abuses him every day. They’re criticizing Israel for responding to a Pearl Harbor/911-level atrocity while virtually ignoring the fact that the enemy’s cowardly, cruel, unlawful actions are the sole cause of the problems other nations are whining about.

I hope that by now, we all understand that leftists are much more antisemitic than conservatives. If that wasn’t obvious to some thick-headed people a month ago, it should be by now. In America, conservatives support Israel’s right to stamp out Hamas, to a degree that is near-monolithic. On the other hand, virtually 100% of the people who are raising hell with Israel are leftists, as are virtually 100% of the American citizens and permanent residents who want to see both Israel and the Jews annihilated.

Joe Biden does not support Israel as strongly as Donald Trump or even George W. Bush, and Joe Biden’s presidency is a by-product of the Obama presidency, which was openly hostile to Israel. Obama, our first homosexual president and a former Muslim who rose to prominence by rubbing shoulders with known antisemites, once made Benjamin Netanyahu sit in a waiting room while he had dinner with his wife and kids. His administration made it clear, over and over, that Israel’s special status was on hiatus while Obama was in the White House.

Biden depends on antisemites for votes. He actually got away with saying, “If you’re not for Joe Biden, you ain’t black,” because it’s very nearly true in this country. About 87% of American blacks voted for Joe Biden, and in polls, blacks reveal themselves to be more than four times as likely to be antisemitic than whites. Biden also depends on Hispanics for disproportionate support, and antisemitism is a big problem within this bloc, possibly because of the link to Spain, a country which was invaded by Muslims, became a Muslim nation, was ruled by Muslims for over 700 years, and still has a populace largely descended from Muslim Arabs. He got about 70% of the Muslim vote, even though he supports sexual perversion, which the Koran bans. Most American Muslims say they support the Hamas attack of October 7.

Biden also depends on the Jewish vote. He got about 77% of the Jews to vote for him in 2020, which is no surprise, because Jews always commit suicide in voting booths. They seem determined to vote for whichever party will do them the most harm. Sometimes I think they would vote for Hitler if he were resurrected.

Jews say they support Israel, but in a display of incomprehensible cognitive dissonance, they vote for Israel’s enemies over and over. Biden has to make blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims happy in order to get their votes. The Jews don’t matter, because they will vote for him no matter what. As long as he doesn’t bomb the Knesset, they will stick by him.

Biden is now telling Netanyahu that if Israel doesn’t cease fighting, “the world” will stop supporting Israel. Try and imagine Donald Trump saying that. What it really means is that Biden is afraid he’ll lose a big piece of his own base if he doesn’t pander to the gaslighters and Nazis.

Why is “the world” upset? Because Israel is winning, and in the process of winning, it is unavoidably killing many of the human shields Hamas is holding hostage. Not Jewish hostages. They’re a tiny minority. Muslim hostages. Civilians, 57% of whom voted for Hamas knowing exactly what it was.

Israel begs noncombatants to leave. Hamas won’t let them. Hamas builds command centers under hospitals and steals hospital diesel for terrorist generators and vehicles. Hamas runs tunnels under schools and homes, and it fires rockets from mosques, and not inadvertently or out of necessity. Hamas goes out of its way to put noncombatants in harm’s way, and its leaders have openly admitted the reason is to discourage Israel, which, unlike Hamas, does its best to avoid harming noncombatants.

Israel warns Palestinians when it attacks. Try and picture Hamas doing that for Israeli civilians. Never. Hamas is cowardly as policy. They target civilians and run from soldiers. When they attack people who can fight back, it’s as a last resort.

Hamas is completely at fault for every single Palestinian civilian death and injury, and they can put an end to it in one day by releasing noncombatants and abandoning their positions in hospitals and mosques and so on. They won’t do it, but somehow Israel is supposed to pull back and wait for them to rearm and fortify. Israel is supposed to do this for a group of people, at least 57% of whom want to kill every Jew on Earth and force everyone else to accept Satan’s bizarre Mohammed cult.

What’s the message here? The message is this: “the world” supports the use of human shields in war. It works. It should be rewarded.

If this war goes away, what will happen the next time Islamist cowards go after Israel? They’ll have a human shield plan that makes this one look mild. Maybe they’ll strap people to the hoods of their vehicles and the walls of their buildings.

Where is the incentive for them to stop? There is none. Only overwhelming positive reinforcement.

Is this Zechariah 14? Will this be the war that pits every other nation against Israel? Biden is stupid, senile, narcissistic, flamboyantly dishonest, and willing to say anything that benefits himself and his family. Maybe it won’t be long before he counts the votes and cuts Israel loose.

Maybe Palestine itself won’t be his excuse. Maybe Israel will explode an atomic bomb in Tehran. Maybe Netanyahu will make a fateful choice, or someone in the chain of command will go rogue.

Sooner or later, the entire world will turn against Israel. A Jewish prophet predicted it in around 500 BC, so it has to happen.

It seems to me that America is the great whore of the Revelation. Perhaps Europe is included, because Europe used to be a stronghold of Christianity. In the Bible, “whore” doesn’t just mean “prostitute.” Any woman who commits adultery, which is worse than prostitution because of the betrayal and emasculation, is a whore. America and Europe were like brides to God, so now that they’re turning on him, the whore label fits perfectly. Same goes for Turkey, now that I think about it. The seven churches of the Revelation were all in Turkey.

If you look at the MSM coverage of the war, you will see all sorts of criticism of Israel’s inadvertent killing of Muslim civilians. There should be continuous, top-volume outrage over the human shield policy. It should be the UN’s number one concern right now.

Our 85-IQ, rehab-frequenting celebrities should be tweeting about it around the clock. It’s not happening. It’s cool to be for the terrorists. Satan always decides what’s cool.

We are seeing the Goebbels Jedi mind trick in action. The people who tell us how to think are ignoring the truth and repeating lies over and over. It’s going to work. Antisemitism will increase. Hatred of real Christians will increase. Virtually no one knows the Holy Spirit, so the voice of truth is underrepresented. Only the Holy Spirit cures delusion.

Israel needs to keep pummeling Hamas. It needs to continue bombing tunnels and hideouts. If it doesn’t, the alternative is to sit back, watch Hamas rightly declare victory, and wait for worse attacks. If noncombatants die, at least they won’t be Jews. The overwhelming majority will be Hamas supporters who need an attitude adjustment.

In America, if my friend and I rob a bank, and my friend shoots a teller, I’m on the hook for murder. If a cop shoots at us and kills a teller, my friend and I are both on the hook for murder. It’s funny how we embrace such laws while denying the same grace to Israel, which would not be killing anyone had it not been dragged into a fight. If a bank robber is responsible for the death of an accomplice, victim, police officer, or bystander killed by police, then Hamas is responsible for the deaths of noncombatants killed by Israel.

The willful blindness will only get worse. Blogging about it seems to serve no purpose.

We may be in for an interesting holiday season.

Po·grom: a Mostly Peaceful Protest

Wednesday, November 1st, 2023

There is no Mammad like Yeshua

The spirit of antichrist continues to energize his shock troops.

I have to wonder what Jews are saying in private these days. Beginning at the age of three, I found myself surrounded by Jewish friends and acquaintances, and that continued for over three decades. These days, I don’t get to interact with Jews, so I have to get information from the media. Jewish people have traditionally been somewhat reluctant to tell the world everything they’re thinking, for obvious reasons, so I can’t say I know exactly what’s happening.

What I wonder is whether they’re sitting around their dining room tables asking each other whether a new holocaust is here. The answer to that question is “no.” The old Holocaust never stopped. It just went into remission.

You know how remission works. Whenever you hear a sick person say, “They told me I’m cancer-free,” you know that person will probably be dead within 10 years. “Cancer-free” is a lie. It just means they can’t find it at the moment.

Muslims in Paris just performed a little terrorist raid. They vandalized Jewish homes at least 857 times, painting the star of David on them. You can say it’s not terrorism because vandalism isn’t violent, but that isn’t true. Threats are terrorism. The word “terrorism” means trying to achieve goals by instilling terror. It’s not necessary for violence to occur as long as people are terrified.

Remarkably, Berlin has a Jewish community. It’s not large, but it’s there. Berlin Jews are now experiencing antisemitic vandalism. Muslims are tearing mezuzahs out of their doorframes.

Of course, we already know about the Jewish students who were terrorized at the Cooper Union in Manhattan, and the mob attack in Muslim-dominated Dagestan, a Russian republic. Hundreds of Muslims swarmed an airport, accosting people and asking if they were Jewish. They said they wanted to lynch Jews.

I just read a wild article under the heading “The Volokh Conspiracy.” The article appears at I guess Eugene Volokh moved? No idea. I have only looked at his blog a couple of times in two decades because I have zero interest in law. Funny thing for a lawyer to say, but it’s a fact. For me, it was just a way to get money, like working for Domino’s or Uber. Not the most challenging, fulfilling, or interesting job there is.

The article quoted another article, written by Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of the UC Berkeley School of Law. You can find it without a paywall on the site of the Arkansas Democrat Gazette.

It’s amazing that a Jew smart enough to be the law school dean at Berkeley would be foolish enough to take the job, but this is how things are. Overwhelmingly, Jews support and associate with their worst enemies.

Chemerinsky says, “I am a 70-year-old Jewish man, but never in my life have I seen or felt the antisemitism of the last few weeks.” How deep in the sand has his head been? I’m a Gentile. I live in relative safety. I had no reason to keep tabs on anti-Jewish sentiment, but he did. I knew things were bad years ago. Why didn’t he?

He was surprised when he found out he had students who supported the Hamas attack. Surpised? How is that possible? I went to Columbia about a billion years ago, and there were already punk dime store revolutionaries, including Jews, wearing khaffiyahs.

He still says, “I strongly oppose the policies of the Netanyahu government, favor full rights for Palestinians, and believe that there must be a two-state solution.” What? Is survival of no importance to this man?

He quotes other professors who have publicly threatened Jews in the US. He’s in the US. Do you think he has any idea how to operate a semiautomatic rifle? Do you think he has taken the sane precaution of taking his wife or children to gun ranges? Probably not. He’s a gun-confiscation nut who opposes carry rights. You can look that up.

Maybe he’s a hypocrite. I hope so. Maybe he’s like the leftists who scream for high taxes and then hide money illegally. Maybe he has machine guns in the trunk of his German luxury car.

What’s he going to do when a demonized student wearing Palestinian colors puts a knife to his throat? Offer to debate him? Ask for a continuance so he can submit a brief?

What does it take to convince a leftist he needs to arm himself? I mean Western leftists who live in comfort, not the millions of leftist who have already armed themselves and killed their betters.

Were there Jews like this under Hitler? Did they go around saying it was wonderful to see the German working class challenge the wealthy? Did they blame their own people for the Versailles treaty? You have to wonder.

At least one Jewish woman in Israel had her baby cut from her belly and beheaded, with the umbilical cord still attached. This is what antisemitism looks like in 2023. Kristallnacht looks pleasant by comparison. And journalists don’t care, because they’re in the tank for Islam. Journalists called the Dagestan attack a protest. It was a pogrom. Are pogroms protests now?

Atrocities can happen here. Don’t think the threats are empty. Human beings are no damn good, as my mother always said, in total agreement with the Bible. When conditions are right, they are capable of deeds that would make demons puke. If they can burn babies to death and cut people’s feet off in Israel, they can do it here. They’re not inhibited by empathy or shame. They’re just waiting to feel sufficient support from the mob.

It may be that the prediction of Zechariah 14 is just about here. The prophet clearly stated it would happen when the day of the Lord came, and the day of the Lord is the tribulation.

Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, and thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee.

For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city.

Then shall the Lord go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle.

This hasn’t happened yet, so it can’t be about the past.

Over the last half-century, hatred of Israel has become fashionable among leftists. It has built gradually. Many Jews joined right in, because the general tendency of Jews is to curry favor with the left. Our universities have been instrumental in driving the hate. Somehow, Jews either failed to notice or got on the bandwagon.

One of my former college friends is a pro-Palestinian activist. He married a gentile, and my impression is that he turned the pants over to her. When I knew him, he really disliked Arabs. He called them “rabhabs.” No idea what that meant. He started taking a few measures intended to make it look like he kept kosher. He sang prayers over meals sometimes. He supported Israel. He refused to marry the love of his life because she was Catholic. His family was against the marriage. His second wife was born a gentile, but she converted in what was probably a reform synagogue. Possibly conservative. Not Orthodox.

Reform Judaism is the branch that brought the world the first proud lesbian rabbis. You get to eat anything you want, you can be an atheist, and it’s okay for your rabbi to invite Muslim clerics to speak on Saturdays.

He’s a far-out leftist today, if he’s still alive. I wonder what he thinks about taking that path now. Muslims and other antisemites are not going to listen when he says he’s on their side. If violence comes to his door, they’ll do him and his wife just as they would do Benjamin Netanyahu.

Having known a lot of Jews, I know two things. They are the smartest and most talented people on Earth, and they are also ruled by emotion, not reason. Intelligence doesn’t help if you can’t rule your biases and the herd instinct. If you have to vote for Biden because your great-grandpa voted for FDR, you are not listening to anything above the brainstem.

Ultimately, rejecting the Messiah and the Holy Spirit caused the problems we are seeing today. The Tanakh makes it very, very clear. When Israel, meaning the body of Jews throughout the world, pleases God, things go well for Israel. When there are problems, it means investigation and repentance are in order. Something is clearly wrong when the Promised Land has been in gentile hands for nearly two millennia and one Austrian nut can stir Europeans up to kill something like a third of Israel in one decade. This is not how blessed nations live.

If this is God’s favor, what does his displeasure look like?

I challenge anyone to read the Tanakh and find periods where Israel endured major, prolonged conquest and subjugation while the Jews were pleasing God.

It’s not because people are eating shrimp or going without hats. It’s because they missed the Messiah. They missed unity with others who know God. They missed out on power and victory.

Same thing is now happening to Christians. God put up with a lot of terrible behavior from nominal Christians over the centuries, but now the stronghold is falling, and the world’s most powerful Christian nation is turning into a second-world country dominated by alien invaders we actually pay to come here. We are being dominated by men in dresses and women who have had themselves skinned so they can sport artificial penises. We are being overrun by socialists. A sick minority rules us with ease.

If you are blessed, one of you will put 10 thousand to flight. If not, it’s the other way around.

A lot of people have said the word “Babylon” refers to the Catholic church in eschatology. I feel it refers to America. Babylon is a whore. In the Bible, whores and adulteresses are pretty much the same thing. See Hosea. America was established by Yeshua, and we were made powerful and rich, but now America is a whore for Satan. Paganism, promiscuity, obscenity, pride, perversion, materialism…we decided we had created our own ascendancy, so we are abandoning God on the assumption that we can restore our country.

It will never happen. Our lifestyles are deteriorating. Unless you are blessed by God, your kids won’t own a nice house. They won’t live well on one income. They’ll always work long hours. They’ll see their country pushed around in international squabbles. They’ll live to see the dollar replaced in international business, and that will destroy their savings. They’ll have to bend the knee to the same kind of filthy mob that rounded up decent people in Cuba and Cambodia, took their homes, imprisoned them, tortured them, raped the women, and piled bodies on the ground.

If you forsake God, your sons will cut their penises off. Your daughters will grow beards. Your grandchildren will grow up in rented apartments. They’ll be indoctrinated by force. You will have nothing to say about it.

If you accept Yeshua, get baptized with the Spirit, pray in tongues, repent, confess, and grow as God’s child, you will eventually have peace, abundance, protection, and dominance. Your blessings will be separated from the curses on America. You can do well while your country is destroyed.

America is begging for a whore’s reward, and it’s already rolling in. God really hates unfaithfulness. It’s worse to be an adulteress than to be a stranger.

My wife and I have been praying for Israel every day ever since we started praying together. We pray for God to open the eyes of the Jews and show them how the rabbis have lied to them. We pray he will show them that Maimonides is in hell along with the other sages who kept them in the dark. We also pray he will defeat their enemies and give them victory. The problem is that blessings will always be connected to Yeshua, so there is a limit to what our prayers can do. There are some blessings God simply will not give to people who are against Yeshua.

Barring accepting the perfect solution, I suppose getting serious about self-defense is the best Band Aid.

It’s a terrible scenario. Many Jews knew antisemitism would prevent them from being safe in gentile nations, so they pushed for the restoration of their rightful homeland. According to Zechariah, they are going to find out they’re not safe even there. If the world rejects you, and your homeland–your mammad–turns out to be a house of straw, where, exactly, do you run?

From the Hudson to the Atlantic

Friday, October 27th, 2023

Hamas Fans Protest Jewish Occupation of Manhattan

I’m brewing (wheat ale with bergamot hops), so I have to hang around indoors for a while. Might as well write.

We have a new thing in America. Jews cowering in terror in a university library in a major city while antisemites threaten them with big sticks, combined with an inability to get uniformed police to show up.

At first, the story was that the police refused to come, but now we are being told there were plainclothes detectives in the library.

A person called Chief of Patrol John Chell said, “There was no direct threats.”

The police must not be hearing the same things law students hear. When I was in law school, I was told that threatening a person with a weapon, while you were close enough to use it, was assault. A crime. If you look at video of the incident, you can see a moron with two big sticks, banging them together while staring at students protected only by glass and two doors the police say were not locked.

I know a little bit about Florida law. Here, if you make me mad while I’m driving, and I pick up my gun and hold it so you can see it, I commit a felony that carries a lot of prison time. I guess brandishing weapons that can easily crush skulls is no problem in New York.

People keep saying you can disagree with things Israel does without being antisemitic, and that is true. Protestors like to claim they’re against Israel, not Jews. If that’s the case, why did this herd of mouth-breathers go to NEW YORK and threaten AMERICAN Jews?

I’ll set the question apart in its own sentence.

If you’re against Israel but you have nothing against Jews, why wave weapons at Jews who are not Israelis, 5600 miles from Israel?

This happened in New York, a place where Jews feel safe. After Israel, New York has more Jews than any place. Jews love New York. Many identify with it more than they do with Israel. This happened in what may be the favorite city of more Jews than any other. More than Jerusalem. And our government did nothing.

University president Laura Sparks, clearly a crazy lady, called the event a “peaceful protest.” Waving big sticks at defenseless minority members is now a peaceful activity. Try it at a Biden press conference and see if the Secret Service thinks it’s peaceful.

Sparks comes from the same wacky leftist segment of society that says words are violence. So words are violence, but big sticks aren’t. If I remind Dylan Mulvaney he’s a man, it’s a crime of violence, but if I wave a big stick at an elderly rabbi, it’s expression. It’s beautiful. It’s “my truth.”

Here you see the political suicide of Jews at work. They chose this. They are overwhelmingly leftist. They helped create a climate of antisemitism in the world, by supporting leftism. They helped make New York City what it is. A lot of them are still marching with the pro-Hamas nuts.

They helped create a city where a person who behaves more like an ape than a human being can threaten them with weapons, but they can be imprisoned for carrying firearms. And most of them want nothing to do with firearms to begin with. They think the state will protect them. Like all the other gentile governments that have been so loyal to them.

Yesterday I read that a poll said 48% of younger Americans support Hamas over Israel, and 26% think ending the Jewish state and giving it to Arabs is the way to solve the problem. This is what happens when you embrace leftism. It infects future generations. How can American Jews be leftists? It’s astounding.

The good news is that American Jews will vote conservative, overwhelmingly, in the future. They’ve come to their senses.

No, they haven’t! They’re going to keep feeding the hand that bites them. Some will come around, but generally, they’ll continue assisting in their own destruction and punishing their friends.

My wife and I intercede for Israel and the Jews every day, but because a lot depends on their cooperation, I have extremely low expectations. I expect a majority of Jews to go down with the leftist ship, while loudly defending their stubbornness.

I think we’re seeing the Thirties all over again, and the windows of escape are slamming shut, after precious few people used them.

Because things are getting so weird, I’m considering going back to keeping a rifle in the car, along with several loaded magazines. It’s legal, and these days, it’s smarter than ever. This is an era of mob crime, and mob crimes call for rifles and lots of ammunition, as lynching victim Kyle Rittenhouse could tell you.

I’m trying to catch up on AK technology. I would never rely on an AR-pattern gun for self-defense, except as an emergency backup. AR’s are not reliable, period, and they are inferior for use at distances typical for self-defense. If you’re shooting at people beyond the range where an AK-47 is sufficiently accurate, you’re almost certainly trying to commit murder. It would be pretty unusual to find yourself in a situation where you reasonably feared great bodily harm from someone that far away.

It would be good to have a short folding AK in the car. They have new variants now, though, and it’s confusing. They have a thing called an AK-103. My understanding is that it takes optics better.

In recent years, it became possible to put a rear stock on an AK pistol without committing a crime. That would be great for a vehicle gun. Sadly, Biden ordered the ATF to ban “pistol braces” on unregistered AK pistols. He says they’re short-barreled rifles, which have to be registered. Common sense says he’s right, but legally, he’s wrong. It’s bizarre.

A case is going through the federal courts, addressing the pistol brace question. There is already an injunction that prevents the ATF from going after certain owners of braced pistols. It looks like the ATF is going to lose, big time. We’re not there yet, however.

I want no part of the coming violence, but I would also prefer not to be dragged out of my car and beaten to death, and I would like to be able to protect my wife instead of crying and shaking and wondering why the government hasn’t sent anyone to help us. A lot of Jews have suffered that fate recently, and many would have been fine–and able to kill terrorists–had they been armed instead of relying on an unrealistic conception of their government’s abilities.

Look what happens in a world where people reject Yeshua and the Holy Spirit. You have to buy products made to harm other human beings, or you have to choose to risk martyrdom.

If people were praying in the Spirit every day, God would fill them with his thoughts, emotions, and desires, and he would rid them of the Satanic excrement that drives them now. If two people are aligned with God, they are also aligned with each other. It’s axiomatic. This is why Yeshua is called the Prince of Peace. He owns it. There is no other source.

Unfortunately, Islamists and Jews believe Christianity is idolatry, and leftists prefer self-worship, government-worship, and paganism, so the situation will continue to deteriorate.

Here Comes my Laden African Swallow

Friday, October 27th, 2023

Look Out, Walmart

Looks like I’m going to have to start sleeping on the other side of the bed.

My wife had her embassy interview. We buried them with evidence. Before the interview, they demanded a tremendous amount of seemingly irrelevant information, so we were concerned. We were afraid they would try to trip her up on some minor point, like my favorite color.

In reality, they talked to her for about 5 minutes, asked for a few more bits of proof I supported her and that we had been to Hong Kong and Singapore recently, and they sent her home.

I spent some time today scanning junk I had saved. I have kept a huge number of receipts and boarding passes and so on. Now it has been emailed to Uncle Sam, so we should have a visa next week.

I have the greatest bed imaginable. It’s from Costco. I don’t know if they still sell them. It cost $500, and it came in a box. No frame. No headboard. Just a big sponge. I have wonderful pillows. I found out where Hampton Inn bought pillows, and I went to the same place. I sleep right next to the bathroom door with a rifle on the floor and a pistol on the nightstand. I have my phone and Bluetooth earpiece set up for charging there. The nightstand is at my right hand, where it should be.

Now I have to move because the other side of the bed is close to the air conditioning vent. Women don’t produce any heat, so they have to stay away from drafts. This is one reason they get married. They want to sleep next to something warm. Same reason snakes crawl into sleeping bags. But one hopes there is more to the attraction than that.

On the up side, if armed leftists invade rural areas as they say they hope to, she’ll be on the side nearest the yard, so she’ll provide some protection from small arms fire.

I can’t say enough about that bed. Memory foam beds have been around a while, but they didn’t become really popular until this century. The last mattress I bought before this one was a 1994 job, and it had the prehistoric springs and plush top. It’s a great mattress, and it’s in a guest room, but when I lie on the Costco mattress, I never feel like I have to move to get comfortable.

I had my side all broken in, and now guess who will be moving in to colonize it.

Today I sent the embassy baggage tags, boarding passes, passport stamps, e-tickets, proof of bank transfers, and a receipt for a bad in-flight meal. They already have a billion photos of us in exotic locales, but they want this stuff anyway.

I can understand. I guarantee you, there are Nigerians with shops full of green screens and backdrops, charging people for photos of them wherever they want. “HERE AM I MY GRACIOUS FRIENDS ON A LAPTOP AT MOUNT EVEREST BASE CAMP SCAMMING AN OLD LADY OUT OF $40,000!”

They have shops like that in Asia, proving human beings have lost touch with everything that matters. Why would I want you to fabricate a picture of me in Hong Kong on Victoria Peak, when I am, in fact, in Hong Kong on Victoria Peak?

I can’t believe how long this has taken. It will be wonderful to be able to pray with someone without using the phone.

The sweating is over. From here on out, it’s all small strokes. Our first meal at White Castle is so close, I can smell the grease.

Awaiting my Personal Huddled Mass

Wednesday, October 25th, 2023

Sliders and Concealed Carry: the Best America Has to Offer

The problem with brewing is that so few conclusions have been nailed down, even though homebrewers seem to know a great deal. Things that should be obvious by now are still unknown to a lot of us.

Example: which tubing to use to hook gas and beer up.

When you have a keezer, which is a freezer modified with taps and one or more tanks so you can dispense beer from it, you have to have a tank, kegs, and taps. You need tubing to get the gas from the tank to the gas regulator, from the regulator to the kegs, and from the kegs to the taps.

In the old days we used plain old vinyl from Home Depot.

After I quit brewing in ’07, people started getting anxious about oxygen.

When you brew your beer and put it in a fermenter, you want it to have oxygen in it. It makes the yeast happy. When fermentation is over, you want the oxygen gone. It interacts with beer and eventually ruins the flavor.

There are a lot of ways oxygen gets into beer. I used to run a tube from a fermenter into a keg with the lid off. That was how I got beer into the keg. Of course, oxygen got in. Wasn’t really a problem, but it could have become one if I let the beer sit long enough. Now I take a sanitized keg full of CO2 and I pump beer into it from the fermenter. Everything is sealed and pressurized.

Everything should be fine, right? No, because I have been using vinyl to get gas from the tanks to the regulators. At least I did this with one tank. I have two tanks in my keezer. One is CO2, for normal beers, and the other is a nitrogen/CO2 mix, for stout. As of a few days ago, I still had vinyl on the CO2 primary regulator.

What is a primary regulator?

I have 4 kegs of beer on one tank of CO2. The CO2’s pressure is hundreds of psi. It has to be stepped down so it doesn’t blow the kegs up. There is a gas regulator on the CO2 tank to get this done.

Most guys are happy with that. They will have the same pressure in all their kegs. Not me. Ales like more gas than lagers, and heavy beers may want a whole lot of gas. I bought a secondary regulator. This is 4 regulators in parallel. Each one can be adjusted to provide a pressure I like. Right now, three are at 12 psi, and one is at 18 psi, for my brutal fake Belgian ale.

Primary regulator on the tank. Secondary regulator between the primary and the kegs.

I had a fat vinyl tube going from the primary to the secondary.

It turns out vinyl lets oxygen in. The CO2 in the vinyl is at a minimum of 18 psi in order to get 18 psi in the fake Belgian, and atmospheric air is at 0 psi (gauge pressure), so how can oxygen get in? Doesn’t the CO2 keep it out? Apparently not. It’s sort of like osmosis. The tube sees 0 psi of oxygen inside itself, but our atmosphere is about 20% oxygen, so it sees oxygen pressure outside. The vinyl is not perfectly impermeable to oxygen, so some goes in.

This is the story, anyway.

An Australian company named Kegland makes all sorts of innovative products for brewers, and they created (or maybe found) EVAbarrier, a stiff tubing that is pretty good at keeping oxygen out. They also sell Duotight fittings to connect the tubing to beer and gas.

It’s really convenient. You don’t have to use hose clamps. You cut your tubing to the right length and shove it into the fittings. They bite down on it and seal it up.

As of night before last, my CO2 system has been connected with EVAbarrier. I was already using it for everything but the primary-secondary leg, so I only had to replace two fittings and one tube.

I resumed brewing at the end of December. I made some errors. Wrong mashing schedules. I accidentally shot lubricating oil into a batch of beer because I used a pellet gun CO2 cartridge instead of one made for beverages. Little things went wrong, but I still have one beer from early this year which is very good. As I get caught up with new technology, things get better.

I have one recipe I’m not planning to brew again. It’s just not great. Other than that, I can’t find factory beer I like as much as my own. If I had to go back to factory beer, I’d go back to my old drinking habits, meaning around a 12-pack per year.

I’m having a stout right now. It’s hard to imagine how this beer could be better.

I was thinking I should brew a wheat ale tomorrow. I have a couple of batches of grain, including a wheat recipe, and I don’t have any wheat beer except for the really heavy one I made last week. Today I realized that if I brew beer tomorrow, my wife may well be here before it’s ready to drink.

Her embassy appointment is finally upon us. She could be here 10 days from now, depending on the breaks and whether she is serious about getting her hair done before she comes.

It’s very weird, being this close. I go to the store and buy things, and I find myself thinking she may be here to eat them.

We spend a tremendous amount of time on the phone together. That’s all about to end. What will we do with our time when we suddenly find ourselves with days that aren’t broken up by calls? We’ll save at least three hours per day, and we will have nearly nothing to do.

I have to face the reality of not living like a single man. I have to get a kitchen table that doesn’t fold up. I need two real dressers instead of the awful, enormous dresser my mother got at an outlet store in the Carolinas in the Seventies. I’ll have to move my $80 Chinese Amazon headboard to a bed in a guest room.

I have talked about buying her a business class ticket. I’m looking into it. She will probably have a flight running around 35 hours. Airlines don’t have much interest in Zambia, so she will have to have a minimum of two stops.

Personally, I am an economy guy. I believe I’ve flown first class twice. I recall my dad upgrading the two of us with his endless points. That happened once. I also recall sitting in a first class seat next to a drunk who was some kind of prisoner. He cried a lot. As I recall, he was a black man in a red suit.

I was probably in college. I don’t recall how I got into first class, and I have no idea why they chose me to sit next to a prisoner. I seem to recall him being handcuffed to an armrest. That can’t be right, can it? Maybe that’s how they did things back then.

I don’t recall having a cop anywhere near us.

If I’m going to spend thousands of dollars, I want something I can touch. A piece of jewelry. A new welding table. I don’t want to spend $200 an hour for a ticket upgrade so my butt can be slightly less sore the next day.

Let’s face it. While an upgrade may be nice for a short flight, there is no such thing as a nice long flight. Moving you to business class doesn’t help. I don’t care if they give you a stateroom with a bed. It’s still going to be a miserable experience. I’d rather have the money than the 10% decrease in suffering.

I brought up business class, however, and my wife liked the idea, so now I’m on the hook. I hope she enjoys it and takes pictures, because I don’t plan on buying any more business class tickets unless Elon Musk sees my blog and decides to send me one of his spare billions.

Finding my wife a business class ticket that costs less than a major operation is a challenge, mostly because everyone hates Africans. Flights that are low on the cost scale almost always involve self-transfers. That means she will have to get off the plane at least once, get her bags, go through customs and immigration, go through security again, and board. It’s not a big problem if you’re American, but if you’re African, many countries will force you to get a visa in order to walk across their airports and change planes.

It’s idiotic. Even if her brand-new green card will motivate a country to issue a visa, it will take forever to get the visa, so it’s not practical. I would have to pay her rent in Zambia the whole time, and then she might get turned down.

West Africans are the problem. Especially Nigerians. They go to other countries, refuse to leave, and start criminal enterprises.

I can’t route her through England. Forget that. Our best bet looks like Turkey. She might have to stop in Dubai on the way. She might have to land in two different African countries.

So what will we do when she gets here?

High on the list: White Castle. The family that owns the company sadistically refuses to expand in any meaningful way, but they opened a restaurant in Orlando. The biggest White Castle on Earth. We’ll be doing that.

Sonny’s. This is a Florida barbecue chain. Pretty good, even though Bidenflation now has them putting “Market Price” beside ribs on the menu.

She loves Italian food. There’s a really good place near me. Run by Mexicans. Go figure. It’s clean. The prices are reasonable. The food is great. The staff is polite.

I’ll have to get her a driver’s license ASAP, not to mention a carry permit. Permits are not required in Florida, but if she has one, she will be allowed to carry in other states. I already have a 9mm for her with a Crimson Trace.

After all this, the dentist. And we have to get medical insurance and a new phone plan for two.

We are not doing too bad for clothing and so on. We traveled to countries with good stores.

We need to get the pickup in shape so we will have two vehicles.

That’s all I can think of. I wanted to take her to Israel, but our timing has worked out poorly. There are no good winter destinations in the US.

Okay, maybe there are, but we have no interest in skiing or beaches, and we’re not going to places that look better with leaves on the trees.

I hope to have her out in the pasture shooting steel very soon. I can taste those sliders already.

Mohammed Would be Smiling, if he Weren’t Screaming in Flames

Sunday, October 22nd, 2023

Genocide Should be Harder Than This

Right now I’m thinking about Samantha Woll, the synagogue president who was murdered by an angry Muslim last week.

The police have no suspect, so why do I say a Muslim killed her?

1. Jewish victim
2. Killing occured while Muslims were calling for violence against Jews, after one of the filthiest attacks on Jews in history
3. Killed in Detroit, which has an enormous concentration of Muslims

It’s conceivable someone else did it. Maybe she has an ex-husband who thought this would be a good opportunity to kill her and blame Muslims. Probably not, though.

She was a leftist. Why do I say that?

1. Jewish
2. Female
3. Blue city
4. Blue state
5. Bigwig in a synagogue, though female. Not likely in a synagogue full of conservatives.

Also, I checked. She was a leftist activist. She used to be an aide for leftist Representative Elissa Slotkin. Go look at Slotkin’s website. It looks like Chuck Schumer programmed her.

Her synagogue is the last synagogue left in the city of Detroit, for good reason. I can see why other Jews fled. It’s basically kaput. It doesn’t even have sabbath meetings. The rabbi is a woman.

As blue as Michigan is these days, partly because Democrats and Muslims have realized they share so many progressive values, Michigan has some pretty good firearm laws. Better than Florida in some ways. Michigan allows open carry by default, and it’s a shall-issue state, so you don’t have to be a celebrity or prove you donate heavily to Democrat PAC’s in order to get a gun.

Somehow this lady was killed in her yard, with a knife.

A knife shouldn’t be underestimated. It can do a lot of gross things a gun can’t. Guns typically win in real-life encounters, though. They scare criminals, the noise attracts attention, they can do harm from greater distances, and so on.

Muslim terrorists overwhelmingly agree: women, the disabled, children, the elderly, and the weak are the best adversaries. Their principles bar them from attacking anyone who can fight back.

The odds this lady was armed are vanishingly small. Liberal Jews believe in waiting for the police. Criminals, on the other hand, believe in doing harm as quickly as possible and taking off while the police are still leaving the doughnut shop. It’s a good system.

She wasn’t armed. Her friends generally aren’t armed. American Jews are still crusading for unilateral disarmament. It’s an Islamist paradise. A stocked pond full of soft targets. The guy who killed her has no incentive to stop, and his pals have lots of incentive to follow his lead.

Here’s a question no one seems to be asking: given that most Jews will continue to support unilateral disarmament, what, exactly, are they proposing as a solution?

I haven’t seen a solution mentioned. Have you? I mean, sure…”Be vigilant.” Yeah, that will fix it. Because no one who is vigilant is ever attacked by terrorists. “Drop that axe! I can see you!”

I want to know what practical, effective solutions have been proposed. Because there aren’t any, other than buying guns. This is literally the only way for a targeted group to protect itself.

Community Center tae kwon do won’t do it. No martial art will do it. With my 10mm carry piece, I’d take on a young Mike Tyson, Conor McGregor, a Gracie to be named later, and the Butter Bean on PCP rather than join their side and give the gun to one of them.

I haven’t seen any police officials offering good advice to Jews, because they haven’t. What are they supposed to say? “Threaten to sue”?

Yesterday 150,000 people protested in London. They protested brutality and war crimes. They protested genocide. Perpetrated by…Israel. No joke.

That’s a big crowd. It proves a couple of things. 1. Letting Muslims immigrate by the hundreds of thousands is a really bad idea, and 2. people are much more antisemitic than is widely understood.

It is probably true that antisemitism has increased over the last 25 years, but here’s something that is definitely true: it was always here, and antisemites have been restrained only by the sense that they would face consequences for behaving badly.

Here is how a vicious crowd works. They will circle a victim and say mean things. Someone might throw an empty water bottle. Eventually, one of them finds a spine and throws a punch. The others look around, thinking, “Do I have permisssion now? Do I have numbers on my side?” Then everybody jumps in. The number or unfriendlies doesn’t increase after the punch is thrown. They were there already, waiting for permission from their peers.

If you can get 150,000 idiots to support genocide against Jews in the capital of London, how many idiots do you think we have here?

American blacks make up over an eighth of our population, and a huge percentage of them believe antisemitic conspiracy theories. These theories include the notion that blacks are the true Jews, and that Jews stole their inheritance. Many think Jews “ran” the slave trade.

Hispanics have always had rocky relations with Jews. There is also a small subset of ordinary white Americans who are also antisemitic. That subset is growing because young Americans are overwhelmingly leftist, and hatred of Israel is chic on the left. A lot of young Americans refuse to identify as liberal, but then their standards are so skewed, they can be pretty far out on the left and think they’re centrists.

It’s like America is a horse track, and the horses are held back only by the gate. When the gate opens, they will run.

I can’t imagine going to Detroit for any reason, but living there, being Jewish, being in charge of a synagogue, and not carrying a weapon…that borders on psychosis.

Most American Jews don’t feel they should take serious measures to protect themselves, but they have plenty of energy for gun control and disempowering their best friends: conservative Christians.

I don’t know what they’re going to do. Their old strategies won’t work here. They can’t give away land in America. No demon-possessed Muslim killer is going to agree to walk away if you give him your front yard.

I wonder how many English people were at the London protest. I mean ethnic English. Fact which is little-known in America: many ethnic British really hate Yeshua these days. It seems to be the majority attitude. They attack street preachers. The police arrest street preachers. The people curse them the way sane people curse pedophiles.

The further you get from Yeshua and the Holy Spirit, the more you will come to hate Jews and Christians.

The common English have really changed. Their language is foul, all the time. Their manners are beneath atrocious. When I was a kid, Americans thought of them as restrained people with good manners and refined speech. Not any more.

If there are 150,000 Londoners who are willing to march and be filmed, exposing themselves as haters of Israel, there must be millions of kindred souls in the UK who will come out of the woodwork when things get hot.

You know what they say about roaches. If you see one in the kitchen, there are dozens in the walls.

My prediction: Jews in the US will do very little to protect themselves, and they will pay the price. It’s already happening. Dumb political opinions are harder to cure than cancer.

What should people like me do? Should I put a couple of mobile homes on my property in case Jews need a refuge next year? If I did, admittance would be limited to those willing to carry guns. I wouldn’t put out bait for killers and then agree to try to protect myself and my wife without help from my guests.

Now Front Page has come out with a poll of American Muslims, and the conclusion is that 57% either strongly or somewhat approve of the Hamas butchery. I wonder what wonderful news tomorrow will bring.