Archive for the ‘Fat’ Category

This Place Stinks

Saturday, December 21st, 2024

100% Failure Rate Does not Inspire

I don’t plan to become a family blogger, because my wife and whatever kids I will have never made the decision to be on the web, and I don’t believe I should subject them to much exposure. Nonetheless, I supposed it’s inevitable that I will mention them from time to time

Today I’m learning about gestational diabetes.

Pregnancy is a horror. I don’t care who gets mad when I say it. It’s true. God cursed women in Genesis 3, and he laid it on pretty good. If I had to be the one to bear the children, we would have to adopt, because there is no way I would consent to go through it.

Childbirth is a horror. It’s disgusting. If you’re a man, and you don’t know much about the subject, go read. Watch videos and look at photos if you have the stomach for it. Men love to say it’s beautiful and natural and all that, just like they love telling gullible girls they’re all about saving the whales or the Palestinians or going vegan when all they really care about is virtue-signaling their way into the sack. Men who lie to make women happy make truthful men look like the bad guys, but of course, that’s their plan. “I’m not like the others. And I’ve had a vasectomy, honest.”

About half of women take a dump during childbirth. Is that beautiful? I could go on.

When you get pregnant, you can look forward to vomiting, having food you love taste bad, all sorts of joint pains, muscle cramps that wake you up in tremendous pain, fatigue, headaches, uncontrollable mood swings, irrational thoughts, constipation, gas, hemorrhoids, and diabetes. You may not get all of these things, but you’ll get some.

The list is actually longer than that.

At the end, you have to push a huge object out through your genitalia, and rips and tears are common. Then you may go crazy from post-partum depression.

Nobody ever says the thing men’s bodies do to conceive a child is beautiful. Why? Because men don’t have to be flattered in order to get them into bed. It’s not beautiful. It’s gross. It makes a mess.

Like most women, my wife picked up a lot of weight after marriage. This set her up for gestational diabetes, and when she became pregnant, her own body betrayed her by changing its hormones to cripple her response to insulin. She failed a glucose test, so now we have a glucose monitor and a bunch of wokeness-corrupted dietary suggestions.

I say “wokeness-corrupted” because the advice always seems to begin with a push toward wokey food. Whole grains and fruit. Grain and fruit made her diabetic in the first place, but the medical establishment has a sick bias against meat and fat, which, had she eaten them exclusively, would have kept her thin and healthy.

A woman with diabetes does not need medical enablers telling her it’s okay to stuff herself with whole grains. Food cravings are her problem, which means she has the same problem an addict has. Her mind makes her look for justification to continue with destructive behavior. “I can’t eat a pound of African corn meal mush every day, but I can load up on brown rice and any bread that isn’t white.” No, she can’t. And she should not be encouraged to.

When you eat a big pile of brown rice, you’re going to raise your blood sugar more slowly than you would with white rice, which is almost a poison, but you will still raise it more than you would with a healthy meal with a moderate level of carbs.

My wife’s problem is partly due to whole grain. She eats nshima, which is boiled corn meal. It’s as whole as grains get.

As for fruit, it’s just a sugar solution with a little fiber added. It’s not a healthy food unless you eat it sparingly. When you eat a lot of fruit at one sitting, you get a headache. Why? Because you just pummeled your system with sugar. And it’s not “healthy sugar,” either. It’s fructose and glucose. Glucose is worse for you than table sugar.

They should be telling her to focus on meat, fat, and non-starchy vegetables with some carbs thrown in for balance.

My wife is expected to cut herself 4 times a day and check her glucose levels.

I started reading about these things because I know she will want help with monitoring. Now I feel so bad for diabetics, I can hardly stand to think about it. They’re all over the web talking about their problems. “Can I eat this?” “Can I eat that?” Discussing their level of this or that.

How do they stand it? They get things like terrible foot pain, headaches, blindness, amputations, impotence…

I’m not sure I realize how blessed I am.

Yesterday, I saw a video in which two web comedians made fun of Arnold Schwarzenegger. They were commenting on a video of an old white-haired man shuffling up a street and struggling to climb two or three stairs to get into an RV. He was breathing through his mouth. The man was Arnold.

The video came from a movie set, so I don’t know if the hair is his, but the rest is real. He looks bad. His feet barely leave the ground, which is a sign of dementia. His posture is terrible. His spine seems crooked.

Schwarzenegger is 77, and Donald Trump is 78. Donald Trump swings his arms and legs when he walks. He hits a golf ball a mile. He doesn’t breathe through his mouth when he walks on level ground. He dances at his appearances. I think Schwarzenegger would fall over.

My health is not perfect, and I am considerably younger than Arnold Schwarzenegger, but I am doing extremely well compared to many people my age. I can run up a flight of stairs. I work outside, carrying big branches, and I never feel sore the next day. I walk fast. My young wife asks me to slow down.

I make beer, so I have to lift a 10-gallon pot nearly full of grain and water. No problem. I have to lift 55-pound kegs about 40″ to get them into my freezers. Easy.

Sometimes I get an urge to go out and work hard with my chainsaws, not just to get things cleaned up, but to feel myself moving, like a horse that runs and jumps for no reason.

I park a long way from stores so I can burn off energy walking and so I can leave the other spaces for the “old people,” many of whom are younger than I am. When we went to Switzerland recently, the day after we arrived, I left the hotel alone on very little sleep and walked all over town. I went to a bar by the river and had a few beers and shot video. I loved it. My wife was at the hotel, flat on her back.

Why has God been so good to me, of all people? It’s a little scary. I don’t want to do anything to ruin it. And should I tell other people about it, or will I make them feel bad needlessly?

I have a friend who is two years younger than I am, and he has an artificial hip, artificial lenses, an amputated big toe, and diabetes. I’m afraid he’ll die soon. I would miss him.

This diabetes thing is giving me a new appreciation for other people’s physical problems. Before this happened, I was thinking about these things and praying about them a lot, but reading about diabetes really brought it home to me.

I hate this place. This planet is just hell light. There is so much suffering. Age, deformities, diseases, and injuries are extremely ugly and humiliating, and we can’t get away from them. Even if I’m doing well, I have to see others I can’t do anything to help, all day.

I’m not even discussing mental deficiencies and disorders. That’s a big subject all by itself.

Schwarzenegger is a wretched person in my opinion. If he has ever done anything for anyone else, I am not aware of it. He pumped himself up with drugs and climbed over other people in order to become famous. He was a bully, and he had sex with all sorts of women, including at least one session involving a whole group of male bodybuilders in the same room. He smoked weed. He entered into an extremely suspicious marriage with a person who just happened to be a Kennedy, and then he spat on marriage by knocking up a homely servant in his wife’s house. He served as Bush I’s Chairman of the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports when he didn’t actually know anything about fitness or sports and he was prancing around with drug muscles.

Bodybuilders aren’t actually fit. They use routines that build muscles that are very large but not all that strong. Skinny powerlifters put them to shame. A lot of bodybuilders have a hard time walking up stairs because they have no cardiovascular fitness and no energy reserves. Their endocrine systems are constantly in crisis. They get cancer. Their guts and hearts grow and fill their chest cavities because they use growth hormone. They grow breasts and have to have them cut out. That happened to Dwayne Johnson, another person I don’t admire.

Schwarzenegger was supposed to inspire young people, and he did. He inspired them to take illegal drugs and ruin their bodies. There are a lot more steroid users out there now than there would have been without Arnold’s mass mentorship.

Now Johnson is using drugs while appearing in movies aimed at kids. He’s 52, and he has much bigger muscles than he did when he played football at the University of Miami. They had a fantastic strength coach, and they probably gave the players drugs, but old Johnson makes young Johnson look like Don Knotts.

I know a former UM player a few years younger than Johnson, and he was a monster when he played. He beat up a top-10 boxer outside a club, and he had muscles on top of muscles. I saw him a few years later, and he didn’t even look athletic. Skinny arms and legs. Don’t tell me he wasn’t on drugs.

Schwarzenegger weakened the GOP after it helped him get a governorship. He took a naturalization oath in which he swore to protect the Constitution, and then he tried to curtail our civil rights with gun control. He even said, “Screw your freedom,” because he was so terrified of coronavirus.

I am perplexed by people who admire him. Yesterday, I told my wife he had sold his soul to the devil, and I wasn’t sure the devil got a good deal.

Now the earthly life he sold his soul to enjoy is wrapping up. Everything is being taken away except for the money. No worthwhile person respects him. They see through him. His movies were fun, but they were shallow and cartoonish. He never made a Casablanca or Lawrence of Arabia. Even Jean Claude Van Damme has made more mature fare. Van Damme is able to examine himself with some honesty.

Last night my wife and I prayed for Schwarzenegger, but there isn’t much hope for people who get everything they want while remaining children.

I wish I could do something for people whose bodies are messed up. It will be nice to live in a place where such help is never needed.

The Woke Mind Virus vs. the Roadkill Brain Worm

Friday, November 15th, 2024

Fries WILL be Great Again

RFK Jr. is about to become the head of the Department of Health and Human Services, a department which sounds leftist when you say its name. What conservative would use the phrase “human services”? It’s idiotic. It doesn’t mean anything. It’s too broad. I’m a human. When I hire someone to look at my AC system, it must be a human service. But HHS doesn’t send out air conditioner repairmen.

We had better department names when we had fewer departments. The Department of Defense was the Department of War. No apologies. Truthful. Trumpish.

Let’s Google.

HHS, which is called “HHS,” even though the DOJ is called “the DOJ,” was put together in 1939. Already, it makes sense to me. A socialist put it together.

It was originally called the Federal Security Agency, which is a pretty good piece of leftist PR for its day. “We just want you to be secure and know there are no monsters under your bed.” It was supposed to be in charge of Social Security, health, and education. They must have rejected “the Department of Intrusiveness.”

The guy who ran the department was a man named McNutt. That’s too easy. Before leading the Department of Buttinskyism, he was the governor of Indiana and burdened the citizens with the state’s first income tax.


Eventually, the government felt that the jobs of using Social Security and centrally-planned education were so important, they should be given to separate organizations with independent armies of stooges, so we ended up with the Social Security Administation and the Department of Indoctrination. I mean Education.

HHS includes the CDC, NIH, and FDA.

That’s all I need to know. Let’s disband it.

Okay, okay. We do need someone to keep really awful drugs off the market. I mean, if we didn’t have a government agency doing that, some company might put out untested vaccines that cause blood clots and myocarditis, leading to an epidemic of excess deaths among young people, which the government’s unofficial department, the MSM, would have to tell us did not exist.

All right. All right. We do need the FDA. I think. Even though it keeps Americans from receiving excellent medications used everywhere else in the world. Look up Rowachol. I got covid recently, and the pharmacist in Rome gave me two well-regarded drugs, neither of which had I ever heard of. Thanks to the FDA.

Anyway, the FDA is out of control. It lets lobbyists tell us what to eat. It gave us the Food Pyramid, which was originally known as the Iowa/Nebraska Joint Pro-Diabetes Pyramid. The Pyramid told us to stuff ourselves with all sorts of carbohydrates which rotted our teeth, strangled our pancreases, filled our arteries with placques, gave us high blood pressure, and made us one of the fattest nations outside of Polynesia.

Carbohydrates are the single biggest killer in the US. Think about that.

Here is the Pyramid.

It says to eat 6-11 servings of carbohydrates per day. I overeat, I love food, and I can’t manage that. I can’t even picture the people who do. They must make Jabba the Hutt look like Olive Oyl. All by itself, their gas must have raised sea levels an inch.

Rice and pasta, it says. Bread. Know what you’re eating when you eat those things? Glucose. A sugar so bad for you it’s used as the standard for the glycemic index, a metric which tells you how much damage your food is doing to your body. You chew your bread, mixing it with an enzyme in spit that converts starch into glucose, and before long, excess glucose is pouring into your veins, threatening your eyesight, your circulatory system, your brain, your nerves, and your chances of marrying anyone remotely attractive.

The weird thing about this is that you don’t need carbohydrates at all. We all love them, but you can go your entire life and be extremely healthy without carbs in your diet. Can’t do that with fat and protein.

The Pyramid discourages consumption of meat. I guess the pork and beef lobbyists had a lower budget for hookers and trips.

Meat is harmless. It’s great for you. Plant-based foods cause diabetes, tooth decay, obesity, and high blood pressure. It’s pretty much impossible to have those things without eating plants, and the fewer carbs you eat, the less likely you are to have these issues. Meat simply can’t cause them.

The FDA used to tell us to get 25 grams of fiber every day. Have you ever tried to do that? That’s 6 bowls of raisin bran. You would literally wear out your toilet seat. You would go through life clearing elevators and subway cars.

The government has no business managing our diets. The government is corrupt and stupid. It tells us what lobbyists and leftist freaks tell us to. And nutrition is not properly part of the government’s business. What’s next? Compulsory calisthenics?

Guard the borders. Fight our enemies. Protect business. Run the courts and prisons. The government should do these things. Where does it get off telling us what to put on our dinner tables?

All this being said, RFK is kind of a nut. He seems like he would be a great guy to hang around with, but come on. He eats roadkill. He thinks vaccines cause autism, a theory which is right up there with Pizzagate.

Not taking vaccines causes things like polio, diphtheria, smallpox, and rubella. This is proven.

I don’t know whether he’ll be good or bad for us, but it would be nice to hear less propaganda from HHS, and it would be good if Americans could buy the same drugs that save lives in Europe.

He hates seed oils. I don’t know whether he’s right or not. He loves animal fat, and there, I am with him.

He said something wonderful. He reminded America that McDonald’s used to fry potatoes in beef tallow. They quit in the Nineties. Bad research and the FDA convinced American women animal fat and eggs were bad, which they are not, and women have strong voices when it comes to food purchasing. All sorts of companies started cutting out animal fat. Oreos abandoned delicious lard. We even have skinny pigs now. You can’t make much gravy from a country ham these days.

Women are much more gluttonous than men, and they drive the chip and ice cream industries, but they do more than anyone to deprive the rest of us.

Beef-fat fries are magnificent. I’ve made them. They smell like prime rib. A beef-fat fry is Jane Russell. A canola fry is Elizabeth Warren.

I wonder if he’ll be able to bring beef-fat fries back in some major restaurants. Maybe he can make them trendy. That would be a dream come true.

Potatoes are practically poisonous, but there is no denying their impact on cuisine. They taste wonderful. Fried. Mashed. Baked. Boiled. You name it. Beef fat makes ingesting an inherently unhealthy vegetable worth it.

People say potatoes are actually healthy. They have vitamin C! They’re low in fat! Whatever. Try one without salt and added fat and then return to the discussion. Worthless. Prison food.

I always feel bad after eating potatoes, but they’re too good to give up.

Even if the FDA were right about everything, I would still want it to shut up about our diets. It’s outside the government’s lane.

Getting back to RFK, I don’t think vaccines cause autism. Demons cause autism, and if autism has increased, it’s because America has turned into Sodom. We invite demons to rule us now. They cause disease, mental illness, and other misfortunes. Unfortunately, the FDA will never admit demons exist.

Regardless of what Roadkill Robert says, I plan to take every well-tested vaccine I can get, except for those made with mRNA. That stuff is horrifying. My son is going to be vaccinated, and he will live under the same policy. I don’t want him dying needlessly of some ridiculous 1900’s disease like tetanus or whooping cough.

My son will never be vaccinated for covid.

Covid vaccine : young person :: birth control pills : Caitlyn Jenner.

Trump needs to put a libertarian in charge of the Department of Education. A real Ron Swanson, unlike cookie-cutter kneejerk liberal Nick Offerman, who played him. We need someone who will destroy the department from the inside. The suggestion that states can’t run schools is asinine and insulting. I could run a school. Nearly any educated adult could.

The business of education requires a very low level of competence. You know it’s true. Remember your teachers?

I had one who told us there were 52 states.

I hope RFK succeeds in doing good things and is restrained when he tries to implement ideas he heard from Alex Jones. All in all, I prefer him to anyone Harris would have appointed, sight unseen.

Swing and a Very Big Miss

Friday, October 25th, 2024

Disturbing Dispatch from Kamalia

Aging actor Dave Bautista has made a career of putting on clingy briefs and performing a fake, somewhat homoerotic wrestling act with other big guys who were not athletic enough to be make it in actual sports. You know what wrestling is like. They put their faces between each other’s legs. They hug each other tight and lie on top of each other. They have to shower each other’s fluids off their bodies.

In order to do this, Bautista took illegal drugs for years. Either that, or he just magically went from a normal weight of maybe 200 pounds to over 300, just by eating lots of chicken and lifting weights. No one else in the history of the world has been able to do this, as photos of pre-steroid professional bodybuilders show, but maybe Dave is the first.

No, he took drugs.

Call it my opinion. Sure.

Anyone involved with natural bodybuilding will tell you you’re not going to put on more than 25 pounds of natural muscle in a year, and you’re not going from 200 to 300 without drugs. A 200-pound man with an exceptional physique will have about 90 pounds of muscle, and he would have to more than double that to hit 300. It does not happen naturally.

He says he is now down to 240. He has really shriveled. I would guess he’s closer to 210, but wrestlers always lie about their size, as he did when he was in the ring. He has a great physique for a man in late middle age who doesn’t take drugs, but he’s not impressive. He’s in the same league as a typical high school basketball player who has been lifting weights for three months.

He gave interviews talking about his struggle to lose weight. That amazes me.

“No matter how tired I am today, I am NOT going to go shoot up with performance-enhancing drugs.”

He appeared in interviews and tried to convince interviewers he had just been fat. Please. Fat with a six-pack and a chest 15″ bigger than his waist.

I don’t think anyone ever looked at Bautista’s enormous steroid muscles and bulging veins and thought, “Man, what a tub.”

Here’s why he quit using drugs: he had to. You can’t keep taking high doses of gym drugs into your sixties and expect to live long. When was the last time you saw Arnold Schwarzenegger with his shirt off? There is a reason. Look up the things prolonged drug use does to bodybuilders.

Now Bautista has made a campaign ad. It was styled as a comedy sketch, but it’s clearly an ad. Leftist men are generally less masculine than conservative men, and it’s something leftist women complain about a lot. It’s not something that can be disputed.

Until pretty recently, I thought that, while effeminate men are definitely more likely to be leftists, the “soy boy” thing was exaggerated. But the more I see, the more I think it’s not that far from the truth.

When you look at Antifa assault videos, it’s hard not to notice all the long, spindly limbs and 34″ chests. There are a lot of them.

Kamala Harris is unpopular with men, and that even extends to black men, whom you would expect to give her blind support. So Bautista made an ad in which he does weird exercises, including hitting a tire with a hammer, while using the popular term for women’s private parts to describe Donald Trump. The idea appears to be that a guy who used to get overly intimate with other men for money, while wearing briefs and flexing drug muscles, is more manly than Donald Trump.

Just to compare:

1. Bautista pretended to fight other men in fake, choreographed matches with predetermined outcomes while using drugs because his natural muscles were too small to get him the job, and claiming to be at least two inches taller than he really was, and

2. Donald Trump got shot in the ear with an AR-15, and when the Secret Service tried to remove him from the stage, and he had blood running down his face, and there was no way to know whether more shots were coming, he refused to leave, forced his face out into the open, pumped his fist, and yelled, “FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!”

Meanwhile, a man near Trump had his brains blown all over his family by another round, and three other men were shot and survived.

Which one proved he was a real man?

Here are a couple of photos so you can decide which person you think is more of a man:

There’s Trump, shot, bloody, and insisting on exposing himself to more fire so he can encourage and comfort his base. And there is Bautista, crossdressing in a pantsuit, a low-cut top, and pearls. Without his steroid muscles. He will probably continue to shrink. Drug muscles don’t vanish entirely overnight.

A cruel Internet commenter said, “He looks like if Jeff goldblum and RuPaul had a 60-year-old baby.” Another said he looked like a gay realtor.

Bautista made the video with the help of Jimmy Kimmel, one of worst TDS sufferers on television. Kimmel has decided to be the voice of outraged decency, which is pretty strange, given his history as second banana on The Man Show, which featured a segment called “Girls on Trampolines” and skits in which Kimmel appeared in blackface as basketball player Karl Malone.

In the trampoline segments, women wearing things like bathing suits and just plain underwear jumped high in the air and spread their legs at the cameras.

The Malone skits mocked Malone as an ignorant black ghetto figure with a subnormal IQ. Not that there could have been any racist intent.

Here is Kimmel doing the kind of thing the liberal press has been helping him to bury for the last 21 years:

That’s about 50 times worse than the act that got Al Franken kicked out of the Senate. I think Franken should have gotten off with an apology, but what Kimmel did may amount to a sex offense.

What would you do if you caught him doing that to your mother?

Where is the outraged decency? Where are the tears and remorse? Aren’t liberal celebrities supposed to vanish into rehab after doing things like this? Shouldn’t he have come back and said, “This is not who I am”?

He drank a lot of beer on the show, so maybe he doesn’t remember doing this. Surely the explanation isn’t hypocrisy.

Kamala herself made an ad that featured the kind of men leftists think are masculine. She wants to prove real men support her.

I’m sure you’ve seen it. A morbidly obese guy feeding chickens and saying he eats carburetors. A scrawny old homeless-looking person with his sleeves torn off, standing near someone else’s motorcycle and tool cart for XY cred. A man who is pretty clearly gay but seated on the tailgate of a pickup truck, proving he loves the ladies.

Actually, the carburetor guy also seems gay. He has a strong lisp, which is something you don’t see a lot in straights.

Two of the guys say they drink single-barrel bourbon, neat. I don’t get that at all. There are probably 500,000 homosexual men in America who lisp and prance, can’t throw a ball or lift a suitcase, and drink over a fifth of hard liquor a day. When I was a kid, the old Irish lady who lived next door to me used to turn up tumblers of pure vodka and empty them.

She could throw a ball, though. Even when drunk.

Why would Democrats equate manliness with drinking hard liquor? Are they in the eighth grade or what? They remind me of my friends and me, in high school, counting the beers we drank between classes. We were not manly. We were little idiots.

Maybe Kamala is manly. She slurs her words all the time. My personal opinion is that they’re covering up a serious drinking problem. If not, maybe she has a neurological disease.

The stuff about motorcycles and carburetors seems like the sort of thing Democrats usually call sexist. Can’t women fix carburetors and motorcycles?

Today my wife and I saw two huge lesbians on Harleys, blasting up Highway 475 in matching T-shirts. Really loud pipes. I guess they’re manly enough to vote for Kamala.

I notice the Kamalians didn’t bring guns into the mix. Some shrill lady on the diverse writing team with no straight white males must have vetoed that.

Anyway, Bautista is nuts, and I suspect he it will not be long before he outs himself. He has married twice and had kids, but you can’t wear an outfit like that unless something is amiss. Or someone is a miss.

The Olbermann Lunacy Index, Revisited

Friday, July 26th, 2024

When Can we go Home?

A while back, I noted that demonic–meaning “caused by demons”–insanity had afflicted many people on Earth, and I said that in order to keep track of the progress of increasing insanity, it could be useful to watch Keith Olbermann, fired ESPN and MSNBC personality and dispenser of absurd theories that conflict with commonly-known facts. Not long ago, he claimed no one should believe Representative Dr. Ronny Jackson, MD, the former White House physician who is now Donald Trump’s primary care provider. Jackson described Trump’s bullet wound, and Olbermann made up two weird claims. He said Jackson was not a medical doctor, and then he said he had no license. Both libels originated either in hell or in Olbermann’s own disrupted psyche.

Olbermann has proven to be a pretty good barometer of lunacy. Recently, some baseball players mimicked Trump’s “Fight! Fight! Fight!” shooting response, and Olbermann said they should be banned from baseball and their stadium should be razed. He also said the franchise should be confiscated.

Nothing crazy there. Nope. And definitely nothing that would inspire arson or murder.

Leftists love confiscation. It’s like a fetish with them. Money. Guns. Land. You name it.

Today, I was looking at the Gospel of Luke, and I saw something that corroborated my beliefs about Satan sending spirits of lunacy to manipulate the enemies of good.

As predicted by the Psalms and the prophet Isaiah, Yeshua was rejected by most Jews of his time. In particular, he was rejected by the illegitimate priesthood which had been installed by Roman conquerors.

Somewhat appropriately, if you think about it, he was murdered (sacrificed) by priests. And they used a sort of syncretism as their tool. They partnered with heathens against almighty God. Sounds like Joel Osteen.

At one point, he encountered a man with a withered right hand. This took place in a synagogue, on the sabbath. He asked the religious bigwigs this:

I will ask you one thing; Is it lawful on the sabbath days to do good, or to do evil? to save life, or to destroy it?

Then he restored the man’s hand with a miracle.

Luke said something interesting. He said that after Yeshua performed the miracle, the prominent and powerful Jews who were against him were filled with insanity. Some Bibles say they were filled with “rage,” but the Greek word is anoia, which Strong’s equates to “folly” and “madness.” Those words mean insanity.

The Bible says they then began conspiring against Yeshua, to decide what they should do to him. Psychotic rage came first. Then a willingness to do him harm. Eventually, they beat and murdered him.

This was not a rational disagreement over doctrine. It wasn’t based on Tanakh-based objections to Yeshua’s Messiah status. It was plain old insanity, caused by demons. The priests and scribes didn’t know the Holy Spirit. He didn’t live in them. As a result, they were open to other spirits who made them their homes.

They had the same madness leftists and Islamists have today.

I just had a comment deleted at Yahoo News. I have probably posted three comments there this year. It’s rare that I risk getting sucked into the playpen.

There was a story about the FBI. It said the FBI was doing forensics to try to determine what hit Trump during the assassination attempt. Some cranks are claiming he was hit by a piece of a shattered teleprompter, or that he was not injured at all. Hard to explain the blood if he wasn’t injured, isn’t it?

This, too, is madness.

They say reasonable minds may differ, but sometimes it takes an unreasonable mind.

There is no evidence before us–zero–that any teleprompters were damaged. At least one witness says they were not damaged. At the time of the shooting, no one claimed they were damaged.

The doctors who treated Trump after the shooting called his injury a bullet wound. His personal physician described it as a gunshot wound.

Better yet, there is a photo showing a bullet passing by the right side of Trump’s head. We’ve all seen it.

A .223 round fired from 130 yards away from a chronograph will pass it at close to 3000 feet per second. The shot of Trump and the bullet trail shows the trail in an area about two feet long, behind Trump. It had to be there to show it had gone by his ear. The picture wouldn’t mean as much if the trail had appeared in front of him.

That means the bullet was there for about 1/1500th of a second. A photographer who had taken photos even 1/100th of a second too early or too soon would have missed the shot. Say what you will; God arranged that extraordinary and unprecedented photo because he knew Satan’s children would lie about Trump being shot.

Do I have to bring up Occam’s razor? Bullets were fired. There was nothing between Donald Trump and the muzzle of the gun. A bullet trail was photographed behind his ear, and it’s obvious the bullet was moving in a straight line, the way bullets move when they haven’t fragmented or hit any objects. The teleprompters were not damaged.

Why make up a story about fragments or shrapnel?

Am I sitting in a recliner typing a blog entry in my living room? Maybe I’m in a simulation. Maybe I’ve been in a coma for 50 years, and I make up dreams about blogging to stave off boredom. Maybe I’ve been drugged, and I’m just imagining the recliner and the living room. Or maybe the simplest explanation is correct.

God knows leftists are horrible liars, like their father. They can’t always get things to go their way, but they can almost always lie afterward and try to convince people things really did go their way. They work constantly to erase the truth and replace it with their version of reality. They tell us the Hebrews never wandered in the desert. They say Yeshua never existed. James Cameron claimed to have photos of the box where his bones were deposited. They used to claim David never existed. They say the Holocaust didn’t happen.

I posted a comment about the wound, the photo and the dishonesty of leftists, and after I sat down to write this blog post, it vanished.

It was not offensive. It was based in verifiable truth. Leftist liars had already responded. Doesn’t matter. It’s gone. Yahoo wants the world to think it never happened, and, if possible, that I never existed.

I’ll describe the feeling I have these days.

Have you ever dealt with people who absolutely cannot listen to good advice? Brats come to mind. Determined conspiracy theorists. People whose absurd religious beliefs are based in emotion, not reality. Flat Earthers. Everyone involved in the racist, misandrous, anti-Christian, antisemitic myths of DEI.

After a while, you go silent. You fold your hands, sit back, and observe, with no interest in speaking further. You realize you have lost all desire to interact with the people you tried to help.

That’s what’s going on in my heart. This world is hopelessly lost. Nearly no one can be helped.

I would like to make the usual preparations for my family’s future. Should we move to a better property for kids? Should we come up with plans for raising them correctly? Should there be trust funds? Should I buy more real estate? Should I buy more stocks? Should I get serious about exercise and nutrition so I don’t die while my kids are in elementary school?

I don’t care any more. I don’t see any way to have a future here.

I am not depressed. My life is so easy, it’s hard to believe. My wife is wonderful. I love my farm. Very few demands are placed on me. It’s almost idyllic. But I wonder why we are still here on Earth, given that there is no possibility of living among sane people for the rest of our lives.

If we live out our normal lifespans here, we face decades of humoring and placating dangerous psychotics in order to get by.

I keep eating too much. I spend too much on restaurants. I don’t look after my business as well as I should.

Sometimes I’ll think, “We just went out to eat yesterday.” Then I’ll think, “What difference does it make?”

I don’t care. I don’t care. Will we be here to worry about it if we diminish our wealth too much? I can’t make myself believe it.

Yeshua was rejected in Nazareth, the town where he grew up. Friends and neighbors who had known him and his parents for about 30 years tried to murder him because he said he was the Messiah and told them heathens were more open than they were.

Nazareth is on high ground, and it’s possible to shove people off so they fall a long way onto rocks. I know because I had to run an errand there once. To buy hot dogs and charcoal.

Yeshua stood up in a synagogue there and read a bit from Isaiah which proclaimed the Messiah. He said he was the one Isaiah was talking about. By this time, he had been doing great things in other places, and the Jews in the synagogue asked him about them. He told them a prophet was not without honor except among his own, and he pointed out that Elijah had to perform a miracle on a heathen widow.

At this point, the people who knew him became infuriated–insane–and they tried to throw him off a cliff. God hid him from them, as he hid Lot’s door from the murdering pervert rapists of Sodom, and he just walked away.

How can normal people try to murder an exemplary neighbor after a few minutes of hearing things they don’t like? Insanity is the only explanation. They were like the orderly, responsible, law-abiding Germans and Austrians who lost their minds over a couple of decades and started beating Jews in the streets. No natural cause can explain such things.

Yeshua walked away. Atlas shrugged, if you prefer. He didn’t project a Marvel-style force field around them, hold them in place, and make them listen while he begged, cajoled, and worked miracles. He knew they could not be reached because of their willful insanity.

When do we get to walk away?

In general, I am no longer concerned about people any more. Some individuals, yes, but as a whole, no. My lifelong habit has been to give up caring about things I can’t fix, no matter how bad they are. Is it a fault? You tell me. Perhaps I lack empathy. Or maybe it’s a healthy response that prevents me from harming myself needlessly.

I don’t care if America is destroyed and people suffer like never before, because I can’t stop it. My attitude shocks me.

I would not enjoy seeing it happen. I’m not enjoying seeing the beginnings of it. I feel grief sometimes. But I will never lie awake and soak my pillow with tears over it. It’s not my nature.

I just want to be somewhere else, with the people who can be saved, when things get really bad. THAT, I should be able to manage. If I stay close to God and listen, I’ll get what I want. Because it’s within my capability, I am concerned about it, and I try to make it happen.

People talk a lot about liminal spaces now. The word “liminal” is new to me. A liminal space is a place where people go on their way to another place. An airport. A hallway. A waiting room.

For several years, I have had dreams of airports. Almost always, it’s DFW, which I have probably only visited once. In dreams, I have walked through DFW so many times, I feel like I’ve been there. I got sick of DFW dreams. When I remember the dreams, I have to remind myself they weren’t real. I confuse them with memories of real places. Dream DFW seems just as real in my memory as the real New York City or any other place I’ve lived.

I have asked God to help me not to have airport dreams, because I was so tired of them.

Are my dreams of airports about God? This world is unquestionably a liminal space. No one stays here. It’s a place where we are processed for a short time before going elsewhere.

In jokes, I like to remind my wife that Florida is known as God’s waiting room because of all the old people. Maybe there is more to the joke than I realized. Am I walking toward the gate so I can be flown to the wedding of the lamb? That would sure be nice.

Sometimes I dream I’ve just realized I’m in school, and I haven’t studied or gone to class. I get worried about exams. Then I realize I’m out of school, and I don’t have to do anything. The stress pours out of me. I feel so free. I can depart and leave the other students, who are miserable, behind me. Is God showing me I’m out of Satan’s unproductive rat race? Is it time for me to go my way and leave the rats to it?

In its way, a school is a liminal space. Isn’t the world a school, with a fateful final exam?

Guess I should quit. I can’t sit here and type all night.

Warm up the Family Truckster; We’re Going to Cinnabon

Thursday, June 13th, 2024

From Lone Wolf to Lamaze Partner

Breakfast was very peaceful today. My wife slept late, which is not unusual. Marvin and I ate together in the kitchen. I looked out over the tranquil scenery of my rural yard. The shade trees. The chicken house. The bull 20 feet away eating grass by my flower bed. The clouds.

The bull. By the flower bed.

A big tree snapped recently, and it fell in the pasture closest to the house. Yesterday I went out and cut it up. My newly-restored Echo chainsaw decided not to run. Again. I had to get another saw out and go back and forth from the shop.

My tractor decided to refuse to start. I got a blower and blew the poo and twigs out from under the seat. I thought mice had eaten the seat safety switch. I fiddled with other things. Finally I realized the tractor would start when I jiggled the forward/reverse pedal. Another safety switch.


By then I was tired and dehydrated, and when I went in the house, I forgot to close the gate to the pasture.

I called the bull’s owner, and I went out and yelled at the bull. He did not seem as impressed as I wanted him to be. I herded him on foot. I herded him in the cart. When he got close to the gates, he refused to go through.

He had been staring at my grass and shrubs for years, and now that he had his chance, he intended to stay and make the most of it. I could not reason with him.

I didn’t want to force the issue, because this bull approaches people. He came up to me twice, so close I could rub his head. Did that mean he was friendly? Did it mean he was trying to run me off? I certainly hoped it didn’t mean he had romance on his mind.

The owner says he has always been friendly and has never been aggressive, but a bull is a bull. One killed my cousin. Swung his head into his belly and tore up his liver.

I don’t have a water trough in my yard, so I knew Mr. Independent would realize his mistake eventually. I went inside and waited for him to get thirsty.

Eventually I saw him trotting back and forth along the fence closest to the trough in the pasture. I had him. I opened a gate and negotiated with him until he left. Even then, he stood in the opening and stared at me, like he expected me to give him a pizza.

He likes mimosa trees. That’s good. These trees were imported from China for ornamental purposes, and they have become invasive. I saw him chewing on a couple of little ones. I should have let him finish.

In other news, I have reached that fateful moment so many American men reach. I have admitted this to myself: minivans are superior to SUV’s in almost every way. Sooner or later, I will drive a minivan.

It’s not quite as bad as deciding to wear an apron to the supermarket, but it’s a milestone.

My Explorer turned out to be a money pit due to amazingly bad Ford engineering, so I was concerned about having to get more expensive repairs in the future. It just ate nearly $3000 because a water pump failed, and the new pump is the same kind of pump. I want to keep this car for 200,000 miles, because that’s what intelligent people do, but at what cost?

I started thinking about Toyota SUV’s, which are fantastic for what they are. Unbelievably reliable. Easy to work on. Eventually, though, the truth became clear to me.


1. hold more people,
2. hold more stuff,
3. have sliding doors kids can’t slam into other cars,
4. get good mileage,
5. are very safe,
6. are also easy to work on,
7. and cost less for what you get.

Why do people buy SUV’s? Because they’re cool. Simple question.

It won’t be long before before our numbers exceed two. There will be at least three of us in the car, along with a stroller and who knows what else. A minivan is the obvious answer.

I think Toyota is the right choice. As one would expect, they are said to make the best minivan in the world: the Sienna. Honda’s minivan has some problems. I wouldn’t buy another Ford if I needed an artificial heart and Ford held the patent.

I think men resist minivans because they think they make us less attractive. But do they?

The most attractive thing in a man is the sense that other women want him. If a woman thinks other women want a man, he can be in an iron lung and be in prison for kiddie porn, and she will want him.

When you have a minivan, it is clear you are married, and you probably have kids. That means a woman wanted you. It makes you a prize.

I think wedding bands make men more attractive. Yes, only to the wrong kind of women, but most women are the wrong kind.

I no longer care if I’m attractive, because whatever attractiveness I had has served its purpose. I am married. These days, I see strange women more as pests than anything else. If a minivan makes me repulsive, excellent. If it draws skanks, that’s still okay, because I don’t like skanks. They’re not going to get anywhere.

When a man is single, he feels like advertising his husband qualities to every attractive woman he sees. He will be nicer to women than they deserve. He will think about his apprearance. When he’s happily married, he sighs a sigh of relief, stops sucking his gut in, and quits offering to change strangers’ tires. Your Miata died beside the interstate? Wow. That’s a bummer. Have you called AAA? I have a date at Chuck E. Cheese.

It’s really hard for a woman to borrow money from a man who likes his marriage. Women never repay loans, so this is a blessing.

I can burp in front of women now. I don’t have to hold it in. I’m so free.

Don’t judge me. Women are exactly the same way. Dieting and exercise cease on the day of the wedding.

I looked at numbers, and I think I should keep the Explorer a while longer. We don’t have a baby seat just yet. It’s hard to know what to do. We will get more if we sell it now than later, and that will make a newer car more affordable. But driving it longer will make the money we already have in it go farther.

I always buy used cars, but things are upside-down now. The gurus say that if you want a Toyota Sienna, it’s actually smarter to buy new. How crazy is that? Something to do with Bidenomics and the Hong Kong Fluey.

Chinese virus. Chinese virus. Chinese virus. Chinese virus. I love saying that in public.

Lab-created CCP Chinese virus. Even better.

The Sienna has one big problem: it has three rows of seats, and the second one requires tools to remove. I want that cargo space. I guess I can pull the seats and put them in my storage room.

I got my first real eyeglasses the other day. I’m sitting in a new leather recliner. I’m thinking about a minivan. What’s next? Insipid horizontal-stripe golf shirts and stretch khakis? “Honey, look! Two-for-one Bubba Burgers!”

Loafers. Not loafers, please. If loafers, not tassels. I couldn’t bear it. I already have loafers to wear with sportcoats, but I hope I am never seen wearing them at Walmart along with Tommy Bahama shorts.

The Harley is about to be sold. It’s okay to be smeared all over the pavement if you’re single, but if you’re a dad, the kids won’t like it. And it takes up room in the garage, where I need to put the pickup to keep squirrels off of it. It’s going to be fixed and painted this year.

My wife is trying to get me to moisturize. Wow. I told her I like being dry.

There are now 4 pillows on my bed. The wife wants to add at least two more. This is the price I pay.

Where do the pillows go when we sleep? On the floor. Of course. Explain that.

Have to go. My wife says she dreamed about midgets. We have to pray our children will be tall.

Maybe that bull is onto something. I notice he escaped by himself.

You’re Breathing Their Air With Stolen Lungs

Friday, April 26th, 2024

Pay Up

Is it antisemitic to say a person looks Jewish?

I ask because I saw a remarkable video about antisemitic protests in New York.

The answer to the question is “no.” It is not antisemitic to say a person looks Jewish, any more than it is wrong to say a person looks Far Eastern or white.

Google photos of Barbra Streisand and deceased New York mayor Ed Koch. Case closed.

Yesterday, I saw an amazing thing. There was a protest at NYU, in New York City. This, incidentally, is a backup school for kids who can’t get into Columbia.

Someone interviewed a couple of girls who were visiting from Columbia. They were very gung ho about protesting Israel. One girl wore a mask to hide her identity and insulate her from repercussions from her shameful, idiotic behavior. The other showed her face. No question about it. She is Jewish.

The person with the camera asked them about their objections to what was happening in Gaza, and they admitted they didn’t know much of anything about the situation! But there they were, protesting and fanning the flames of antisemitism. One said she wished she were better educated. I wish that for her, too.

In various places on the web, I have been asserting without proof that Jews were out there protesting Israel along with the other antisemites, and now you see why I was bold enough to do that. If the Jewish people were one person, he would have been on suicide and self-harm watch since leaving Egypt. The Jews have a long history of helping their enemies and fighting their friends. I knew some of them would support Hamas. Questioning it would have been asinine.

Dathan has more children than Moses.

Why do I say “the other antisemites”? Because Jews who join the protests are antisemites. Jews can be antisemites if they want.

In related news, a black man named Khymani James, who claims to be some other flavor of sexual being (unclear) is getting attention for calling for Zionists (like me and, for that matter, God) to be murdered.

James is a typical Columbia student. He gets attention by saying stupid things that impress leftists who have no brains. He has said, “Zionists don’t deserve to live.” Defending his remarks later, he said, “I feel very comfortable, very comfortable, calling for those people to die.” He supports the murder of Benjamin Netanyahu.

He also says he carries a gun, even though there is no way he has a permit.

Far as anyone can tell, this dangerous nut is still a student in good standing. Columbia will not reveal what, if any, discipline he has faced. They made me leave for a year for shooting harmless bottle rockets out of a window, so now you have a basis to form ideas about their priorities.

Finally, in today’s list of horrors, a genocidal crank at George Washington University in DC was spotted carrying the Palestinian flag and a sign calling for the “final solution.” This phrase, for all you kids who were educated by false-breast-wearing men and Tiktok, refers to the murder of every single Jew on Earth. This is the “solution,” and Jews are the problem.

Their EXISTENCE, not their behavior, is the problem that must be fixed, according to the guy with the sign.

The man with the sign was not attacked or driven off, as far as I can tell from the news. That means he’s better off than Jews who have been attacked by racist protesters like the Jewish girl at NYU, and he’s also better off than the Jew in London who was told by racist police to leave a rage-filled protest because he was disturbing the peace.

I wonder what peace the police were referring to.

People who don’t know the Holy Spirit have no idea what’s going on. It has never been about coexistence. Ever since the human race was contaminated by servants of Satan, it has been about exterminating the people who belong to Yahweh. People, including many Jews, think the turmoil will end if there is enough appeasement. Give the savages this piece of land and that piece of land. They’ll be satisfied. That’s not how it works. The other side’s goal is to end Jewish existence, and they also want to remove Christians from the world.

Jews love to appease. They keep giving things away. They even gave the Egyptians the entire Sinai peninsula, which contains oil wells, after the Egyptians lost it in a racist war of aggression.

American Jews are the worst appeasers, because they are terrible virtue-signalers, and because they don’t have to deal with terrorism every day, the way Israelis do. They think their grandchildren will live in big houses in New Jersey and Miami, holding hands and singing Joni Mitchell songs with the friendly gentiles they have pacified. They think October 7 was just a speed bump. A temporary disturbance that will be put behind them, just like the 1948 war.

What’s happening now will wake some, but not most, of them up. Suddenly, the threat of terrorism and genocide isn’t a far-off thing that only happens to crazy zealots who leave rich America and Europe to live in a shaky country where they make you serve in the army and you can’t get a decent bagel. Now you have to ask yourself if you want to wear your yarmulke when you go out for lunch. Is it worth risking a beating? You have to ask yourself if your kids should go to Columbia, the best school in New York State, where they may be spat on and otherwise abused.

Columbia has long been a haven for Jews. A pogrom at Columbia is like a Trump rally in Martha’s Vineyard.

It’s not a speed bump. It’s not going to blow over. It’s going to get worse.

The New Testament, which is not read by many Jews even though it’s a Jewish book written by Jews and for Jews, about a Jewish God, explains what is happening.

Yeshua, the rejected Jewish Messiah, has now been rejected by the vast majority of gentiles as well as Jews. The 2000-year period of evangelism is over. If the world were a restaurant, employees would be putting chairs on the tables right now.

Satan has received the popular vote once again, and Yeshua is returning as an election denier. God hates elections. He hates democracy, which came to us from boy-molesting Greeks. God is a monarch, and he is returning to claim his kingdom.

The Bible says the tribulation will be terrible, because Satan knows his time is short. When the tribulation ends, he will be bound in hell for a millennium, so he is getting his last licks in now. He is throwing a tantrum like a leftist protester who doesn’t want to go into a police van.

Satan is even more furious than usual, and he is also terrified. He is going to do as much harm to Jews and Christians as he can before his humiliation begins.

Jewish religious authorities haven’t heard from the Holy Spirit since about 400 BC, so they have no idea what’s going on. They make wild guesses for a living, and a lot of their work is based on the faulty, blasphemous premise that Yeshua is not the Messiah and not God, although Isaiah said he was both. If Jews still heard from the Holy Spirit, as they used to, they would be talking about the end and the millennium just as Christians are.

They don’t know the Bible well. Not even the Old Testament. They are taught not to study it too much. They are told that if they try to understand it without help, they will just get themselves in trouble. They might even come to the horrible conclusion that Yeshua is who he says he is.

They listen to arrogant old men who read what other arrogant old men have written. Wow…am I writing about the Jews or about most Christians? Same thing. Most Christians are in the same boat. That’s why we have homosexual priests. I mean the kind who admit they’re homosexual.

The Old Testament says to meditate on God’s word, which is the Bible. The rabbis say to meditate on the Talmud, the Zohar, the Gemara, and the Kabbalah. Hmm.

If God’s word is good, why is it better to read things Jews wrote after God destroyed their nation? Obviously, those Jews were doing something wrong.

Spammers used to try to sell me Oprah’s diet tips. Oprah was enormous. Depending on the year and month, she might have been as big as 250 pounds. She finally lost weight at the age of 70, way too late to enjoy it, by taking a drug and lying about it, while serving on the board of Weight Watchers and urging other people to rely on discipline.

The spammers still thought I would buy her diet tips. It’s a bad idea. It would be like listening to clergymen who haven’t heard from God in 2400 years.

It’s going to get worse. The Holocaust is starting up again. New York and Miami Beach aren’t going to protect anyone. Judging by Zechariah 14, neither will Israel. It’s a very bad time to double down on rejecting Yeshua and the Holy Spirit.


Check out this New York Post article, which identifies a bunch of Jewish supporters of the genocidal, antisemitic mobs. Soros figures prominently, as does Noam Chomsky.

The Meat of the Matter

Thursday, February 8th, 2024

Seems Like no One Knows the Truth About Anything

I was praying with my wife yesterday morning, and I got off on the topic of the concealment of the truth. When I pray, I don’t just ask for stuff. I make statements. I was asking God to tell us what to do about something, which means I was asking to know the truth, and I started talking about the way the world now swims in lies.

One of the biggest areas of deception and concealment is that of coronavirus. We don’t know much of the truth at all.

1. Do the vaccines work? At first, people like Joe Biden and Rachel Maddow told us they were 100% effective. Then we heard figures like 90%. Then we heard that every person on Earth could expect to get infected, vaccinated or not. When the vaccines started looking bad, they told us that while they might not prevent infection, they would absolutely, definitely prevent every recipient from getting very sick and dying, and then they told us countless vaccinated people had died or at least become terribly ill.

2. Do the masks work? No; not at all. That’s what they said at first. Then they said they worked very well. Now they say this: no; not at all. Nearly.

3. Do vaccines hurt people? No; not at all. Almost never, they said. Then young people started dropping dead in such numbers it significantly affected official excess death figures. They said this had nothing to do with coronavirus vaccines. It had to be related to all those other giant health crises that occurred right after the end of 2019. A lot of journalists and officials still deny that vaccines do harm, but simultaneously, the CDC says this:

[E]vidence from multiple vaccine safety monitoring systems in the United States and around the globe supports a causal association between mRNA COVID-19 vaccines (i.e., Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech) and myocarditis and pericarditis.


The other day, I read that a vaccinated baby’s risk of heart problems from covid vaccination is about 2.2%. The risk of symptomatic coronavirus infection is almost too low to measure. It is essentially zero. But people gave their babies shots anyway.

A rate of 2.2% is not small. It’s astronomical. Imagine this: you see a table covered with hundred-dollar bills on a city street, and a sign over it says, “Over one in fifty people who take a hundred-dollar bill will get myocarditis.” Would you take the money? Would you drive if getting in your car carried a 2.2% chance of myocarditis?

People can be really stupid about probability. We tend to think a low risk is the same thing as complete safety.

How many babies have had mRNA shots? Let’s say it’s a million, which is not unreasonable and could be low. That’s 22,000 babies with heart problems.

How many babies have had serious problems with coronavirus? Virtually none. And doctors knew coronavirus was not a serious threat to babies before they shot a bunch of them full of experimental vaccines which HAVE given many of then heart problems.

Pretending the 22,000 figure is correct, did we kill or seriously harm 22,000 babies in order to save a couple of dozen freak babies who somehow managed to get severe covid?

Right now, leftists are busy trying to put out the sudden-death fire, and maybe they will succeed, because they distort and control information, just like their spiritual siblings in North Korea and China. When stories come out, they say dumb things like, “Anecdotal! Anecdotal!” Our knowledge of the plagues that ravaged Europe is mostly anecdotal. No one took statistics or set diagnostic standards. Was the plague imaginary?

Today, we have excess-death statistics compiled by scientists, and leftists are still saying evidence for vaccine-induced sudden deaths is anecdotal.

How do you make it NOT anecdotal? How do you prove myocarditis and pericarditis are NOT caused by covid? Is that even possible? Does the body of a 14-year-old killed by vaccine myocarditis look different from the body of one whose cardiac arrest was caused by some other problem? Journalists and people in the medical/pharmaceutical/government complex should tell us instead of presenting us with their self-serving conclusions.

What if 10 million people died from heart inflammation next month? Would they keep telling us not to connect the dots?

How do we know the risk to babies is 2.2%? That’s a hell of a question. Aren’t most cases undiagnosed? It’s pretty obvious that vaccine heart damage sometimes has no symptoms until victims drop dead. If it always came with symptoms, the deaths wouldn’t happen on basketball courts. They’d happen in hospitals, where victims would go after feeling ill.

There is no way we’re detecting all of them. What if the rate is 10%, and 2.2% represents the number we have proven to exist? I haven’t seen anyone address this, possibly because journalists are generally too stupid to deal with math and science.

Disease cases are like cockroaches. If you see one, there may be lots of others you can’t see.

When I brought up the concealment of the truth in prayer, I wasn’t thinking mainly about coronavirus. I was thinking about low-carb diets. I was asking God to tell us whether we should try them.

My wife got here two months ago, and we have been exploring American food opportunities pretty thoroughly. She is concerned about her weight, and I am not all that happy about mine. Somehow, I came across a video of Jordan Peterson telling the world he only ate beef.

I had no idea there was an all-meat diet. It sounds like a leftist caricature of the Atkins diet.

When I was a kid, a bunch of lobbyists created what we called the Food Pyramid. It told us what to eat. We were to eat a lot of the stuff on the bottom level, and progressively less as the levels got smaller.

Nobody told us food industry lobbyists shaped the pyramid, but it’s true. One would think doctors would have had a say, but our government listened to people who grew grain. As a result, with no evidence whatsoever, people in authority started telling us to pump ourselves up with grain, like beef cattle. And doctors went along with it, which is very weird.

They also told us to go easy on meat. I have no idea why, since meat also had lobbyists. I guess the grain lobbyists spent more money.

Doc Atkins popped up and told the world this was all wrong, and he was right. He said we needed to limit carbs and eat all the meat, eggs, and cheese we wanted.

He was called a quack, and the medical establishment reviled him. Darn those lobbyists.

He told us excess carbohydrates made us insulin resistant, so we craved carbs and stored fat. Other doctors hooted like contemptuous baboons.

Now, mainstream doctors tell us about the dangers of insulin resistance. But they still push carb-heavy diets. They love vegetarianism, a bizarre and unnatural practice that didn’t exist until relatively recently in man’s history.

Doctors still tell us fat is bad, even though the science that condemned it has been debunked or at least stripped of most of its luster.

Doctors literally told us how to get fat and die sooner, but they claimed they were really telling us how to get slim and healthy. Now we’re supposed to believe them when they can’t agree on their stories.

Jordan Peterson says he eats only beef. Not “meat.” Beef. That’s how far-out he is. He says he has gone from 212 pounds to 165. He says his eye floaters and gum problems vanished. He says his lifelong depression went away. He builds muscle easily. He says he sleeps better and thinks more clearly now.

Is it true? I think so. He looks like an obsessive runner, even though he isn’t. His skin looks great. His mind is sharp. He has no reason to lie. No one is paying him.

I listened to him, and I looked around the web. I started thinking my wife and I ought to go zero-carb for a few days to detox from all the pizza and cookies and bread we’ve been eating. I don’t think we should go carnivore, because even if it works, I am not willing to make the sacrifice.

When I was in law school, I went a very long time eating almost no carbs. I lost something like 25 pounds, eating as much as I wanted. I was strong. I maxed out most of the machines where I worked out. People said I would have no endurance, but I used to ride an exercise bike for 45 minutes with my heart rate at 168. I know low-carbing works for me, but I’m not going all the way. Sometimes I have to have a pizza.

Today I got up and ate 6 fried eggs with 6 slices of bacon and 3 slices of American cheese. I feel very, very good. I don’t know why, but when I skip carbs, I always feel peaceful.

I think I’ll go two more days, and then we may start eating meat and non-starchy vegetables 6 days per week, with a break on Saturday to keep us from going insane.

The annoying thing is that people are so dishonest and agenda-driven, I can’t get good information about low-carb diets. And oddly, the lines seem to be drawn between leftists, who reject God, and people who accept him. You don’t really see many left-wing low-carbers. In fact, it’s much more common to see leftists who are enraged by low-carbing. That’s bizarre, but it’s true.

There seems to be a connection between hatred of God and love of vegetarianism. Hitler was a vegetarian. A lot of really annoying godless Hollywood performers are vegetarians. PETA nuts hate Christianity, and look at their diets.

Abel pleased God. He raised and slaughtered sheep. He presented God with the blood of innocent creatures whose throats he had cut, and God was happy with him. Cain raised plants, and he had the gall to present God with produce. When God corrected him, instead of taking the hint, he murdered Abel, and he was cursed for it.

God has always been a proponent of killing animals and meat eating. He had Abraham cut animals up for the covenant of the pieces. He let Abraham cook a goat for him, and he ate it. He had Elijah set out a dead steer for him, and he sent fire to devour it. He forced the Jews to eat meat once a year on Passover. Vegetarianism was a sin to the Jews. He established a sacrificial system that essentially turned the temple into a barbecue factory.

If you could go back in time to the temple, the first thing you would notice would be the delicious smell of meat being roasted. It was there all the time, because sacrifices took place every day. A lot of sacrifices. Birds. Goats. Sheep. Cattle. The Bible says God loves the sweet smell of burning meat.

Jesus ate meat. He told his disciples to eat his flesh and drink his blood. He was called the lamb of God.

God told Peter to kill unclean animals and eat.

It’s pretty clear that God has no interest in veganism. God eats meat, and so should we.

I wish we lived in a world where people told the truth, so I could get good dietary advice everyone agrees on, but that is not possible. Human beings are too crooked. You can’t believe anything they say.

I don’t believe the people who say you should never eat plants, and I definitely don’t believe the creepy, self-righteous zealots who get angry at people who eat meat. I will continue eating meat, and I doubt I’ll ever go carnivore.

Ham but no Green Eggs

Sunday, December 24th, 2023

Hope everyone is having a great Christmas Eve.

The wife and I have pretty much given up any pretense of healthy eating until day after tomorrow. Last night, I made her my own dish, champagne chicken, with fettuccine covered with basil cream sauce. I also made a pile of garlic rolls. She loved going to Italian restaurants when we were traveling, and she said this beat them all. She said it was like a 5-star restaurant.

Today I’m fixing a Honey-Faked ham. I like Honey-Baked ham, but I can’t see spending $13 per pound for something I can make for about $2.75, better. I have a recipe I made up, and it works great. Right now I have a Smithfield spiral ham, bought on sale, resting on a broiling pan. They come pretty wet, so I’m letting the liquid drip out of it before applying the crust and using the blowtorch.

We may make cookies. I am also considering making bourbon balls, a Kentucky favorite. They’re just chocolates full of bourbon-flavored goo. They’re generally pretty bad, but I have an idea for fixing them. I plan to make Kentucky cream candy, flavor it with bourbon, and use it for the filling.

It’s hard to describe cream candy, so I won’t try, except to say it’s like soft, butter-flavored chalk made from sugar.

For around 10 days, I’ve had a rib roast sitting in the fridge covered with salt, butter, and garlic. Tomorrow, it comes out. I’ll serve it with potatoes au gratin and Caesar salad, made with real dressing based on a Serious Eats recipe. It turns out Kenji Lopez-Alt isn’t totally useless. I’ll follow up with creme brulee. I came up with a very easy recipe that doesn’t require a water bath. You just bake at 205°.

We plan to watch the Charlie Brown Christmas special today. We have to buy it at Walmart. Apple bought the Peanuts specials three years ago, and they refuse to stream the Christmas show on anything but their ridiculous platform. They keep it off network TV.

I like the show because it’s one of the few Christmas specials that mention Yeshua. It’s not about snowmen animated by witchcraft or deer that pull an imaginary fat guy around on a sleigh. It’s not about feeling good about yourself on your alternative drag Christmas. It’s not about imaginary critters that eat roast beast.

It’s funny how many of the best-known specials were created by Jews. You can’t really expect good things to happen when you turn Yeshua’s birthday over to people who think he was a magician who went to hell and then founded the Nazi Party.

I wouldn’t try to write a Passover or Ramadan special.

Dr. Seuss was Jewish. I love his work, and I enjoyed the Grinch cartoon, but there was no Grinch in the gospels unless Herod and the high priests count.

Things keep getting better here. People told me we were still on our honeymoon because we had spent so little time together. They said we would learn what marriage was really like once my wife got here. In reality, we get along even better now. That’s a relief.

We may be the most boring couple on Earth. We get up, pray, eat cookies for breakfast, goof off, buy groceries, eat again, pray, and sleep. It seems to suit both of us well.

I wondered if a young woman would be bored in the country, far from malls and so on, but she loves it here.

God really looked out for us.

I have to go buy cheese for the potatoes, so I will sign off. I leave you with the ham recipe. There is still time.


1. Honey glue

1/2 cup orange blossom or other light-colored honey
2 tbsp. prepared yellow mustard
1 tbsp. butter

2. Sugary crust

1 cup caramelized sugar
1 cup dark brown sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tbsp. cloves
1 tsp. nutmeg
1/4 tsp. allspice

Flop the ham face-down on a plate. Let it sit in the fridge for a while to see how much water comes out. You don’t want it too wet.

Apply the glue and then pack on the crust. Set it with a torch if you want. Refrigerate.


In case anyone else wants to try Kentucky cream candy, I’ll post a recipe, but I only have my own version, which I made with real maple syrup instead of sugar. I invented this myself, and it is well worth the cost of real syrup. Believe me.

If you want to eat this tomorrow, you need to make it today so it has time to turn into real cream candy.

If you don’t do it carefully, you may end up with hard candy, which is still a win. When cream candy is made correctly, it sort of disappears in your mouth. It’s different.


1-1/2 cups maple syrup (not fake maple)
1/2 cup heavy cream
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. vanilla

Dump the syrup and salt in a deep saucepan. It will bubble up, so you don’t want a shallow pan. Heat until it boils gently. Add the cream slowly. You don’t have to stir it.

You can add the vanilla at the start, or if you’re afraid boiling will hurt it, you can drizzle it on the candy right before you pull it. Pulling will work it into the candy.

Boil the mixture until it hits 260°. When you start getting close to the final temperature, get a pan ready to chill the candy. Put several teaspoons in the pan, concave side down. Fill the pan with ice and water, a little deeper than the height of the spoons. Butter a smaller pan.

When the candy is ready, put the small pan in the big pan and pour the candy into it. When the candy is cold enough to remove with your hands, remove it and form it into a long rod. Stretch the rod, fold it, and stretch it again. You want to do this for about 5 minutes. The candy will develop a satiny look.

Stretch the candy until it’s thin enough to make pieces of a convenient size. Cut it into small pieces with shears. Set it aside until it “creams,” meaning until it turns soft and chalky. This may take a whole day.

Don’t try to cut the candy with a knife or cleaver.

You should be able to use any flavoring you like. You could buy menthol crystals and make peppermint candy. You would need to use table sugar instead of syrup. A cup of sugar is about equivalent to 3/4 cup syrup.

No Sauce for the Gander

Wednesday, November 29th, 2023

New Blog Post Category: “Apocalypse”

Here’s a short post to help chronicle modern insanity.

Yesterday, I went to Target. There were big photos of women on the walls and displays. Old, homely, and/or fat women. Some in their underwear. Eww.

Guess what was missing. Photos of old, homely, and/or fat MALE models.


The Enduring Stain of Bourdain

Monday, August 28th, 2023

Deceased Bizarro Food Influencer Strikes Again

In case anyone who reads this blog is wondering where I’ve been, I have two things to say that might be clues. You really have to try Ki’s Roasted Goose in Hong Kong, and you should avoid the chili crab at Keng Eng Kee Seafood in Singapore.

My wife and I keep meeting abroad while we wait for her American visa, and we just spent two weeks in the Far East.

I have never had any interest in seeing Hong Kong (or any Far Eastern destination), but beggars can’t be choosers, and very few countries will let my African wife visit without a fight. China will not accept her, but Hong Kong, which is part of China, lets Zambians in straight off the plane. She wants to see as many countries as she can, and she didn’t want to revisit our prior destinations without including something new, so we threw Hong Kong into the mix.

Before the trip, people gave me a lot of bad information. Somehow, the Internet has made it harder to learn the truth about other countries. It should have made it easier. Because there is so much money to be made from cheap Internet exposure, people who have a lot of eyeballs on them are able to charge a lot for lying about hotels, restaurants, and attractions, and they are making the most of it. Also, forums are full of people who give bad advice for no clear reason.

Regarding Hong Kong, I was told I should get a hepatitis shot or immunoglobulin because something like 6% of the population has the disease. I was told I could get typhoid from eating raw food. People said I should avoid the tap water. I also read that I might be arrested and imprisoned for no reason.

Regarding hepatitis, it’s not easy to get without close contact, so that’s not a real problem. Typhoid affects people who eat dubious things like raw oysters, and I won’t even eat cooked ones. The tap water comes from a completely modern purification system, and it contains chlorine, just like the tap water you probably drink.

I think the people who get arrested are generally Americans with Chinese backgrounds, or Chinese people with American green cards. If you go to Hong Kong to protest the CCP, you may have a problem, but I went to eat restaurant meals and be with my wife.

I was also told people in Hong Kong would be rude, but they seemed fine to me. Of course, I spent most of my childhood in Miami, so I barely notice rudeness that would put most people in therapy.

I guess I can tell you some useful things about Hong Kong.

First, the food is generally very good. It’s not always fantastic, but you will find very little food that is truly disappointing. We went to a number of places, recommended and unrecommended, and the only truly worthless one was the Peninsula Hotel. Everything else was either good or excellent.

Singapore is different. People claim it’s the food capital of Asia, but that’s completely baseless. There is good food there, and there is also a lot of really bad food. You have to talk to locals in order to find out where you should eat.

The Peninsula has a famous high tea service. This is a British thing. “Tea” is a beverage, but the British think it’s lunch. They have a pretentious custom of sitting down in the afternoon and eating really awful girl food with hot tea. Scones and cucumber sandwiches figure heavily.

The Peninsula’s high tea is a tourist thing. It has no redeeming features whatsoever apart from the nice atmosphere. It has no inherent value. They charge you around $250 for tea and a weird three-tier tray of worthless food. You take selfies and enjoy feeling important, and then you leave.

The lowest tier on the tray holds cranberry scones which are overworked. A scone is a sweet biscuit, and when you work biscuit dough too much, it gets gummy, sort of like Pillsbury canned biscuits. The Peninsula’s scones were okay, but not like the real thing. The second tray held cucumber sandwiches with the crusts removed. If you have to remove the crust from your bread, you made bad bread. The crust is supposed to be the best part. The cucumber stuff is just cucumber mashed up with something resembling mayonnaise mixed with low-fat sour cream. Pointless. You also get weird little pastries full of a similar condiment mixed with lumps of bad smoked salmon. It’s hard to make me dislike smoked salmon, but the Peninsula Hotel pulled it off.

The top tier contains about three pastries per person. They are small and not very good. All you need to know. They had something on there that was sort of like a tiny raspberry shortcake, and it was acceptable, but the other items were gross.

We took a food tour in Hong Kong the day after we arrived, and it was really helpful. We had beef brisket and noodles in a soup pretty much like pho. Very, very good. The name of the restaurant is Sister Wah. We also had dim sum at the Imperial. Excellent. We finished up with roasted goose at Ki’s Roasted Goose, which is a chain. We met Mr. Ki himself. He happened to be at the location we visited that day. Very friendly guy. Funny.

Ki’s taught me that America’s rejection of goose is a huge mistake. It’s far better than our standard poultry, including duck. It’s sort of like fatty, juicy, delicious pork. Chinese people gut and clean their geese, and then they slow-roast them. They apply stuff to the skin. I would guess it’s mainly MSG and some kind of sugar solution. In the end, you get a very, very juicy goose with a crisp skin that will make your eyes roll back in your head. Sort of like Peking duck, but much better.

We had roasted goose twice, and it was fantastic both times. The vegetables were also very, very good. If you go to Hong Kong and eat every meal at Ki’s, no one will be able to criticize your judgment.

They give pork belly the same treatment. It’s nothing short of amazing.

The meat is served with plum sauce and beautifully prepared rice. It doesn’t need anything else. Adding too much stuff to it is like pouring sauce on a good steak.

We assumed roasted goose would be all over Singapore, but it isn’t. They use duck because of bird flu issues. It’s good, but you can’t compare it to goose, and Singapore cooks just aren’t as good as Hong Kong cooks.

The dim sum was wonderful, but I would recommend staying away from the steamed barbecue pork buns Youtubers brag about. They’re not great. The pork is very sweet, and there is no acidity or heat to balance the sweetness. Steamed pork buns are popular for breakfast. I would sooner hit the nearest McDonald’s.

Hong Kong is also known for egg tarts. An egg tart is a tiny pie crust filled with egg custard. Maybe it’s exciting to Asians, but I’m used to flan and creme brulee, so I found it lacking. I would not order one again.

We didn’t eat any expensive food in Hong Kong, and by “expensive food,” I mean legitimate expensive food, not garbage like the Peninsula Hotel’s farcical tea. I don’t think there is any point in looking for high-end restaurants in Hong Kong, because the food is so good everywhere else.

Hong Kong is hot, and the wind never blows. Well, it blows, but you feel it mostly when you’re up on a hill or a building, because Hong Kong buildings are tall and close together. The humidity is amazing, and I am saying this as a person who lives in Florida. Laundry takes forever to dry. There is mildew everywhere. When you walk down the streets, water from air conditioners drips on you no matter where you are.

Hong Kong is built below some steep hills, and the buildings pretty much stop at their bases, so the hills are not very developed. We took a tram up the side of Victoria Peak and shot some video. We were around 1800 feet above the narrow streets, and the difference was amazing. The air was cooler, and it actually moved. And we were in the clouds part of the time. Worth the money and time. Victoria Peak is not an alp, but it punches above its weight.

I picked up some camera stuff in an area known for electronics stores. The selection was fantastic, as was the help. Much better than the US. Prices were about the same, though.

The subway and buses were wonderful. When you get to Hong Kong, you buy something called an Octopus Card, and you load it with money. After that, you use it to take you everywhere. We only took two cabs the whole time we were there.

The subway I know best is the one in New York. It stinks of urine, it’s a great place to get beaten or killed, and passengers are constantly harassed by young fatherless morons. It’s really dirty. You can’t use the restrooms because they never work, they are never cleaned, and they belong to violent drug dealers who don’t like visitors. Hong Kong and Singapore have clean, efficient, safe subways. Very different. Best way to get around.

The harbor is nice. You can take a ferry for almost nothing, and it gives you good views of the impressive skyscrapers and peaks. When tiny waves rock the boat, the Chinese people go, “WOOOOOOOO!” Makes a big impression on them.

We stayed in Sheung Wan, a real Hong Kong neighborhood a short distance from the busier areas. We used an apartment-hotel, so we had the luxury of access to washers and dryers. Unfortunately, the staff and other guests were always using them. In the future, I would choose a place with laundry machines in the suite itself.

The neighborhood was full of conveniences such as 7-Eleven, McDonald’s, and bakeries. Very livable.

American cities are full of grandmother-raised, fatherless minority kids who are constantly looking for victims. It was strange to be in busy cities where you don’t even think about things like that. It was very strange not to see ghettos. A typical big American city is MOSTLY ghetto.

Singapore was great, as always. They have cards similar to Octopus Cards, and we used ours to go all over. Our experience with the food was not all that great, though. Liars like Anthony Bourdain have polluted the world with corrupt reviews pushing bad restaurants, and we got burned again.

Bourdain and a popular food vlogger with a channel called Marion’s Kitchen have promoted Keng Eng Kee for seafood. We tried it. Disgusting.

They sold us a $95 chili crab. They said it was a whole kilogram. It looked like a crab, but it was really a collection of shell parts from unrelated crabs, piled up to look like one creature. It appeared they had boiled a lot of crabs in a sauce much like the glop in a can of Spaghetti-O’s. If you took that stuff and added a small amount of Texas Pete and a ton of sugar, you would have nearly the same thing.

There was no meat inside the crab body. The sauce was full of tiny slivers of overcooked meat, however. I believe over 3/4 of the kilogram was sauce and shell.

Our “crab” had three claws. They were poorly cracked, and the meat wasn’t worth the effort of extraction.

We also had deep-fried prawn rolls. Imagine balls of almost-decayed shrimp and vegetables, battered by a machine in a factory and fried in old oil. That’s what we got, as far as I can tell. No salt or seasoning. Worthless.

My wife ordered chicken wings seasoned with shrimp paste. Take several old chicken wings, salt them very lightly, and fry them in old oil. You will get pretty much what she got. The shrimp flavor was barely detectable. A total waste of money.

We also had pork ribs in coffee sauce. They fry boneless pork in breading. It’s almost certainly cheap pork shoulder. There are no bones. Then they soak it in a sweet coffee-based sauce. It’s okay, but the sauce takes all the crunch out of the breading. I think they let the ribs soak in it en masse instead of applying it right before serving.

Anthony Bourdain and the other people who recommended Keng Eng Kee knew they were lying, but I guess they got some cash. Locals recommend a chain called Jumbo. We didn’t try it.

Would I go to Hong Kong again? I guess so, if it were convenient. I would go for the food. My wife would go for the shopping. Hong Kong has huge Western-style malls. I don’t think Hong Kong can sustain a tourist’s interest for more than 5 days, but it’s pleasant.

Having visited Hong Kong, I now realize Singapore’s reputation as a food city is undeserved.

On our last visit to Singapore, we found some good places to eat, but we also found bad ones. Just like this time, Anthony Bourdain’s lack of integrity figured in our misfortune.

Singapore has facilities known as food centers or hawker centers. They are similar to American parking garages. They have no outer walls. They contain rows of food preparation stalls made of stainless steel, and every stall is a separate business. You can get many types of food in a food center. Chinese is most common, but you can also get Indonesian, Indian, Thai, and Malay food. Food centers are very cheap. You can get a good meal for about $7.50 US.

Before his ignominious demise, Bourdain the pretend regular guy hyped a food center stall known as Tian Tian Chicken. It sells Hainanese chicken, which is a bizarre dish consisting of limp, lukewarm steamed chicken draped over rice. For some reason, Chinese people love Hainan-style chicken. I don’t think anyone else does.

We went to Tian Tian, and we had to wait in line for about 10 minutes. It’s always busy. They sold us a plate of food, and we tried it. The chicken looked almost as though it had been boiled. It had almost no flavor. The rice was anointed with a sauce pretty much like the liquid from Campbell’s chicken noodle soup, only not as good. We threw out most of the dish and found a local guy who showed us better places. He said only tourists ate at Tian Tian.

I’m not sure Anthony Bourdain even knew what good food was. He raved about Waffle House. I’m not from Mars; I’ve been to Waffle House. They give you 20% of the pleasure you get from Cracker Barrel, for 80% of the money. Waffle House is where you go when Cracker Barrel and McDonald’s are closed. It’s kind of astonishing that a renowned food authority would be willing to endorse a place everyone knows is a dump, but somehow Bourdain did it and got away with it.

On this latest trip, we hit the food centers again. Some food was very nice. Some was pretty bad. Just like last time. You really need local guidance or the willingness to buy several plates of food and throw out the ones you don’t like.

We only saw one food center in Hong Kong, and we didn’t get around to trying it. Based on our other experiences in Hong Kong, I’ll bet the food is good.

We found a good Chinese chain in Singapore: Din Tai Fung. It’s based in Taiwan, where leftism has not yet succeeded in destroying the character of the people. Din Tai Fung is basically a dim sum joint. A huge variety of dumplings and similar items, served by hustling waiters who never stand still.

The big problem with the Din Tai Fung we tried is that it’s too busy. It’s in the basement of the Raffles City hotel, which sits on a mall, and there is a ton of foot traffic. You have to wait up to half an hour to get into Din Tai Fung there, and dishes you want disappear from the annoying electronic menu while you’re trying to order them. Nearby, in the Suntec City mall, there is another Din Tai Fung, and you can walk right in.

Unfortunately, Rhodah discovered Shake Shack during our trip. We ended up visiting twice. I don’t like Shake Shack. It’s a costlier version of Five Guys, which is a costlier version of Wendy’s. It sells pretty good burgers and fries, along with mediocre shakes and very bad ice cream. Unlike Five Guys, it doesn’t offset the enormous cost of the burgers by giving you three times as much fries as you actually want.

Rhodah thinks Shake Shack is wonderful, so I guess we’ll be buying more $25 fast food meals in the future.

We also visited Five Guys twice. I can take it or leave it, but Rhodah loves it. We paid about 45 US dollars for two burgers, a soda, a shake, and one order of fries. That’s even worse than the price here.

One of my big gripes with Shake Shack and Five Guys is that they serve big balls of grease that harden in your intestines and resist expulsion. I love fattening food as much as anyone, but there is a point where it becomes overkill. When you do something to a dish to make it fatty, there should be some purpose other than one-upping the restaurant next store.

We hit Ruth’s Chris again, but this is our last time, because it costs twice what it costs in America, and the food isn’t that great. Her steak was undercooked, which is inexcusable. What is Ruth’s? A steakhouse. How do you cook steak to medium doneness? Well, figure it out after 96 years of serving steak. I can teach a person how to do it in 30 seconds, so Ruth’s should be able to get it done in 96 years.

Ruth’s also served me crab cakes that didn’t taste great. Making a good crab cake is extremely simple. The final insult was banana cream pie made with green bananas. Singapore may well be the banana connoisseur’s Mecca. You can go into a market there and see numerous varieties of bananas. Ruth’s ought to be able to find decent ones for pie, and a competent chef will not put green bananas in anything.

If we ever go to Ruth’s Chris again, it will be in the US, and we will stick to steak and potatoes.

We ended up taking a food tour, even though we were familiar with Singapore. I arranged it because the Hong Kong tour was so helpful. We tried Malay, Indian, and Chinese food.

Malay food looks great but doesn’t have much zing to it. It’s on the bland side. They sometimes supply pepper sauce, and my advice is to ladle it on. When a plate of colorful Malay food arrives at your table, you may expect all sorts of powerful flavors, but it’s an illusion.

I can’t say enough about Indian food in Singapore. We tried it in a number of places, and apart from one food center stall, every place did a fantastic job. Whether the bill was $135 or $58 (Singapore dollars), the food was about the same.

On our first trip, we blundered into a place called HeritageOne, in Little India. The food was top notch. Better than the expensive places we visited. I recommend it highly, even though they don’t serve samosas. It was so good, we made a second visit when we returned to Singapore.

On our tour, we were given Indian pancakes and puri with various sauces. Wonderful. The food was so good, I was able to forgive the name of the restaurant: Kamala.

Having spent a total of around 24 days in Singapore, I feel like I know a little about it now. My conclusion is that you can get good food, and you don’t have to pay a lot for it, but there is also a lot of expensive food that isn’t great. It’s best to avoid tourist-heavy areas. The food will cost you twice as much as food elsewhere, or more, and it won’t be any better.

We did some things we didn’t do on our first trip. We rode the big Ferris wheel in Singapore, and we visited Gardens by the Bay.

I guess soon every big city will have a Ferris wheel. London has one, and so does Hong Kong. Singapore’s wheel is named the Singapore Flyer, and it has big air-conditioned cars. Not much to say about it except that I guess it’s worth the money.

Gardens by the Bay is a big landscaped area featuring a couple of indoor gardens and several big steel towers shaped sort of like trees. They’re actually shaped more like funnels. Little steel tornadoes.

The main indoor garden is not great. Just a bunch of well-tended plants with little signs on them. We didn’t see the second indoor garden. It’s based on the movie Avatar, and we both hate Disney. James Cameron makes fairly good movies, but as a human being, he’s kind of irksome. A billionaire whose moneymaking enterprises burn enough oil to run a major city, yet who preaches environmental asceticism to the peasants who pay his bills. He also claimed he found the tomb of Jesus Christ, which is pretty funny. I mean the tomb where his dead body was buried and rotted. Cameron apparently thinks any ossuary in Jerusalem with the name “Yehoshuah” on it must belong to Jesus. “Yehoshuah” was a common name in Israel during the life of Jesus. Like “Bob” in the US today.

The funnel towers look great in photos of Singapore, but in reality, they’re a lot like carnival construction in ordinary attractions like Six Flags. They’re also much smaller than the photos lead you to believe. You can go up to the top of the main funnel and take photos of Singapore. That’s fun.

We were suckered into riding on Singapore’s only cable car development. It takes you to a tourist island known as Sentosa. The cars are not cooled, so you get hauled up near the sun, right by the equator, in a little glass box.

The ride was okay, but Sentosa itself is run-down and boring. Not much to see. We paid for two cable car trips, but we only used one. We used it to get to Sentosa, and then we used it to leave.

Singapore is great, and I enjoyed both of my trips a great deal. If I sound negative, it’s because I’m mentioning the lows as well as the highs.

I feel like I was blessed this time when I found my flights. Nothing over 24 hours long. I still suffered quite a bit. My first flight went over the North Pole, and it lasted about 18 hours. That’s 18 coach hours. With no empty seats to speak of. On Cathay Pacific, which has tiny seats apparently designed for Asians. On the way home, I had to take a 15-hour flight from Dubai at 2:30 a.m., and it was jam-packed. If a flight leaving at 2:30 a.m. on a Sunday is popular, when are the slow times?

On the flight, I learned something interesting. Indians have body odor problems. That’s not me being racist. It’s a fact. For some reason, Indians have resisted taking anti-B.O. steps Westerners have come to consider normal. You can read about it on the web. The flight I took from Dubai was very popular with Indians, so there were some pretty fragrant people on board, including the guy sharing my row with me, who also appeared to be mentally ill. They always find me.

Will we return to Singapore? Not soon, I hope. In fact, I have reason to hope we won’t be traveling much in the future. Rhodah finally has her embassy interview appointment, so if things go as they usually do, she will be here before the end of October.

Our immigration saga has taught us to feel like making overseas trips twice a year is normal, and of course, it isn’t. We want to see Israel together, and I would like to take her to Europe, but this business of constant foreign travel will presumably have to stop. We have to have money to live on when we get old, and neither of us wants to work.

We both wonder if God has a reason for sending us to Singapore and making us like it so much. Sometimes I think he’s showing us a place we can escape to when perverted America becomes too dangerous for us.

It was very strange, being in a country where no one is afraid of sodomites or rioting punks.

While we were there, the city was having some kind of night festival, and there were activities and displays all over the place. One night while we were walking home, we went through Fort Canning Park, which is a big green space in the middle of town. We saw many people walking with their children, enjoying the festival. We never thought about street crime, except to notice that it wasn’t an issue. We didn’t have to worry about riots or fights. None of the parked cars we saw that night had broken windows. No one tried to sell us drugs. No whores accosted me. We didn’t smell weed. It was completely different from the filthy international disgrace which is urban America.

It occurred to me that life there was normal. It was the way it was supposed to be, and it was something I could not have in my own country, the world’s biggest Christian nation.

I don’t want to take Rhodah to New York. How would I keep her safe? I would be surrounded by armed punks, and I would not be allowed to have a pistol. We would have to play roulette with our lives and property. I can’t even take her to Paris or London without careful research about the safe areas.

We will never have safe cities again in America. That’s amazing. We just have to support the police, punish and restrain criminals, and allow people to carry guns. It’s that simple. But it will never happen. As long as this age lasts, our cities will be disgusting cesspools of cruelty.

I’ll probably write more about the trip when my brain gets over 12 hours of jet lag.

The Importance of Being Frank

Sunday, July 2nd, 2023

Clarence Thomas has an Heir

One of the things I hated about practicing law was watching lawyers rationalize.

People say lawyers lie all the time, and it’s not true in the way they mean it. They think lawyers lie to judges, juries, other lawyers, and opposing parties all day, as a matter of routine. This is untrue. Lying to a judge is a serious offense. Where I live, it can get you disbarred. Lying to opposing counsel will also get you in trouble with your bar association. If you lie to a jury, you can pretty well expect your opponent to have something to say about it, right then and there.

When lawyers deceive, they generally deceive themselves, their co-counsel, and their clients, about the facts and law surrounding their cases. Their untruths usually aren’t plain old lies. They are rationalizations. Things they can’t be punished for saying.


Lawyer Bill: So Tom, when you were driving home from the bar and plowed through the rec room of an old folks’ home, would you say your head hit the steering wheel?

Drunk Bob: Well, I think it may have brushed against…

Lawyer Bill: I’m sorry, did you say it DEFINITELY SLAMMED FORCEFULLY?

Drunk Bob: Well…

Lawyer Bill: Because if it did, then when you were found staggering around by the police, it may be that you were ADDLED by the blow and not stinking drunk on two-for-one margaritas.

Drunk Bob: Oh, it was forceful, all right. It’s amazing I didn’t get a concussion!

Lawyer Bill: Where did you go to medical school?

Drunk Bob: You mean before beginning my career hauling manure?

Lawyer Bill: Because if you’re not a doctor, you can’t possibly know if you had a concussion. So shut up about that. We will let my friend Prescription Factory Ben decide if you have a concussion. Let me get him on the phone. Ben, you’re on speaker. We need you to look at my client Drunk Bob and see if the steering wheel…

Prescription Factory Ben: Way ahead of you. Concussion for sure. Of course, I’ll have to examine him for the bargain price of $5000.

The unfortunate thing is that many lawyers actually buy into their rationalizations, so when they present them to finders of fact, they can’t really be accused of lying. And when rationalizations are being crafted, you don’t want to be the only one in the room who raises his hand and ruins everything.

I think about these things when I watch the nuts on the left, spewing their insane theories about victimhood and so on.

Today I saw a white girl say all white people are racist, without exception. When I say “white,” I don’t mean she was 100% white. She had olive skin, and she clearly had a few drops of black blood. But she was not nearly dark enough to be half black. She was white. Call it what you want, but if she has kids with a white man, it will probably be impossible to see any African influence in them.

She started talking about racism, which means animosity based purely on race. The definition of racism is old and correct, and I just gave you the whole thing. There are no asterisks. “It’s not racism if this.” “It’s not racism if that.” No. Doesn’t matter what the other facts are. Doesn’t matter whether the person with the animosity is white. Doesn’t even have to be a person. A dog can be racist.

She had a look on her face like she just figured out the cure for AIDS, and she started saying racism was about power. She said white people’s existence is racist because it supports a system that supports white supremacy.

She had convinced herself this was a brilliant revelation, but it was neither brilliant nor original. You can find all kinds of idiots on the web saying the same thing.

Today I feel very discouraged about humanity, because I am being reminded that there are billions of people out there who, when it comes to the capacity to admit error and improve, might as well be tree stumps. There is literally nothing you can say to these people, no matter how obviously true, that will change their corrupted, dishonest, arrogant, hateful minds. They start from anger and a desire to control and murder the rest of us, and that, not reason, drives their rationalizations. You can’t get rid of the lies because the hate which is their root can’t be pulled up.

The tribulation will be God’s last effort at evangelism prior to the millennium. He will not use gentle words or miracles. He will burn people with fire. He will starve them. He will let them torture and murder each other. He will give them agonizing diseases they can’t contain, mitigate, or cure. He will destroy their environment. He will even send animals to tear them up. The tribulation will be characterized by the harshest type of evangelism there is.

The Bible says stripes, meaning wounds from flogging, are for a fool’s back. It says, “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.” If you listen to counsel, you don’t need to be flogged, so you are spared. If you think you’re always right, get ready for the lash, because it will come, and if you’re lucky, it will only come in this life.

Satan is gaslighting leftists, and they are gaslighting everyone who doesn’t hear from the Holy Spirit and pray in tongues. Many people think Christians are protected from deceit, but that’s not true. If it were, Christianity would not be disappearing, and it is.

Only Christians who are guided by the Holy Spirit every day will avoid being persuaded to join the body of the antichrist. Christians who are complaining about perversion today will be waving rainbow flags next year.

I come here and write this stuff, and maybe 5 people believe it. I feel like holing up here with my wife and baking cookies until Yeshua comes to extract us, because trying to help people is like trying to befriend rabid dogs. Yeshua said such people were swine, and they would turn and tear us up. It’s happening every day, so when do you know it’s time to throw in the towel and avoid them?

I feel like every Christian who knows the Spirit will eventually have a Scott Adams moment, but unlike Scott Adams, they will identify the hate group correctly. It’s not black people. It’s people who aren’t Spirit-led. It’s a big group.

If you’re tired of secular gaslighting, I have a resource you might enjoy. The other day, my wife and I discovered him independently. I saw him on Youtube, and she saw him on TikTok. He’s a Nigerian named Frank Stephen. He puts up brilliant videos debunking leftist gaslighting. It’s hard to stop watching him, because it’s so weird to have someone tell sane people they’re right.

Example: a morbidly obese singer named Lizzo is whining because people pick on her for being enormous. In her act, she wears things like thongs. It is almost horrifying. She is physically grotesque, she insists on displaying as much flab as she can, and leftists keep telling her she’s gorgeous.

Frank Stephen points out that there are a whole lot of really fat celebrities out there, and they are not crying about being persecuted. Maybe the difference is their choice not to put naked blubber in front of the camera and tell people they’re beautiful.

In case you want to check him out, I’ll try to embed a video, but Youtube is persecuting him dishonestly by age-restricting his material, so you may have to click a link instead.

I’ll embed it anyway, since it is just barely conceivable Youtube’s propaganda/censorship squad might make a mistake and remove the restriction some day.

My wife says she has been binge-watching him. He reminds me of Trump’s Twitter glory days. No one tweeted like Trump. Set up, debunk, accuse, withdraw.

Secular material isn’t always helpful, but God is being attacked via secular arguments, so I believe Frank Stephen is a healer. The left throws sand in our eyes, and he washes it out.

Aroma Coma

Saturday, February 4th, 2023

Nose Caught in Kung Flu Grippe

I have fantastic news to report! This morning, I smelled coffee! And that’s no metaphor.

Earlier this week, I came down with what I thought was covid. It wasn’t severe. Mild aches. A mild headache. A mild fever. A very runny, stuffy nose. Fatigue in the afternoon. Not that bad.

A couple of days ago, I noticed that things didn’t taste normal. A sandwich tasted funny. The beer I had made was kind of gross.

As of yesterday, I couldn’t smell much of anything. I put Vaporub right up against my nose, and while I wasn’t sure, I thought I could smell a very faint menthol aroma.

Sure looks like covid. Other things can mess with your sense of smell and taste, but covid is the worst offender among common diseases, and my symptoms don’t match other illnesses well.

The web says I could have sinusitis, but I don’t think that’s true. We’re in a pandemic, for one thing, and it’s not a sinusitis pandemic. Also, I’ve had all sorts of upper respiratory bugs during my life, including bugs that affected my sinuses, and I have never lost my sense of smell to the degree I lost it this week. Not even close.

The weird thing is that some things taste almost normal. People like to tell us most of taste is really smell, but that appears to be an exaggeration. Out of self-pity, I’ve been eating breakfast cereal instead of healthy food when I get up, and Grape Nuts taste completely normal. I made beer cheese spread which I eat with Ritz crackers, and those things taste fine.

I always lose weight when I have a cold or anything like a cold, and it doesn’t matter what I eat, so I am indulging myself. I got an Entenmann’s raspberry coffee cake. It tastes just fine. Today I decided to have some coffee with it.

For some reason, I really like instant decaf. I made myself a big mug a short time ago, with sugar and real cream. When I opened the coffee jar, I decided to see if I could smell it. I inhaled deeply, and I was shocked by a strong wave of coffee aroma.

It was exciting. I inhaled more than once, just for the joy of smelling anything.

The sad thing is that I have two homebrews on tap, a third about to go into the keg, and three more waiting to be made, not to mention three factory beers I bought because I thought I was going to have a homebrew shortage. Drinking this stuff is like drinking thickened club soda with an extremely high level of hop bitterness. A waste.

I bought Boddington’s Pub Ale, Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA, and Old Rasputin Imperial Stout. Boddington’s is a beer made with profit, not quality, in mind, but I still like it. Old Rasputin is extremely heavy and dark. It’s full of crazy smells and flavors. When you lower your nose into the glass, the aromas surround you and pummel you like an evangelist at an Antifa riot. Boddington’s is very mild.

Last night, Boddies and Old Rasputin didn’t taste much different at all.

The coffee I’m drinking tastes a lot like coffee, so at least I have that.

I ordered myself two new fermenters, which means I bought buckets. They’re a like Home Depot buckets, but they hold almost 7 gallons. I make 5-gallon batches, and beer makes foam when it ferments, so it’s not wise to use 5-gallon buckets. You need extra space.

I can’t find bigger buckets locally, so I gladly paid about $20 each for buckets with lids, spigots, and airlocks. With tax and shipping, I was up around $55. Insane, I know, but there was no cheaper way to do it. Ebay had nothing. I could drive to Orlando, but then I would only save the shipping fee, and the tolls and gas would cost more.

I discovered Hearts Home Brew in Orlando, and it’s now my go-to supply store. For big orders, it’s worth driving or paying for shipping. Their prices are low, and they’re fast. I ordered buckets yesterday, and they will be here today.

This week will be Brewapalooza, AKA Brewing Man. Today I’ll make an ale that ferments at room temperature. Tomorrow, I’ll make a lager. At some point during this time, I’ll put a stout in the keezer. Before the week is out, the ale should ferment fast enough to let me make another ale; something wheaty but based on a tripel.

I think I need to face reality and get one more freezer so I can do lagers properly.

The word “lager” means “to store.” I guess this is why prison camps were called stalags. I don’t know. When you make a lager, you ferment it, and then you let it sit for a long time at a low temperature. This is the lagering process. It supposedly kills off-flavors.

These days, there are new ways of doing things. By fermenting under pressure, many people are making lagers at higher temperatures and in shorter times. They say it works. There are also new yeasts that work better at high temperatures. I’m not sure what to do. I would like to get a lager in the box, so maybe I should take a chance. I have a pressure fermenter. On the other hand, because I’m still working out the kinks in my techniques, it would be safer to use the old methods for my first post-comeback lager.

I can’t lager anything in my keezer because the temperature is wrong. If I use my fermenting fridge, I won’t have any place to ferment things while the lagering is going on.

It looks like a lot of the changes in brewing have been driven by Australians. They started Kegland, a leading manufacturer of brewing gadgets. They made my pressure fermenter.

Australians drink way too much. Many have a bad attitude toward drunkenness, like high school boys who never grow up, and their alcoholism rate is very high. It is claimed they drink more, and get drunk more, than all the other nationalities in the world. Think about that. The world includes places like England, Ireland, Scotland, Belgium, Germany, Russia, Finland, and the Czech Republic. When you’re drunker than the British, you need an intervention.

I guess it’s not good that homebrewing has taken off in Australia. It should be about making quality beer, not getting ripped with your pals and passing out face-down while singing “Waltzing Matilda.”

Homebrewing should never be about drunkenness, any more than French cooking should be about eating contests.

If you’re determined to be a drunk, you should probably drink wine or screwdrivers all day. Cheap alcohol buffered with a lot of liquid and maybe some nutrients. Pretending you’re a brewer just adds expense and effort, and beer makes you fat.

When my senses come back, I may make a Boddies clone with Amarillo hops and a little bit nicer grain bill. Amarillo hops have a strong lemon flavor, and that’s just what Boddies needs. The problem, though, is that Boddies goes well with beer gas.

I have a 4-body secondary regulator so I can dispense beer with CO2 at 4 different temperatures. I also have a beer gas tank with one disconnect, so it will only serve one keg. I plan to have stout in the keezer, on beer gas, all the time. If I start fooling with an ale that needs beer gas, I’ll have to fix things up so I can run another keg off the same bottle.

That would mean getting another secondary regulator. I think it’s fair to assume I’ll never have more than two beer gas beers in my keezer at once, so two bodies ought to get it done.

If trying to keep 5 kegs going sounds extreme, think about the guy I talked to the other day. He has 27 active.

Whatever this illness is, it’s progressing fast. Every day I feel much better than the previous day. My nose doesn’t run now, the stuffiness is nearly gone, and I rarely cough. I didn’t hit the energy wall until around 8 p.m. yesterday, so I’m getting two more hours than I did earlier in the week. No fever, either.

Wilson Mizner Said it Best

Thursday, December 15th, 2022

“A Trip Through a Sewer in a Glass-Bottomed Boat”

Ordinarily, I don’t watch secular entertainment, but the other day, I felt an urge to watch the movie Le Mans. This is a 1971 film starring Steve McQueen. He plays a race driver participating in the yearly 24-hour race. I could not rent this movie on Youtube, so first, I rented Grand Prix, a 1966 movie featuring James Garner. It’s about drivers going through a series on the famous Formula One circuit. The next day, I found Le Mans on Amazon Prime, so I watched it, too.

Last night, I started to watch The Front Page. This is a movie based on a play written by a couple of leftists. One, Ben Hecht, was a newspaperman before he wrote the play. The movie has been remade several times. I watched the 1931 version which is now in the public domain.

I felt it was okay with God for me to watch this stuff. I removed Amazon Prime from my TV afterward.

James Garner was a folksy, self-deprecating, appealing actor. On the other hand, he was also a fierce leftist who smoked dope all the time. He was also very litigious, and he got into a road rage fight in which a former Army Captain and Green Beret named Aubrey Williams put him in the hospital. Steve McQueen seems to have been less politically involved, but he smoked dope a lot, too, and he treated women very, very badly.

Garner’s fight may not have been his fault, but the stories don’t smell good, and his own accounts vary. The man who beat him up was a veteran with no criminal record, and he provided a pretty credible story. He said he walked up to Garner’s car after they got into a dispute while driving, and Garner grabbed his necklace and jerked it down, banging his head against the roof of Garner’s trademark Firebird and putting him in a bad position.

This is exactly the kind of dirty trick a smart aggressor might pull, and it’s not one I have heard of elsewhere, so I am skeptical of claims Williams made it up. If it were me, and I were inclined to lie, I would just say he opened his door into me, jumped out, and started swinging.

In one of his varying accounts, Garner admitted he pulled the necklace trick, so you have to wonder what to believe. He claimed he did it in self-defense.

Williams had his sister with him, she jumped in, and they put Garner on the ground and broke his tailbone. Later, Williams was convicted of a crime. Of course, juries are known to be gullible, and who would convict Jim Rockford in California?

Maybe Garner told the truth, but it sounds fishy. Williams was also accused of stealing gold chains from Garner, so that diminishes his own credibility.

Williams is black, so that may have factored into his conviction and the acceptance of Garner’s dubious account. Afterward, he kept it classy, believe it or not. He said, “I used to really like him. I didn’t even recognize him during this encounter. I didn’t realize he was involved until I read about it the next day.”

In 1964, Garner, an ardent environmentalist, approached and threatened a 65-year-old politician who was three inches shorter than he was. The disagreement was about a property that was going to be developed. Garner was about 44, and he was 6’3″ tall. The police had to step in and prevent a fight, or more likely, a one-sided beating. Nice people don’t beat up old men.

Today, at least in Florida, doing what Garner did is a felony.

There is something about Garner I just don’t like. I feel like something is not right. I don’t trust his reputation.

McQueen would probably win a poll for coolest actor of all time. He was the highest-paid actor of his day. Female co-stars practically begged him to have sex with them, and he often agreed. He had the ability to do some of the impressive things his characters did on screen. He was so good with a motorcycle, he did stunts for The Great Escape. They could have used stuntmen, but it was too hard to find people as skilled as he was. He actually had to be filmed on two motorcycles, as Army Air Forces pilot Hilts and as a Nazi, chasing himself. He was also a skilled car racer. He was a fairly serious martial artist. When he wore things, other men bought them. Men are still paying huge sums to have old Ford Mustangs fixed up to look like the one he drove in Bullitt. He wore a big ugly Tag Heuer Monaco watch in Grand Prix, and they were still using him in ads long after he died.

McQueen and his teammate came in second at Sebring in 1970, so he was a legitimate pro racer, like Paul Newman. He’s not a duffer like Tom Cruise, who has raced without much success.

McQueen was a heavy smoker and drug user. He killed Ali McGraw’s career by forcing her to quit working at her peak so she could be a housewife. He beat his first wife and also put a gun to her head to make her confess an affair.

Garner was similar in some ways, but he had a real marriage and didn’t achieve the heights McQueen did. He had a brown belt in karate. He could have been a pro golfer had he chosen. When he trained for Grand Prix, his teacher discovered he had extraordinary talent, and he claimed he could have been better than most of the top F1 drivers. Garner went on to race cars in his spare time.

Grand Prix was not a great movie. Pete Aron, Garner’s character, was involved in an incident involving a teammate. The teammate wanted to pass Aron in Monaco, and Aron resisted, which was a faux pas. Eventually, Aron let him pass, but the teammate’s car hit his rear wheel, and both cars were wrecked. The teammate ended up with serious injuries, and he struggled to get back to work before the end of the season. He blamed Aron for his injuries.

The teammate’s wife hated racing because she feared her husband would die. She left him after the accident, and she then began having sex with Aron, making things much worse.

That about sums it up. Various racers had sex with various women. The teammate came back to work. An older racer died in a wreck.

The teammate’s wife asked a great question. She asked Aron why men risked their lives for something unimportant. Aron told her it was very important to them. His explanation was that he was only alive when he was racing. The rest of the time, he was just waiting.

Le Mans had even less depth. Steve McQueen played Michael Delaney, a Porsche driver. He had a rivalry with a Ferrari driver named Stahler. The previous year, Delaney had been involved in an accident in which a woman’s husband died. The woman returned the next year to see Delaney and the others drive.

Delaney wrecked again, ruining his car. He and the widow had some boring conversations and ended up in his trailer. His team’s manager came in and told Delaney he had to drive another team member’s car because he was the only hope of a Porsche victory. Delaney left the trailer, drove hard, and came in second. He and the widow never made it into bed.

So why write about two bad movies?

I got a message: people do stupid things with their lives. We strive for earthly glory. We sacrifice important things, including our bodies themselves, for what amounts to garbage in the long view.

Who won the Formula One championship in 2005? No one cares. How much good did it do other people? Was anyone saved from damnation? Did anyone get a miraculous healing? Were any addicts delivered? Were the poor fed? Did unwanted kids get families?

Some guy who drove a car got a little richer. Some endorsements were sold. Some big, fat companies that sold trivial things got more publicity. Then the next season came along, and the champion was not the champion any more. He had to compete again.

People are like monkeys, and Satan is the monkey trainer. He waves shiny prizes that have no lasting value, and we cut each other’s throats to get them. In the process, we give up our relationships with God, along with Spirit-driven accomplishments that would have stayed with us for eternity. We give up the chance to accumulate new brothers and sisters to take with us to heaven. We give up the chance to end suffering and set people free.

These movies reminded me of my dislike of professional sports. Ignorant people do not know that pro sports and God have been at odds since before Jesus. There are actually Christians who think football teaches people to be closer to God, which is the opposite of correct. Football teaches aggression, violence, pride, cheating, greed, lust, and obsession with fleeting things.

The Greeks conquered Israel, and they instituted nude athletic competitions. Social-climbing Jews joined in, defying Yahweh and the priests, and they even tried to undo their circumcisions. Look up “Hellenism” and find out about it. It was a very big problem. Athletes have been distracting people and teaching children destructive values for millennia, not decades.

The characters in these movies treated themselves like garbage. They made themselves disposable. They served a vain purpose for a few years, helping on one except themselves.

As for The Front Page, it disturbed me because it made me realize I did not hate leftism enough. After I watched, I apologized to God for this. God really hates leftism. Satan was the first leftist, and all leftists are his children.

Let me tell you about Sacco and Vanzetti, whose story was one of the motivations behind The Front Page.

Believe it or not, Italian immigrants were a big problem a hundred years ago. I used to think Italians formed social groups to defend the reputation of their ethnicity because of the mob, but there is more to it than that. Italy sent us a large number of terrorists who, instead of kissing the ground of the country that saved them, and instead of working to be good citizens, murdered a lot of American citizens and tried to destroy the government.

For some reason, anarchism developed a following in Italy. Anarchism is the ultimate leftistm. Anarchists believe there is no such thing as a legitimate government.

I’ll be blunt. You have to be an utter imbecile to be an anarchist.

Am I saying you’re an imbecile because you don’t like the government? No. I don’t like the government, either. I’m saying you’re an imbecile because you think it’s possible for human beings to exist without government.

If you put 10 strangers in a locked compound, a month later, they will form a government. We will always form governments. People want to control each other. They want to protect themselves from other people. They naturally form gangs and generate leaders in order to achieve these goals.

A government is just a gang with a flag.

Anarchists believe they can get rid of the government and then live government-free lives. That is beyond asinine. Kill every government employee in the United States today, and new governments will start to spring up in under 24 hours. And they will make you miss the government you eliminated, because they will be incompetent and much more cruel and amoral than an established government that has been honed over centuries.

It’s not just people. Put chickens or dogs together, and they form hierarchies.

The true choice isn’t between government and no government. It’s between different governments.

Only true idiots can be anarchists. It is incomprehensible that anyone can be that stupid.

Sacco and Vanzetti were part of a faction that killed all sorts of people. They set off a lot of bombs.

They were convicted of murder. Sacco shot someone, and Vanzetti was his partner. They were guilty as hell. Ballistics tests and witnesses prove it.

Still, their convictions and executions are controversial. There were supposedly improprieties in their trials. I don’t know the details. I am willing to stipulate that they may have been tried unfairly. The fact remains: they were worthless, despicable, dangerous human beings, and their kind needed to be sent a message. They deserved execution, and their executions probably did America a lot of good.

You can wrong a murderer by trying him unfairly and executing him. Doing such things is wrong, and we have to fight corruption in the justice system, but unfair trials don’t make murderers innocent. Oswald was lynched by Jack Ruby, but he was still guilty.

Leftists have been whining about Sacco and Vanzetti for decades. They have turned them into martyrs and heroes. Michael Dukakis, the inept former governor of Massachusetts went so far as to proclaim a day in their honor without consulting or according any courtesy to the families of the victims.

The Front Page is about Earl Williams, a leftist who is about to be executed for murdering a policeman. Williams is portrayed as a sweet, impressionable little man. A cuddly, vulnerable murderer you naturally want to hug. Most of the action takes place in a room at the penitentiary set aside for journalists.

The journalists are extremely vile. They’re supposed to be funny, but they’re disgusting. As they call their papers to send in stories, they lie without the slightest hesitation. They make sick jokes about the upcoming hanging. A prostitute who tried to help Williams shows up to criticize them for their callousness, and they ridicule her until she jumps out of a window. A paid shrink shows up to analyze Williams, and Williams shoots him. They joke about that while he’s in the operating room.

The interesting thing is that Ben Hecht knew the subject matter. He was writing about journalists as he had known them. I assume he exaggerated their faults to some extent, but he must have based their personalities on his real life experiences. Watching the movie will make you wish they were the ones being hanged.

They remind me of comedians. Comedians tend to be disgusting people.

I quit watching after a while. The characters were off-putting, and the movie was poorly done compared to the Cary Grant version.

Afterward, I read up on Sacco and Vanzetti, and I thought about Ben Hecht and the way he had portrayed his former colleagues.

It made me hate leftism more than ever. I certainly understand why people would be upset over an unfair trial, regardless of who the defendant was. But lionizing a couple of dangerous, vicious criminals who were also ungrateful and toxic immigrants? How can anyone do that?

I didn’t like the idea of writing a movie that made terrorists look good, and I didn’t like the godless, hellbound journalists. I hated their cynicism and the pleasure they took in the suffering, injuries, and deaths of others.

The word “leftism” comes from the French Revolution, but the concept is far older. It’s just rebellion. Any hierarchy that doesn’t have God at the apex is leftist.

When Satan tempted Eve, it was an act of leftism. Adam and Eve were leftists. They rebelled against their only legitimate authority.

The best government is a face-to-face relationship with God. After that comes submission to prophets and priests who obey God. After that comes submission to kings who honor God. After that comes rule by godly assemblies. After that come various forms of democracy, which is a degenerate and evil institution.

Adam was under the best government. Since then, things have gotten worse and worse. The Jews had prophets and priests, and that wasn’t bad, but they stupidly demanded a king. When the time of kings ended on Earth, the world descended into backward systems which put nations at the mercy of every moron who could pull a handle and cast a vote.

Moses was chosen directly by God. David was anointed by a prophet. Hitler was elected. Something to think about.

It’s astounding, where leftism and hatred of God’s authority has taken us. In places of power, we now have spectacular degenerates whose very nature we could not have conceived in the near past.

Have you seen the amazing specimen Biden appointed to be his deputy assistant secretary for spent fuel and waste disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy? You have probably been reading about him. His name is Sam Brinton.

Brinton has disclaimed his proper gender, calling himself nonbinary. It is impossible to figure out what he is trying to be. I will post a photo. It’s fair use.

What exactly is this?

As you may know, he has been fired for stealing luggage repeatedly. Gay men like luxury goods. I don’t know if the bags were Vuitton or what, but it makes sense that a person like this would want luxury bags.

Brinton claims to have “survived” brutal conversion therapy, but a person who interviewed him says his story does not check out.

He’s involved with our children. This freakish person. He helped create official policy enabling schools to hide children’s sexual confusion from their parents. Fox says he:

played a key role in developing a model school policy adopted in multiple states that instructs school districts to keep “unaffirming” parents in the dark about a potentially suicidal child’s gender identity or sexual orientation.

Look at him. And if you live in a place where his recommendations have been adopted, he has power over your relationship with your children. YOUR children. Not the states.

We paid him to do this. We voted for the people who gave him the power.

I live in a country where we paid this creature to give government the power to hide and nurture sexual perversion–abomination–in our children. It is inconceivable to me that anyone could be anything but shocked and distressed to know this happened.

It’s going to get much worse. If Jesus tarries, we will see creatures like this in the Oval Office. There is no limit to the oddities and abominations we can come up with and empower with Satan’s help.

Yesterday and today Rhodah and I were talking about the rapture. I told her I felt bad because I ate a lot of ice cream, but I said part of me doesn’t care, because I feel like the world is ending, so what difference does it make what I eat?

Today we tried to think of the things we would eat if we heard the rapture trumpet blow. I said I would rush to the freezer and open the ice cream. Or I’d be lifted to heaven with a slice of pizza in each hand. Of course, we were kidding, and we had some laughs, but the rapture will come, and most of the things people do in the weeks leading up to it won’t matter. They will be preparing, well or counterproductively, for a future that will not come.

If you quit working out right before the rapture, no big deal. You won’t be here long enough to go flabby and feel bad about it. If you spend your retirement money, no big deal. Stop mowing your yard? No big deal.

Stop touching up your roots. The rapture is coming. Don’t plant your crops. The rapture is coming. Don’t show up for jury duty. Speed. Quit your job. Throw out your contraceptives.

I’m not suggesting these things. Just thinking about actions that will stop mattering at some point.

People will be pulled out of jail cells, defendants’ chairs, operating rooms, and even wombs. More abortions will take place on that day than on any other day in the history of the world. God will have to remove the innocent from the wombs of degenerate women.

We also tried to think of things we would buy if we had all the money in the world. I had a hard time coming up with anything. Finally, I blurted it out. “I’ll start flying business class!” Not even first class. The extra money doesn’t seem to buy you much.

I thought of business class because I take a lot of long flights, and I really hate flying coach, but paying $5000 or more for one seat is more than I am willing to consider at the moment. Put a billion in my account, and I’ll spring for it.

I said I would also get Rhodah more rubies, but not really big ones, because ostentation is wrong.

I would make sure my home was in top shape, and I would probably try to move to Tennessee

That’s about it. No Lamborghinis. No gold Rolexes. No more Zegna suits.

To get back to the rapture, I really do not want to be here when the cabinet consists of a bunch of smirking, effeminate bald men with bro staches and tacky prom dresses.

I care less and less to be involved with this world, and I am having a hard time motivating myself to do anything but pray, eat, and work to bring my wife home. I assume this will pass and the rapture will come much later than I hope, because this is how things have worked so far, but my feelings are real.

I can’t wait for the day when it finally happens.

I Bought 40 Pounds of Junk Food for Nothing

Wednesday, September 28th, 2022

Expected Giant; Received Midget

The hurricane news today is generally good. If you live where I do. In Fort Myers, it’s a colossal disaster. It’s hitting the Fort Myers area right now. It will not be great for Tampa or Orlando, either. Assuming the predictions aren’t hype.

The NHC thought the storm would weaken before hitting the coast and come in at Category 2 or so, but the official measurement looks more like Category 4 or 5, so the pessimists are winning that battle. At least it’s not hitting Tampa, a large city, directly.

For me, the good news is that they are predicting maximum sustained winds of 29 mph where I live, and the winds will be from directions that are not favorable to a lot of property damage. If the predictions pan out, I probably won’t even lose my electricity. That would mean I could continue bathing. With hot water. Not pool water.

The storm is nearly as close to Tampa as it will ever get to me, give or take, and the winds in Tampa are not terrible: 44 mph. When the storm makes its closest approach to me, it will be a lot weaker, so the winds SHOULD be lower. But as the storm’s history shows, hurricanes like to change directions.

One source says 44 mph. Another says 9 with 14 mph gusts. How can that be?

It’s hard to tell what’s really happening. Cape Coral is about as close to the eye of Ian as Florida gets, and they are reporting 31 mph winds with gusts to 43. Can that be right? I would have expected something like 140 based on the maps. Cape Coral is well within the NHC’s hurricane-force band, meaning Cape Coral is inside the hurricane, so the sustained winds should be no lower than 75 mph.

I haven’t been able to find the Weather Channel’s usual hysterical, dishonest coverage. I have been trying to find videos of raincoated reporters pretending to have a hard time standing up in light winds, or reporters standing on their knees in 6 inches of water to make it look deeper, but I haven’t seen them yet. Maybe you have to have cable to get that kind of helpful informational edutainment.

It should be possible to get good, solid information instantly using the web, but it’s not.

I just checked the Weather Channel’s site, and they have privately-hosted videos. One features a guy named Mike Seidel, broadcasting live from Fort Myers. Supposedly the eye wall is coming ashore, and the storm has maximum winds of 155 mph. The little meter in the corner of the screen says 31 mph with gusts to 58. What?

When I saw his name, it rang a bell, so I Googled “‘mike seidel’ fake news.” Yes, I remembered him for a reason. He got caught lying during another hurricane, pretending to struggle to stand. I’ll embed a video.

He didn’t lie verbally. He lied with his body. As my friend Mike points out, he leaned the wrong way. He leaned to leeward. That’s not how it works.

Today Seidel, who still, incredibly, has a job, is standing and walking normally. I guess he learned something.

Here’s another classic:

I can’t stand it:

The Anderson Cooper video reminds me of Baghdad Bob. Remember him? “There are no enemy tanks in Baghdad, and our victorious army of Islamic holy warriors [boom] @*$^@(*@^$#!!! ALLAH SAVE ME!!!”

I have been praying for God to keep the storm from harming Christians and their property, and I am still okay with it leveling Walt Disney World.

Things are looking very good for me and most of the state, but now I have a giant stockpile of junk food to deal with, and I may no longer have an excuse to eat it. This morning I ate a big bowl of Sugar Smacks (now called Honey Smacks, which is no better) with milk and cream, and then I followed it up with Cape Cod potato chips and onion dip. And three Pepperidge Farm cookies. Lunch will be more like actual food. I’m planning to have a delicious half-pound cheeseburger.

I am seriously wondering if local charities take pretzels and chips.

Ordinarily, I would have had a normal breakfast, but you know how it is when you’ve been fasting.

There is really nothing to do here except wait for NHC updates and think about food. And, of course, pray.

The storm still poses a hazard for me. It will probably cause a mosquito explosion. The water it leaves behind may be here for a couple of weeks.

Time to make sure all my portable power banks are charged, just in case. I need to have cell power so I can talk to my wife.

More: 2:23 P.M.

Things still look pretty good here. The projected path of the storm has moved slightly to the north, but it’s still favorable for my county.

Here is the weird thing: the Internet says the wind speed here, right now, is 26 mph. When I look outside, I see a pleasant breeze. The trees are moving a little. Doesn’t look like 26 mph to me. I would guess it’s between 10 and 15.

Hope it continues this way. The forecast says we are looking at another 7 mph, tops.

Sitrep: 6:15 P.M.

I always tell people you can often predict hurricane behavior better than the pros if you look at the rawest data you can get. This has turned out to be true with Ian. Of course, prayer is the main reason every good thing has happened.

At around 3:25, I found a radar loop and checked it out. It showed that the eye of the storm was moving more to the east than the official reports were saying. I thought that was good news, because it was likely to move the whole cone of future misery eastward later.

Lo and behold, the cone has obliged me. The 5 p.m. cone indicated that the storm was projected to veer eastward from the previous cone. This increases the length of time it will have before it makes its closest approach to the compound, and it also makes that approach farther off. Time will weaken the storm, and distance is obviously helpful, as people in Wyoming and Australia could tell you right now.

The storm has moved so far eastward, it’s actually slightly to the east of me. The center is about 120 miles south of me, which is close by hurricane standards, the maximum sustained winds are at around 130 mph, and virtually nothing is happening here. The center is forecast to get within maybe 60 miles of me, but that will be after the storm passes over a lot of real estate very slowly, so it should be much weaker. NOAA says it will be at about 65 mph at that time, so people 60 miles away shouldn’t get much wind.

Tampa is way closer than I will ever be (twice as close as I am now), and it’s getting the best Ian has to offer. Its current wind figure is 32 mph. I talked to a potential tenant today, and he said his relatives in Tampa were saying not a lot was happening. Tampa was supposed to get a good beating.

Of course, if a storm can move east, it can move west, too, but the experts and models say that won’t happen. They have a consensus, and as we all know, when it comes to science, a consensus is always right.

What a burden off my mind.

The wife and I will keep praying for others. I hope you will, too. No prayers for Disney World, though. It ought to be obliterated. I don’t want to see homes or businesses that don’t promote evil harmed, but if Ian wiped Disney World and Universal out without harming anyone around them, I would be content.

Ten O’Clock Update: Ian Now Weak Category 2

Hurricane Ian continues to puzzle me. The Weather Channel says the wind here is moving at 38 mph, but when I go outside, I don’t see it. The trees are bouncing around a little, but it’s not unpleasant.

Tampa is in a much worse location, but the Weather Channel says its winds will top out shortly at a mere 52 mph. After that, Tampa is expected to wind down. For Tampa, Ian is at its peak right now.

I am still trying to understand what’s happening. I had to dig to find information on Irma, which made a mess here. I relearned a few things.

Irma was Category 3 when it landed in Florida. It came ashore on Marco Island. This is nearly the same place where Ian landed today. Marco supposedly had 155 mph winds when it landed, and Irma’s winds were clocked at 120, so much lower.

Irma was huge, though. People are calling Ian big storm, but Irma was about twice as wide, so being 100 miles from the center of Irma, at a given maximum sustained wind speed, would be like being 50 miles from the center of Ian. In other words, Ian has to be twice as close to give you the same wind speed. That means Ian is much less dangerous to me than a storm like Irma.

Irma moved about 1.5 times as fast as Ian, however, so it spent less time wherever it went. A fast-moving storm does less damage in any one area. So Ian’s strong winds will hit less of Florida, but they will spend more time in every location than they would were Ian traveling at Irma’s speed. On the other hand, the smaller diameter of Ian reduces the destructive impact of its lower speed. It’s not a simple picture. The destructive power of storms depends on a number of variables.

Irma traveled a long way before it dropped to tropical storm speed. When it knocked my trees over, it was close to where it crossed the threshold. And the center was close to me. Probably 30 miles away.

Ian is now dropping 5-10 mph of wind speed per hour, and it will be maybe 10 hours before it gets close to its nearest approach to the compound. I don’t know if it will keep dropping speed as fast as it is now, but it will probably be a tropical storm in 10 hours. Weather Underground thinks it will be Category 1 in less than 4.

Category 1 runs from 75 to 95 mph, and Ian is now at 100, so it should cross the line quickly.

So, weak storm. Twice as far away as Irma. Half as wide as Irma, so it will be as though it were 4 times as far away.

Irma also rained like crazy, and Ian may not match it. Rain helps trees fall over because it loosens the roots. They are predicting 4″-6″, but my feeling, based on observation, is that it will be less.

Irma didn’t do all that much damage here. The house was untouched. So was the workshop. I lost trees in the woods, but no one cares about those. I wasted a lot of time cutting them, but I should have let them rot on their own.

I believe I had two trees that landed on fences between me and the neighbors, and only one tree was large. I had one large tree land on my own fence between my house and pasture. I had another big tree land on a fence between my parcels. I would not want to go through Irma again, and Irma caused me a lot of work, but it was no Andrew.

I think very little will happen here. A much worse storm than Ian wasn’t all that bad.

Hope I don’t seem self-obsessed because I am not writing much about the problems in Southwest Florida and Cuba. I am well aware that many other people are suffering very badly. I can’t do anything to help them except pray, and I have done that, so I am studying the storm for my own benefit.

Let’s Go, Epsilon!

Sunday, October 10th, 2021

As Bad as Your Life may be, at Least You’re not Joe Biden

Before I say anything else, here: they are saying food shortages have arrived, so if you haven’t prepared, you might want to visit Wal-Mart. I am considering loading up on pasta, Velveeta, and protein powder. I already have a lot of beans and rice, as well as canned fish. My jerky supply is poor, as is my dried apple supply. I’ll have to see what I can do.

I talked to Rhodah in Zambia. She was in a grocery store at the time. Lots of food. No price increases. So now America is the third world, and Zambia is the promised land. They had rows of Black Forest cakes in a display case, ready to go. I can’t find that here without driving to, maybe, Orlando.

I am still not quite well. My symptoms come and go in waves. They are always very faint, but they are still annoying. The worst thing is having days when I lack energy. That is not like me. I want to get out and walk the farm every day. Ordinarily, I can’t wait to get out there, but on low-energy days, I’m a different person.

On normal days, I tromp around for about 45 minutes with a .22 on my shoulder and a pistol in my pocket. Just so I can enjoy not being Australian. Or European. Or Chinese. Or a yankee.

Boy, those Australians turned out to be sissies, didn’t they? Remember Paul Hogan? What a tired fraud. “That’s not a knife. THIS is a knife!” Yeah, uh, except you’re not allowed to carry a knife in Australia.

If I were, admittedly amazingly, attacked by crocodiles on one of my walks, even at the bank, where the rifle wouldn’t be allowed, I could realistically hope to kill 11 before changing magazines, and I would be prepared to skin them on the spot for anybody who had a family to feed. And I’m a huge creampuff by rural American standards. Even in his prime, in Australia, Paul Hogan would have had to lock himself in the toilet.

My advice to Australian men is this: if you’re going to be docile, dependent sheep, be docile, dependent sheep. Don’t pretend you’re the kind of man they produce in places like Tennessee and Wyoming. Macho talk and too much Foster’s don’t make you Marcus Luttrell, girls.

I wonder what the Australian men of a century ago would think of their descendants.

I read that they now think bad dental hygiene makes coronavirus hang on longer. I won’t make the obvious jokes about England. I think there was a link from The Drudge Report, also known as the Trump Hate Report. What happened to Matt Drudge? Bet he got a vegan girlfriend.

The theory is that viruses live in the crud in your mouth, so it acts like pus in an abscess, reinfecting you over and over. This proposition disturbed me at first, because I have had several nights when I simply flopped into bed without brushing my teeth. After I got over it, I felt encouraged, because it seemed like this new knowledge might be helpful not just for covid sufferers but for anyone with an infection involving areas connected to the mouth.

The person pushing this theory says you can improve your lot by using mouthwash, which kills viruses.

It sounds a little weird, because we are always told there is no way to kill a virus. Antibiotics supposedly have no effect, and doctors never tell us to gargle to kill them. Antiseptics do kill viruses, however, as we now know after America’s great cleanliness revival. Alcohol, bleach, benzalkonium chloride, and other chemicals destroy coronaviruses on surfaces. It stands to reason that they would also kill them in our mouths and throats. Whether it does us any good, I can’t say.

If it works for covid, wouldn’t it also work for other viruses and strep? One would think so.

My grandmother’s best friend used to tell me to gargle with ST-37 every time I got sick. I don’t know if they make this product any more. It seems like they quit making it. It’s probably full of dioxin and thalidomide. Anyway, I took her advice, and it seemed to help. Maybe she was ahead of her time. Sometimes ignorance can put you a step ahead of doctors.

I plan to start flossing twice a day instead of once, and I will use mouthwash. I had read that mouthwash might have adverse health effects, but I don’t know it to be true, and killing microbes seems like a good idea.

I feel good today, and my energy is flowing, but I woke up with swollen nasal passages, and I can feel something going on in my head. I know I’m not completely over this.

My big project today, now that I’ve fixed my Cold Steel Swift knife in CTS-XHP so it actually opens as designed, is to get more food. I’ll be going to Wal-Mart shortly.

I have looked over my existing supplies, and I should be able to go a couple of months without suffering much. One thing that concerned me: Velveeta. I checked, and it looks like my cheese expired 9 months ago.

Am I worried? No. A Youtube prepper has a video in which she made Velveeta shells and cheese using a package that got its burn notice two years earlier. Her advice? If it looks okay and doesn’t stink, eat it. I’m going to buy more Velveeta anyway. If times get hard, I’ll try the old stuff first, and if it doesn’t work, I’ll still have the new stuff.

Is this the end? Will human beings be at each other’s throats, fighting over Chiclets and old cans of Libby’s pumpkin puree in three months? I wish I knew.

I had a wonderful, comforting thought today. I have had concerns about becoming poor, starving, and having to shoot urban visitors, and I am not all that happy about watching other people starve and murder each other even if I’m safe and fat. Here’s something that occurred to me, however: the tribulation is supposed to last 7 years, during which time, the elect will be in heaven at the wedding supper of Jesus. That means 7 easy years. If we return, as the Bible seems to say we will, we will have a thousand more easy years on Earth, because Satan and every other evil spirit will be bound, Jesus will rule in person, and the world will be blessed. If not, we’ll still be in heaven.

Either way, things brighten up for good once the rapture comes. If it’s imminent, as it seems to be, then so is the end of my problems. Forever. That makes the whole process look much less intimidating.

When we say the end is near, maybe we should be thinking of the end of our suffering, not the end of God’s patience and protection. What the apocalypse brings you depends entirely on which side you’re on.

Things aren’t looking good from a secular point of view. Biden’s poll numbers are sub-Trump, and it looks like he’s not even pretending he wants to get along with us. He just hosted a press conference about his dismal job numbers, and when it was over, he turned his back on his fawning press wet nurses and shuffled away without responding to questions.

Have you heard about, “Let’s go, Brandon!”? A NASCAR driver named Brandon something or other won a race, and an MSM meat puppet interviewed him at the track. While they were talking, the crowd was screaming, “F__ JOE BIDEN!”, very clearly. The meat puppet told a lie rivaling the famous Villaraigosa convention voice-vote lie. She said they were yelling, “Let’s go, Brandon!” Now, thanks to her dishonesty, “Let’s go, Brandon!” is one of the right’s new slogans. You can’t chant the other thing wherever you go, but you can send your nine-year-old to school in a shirt that says, “Let’s go, Brandon!”, and no one there will be able to do a thing about it, even though the teachers will know exactly what it means.

Public discourse hits a new low every week.

God is punishing us for electing Biden. No doubt about it. His precious presidency is dissolving. Biden has been paying people to stay home, and because they’re staying home and eating taxes, taxes will go up, and products and services are in short supply. Wages have gone up a great deal because no one wants to get off the couch. Gas prices are crazy because Biden killed American oil production, the Chinese stupidly banned Australian coal, and God personally strangled the wind farms in England. Inflation is killing our savings, and the stock market and real estate markets are in dangerous bubbles. It’s bad, bad, bad. Unless God is with you.

All we need now is an epsilon variant that laughs at vaccines and kills the healthy, and the picture will be rounded out.

Here’s hoping Jesus comes soon and takes as many people with him as possible. Once I’m gone, you can help yourself to my Velveeta and ammunition. If I’m sufficiently blessed to be taken, I won’t want it any more.