There is no Baby
November 19th, 2024It’s Bathwater All the Way Down
God has shown me that nearly all church leaders are failing to teach Christians fundamental things that are essential to Christianity working. In fact, they teach against these things, ensuring that Christians will fail and lose, all their lives.
It’s all very obvious when you articulate it, but somehow we miss the obvious, habitually.
Preachers teach pride. They tell us it’s a good thing. Example: there is a big Catholic school near me, and they put up a sign that said, “Celtic Pride.” “Celtics” is the name for their sports teams.
I don’t know how you could get Christianity more wrong.
Pride is worse than sodomy. It’s the worst thing there is. It’s the foundation of every other sin. Pride, not sin itself, is what puts people in hell. People who aren’t proud can repent, change, and be forgiven. The proud won’t.
A few days back, I saw a little ad on the Fox News site, advertising a show about “Pastor Denny,” a pastor who coaches football. It was nauseating.
I know Pastor Denny. He wouldn’t know who I am, but I used to be an armorbearer at Trinity Church in Miami, and Pastor Denny’s daughter, Dawnchere, married the son of Trinity’s hopeless head pastor, Rich Wilkerson. That made Dawnchere a pastor. A kid in her twenties.
At Trinity, everyone related to a pastor automatically becomes a pastor. The only exception is Rich’s one honest son, who has brain damage from meningitis.
He’s too honest to work at Trinity. He has a long history of ratting out the others. Brutally. He used to tell the rest of us things about his family with a big grin on his face.
Pastor Denny is Denny Duron, a self-promoting, shameless, second-tier prosperity preacher. He’s not a billionaire or near-billionaire like Kenneth Copeland, but he’s a lot more successful than Rich Wilkerson, whose church doesn’t pay its bills very well. Rich himself manages to scrape by in a waterfront home in Golden Beach, which is the ritzy part of Miami Beach where the Beegees used to live.
Denny came to preach at Trinity, and he talked about how rich he was because of the prosperity gospel. Of course he was rich. He was teaching other people to give him money.
The prosperity gospel will definitely make you rich, if you’re a preacher. The people who give you money get poorer, however. It’s a lot like a Ponzi scheme. The guy at the top of the pyramid does very well, and people three levels down all wonder why it’s not working.
Denny wrote an awful book intended to make church members feel better about being poor and neglected by their pastors. It’s really a pamphlet. I don’t think he’s smart enough to write a real book. It’s called The Abishai Anointing.
Abishai served under David. Denny’s idea is that Abishai never got a lot of attention or money, but it was okay, because it was such an honor for him to stand in the shadows watching David get all the gravy. The idea is that the special people, like David and Denny, have one kind of anointing, and their sycophants and lickspittles get another, inferior, anointing.
Of course, Denny is wrong about Abishai. Abishai was one of David’s top generals, so he was rich and very powerful. He probably had more than one beautiful wife. And he was cursed. He helped murder Abner, who was very close to David, and David cursed him and his accomplice. Maybe Abishai is not a great role model.
Denny and Rich passed out Denny’s ridiculous book to poor people at Trinity so they would keep doing free work for the church while the riches the pastors promised eluded them. Rich got paid for his work, of course. I guess he doesn’t have the Abishai anointing.
I once received a deep insult in the form of an Abishai Award. Rich was so excited about this helpful anointing, he had certificates printed up, and he gave them to people who did volunteer work. It was a way of saying, “We will never show you any gratitude or respect, we will take advantage of you until you leave or die, and we will promote vile, incompetent members of our inner circle and have them boss you around.”
I actually set fire to my Abishai award, along with my copy of the pamphlet. I put a photo in the frame, which probably cost Trinity 75 cents.
Google “Denny Duron fraud” and see if you think Denny is someone who is close to Yeshua.
Denny is a failed NFL prospect. He says he “signed” with the Washington Redskins, but he claims that while he was in training camp, God told him, “This is your last day,” and he became a preacher.
Maybe it was actually one of head coach George Allen’s underlings who said, “This is your last day,” and Denny misattributed the quote.
Like I always say, never believe anyone’s resume. Never believe what people say while trying to impress others.
I don’t think he’s honest, largely because prosperity preachers have to be dishonest to do their jobs. I think he had no shot at all of making it in the pros, they cut him loose right away, and he had to find something else to do. I doubt God told him anything.
He has one of those very brief Wikipedia entries of the type you get when you create it yourself and hope no one sees it and deletes it. I went to law school with a twice-suspended, now-unlicensed attorney named Don West, and Don had a page like that when he was in his twenties and had accomplished nothing. It was taken down because he was not a real public figure. In all probability, he himself created the page.
There are still pages out there claiming he’s a lawyer in Alabama. I saw one that says he practices in 61 areas of law. Go big or go home, I guess.
Denny’s page is not a big-time Wikipedia article, according to Wikipedia itself. It’s called a “stub class” entry. It doesn’t mention his time in the NFL, making me wonder if it actually happened. He uses it to promote himself elsewhere, so why not on his stub class article?
Maybe he was a walk-on. Anyone can show up at a training camp, embarrass himself briefly, and then be asked to leave.
Wikipedia has rated his article “low importance.”
I hate it when football people pretend God loves their sport.
Football teaches young men aggression and pride, and it teaches them they are worthless when they lose. It teaches them self-confidence, which God hates. It pumps up their egos.
Football also subjects men to a lot of sexual temptation. Football players at big-name colleges get all the slutty women they want. They don’t have to ask for dates. Girls throw themselves at them, at least until school is over and most of them have to take low-paying jobs.
Christianity is not about aggression. It’s not about hard work. Find me a figure in the Bible who impressed God by believing in himself or working hard.
Competition is a Greek notion. It’s not Jewish. Every Christian is supposed to be a winner. A child of God, very literally. Not a grandchild. Not an Abishai to Denny and Rich, the real children. A culture based on defeating other people who are supposed to be your spiritual brothers is not a Christian culture.
The word says everyone who exalts himself will be abased. Building up your pride separates you from God. The word says God is close to the humble and far from the proud. By the symmetry of the supernatural, demons and people who belong to Satan are close to the proud. Is that what you want?
If you’re close to God, he does things for you. He brings you revelation, healing, wealth, deliverance and all sorts of other good things. If you’re far from God, he stands back while you fail.
I’m not happy that Fox is promoting Denny Duron, but it’s not a surprise. It’s not the Holy Spirit Network.
Here’s another thing preachers fail to teach us: they don’t teach us to bless God.
We are taught to bless our food, which is bizarre. The Bible says Yeshua blessed God when he ate. He did not bless the food. When I eat, I speak blessing to God himself, just as Isaac blessed his sons. I have the authority to speak good things that will happen to God.
A lot of Christians think this is wrong, but one important person says it’s correct. His name is Yeshua.
Consider the Lord’s Prayer. How does it start? With Yeshua blessing Yahweh.
May your name be holy. May your kingdom come. May your will be done. Those are blessings directed at God himself, not a plate of food. Yeshua was using supernatural power to make these things happen, and he named the location: on Earth. He said these things had already happened in heaven.
The prayer doesn’t actually say, “May your name be holy.” The Greek word translated as “holy” means “CONSIDERED holy.” By men. God’s name is already holy everywhere, but it is not generally considered holy here on Earth. We use it when we’re startled or when we feel pain, for example.
The blessings are not idle words uttered to butter God up. God has no ego. He is free of pride. It’s not like you’re praying to Beyonce or Hillary Clinton. The blessings are supposed to cause things to happen.
When I eat, I mention the blessings in the Lord’s Prayer. I add other things. “May your children be multiplied.” This is God’s main goal here. “May your enemies be defeated.”
We know God treats us the way we treat him. The Bible makes it clear. So what happens when you bless God? Clearly, he speaks powerful blessings over you, from the throne of complete authority. If you’re not blessed, and you’re not blessing God, you should not be surprised. Nothing is wrong. The system is working.
The word says, “I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be on my lips.”
Why would you bless food? Food isn’t a person. It can’t receive a blessing. You may say you bless it so it will be good for you and it won’t hurt you. That makes no sense. You’re blessing yourself and claiming you’re blessing food.
Some people say “bless” means “thank.” No, it doesn’t. Not primarily, anyway. Isaac didn’t thank his children. He blessed them. God blessed the creatures of the earth when he created them. He wasn’t thanking them. Strong’s lists “thank” as a meaning for “barak,” the Hebrew word for “bless,” but it’s at the end of the list.
God’s kingdom is established in heaven. He doesn’t need to be blessed there. Earth is different. We are the instruments he uses to establish his kingdom here. He uses our prayers, blessings, curses, and actions. If we don’t do our part, Satan’s kingdom is established here.
That has already happened. Yeshua calls Satan the god of this world. We’re the insurrection. The minority party.
People think God controls everything that happens here. Where did that idea come from? We have free will. God doesn’t force us to sin and go to hell. God put us in charge of this place, and we handed it to Satan.
I believe one of the main reasons my life and my wife’s life are so good is that I make a point of speaking blessings to God himself all day. How could God let me bless him and not bless me in return? That would be unlike him, to say the least.
I also curse. I cursed Joe Biden’s campaign over and over, and when Harris took over, I cursed her campaign, too. I curse the entertainment industry, including sports. Why not? Leftism and celebrity worship are possibly Satan’s most powerful tools.
Preachers don’t teach us to love God. That’s amazing. They teach us to be nice to hostile perverts, because Yeshua never said anything critical or threatened anyone, as far as people who don’t read the Bible know. They don’t tell us to love God himself.
We are commanded to love God. It’s the most important commandment. Yeshua said we were to love God as forcefully as possible and love others as we loved ourselves. All the other commandments are built on these two.
Do you ever tell God you love him? I do it these days. Every time my wife and I pray, we tell him we love him. We believe him. We choose to side with him. We believe he is right all the time. Conversely, we hate the spirits that are against him. We contemn them. We find them immature and embarrassing. We say these things.
Yeshua visited me, and his love is so strong, you can feel it, physically. It radiates from him in every direction. We should love someone who feels that way about us. Christianity is not a game where you play by the rules and score points. It’s membership in a family with a perfect, loving father.
I ask God to help us love him more. I ask him to help us love our enemies. I tell him it’s only possible with the help of the Holy Spirit. We can’t do it. The word says no man can please God in the flesh.
How can you teach people about God for a living and forget the most important commandment?
I guess I should stop. I’m sure this information will be helpful to those who put it to use.
November 21st, 2024 at 7:17 PM
Thank you for this post. I never thought about prayer in this way. I am starting to incorporate your advice now.
Steve B
Morrow, OH
November 23rd, 2024 at 3:55 PM
Thank you, Steve! I received so much from this!