Archive for the ‘God’ Category

You’re Breathing Their Air With Stolen Lungs

Friday, April 26th, 2024

Pay Up

Is it antisemitic to say a person looks Jewish?

I ask because I saw a remarkable video about antisemitic protests in New York.

The answer to the question is “no.” It is not antisemitic to say a person looks Jewish, any more than it is wrong to say a person looks Far Eastern or white.

Google photos of Barbra Streisand and deceased New York mayor Ed Koch. Case closed.

Yesterday, I saw an amazing thing. There was a protest at NYU, in New York City. This, incidentally, is a backup school for kids who can’t get into Columbia.

Someone interviewed a couple of girls who were visiting from Columbia. They were very gung ho about protesting Israel. One girl wore a mask to hide her identity and insulate her from repercussions from her shameful, idiotic behavior. The other showed her face. No question about it. She is Jewish.

The person with the camera asked them about their objections to what was happening in Gaza, and they admitted they didn’t know much of anything about the situation! But there they were, protesting and fanning the flames of antisemitism. One said she wished she were better educated. I wish that for her, too.

In various places on the web, I have been asserting without proof that Jews were out there protesting Israel along with the other antisemites, and now you see why I was bold enough to do that. If the Jewish people were one person, he would have been on suicide and self-harm watch since leaving Egypt. The Jews have a long history of helping their enemies and fighting their friends. I knew some of them would support Hamas. Questioning it would have been asinine.

Dathan has more children than Moses.

Why do I say “the other antisemites”? Because Jews who join the protests are antisemites. Jews can be antisemites if they want.

In related news, a black man named Khymani James, who claims to be some other flavor of sexual being (unclear) is getting attention for calling for Zionists (like me and, for that matter, God) to be murdered.

James is a typical Columbia student. He gets attention by saying stupid things that impress leftists who have no brains. He has said, “Zionists don’t deserve to live.” Defending his remarks later, he said, “I feel very comfortable, very comfortable, calling for those people to die.” He supports the murder of Benjamin Netanyahu.

He also says he carries a gun, even though there is no way he has a permit.

Far as anyone can tell, this dangerous nut is still a student in good standing. Columbia will not reveal what, if any, discipline he has faced. They made me leave for a year for shooting harmless bottle rockets out of a window, so now you have a basis to form ideas about their priorities.

Finally, in today’s list of horrors, a genocidal crank at George Washington University in DC was spotted carrying the Palestinian flag and a sign calling for the “final solution.” This phrase, for all you kids who were educated by false-breast-wearing men and Tiktok, refers to the murder of every single Jew on Earth. This is the “solution,” and Jews are the problem.

Their EXISTENCE, not their behavior, is the problem that must be fixed, according to the guy with the sign.

The man with the sign was not attacked or driven off, as far as I can tell from the news. That means he’s better off than Jews who have been attacked by racist protesters like the Jewish girl at NYU, and he’s also better off than the Jew in London who was told by racist police to leave a rage-filled protest because he was disturbing the peace.

I wonder what peace the police were referring to.

People who don’t know the Holy Spirit have no idea what’s going on. It has never been about coexistence. Ever since the human race was contaminated by servants of Satan, it has been about exterminating the people who belong to Yahweh. People, including many Jews, think the turmoil will end if there is enough appeasement. Give the savages this piece of land and that piece of land. They’ll be satisfied. That’s not how it works. The other side’s goal is to end Jewish existence, and they also want to remove Christians from the world.

Jews love to appease. They keep giving things away. They even gave the Egyptians the entire Sinai peninsula, which contains oil wells, after the Egyptians lost it in a racist war of aggression.

American Jews are the worst appeasers, because they are terrible virtue-signalers, and because they don’t have to deal with terrorism every day, the way Israelis do. They think their grandchildren will live in big houses in New Jersey and Miami, holding hands and singing Joni Mitchell songs with the friendly gentiles they have pacified. They think October 7 was just a speed bump. A temporary disturbance that will be put behind them, just like the 1948 war.

What’s happening now will wake some, but not most, of them up. Suddenly, the threat of terrorism and genocide isn’t a far-off thing that only happens to crazy zealots who leave rich America and Europe to live in a shaky country where they make you serve in the army and you can’t get a decent bagel. Now you have to ask yourself if you want to wear your yarmulke when you go out for lunch. Is it worth risking a beating? You have to ask yourself if your kids should go to Columbia, the best school in New York State, where they may be spat on and otherwise abused.

Columbia has long been a haven for Jews. A pogrom at Columbia is like a Trump rally in Martha’s Vineyard.

It’s not a speed bump. It’s not going to blow over. It’s going to get worse.

The New Testament, which is not read by many Jews even though it’s a Jewish book written by Jews and for Jews, about a Jewish God, explains what is happening.

Yeshua, the rejected Jewish Messiah, has now been rejected by the vast majority of gentiles as well as Jews. The 2000-year period of evangelism is over. If the world were a restaurant, employees would be putting chairs on the tables right now.

Satan has received the popular vote once again, and Yeshua is returning as an election denier. God hates elections. He hates democracy, which came to us from boy-molesting Greeks. God is a monarch, and he is returning to claim his kingdom.

The Bible says the tribulation will be terrible, because Satan knows his time is short. When the tribulation ends, he will be bound in hell for a millennium, so he is getting his last licks in now. He is throwing a tantrum like a leftist protester who doesn’t want to go into a police van.

Satan is even more furious than usual, and he is also terrified. He is going to do as much harm to Jews and Christians as he can before his humiliation begins.

Jewish religious authorities haven’t heard from the Holy Spirit since about 400 BC, so they have no idea what’s going on. They make wild guesses for a living, and a lot of their work is based on the faulty, blasphemous premise that Yeshua is not the Messiah and not God, although Isaiah said he was both. If Jews still heard from the Holy Spirit, as they used to, they would be talking about the end and the millennium just as Christians are.

They don’t know the Bible well. Not even the Old Testament. They are taught not to study it too much. They are told that if they try to understand it without help, they will just get themselves in trouble. They might even come to the horrible conclusion that Yeshua is who he says he is.

They listen to arrogant old men who read what other arrogant old men have written. Wow…am I writing about the Jews or about most Christians? Same thing. Most Christians are in the same boat. That’s why we have homosexual priests. I mean the kind who admit they’re homosexual.

The Old Testament says to meditate on God’s word, which is the Bible. The rabbis say to meditate on the Talmud, the Zohar, the Gemara, and the Kabbalah. Hmm.

If God’s word is good, why is it better to read things Jews wrote after God destroyed their nation? Obviously, those Jews were doing something wrong.

Spammers used to try to sell me Oprah’s diet tips. Oprah was enormous. Depending on the year and month, she might have been as big as 250 pounds. She finally lost weight at the age of 70, way too late to enjoy it, by taking a drug and lying about it, while serving on the board of Weight Watchers and urging other people to rely on discipline.

The spammers still thought I would buy her diet tips. It’s a bad idea. It would be like listening to clergymen who haven’t heard from God in 2400 years.

It’s going to get worse. The Holocaust is starting up again. New York and Miami Beach aren’t going to protect anyone. Judging by Zechariah 14, neither will Israel. It’s a very bad time to double down on rejecting Yeshua and the Holy Spirit.


Check out this New York Post article, which identifies a bunch of Jewish supporters of the genocidal, antisemitic mobs. Soros figures prominently, as does Noam Chomsky.

The Noose Tightens

Sunday, April 21st, 2024

British Police Exact Haman’s Revenge

Maybe it’s a sign that I’ve been adversely affected by the lunacy of Satan’s global pre-tribulation countdown party, but I am starting to take pleasure in witnessing spectacular eruptions of evil as they occur. Maybe it’s like the perverse admiration one feels when watching a movie and seeing a particularly grotesque and powerful creature appear on the screen. Like the sensation one fees when watching 300 and seeing Xerxes the fruity nephil prance off his parade float in steel panties.

Here’s a new spectacle for us all: a man in London was threatened with arrest and accused of disturbing the peace for being “openly Jewish.”

“Openly Jewish.”

“Openly Jewish.”

“Openly Jewish.”

“Openly Jewish.”

“Openly Jewish.”

“Openly Jewish.”

“Openly Jewish.”

“Openly Jewish.”

“Openly Jewish.”

Genocidal Jew-haters were marching in the street, with the government’s backing, and he decided to show up and stand on the sidewalk looking like a Jew. That was his crime.

When I was 40, you could never have convinced me this was going to happen in a major Western city. Okay, sure. Berlin. Nuremberg. Vienna. But not after 1945.

We are washed up. Don’t try to tell me I’m overreacting. The human race is DONE. The Age of the Gentiles is ending, right in front of us. There is no recovering from this.

The rapture and tribulation come next. The tribulation is also called the day of the Lord and the hour of temptation. Who does the tempting?

Here’s something people don’t want to hear about God: he helps temptation along. He is not just in favor of it; he insists it exist, and he helps Satan do it. The Bible says he doesn’t tempt people to sin, but that’s different.

Satan and demons tempt people, and God decides how many of them are allowed to be loose in the world. The number changes. Right now, demons are flowing in like illegal aliens into Texas. The hour of temptation has to be staffed sufficiently.

If you think I’m wrong, read the Bible. God will give us a thousand years of demon-free peace and blessings while King Yeshua rules on Earth. He will bind Satan in hell. Then he will release Satan from his pen so he can tempt the people who have never been around demons. God, not Satan, will do that.

Demonic behavior is everywhere now, and there are many obvious examples.

Evil spirits are like the Holy Spirit in that they shape people to resemble themselves. If the Holy Spirit isn’t shaping you, and odds are, he isn’t, then demons are doing it. As Yeshua said, those who are not for us are against us. There is no neutrality.

Like the additional IRS agents Democrats are trying to sic on us, the new demons are here to be a plague to us. They are doing what they can to create human replicas of themselves.

We see this in increased homosexuality, promiscuity, pornography, rebellion, pride, body modification, squatting, theft, violence, antisemitism, and persecution of Christians. People are cutting off their fingers and tattooing themselves to look like lizards. Transgender lizards, I should add. No one does things that stupid without help from demons. Schoolchildren in England are showing up in class dressed as animals, and teachers punish kids who acknowledge the insanity.

God showed me that crazy people who participate in unconstitutional protests are acting like demons. Think about it. If you’re a real Christian, you know some demons leave instantly when commanded to go. Others dig in, like the Japanese at Iwo Jima. They know someone may try to cast them out, so they try to make people their own, and they refuse to leave at first. You have to be persistent to get them out.

Think of the demonized characters who glue themselves to streets and seal their arms inside pipes to make it hard for the police to get them to leave. These are demon tactics. The police come and make it clear their presence is illegal, but if they don’t persist, the vandals and trespassers stay.

They do something else demons do: they slander. When the cops try to move them, they scream and claim they’re being injured or killed. They have no shame and no interest in the truth. In fact, many of the protests are, themselves, slanders. Leftists protest evils that don’t exist, or they protest that which is good, blaming people who haven’t done wrong.

“Devil” means “slanderer.” Leftists are constantly slandering decent people. They’ve been slandering whites and men for a long time, and now they’re going after Jews in broad daylight, not hiding their filth, but doing their best to make sure the world sees it.

Squatters are like demons. People are like houses, and when a squatter steals a house, he’s like a demon controlling a person.

Squatters claim it’s all about needing housing. They say they can’t afford both food and rent, and they say even if they are driven out and fined, they save a lot of money. Without getting into the terrible pain and expense they inflict on others, which they never mention, their financial pretexts don’t hold water.

If it were only about housing, they would behave better once they get in. Instead, they vandalize for no reason, making the homes they should be trying to enjoy unenjoyable. They defecate on floors. They tear out walls. That’s demonic. Just as demons harm every person they inhabit, their squatter puppets harm houses.

If I had to squat in someone else’s house during an emergency, I would try to leave it better than I found it, and I certainly wouldn’t make it impossible for me to enjoy.

The new demons–at least some of them–are already here. The temptation has started. So when does the hour itself officially begin? I want to know, because I would like to be gone by then.

Yeshua said no one but Yahweh knew the day or hour of the rapture, but he didn’t say he wouldn’t be told before it happened, and he didn’t say we wouldn’t know the month, year, or season. Maybe God will narrow it down for us.

If you’re Jewish, you really need to get it together. You need to move away from blue areas. You should probably go to Israel. You need to ask Yeshua if he’s the Messiah, because he will tell you and save you.

In the Bible, the collective problems of the Jewish people were invariably caused by rebellion. The same thing is true now. They have been kept out of their homeland for 2000 years, by people God would have defeated had they been doing things right. Their nation was reduced to a wasteland. About a third of them were murdered during the last century. Islamists are legally entitled to drive Jews out of their own temple area.

Jews need to stop insisting their new, post-Titus form of Judaism is correct. It’s not. If it were, it would work.

If this is where pleasing God got you, what happens to nations he’s upset with? How can you call your religion a success?

Most Christians are in the same boat, because they are nominal Christians only. For all their smugness, they will be stuck here during the tribulation, just like the Hindus and atheists, their real brothers and sisters.

The Bible says all the nations of the world will come against Jerusalem, and then the end will come. We are just about there. England is clearly gone, and the US is not far behind. The UN runs schools in Gaza where they teach little kids to kill as many Jews as possible. This is not an exaggeration. Isn’t the UN representative of the nations of the world? If not, funny name.

On to the next atrocity. I’m sure we’ll see something equally appalling in the next 30 days.

More: Columbia University Officially Declared Unsafe for Jews

Here’s more interesting news. Elie Buechler, the Orthodox Rabbi in charge of the OU-LJIC (Orthodox Union-Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus) at Columbia University has told students they should go home because Columbia and the NYPD are not protecting them from dangerous anti-Israel demonstrators.

Dippy, admiration-junkie CU students have created something like a homeless encampment on the quad in front of Butler Hall, the main undergrad library. This quadrangle is the main green space for the entire campus. I’m very familiar with it. I walked by it many times on my way past the library, which I did not actually enter because I was lazy and/or drunk.

“Protestors” in the quad are voicing their support for terrorism and violence toward Jewish students, according to the Fox News account. I guess they really are protestors, because they are protesting the existence of Jews.

Great quotation:

Beyond “Free, Free Palestine,” demonstrators’ chants have included “Al-Qassam you make us proud, kill another soldier now!”, “We say justice, you say how. Burn Tel Aviv to the ground!”, and, “Hamas we love you. We support your rockets too!”

There are Jews among the protestors, and at least some of them are on board with the terrorism and violence against students. Can I prove these things? No, but I went to Columbia, I have known lots of Jews, and, trust me, there are Jews there who are against Jews. Adam Gadahn was a Jew. There are Israeli Jews who protest the existence of Israel on religious grounds. Jewish unity is a myth. It would stun me if there weren’t Jewish students at CU trying to genocide themselves. Self-hatred is too ingrained.

Rabbi Buechler says, “It is not our job as Jews to ensure our own safety on campus. No one should have to endure this level of hatred, let alone at school.”

That’s where I disagree with him. It is the job of Jews to ensure their own safety on every college campus, as well as everywhere else. The need to allow students to protect themselves is something some states are starting to recognize. Seventeen states, bizarrely including Florida, ban carrying weapons on school property, but the rest of the states offer at least some scholars some ability to look after themselves.

Columbia is in Manhattan, so while it most certainly is the job of Jews to protect themselves, they will not be allowed to do it within the law. I promise you, this pleases most of them, as well as their parents. I’m sure nearly all of these people vote for gun control and will continue to do so even if every student has to transfer to a safer school. They will vote against their own civil rights even if antisemitic fascists start beating them to death with signs, feet, and fists.

The idea that the government protects us is positively quaint in its idealism and naivete, especially coming from Jews, of whom several million were executed and starved to death by a very, very popular government. The cops MAY protect you IF they are present when you are threatened, but then again, they may not. If they’re not there when it matters, it’s up to you.

Funny fact: sometimes cops don’t even protect each other. I’ll provide a link to a Youtube video of a female cop who did nothing whatsoever while a woman with a knife charged her partner. Youtube will not let me embed it.

Columbia, unsafe for Jews. You can’t imagine how weird that is if you haven’t been part of CU. When I was there, Jews were all over. The president of the university was a Jew. Prominent academics were Jews. Half of my friends were Jews. People made fun of Columbia for being the most-Jewish Ivy League school.

What next? Miami Beach?

We haven’t seen Nuremberg laws yet, but we are seeing the effect of Nuremberg laws without codification. Jews are allowed to study and hold professorships, but they can’t go to campus. Jews are allowed to share the sidewalks in London, but if they look Jewish while the antisemites are marching, they can be arrested.
Maybe this is worse. You can fight a bad law in court. You can’t fight unwritten policies people pretend don’t exist. We see a lot of this these days. Shadowbanning. Antifa, claiming it doesn’t exist. Debanking without explanation. Complain, and you’re told you’re imagining things.

We have arrived. The antisemitic left is now mainstream, and it can’t be shamed or outlawed. It’s not coming. It’s here.

When Truth Becomes Demeaning

Tuesday, April 16th, 2024

NPR Takes Much-Needed Step to End Journalism

This one blows my mind.

Everyone knows NPR is way WAY out on the left. The more conservative or religious you are–the fairer you are–the harder it is to listen. No fair-minded person can listen and fail to have the bias jump out at him, like an air horn in an orchestra. It is not reasonable to question the obvious fact that NPR is in the tank for the left.

I guess most conservatives are aware that a CURRENT editor at NPR, a well-regarded employee named Uri Berliner, just produced an essay decrying NPR’s unfairness. Notable fact presented in the essay: NPR has 87 editors, and precisely 0 are not leftists. That’s diversity in Bizarro World. I used to joke that “diversity” meant “getting rid of all the conservative white males,” but my joke has been destroyed in that it has become an objective description of reality.

Thank goodness for the flat Earth conspiracy theory. At least there is one conspiracy theory that won’t turn out to be true.

If you’re here, you have probably read his essay already, so there is no point in going over it line by line. You may also have read the bizarre, emotional, vengeful, punitive, objectively and demonstrably incorrect response written by NPR CEO Katherine Maher. Yes, she’s a woman. She had to be, because she’s white. They would never have hired a white male. Unless maybe he was gay. Or he wore dresses.

In an astonishing display of self-unawareness, in the safety of her bubble, Maher sent a message out to everyone at NPR, and instead of countering Berliner’s facts, she said:

Questioning whether our people are serving our mission with integrity, based on little more than the recognition of their identity, is profoundly disrespectful, hurtful, and demeaning.

Unbelievable! I thought I was used to the craziness now, but this is like a sharp slap in the face with a large, cold fish. I’m awake again!

1. “Disrespectful.” This means, “How dare you challenge our arrogance? You will pay. You will learn who you are and who I am on the corporate totem pole, little cis man.”

2. “Hurtful.” This means she is angry, not hurt. Someone rolled the rock over, and the biggest bug under the rock is mad because the sun hurt her eyes. Someone put foam sheets on the walls of the echo chamber. She is not “hurt” at all, and neither is anyone else. They’re just furious and ready to dispense payback.

3. “Demeaning.” This is a clumsy libel intended to put a truthful man on the defensive. It’s a deliberate lie intended to shift the blame to the innocent. It’s gaslighting. Berliner didn’t demean anyone. There are meme artists for that.

Based on the facts that he’s a leftist who got along fine with everyone at NPR for years, and that he was advanced to a high position there, Berliner is probably a jerk, but Maher’s attack on him is completely evil and dishonest, and it was intended to help NPR continue to harm conservatives and Christians, so in this instance, we should defend him.

People have a funny tendency to overembrace their enemies when their interests intersect. Right now, a lot of conservatives are saying John Fetterman is a great guy. No, he isn’t. He’s just a Jew who got mad because his pals on the left were assisting in the destruction of Israel. That doesn’t make him Trump cabinet material.

We have to learn to be non-binary. About some things.

I was disturbed by Maher’s insane, retributive message, but today I’m even more disturbed, because she has SUSPENDED HIM WITHOUT PAY.

How much more blatant can the discrimination be? What else do we need? Torches? Pitchforks? A guillotine? A pile of brush and a stake?

A woman in charge of one of the nation’s most prominent “journalism” organizations just SUSPENDED A MAN FOR DOING JOURNALISM.

That is literally his only crime.

He didn’t steal files. He didn’t catch people on hidden cameras. He didn’t lie to anyone. I’m sure he didn’t violate the terms of his employment, unless shilling for NPR no matter what is a term. Until this week, he was an admired employee in good standing. He has done absolutely nothing wrong. To the contrary, risking his job, his financial stability, and the loss of most of his friends, he has done exactly what journalists are required to do. He bravely exposed very damaging corruption at an organization which, as policy, defaults on its obligations of good faith. An organization which does the opposite of its purpose. They’re supposed to disseminate truth, and instead, they fight the truth every day.

Wow. The baseness of the human race could not be displayed more strikingly. It’s like we’re a reality show, and Joseph Heller writes the scripts.

The absurdity of this woman’s response can’t be heightened in any way. She left no room. She has literally punished a man for doing good journalism.

Let’s say he’s wrong. He’s not, but it doesn’t matter. A journalist does not punish another journalist for disagreeing with her. I just don’t have the energy to explain this obvious fact. Everyone knows it’s true.

We should burn the works of absurdist playwrights. Ionesco and Giraudoux, au revoir. Reality has left you in the dust. Every DC comic featuring Bizarro should be destroyed. Comparing Earth to Bizarro World is becoming like comparing Somalia to Switzerland.

Spirit-based delusion is everywhere. People can’t get this stupid without the help of demons. And what did Isaiah say?

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

“Woe” sounds quaint, but it’s not something you want. It means terrible suffering. Like the suffering that will come during the tribulation, which the liars and nuts are hastening with their willful dishonesty and cruelty. Woe means things like starving, dying in nuclear blasts, and watching your crops being completely destroyed. Sodom and Gomorrah experienced woe.

I would say this woman should be fired, but what good would it do? If we had killed Hitler, we would still have had Goering, Himmler, and Goebbels. If we had killed Saddam Hussein right away, we would still have had his sons. One person is not the problem. If we kill Kim Jong Un, we will still have to fight his sister, who is said to be worse. The problem is an Earth covered with a stinking soup of Yeshua-haters and truth-haters.

There are at least 86 people at NPR who can probably be trusted to continue doing what Maher is doing. The one who might resist is on suspension.

Not only is humanity getting nuttier; it is becoming immune to embarrassment about being nutty.

Man, I can’t wait for the rapture. I really hope I will be here during the millennium. To all of you who are still mired in blue states and cities, I have to tell you you’re making a mistake that will harm you and your children as long as you persist. You have forgotten what life among normal people is like, and while you may think you’re doing fine because you resist, you’re not.

During the millennium, the whole world will be a red state.

I guess we’ll have fewer guns, but on the other hand, why would we want them in a world ruled by King Yeshua and his obedient children?

Maybe he’ll let us keep Bass Pro. I love that place. When you step inside, it reminds you there are little isolated cysts full of sanity all over America.

I should buy a popcorn machine. Watching this corrupt phase of the world’s existence end without popcorn just feels wrong.

My Three Years in a Time Machine

Tuesday, April 16th, 2024

Stop Sending Your Kids to College

Thanks to the way social sites have changed our young people’s way of thinking, virtue-signaling is at an all-time high. And suddenly, antisemitism is virtue.

I was in Barack Obama’s class at Columbia. Unlike Obama, who had to apply a second time as a transfer because he didn’t have the stuff, I was invited to apply by the chairman of the English department. I didn’t know it at the time, but when I was at Columbia, I saw the future.

Even then, in a university where people claimed the student body was about half Jewish, it was very chic for kids to wear khaffiyas, which are the head adornments commonly worn by so-called Palestinians. They look a lot like dishrags. One great way to tell flighty, confused, extremely gullible feminist coeds you were a great candidate for fornication was to wear a khaffiya as a scarf.

Kids at Columbia were generally far, far out on the left, and they were full of it. For many, it was all a pose. It tended to fade as job interviews began.

I remember a kid named Elpidio. A California Mexican. He ended up at Yale Law. He was a big social justice warrior. He was all about sticking it to the man. He was admired for it. Years later, I was looking at the Wall Street Journal. There was an article about a game McDonald’s offered to its customers. People won big prizes. McDonald’s didn’t like it when anyone connected to an employee won, because of fraud concerns. A lawyer for McDonald’s was interviewed for the article. This was a guy whose job it was to investigate little people who won prizes, so he could take them away. It was the first time I had seen Elpidio’s name in print. I wonder what Cesar Chavez would have thought of him.

I just looked, and he still has a site where he describes himself as a warrior for diversity. In a horrifying display of cognitive dissonance, his (surely) self-penned blurb on another site says he has worked as in-house counsel for three huge pharmaceutical companies. Everyone on the left admires pharmaceutical companies for their warmth and generosity!

I remember a kid named Rick. He was a big anti-draft martyr. Under President Carter, Uncle Sam had brought back draft registration, and the social justice warriors weren’t having it.

My dorm room was a focal point of social activity on my floor. People used to gather there to drink and sing and play music. One day, Rick was in attendance. As part of his liberal shtick, he shamed people for registering for the draft. He urged them not to do it. While he was in my room, he confided to us that he had registered. He said fear of being arrested would make him less effective as an activist.

I would like to add that Barack Obama was a total nobody. People think that when he was born, the ob/gyn noticed that the sun shone from his rear end, and ever since then, he has been an automatic celebrity everywhere he has gone. Not true. He was a ghost. One person I know thinks he saw his name on a poster somewhere, but I think that’s a false memory. No one else I have talked to remembers him.

There were students who were well-known. Rick and Wally, the musicians. Lou Antonelli, the campus politician. Obama was not a campus name.

He was a big nothing after leaving school. There is a 5-year gap between his graduation and his entry into law school, and during that time, he took nutty leftist jobs like “community organizer,” which means he was a low-level bag man.

It kind of seems like the women I knew, nearly all of whom were twisted and unmarriageable, were more sincere than the men, because I have Googled and learned that a lot of them kept their maiden names and ended up working as leftist academics (I repeat myself). This makes sense, because the men would have pretended to be anything in order to get sex. They had more motivation to put on an act, and men, by their nature, are more conservative than women. I’m sure many of the girls were completely phony, but they weren’t the ones who had to be chameleons in order to fornicate.

Why a Jewish kid from Ocean Avenue in Brooklyn (Columbia stereotype of the time) would wear a head decoration labeling himself as a supporter of an organization of genocidal swine who wanted to torture and kill his entire demographic is beyond me, but kids are stupid, so it happened. It makes me wonder why young Jews in prewar Europe didn’t wear swastikas in order to be popular.

Actually, some did, but they didn’t do it for sex. They did it to stay alive.

I’m thinking about these things because I just saw an article saying the US, under the president women and Jews elected and may elect again, has decided not to involve itself in any Israeli response to Iran’s brutal, failed missile and drone attack.

It made me think of Zechariah, who said God would gather all the nations of the world against Jerusalem. Have we just seen it begin?

Iran needs a crushing, humiliating blow right now. We should help administer it. Instead, we are telling the world we are not going to stick with Israel much longer. They just have to wait a bit, and soon we will be on their side, if not through action, then through passivity. We are encouraging the continued efforts to make the world judenrein.

How different things would be if Trump were still president.

C’mon, Man!

Tuesday, April 16th, 2024

Biden Shuffles Closer to Fateful Red Line

Today I am looking at Zechariah.

In 586 BC, Yahweh got fed up with the Jewish people and sent them into exile. This was a punishment from God, not an unjust persecution of good people. The word makes that clear. Isaiah foretold the Babylonian captivity and the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple at least a hundreds years earlier, and he described God’s hatred for Jewish idolatry and disobedience.

Like the rest of us, the Jews have never had a common problem that wasn’t connected to rebellion. Antisemitism’s successes and the constant efforts to destroy Israel spring from the refusal to give up heresy and accept Yeshua, the only divine Jewish Messiah there will ever be.

If you read the Tanakh, you will see that Yahweh never let the Jewish people suffer great distress except when they were disobedient. Sadly for gentiles, we are judged the same way.

A few decades after Jerusalem was destroyed, the Persian emperor Cyrus, whom Isaiah named before he was born, gave his Jewish eunuch cupbearer, Nehemiah, permission to start rebuilding. Several years later, the temple opened for business under Darius, the emperor who replaced Cyrus.

The Jews persisted in idolatry and heresy and endured a series of conquerors until 70 AD, when the temple, which had been renovated by one of the Herods, was destroyed by the Romans under Titus. The Jews haven’t recovered. God scattered them all over the world, and most of them have not returned and have no plans to do so. Israel was barren and poor until Jews started returning during the 20th centure.

Jewish history says religious Jews in the temple observed the temple’s massive gate opening by itself prior to its destruction, and many people see this as evidence the presence of God had left. Also, the scarlet thread on the temple door, which had always turned white over Yom Kippur, failed to change color during the 40 years after the crufixion, suggesting that the Jews who ran the religious establishment had failed to acknowledge the final sacrifice; that of their Messiah.

This is pretty much what happened after Zechariah prophesied. In his prophecies, he talks of a day of the Lord, which will be preceded by terrible suffering. He talks about Israel being overrun and the women raped and so on.

These things have not yet happened, so they have to be future events.

Here is part of the chapter:

For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city.

Then shall the Lord go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle.

And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south.

This can’t be about Nebuchadnezzar. It can’t be about Titus. It can’t be about Hitler. The facts don’t match. It has not happened yet.

The first sentence appears to be in the works. It says God himself will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle. There are a few nations which are relatively friendly to Israel, but the simple fact is that without the US, Israel would have no powerful friends among the nations. Once the US turns, as it started to do under Obama (some would say Bush II), it will be reasonable to say that just about all nations are against Jerusalem.

Jerusalem represents Israel. It has been the capital since 1980, and Donald Trump, the American Cyrus, gave it our official recognition when he was president.

Now Americans, including many Jews, are in the streets protesting not just Israel, but Jewish individuals with no connection to Israel. They chase and abuse Jewish college students with no repercussions. A bunch of antisemites just entered the US Capitol illegally to protest, and unlike the J6 victims, they were sent home without charges.

With the exception of many conservative Christian gentiles and most, but not all, Jews, Americans are generally not all that bothered by antisemitism. We have had one president who was openly against Israel, and most Jews voted for him anyway. Iran just fired rockets and sent drones to Israel, supposedly in self-defense, after Israel retaliated against Iran for arming terrorists in Palestine and Lebanon. Our current president had a phone call with Netanyahu, and instead of giving him a free hand to do as he saw fit, our president appears to have reined him in.

Israel is very dependent on us, so our presidents can push Israeli prime ministers around. If Israel were dependent on Yeshua, Israel, not the US, would be the premier nation of Earth, but that’s not how things have worked out.

America’s abstention is the main reason all nations are not against Israel, but America is not the stable ally it used to be. Can Zechariah 14 be that far off?

Biden may well be reelected because American women love abortion so much. They have shown they are willing to charge the polling places in feminine rebellion against God’s patriarchal universe. If Biden wins, he will probably have to bow out and leave Kamala Harris in charge very soon. Harris is even farther to the left than Biden, so a Harris reign would likely put the US in among the other nations that oppose Israel.

Jews will vote for Biden in November. If he can’t make it to the election, they will vote for Harris. If Harris dies suddenly before we vote, they will vote for a bowl of fruit salad as long as it’s the Democrat nominee.

Bill Maher, an atheist Jew, says he would vote for Biden’s head in a jar of blue liquid before he would vote for Trump, and he really means it. People think it’s just a joke, but Maher would literally vote for a cucumber or a radish and wait for the Democrats to find a replacement.

As a group, Jews always feed and support those who want to destroy them. This is the nature of rebellion against God. The 850 prophets of Baal who served Jezebel weren’t foreigners. They were Jews.

Zechariah 14 did not happen in the past, and it can’t be far off in the future. The modern Tower of Babel, which is technology coupled with paganism, is getting too powerful.

We are gaining godlike powers, and Satan uses them to fill us with pride and make us reject God. We’re not getting the big godlike powers, like the ability to work miracles at will, but we have hydrogen bombs, artificial intelligence, gain-of-function viruses and other abominations resulting from gene manipulation, and an astounding ability to do things with information.

We are creating beings that are part human and part animal. We are developing a surveillance apparatus so widespread, it is getting close to the point where it can eliminate free will.

You have to be careful when answering your phone now. Spammers use AI to record and steal voices. They can call your relatives pretending to be you and claiming you’ve been kidnapped. If you don’t answer the phone, they can do it using your Instagram videos. They can make videos of you doing whatever they want.

In Babel, God showed he was not willing to let people have too much supernatural power, so surely he will step in when our natural power becomes too great.

I am ready to leave. I don’t want to raise kids on this planet until God changes it.

Speaking of change, it’s coming. Zechariah mentioned the Messianic Age, also known as the Millennium. A better world is on the way. It will be here after the 7 years of tribulation, when Yeshua returns to rule with his bride.

In chapter 9, these words appear:

A message came from Adonai-Tzva’ot: “Adonai-Tzva’ot says, ‘I am extremely jealous on Tziyon’s behalf, and I am jealous for her with great fury.’ Adonai says, ‘I am returning to Tziyon, and I will live in Yerushalayim. Then Yerushalayim will be called Truth City, Adonai-Tzva’ot’s Mountain, the Mountain of the Holy One.

Adonai-Tzva’ot says, ‘Old men and old women will once again sit in the open places of Yerushalayim, each one with his cane in his hand, because of their great age. The city’s open places will also be full of boys and girls playing there.’

Adonai-Tzva’ot says, ‘This may seem amazing to the survivors in those days, but must it also seem amazing to me?’ says Adonai-Tzva’ot. Adonai-Tzva’ot says, ‘I will save my people from lands east and west; I will bring them back, and they will live in Yerushalayim. They will be my people; and I will be their God, with faithfulness and justice.’

This didn’t happen with Herzl, and it didn’t happen in 1948. There has been some restoration, but nothing like this. It’s in the future.

Most Jews are atheists or something close to it. They are not God’s people at the moment, even though they are precious to him.

I want to see things come to a head, not for vengeance on people who are against God and his children, but for the same reason I would want to see an actual boil come to a head, permitting it to be lanced. We can’t have the good until after we see the bad. I don’t want to see the world get more and more disgusting and unlivable for another 30 years. I would rather see the rapture and tribulation come right now, so we can finally move on and see the blessed world God always wanted us to have.

Some people want things to get worse so they can have a civil war and run around shooting everyone who annoys them. I just want to see humanity healed and restored. I want an end to hate and pride. I don’t want to be ruled and abused by perverts any more. I want to see ailments healed supernaturally so we don’t have to pay the latest generation of secular witch doctors to cut us up. I want to see an end to poverty.

The Iran attack makes this all feel much more real. If there is anything happening now that makes it look like the end is far off, I am not aware of it.

Maybe Meir Kahane Wasn’t so Bad

Thursday, April 11th, 2024

Gazans Considerably Worse Than Nazis, and Our Kids Wave Their Flag

I thought I already had a very low opinion of Islam and Islamists, but today I found there was still room for deterioration.

I knew Islamists taught young children to hate and murder Jews. I knew nearly everything Hamas and the other terrorist Islamist organizations said was a lie. I knew every person, without exception, who supported Gaza over Israel was a Jew-hater or a fool. I knew all that, but today I watched a Gazan Muslim who converted to Judaism tell about his life, and I found that I didn’t hate Islamism or Islam enough.

I rarely sit through a Youtube video lasting more than 15 minutes. This one is over an hour and a half long, and I couldn’t turn it off.

I strongly recommend the part where he talks about going shopping with his mother and seeing a severed Palestinian head rolling around on the ground, as well as dismembered Palestinian bodies hanging in the air. People thought nothing of it and went about their day. This is what Gazan lives are worth to Gazans.

The man in the video suffered for many years to become a Jew, and he was finally allowed to convert. The sad thing is that he still does not know his God. He hasn’t met Yeshua, and he doesn’t know the Holy Spirit. He thinks he made it into the end zone, but he’s still on the ten-yard line. He has suffered so much, and he has barely gotten anywhere.

He did this interview long after October 7, and he says Israelis are still not taking the threat seriously enough. Because of his realistic views, he is considered an extremist.

Jews always, always help their enemies and fight their friends. October 7 won’t change anything. In November, they will congratulate themselves for voting against conservatives and Christians.

Not so Sunny

Tuesday, April 9th, 2024

Isaiah 3:4 Comes to Life

I heard a shocking insight on the problem with today’s soft, coddled, narcissistic, sociopathic, ignorant, racist, Jew-baiting younger generations.

It came from a weird source: the TV show “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.” In so many words, a character said that that social sites had changed people’s priorities. On social sites, people slavishly compete for “likes.” That’s the basis of the problem. I’ll just post the video here. It’s under a minute long.

The idea is that young people aren’t concerned about being virtuous. All they really want is for other people to admire them, so they say what they think other people want to hear so they will be popular.

As you see in the video, the character used his knowledge to get flighty, conceited, deluded young women to have sex with him. He said things he knew they would approve of, and he soon found himself on top of them, which is all he wanted from the start.

Back when there was a real Blogosphere, which means maybe before 2004, we saw something similar among bloggers. There were a lot of bloggers who would do anything to be linked. They treated website visits as though they were rubies piling up in a vault. A lot of people sucked up to Glenn Reynolds, because a link from his site would generate 30,000 or more visits.

People shaped their writing to please Reynolds and the other link rainmakers, and they formed cliques.

I didn’t get into this because it wasn’t my nature. I liked it when I got traffic bumps, and I hoped I would end up with a steady stream of heavy traffic, but I didn’t care enough about it to become a whore and kiss up to people I didn’t respect or agree with. I remember when Pajamas Media arrived, and I was a huge critic. I realized it would ruin conservative blogging. It was an attempt to put a small cabal in control of other people’s traffic and shut non-favored bloggers out. I offended a lot of people who were too thick to understand the problem. They thought every conservative owed loyalty to anyone who tried to increase the influence of conservative bloggers, but that was as far as their limited comprehension got them. They never tried to understand my objections.

I’m not good at manipulating people, because I hate manipulation. My natural approach to life is to try to get things through my own efforts instead of manipulating others to do my work for me. This is an interesting subject, because it has supernatural roots.

For a long time, I’ve been disgusted by big-church preachers who teach lies, and one day, God showed me the difference between his sons and Satan’s sons, and it made me understand why big-church preachers were so vile. One way to tell a son of God from a son of Satan is that a son of God will use his tools to get what he wants, while a son of Satan will use people. People are his tools.

Leftists are children of Satan. They hate meritocracy. Instead of trying to get things on their own, they use libel to force other people to give them what they have and become their de facto slaves.

The episode from which the video comes aired in late 2021, which was a year after we saw Americans tear each other apart online for things like welcoming Donald Trump’s shots, criticizing the same shots when they were touted by Joe Biden, and refusing to wear masks that didn’t work. Covid showed us how stupid, mindless, vicious, cowardly, and herd-driven Americans really are. It showed us the tip of the iceberg, anyway. We are capable of doing everything the Nazis and Japanese did.

A silly, crass TV sitcom has helped me understand just how lost humanity is. We have never had much character, and now we face attitude-shaping forces we will never be good enough to overcome or even fight. Young people wander through life now with their phones in front of them, competing to see how much they can impress other unthinking children by agreeing with them on X, Tiktok, and Instagram. The punishment for disagreeing is banishment from everyone else’s sight. If you speak the truth, the tech sites shadowban you into digital solitary confinement.

It’s too bad Orwell didn’t foresee shadowbanning. That would have made this century more interesting.

Nobody ever gave humanity a needed breakthrough by agreeing with what other people said. You can’t agree with anything that hasn’t been mentioned before, and by its very nature, a useful new idea can’t be something that has already been mentioned. The kids are just rehashing seductive, pathological errors other kids have already made, and they are actively blocking genuinely progressive thought that would heal society.

We need wise people to bring the world back to reality, but wise people are aging out of the population. They are dying without being replaced. The system shames their replacements out of existence, or at least out of the public eye. Wise young people are few in number, and they are systematically deplatformed. A homogeneous population of self-righteous, nonthinking simpletons is rising up to replace generations that had some hope of self-correction.

People who aren’t smart or very good make up the vast majority of human beings. People should realize they need to be led. Low-intelligence people are constantly reinforced in their delusions of cleverness now, so there is no hope they will realize they need to start listening.

In earlier times, the ratio of fools to wise people didn’t change much from one century to another. Now, because of the social-site feedback loop, the ratio is zooming upward with no brakes. Smart people created technology, and technology is turning human beings into fools.

We have never faced a challenge like this. We’re losing. There is no hope we will pull out of it.

Satan has always loved going after the young. He loves turning them against the old, because the old have all the wisdom. Communists, all of whom served Satan, always took kids away from their parents so they could be programmed without unwanted injections of time-proven wisdom. During the 20th century, Satan used changes in music and entertainment to segregate kids from older people who could save them. He used the arts to convince young airheads that older people were stupid. Now he uses cyberspace to do these things, much more effectively. “Likes” have turned out to be more powerful than drugs.

What do we do about our problem? We post videos explaining why the kids are wrong. We p3n the libs with reasoned arguments. It’s not going to work. If reason mattered to people, we wouldn’t be in this situation.

It makes me sad to see Christians and conservatives proudly filling the web with material they think will solve the problem. A lot of these people will probably be rounded up and killed within 20 years. After they lose. If I’m still here when leftists get what they want, I guess I’ll be right in there with the unpersons in cattle cars, because I have tried to change the world, too.

I feel alienated for many reasons. One reason is that I have never had much motivation to be popular. I can’t relate to the kind of people who run for third grade class president or captain of the pep squad. I don’t understand the desire to be admired greatly by dunces. I understand the desire to be left alone.

I wonder if this is why I have no fear of public speaking. I have never had high self-esteem, I don’t crave attention, I hate fame, and I have always been somewhat shy, but it doesn’t bother me at all to speak in front of crowds. If a van pulled up to my house right now, and I was asked to stand in front of a camera and address the planet for an hour, I wouldn’t be afraid at all, except for the fear–the certainty–that legions of undeveloped people similar to baboons would start harassing me. My lack of fear must be related to the fact that I have nothing but contempt for crowds. I don’t respect them at all.

A crowd voted against Moses. A crowd voted against the Jewish priests and demanded tyrannical and incompetent kings. That was catastrophic. A crowd voted to have the Romans murder Yeshua. A crowd tried to throw him off a cliff. Crowds beat Paul. These were religious crowds, too.

Throughout the Bible, crowds were against God maybe 90% of the time.

Crowds pour into hell all day. Individuals are saved out of crowds.

The Bible tells us not to incline after the majority to do injustice. It doesn’t say anything like that about individuals, because people feel very little pressure to follow individuals. You don’t have to caution people against doing what they don’t want to do.

When we feel pressure to follow individuals, it’s almost always because crowds are already following them.

Here’s something funny: Jewish sages have decided the Bible tells people to incline with the majority, even though the text clearly, indisputably says the opposite. How perverse can you get? The majority of sages must have overruled God.

Things are worse than we thought. They will continue to get worse. There is no collective solution. The only answer is to stay close to God and constantly invite correction. You can’t save the ship, but you can get a seat in the lifeboat.

I Smell a New Kurt Russell Movie

Monday, April 1st, 2024

Go Back to Bedford-Stuyvesant and Live the Good Life

Is what I’m about to tell you a testimony to God’s willingness to grant requests? You decide.

Lately my wife and I have been praying for God to move his children to safe places. I ask him to put us in places where we are the dominant culture. I ask him to enlarge the borders of these places so we won’t be crowded. I ask him to take the homes, buildings, businesses, and wealth away from the Yeshua-haters who live in these places, drive them out, and give these things to people who love him. I ask him to keep catastrophe away from these places. I say something like, “If disasters have to come, let them fall on places where you are openly hated.”

Today I saw a really funny article from NBC News, which is under Satan’s control. The headline: “They came for Florida’s sun and sand. They got soaring costs and a culture war.”

The article is a pure propaganda piece, intended to drive people away from Florida. I think the facts asserted in the article are probably true, but there is no effort to present obvious facts which, to many people, would provide incentive to move to Florida.

The unmentioned facts are obviously obvious to many, many Americans, because Florida is filling up very quickly, and the states that send the most refugees are New York and Illinois.

Here is what NBC wants you to think:

1. Floridians are physical threats to black people.

2. Florida schools censor the truth regarding issues like slavery and the pro-perversion movement.

3. Housing in Florida is too expensive for most people.

4. You won’t be able to afford home insurance in Florida.

5. People in Florida argue constantly about politics.

6. Traffic in Florida is unbearable.

7. Because of our gun laws, Florida is full of armed crazies itching to shoot just about anyone, including enlightened newcomers from workers’ paradises like Brooklyn and Chicago.

8. Hurricanes make human existence in Florida unsustainable.

I was thrilled when I saw the article. I hope every leftist who reads it thinks it’s the gospel truth.

Well, that’s not what I hope, because leftists hate the gospel and consider it to be a collection of sexist, racist, patriarchal myths.

They interviewed people who moved to South Florida, of all places. Of course they hate it. South Florida is for Cubans, period. It’s very unwelcoming to people who don’t come from Latin America. Even Cubans complain about this and move because of it. It’s also home to what may be the rudest people in America. New Yorkers seem nice compared to Miamians, and New Yorkers are pretty awful.

In South Florida, you absolutely have to speak Spanish in order to experience the normal benefits Americans expect in other places. The bad traffic has topped national rankings. The politicians are so corrupt, the area rivals Baltimore.

What do you get if you move from good old Queens to Miami? Warm weather and topless beaches. Northerners love beaches. It’s like a sickness with them. When I think of vacation destinations, I think of the alps. I think of Israel and Greece. I think of France and its culture. Northeasterners think about sand, sunburn, and drinks concocted for the effeminate.

Northerners move to Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach Counties, thinking they’ll sit on the beach every weekend, blissfully drunk and stoned, surrounded by loose women. Then they move, and they find themselves in ticky-tacky condos and tract houses miles from the water, surrounded by people who don’t want them there, and when they go to the beaches, they see that New York’s beaches are much, much nicer.

Long Island beaches have cool, crystal-clear water. Everything isn’t flat. The sun is milder. The sand is finer. Most people speak English.

The fishing is better up north because Cubans aren’t constantly violating every fishing regulation known to man. Even Bahamians complain about Miami Cubans destroying the fishing.

They interviewed a guy named Dr. Louis Rotkowitz, MD. Right away, you can see how fair NBC was. They picked a Jewish doctor from Queens. Total DeSantis supporter, that guy.

Rotkowitz is apparently a minor public figure, or at least he wants to be. He has a blog with his name in the URL, and he seems to get interviewed a lot. He has been in other news stories in the past. He calls himself a COVID survivor, which is a lot like saying you’re a flu survivor. Not the kind of thing that gets you a quilt.

Check this out:

Along with the rising costs, Rotkowitz said he generally felt unsafe in the state between the erratic traffic — which resulted in a number of his patients being injured by vehicles — and a state law passed in 2023 that allowed people to carry a concealed weapon without a license.

“Everyone is walking around with guns there,” he said. “I consider myself a conservative guy, but if you want to carry a gun you should be licensed, there should be some sort of process.”

1. The traffic is definitely bad in South Florida, and it’s dangerous largely because there are so many Latins there, but anyone who has been to New York City has to marvel at any person who thinks New York’s traffic is safer. New Yorkers drive like Italians.

2. There was already a law that allowed unlicensed people to carry guns. It’s called the Constitution of the United States of America. Scroll down to Amendment 2. Laws requiring firearm licenses are unconstitutional, and laws banning concealed carry are actually anomalous. And thank goodness no one in New York, Chicago, DC, or Baltimore carries a gun.

3. He considers himself a conservative guy. If so, he’s the only one. A person with his name contributed to a bunch of Democrat campaigns, including that of Bill de Blasio. He reminds me of the liars you see in Internet comments. When a comment starts with, “I’m a lifelong Republican, but…”, you know you’re hearing from a clumsy Marxist mole. Rotkowitz identifies himself on Facebook as an activist, and his wife is a teacher. Do you think he’s conservative? Have you ever met a conservative who calls himself an activist?

NBC posted a quotation from a lady who claimed evil Trumpers stole her Hillary sign in 2016. Does that sound plausible to you? All over the web, you can see videos of Democrats stealing Trump signs. Good luck finding similar videos of conservatives. Such things are extremely rare, and NBC knows it.

I’m going to repost a photo from the article. It’s definitely fair use. You won’t believe it. It was taken at the courthouse where Trump is being tried over classified documents. It shows several non-black people, who appear to be Latins, appearing to menace a black man. Two are wearing evil flag-based clothing. It looks like they’re about to give him a beating (which did not happen). Check it out.

Totally Typical Florida Racism

Wait…is that Rodney King? I thought he died from an overdose in 2012.

It doesn’t show the Antifa people who did beat police in Miami. I wonder why that is. They could have taken a photo in any restaurant in my county and shown the huge percentage of interracial families.

I’m not sure how making Latins look violent aligns with NBC’s anti-white ethos.

The article makes Florida sound like hell, and I could not be happier. I hope a hundred million Northerners forward it to their friends and relatives. I hope every recipient believes NBC and strikes Florida off his list of retirement destinations. Please, please, please. Let it happen.

Christians need a state of their own, and if God will give us Florida or even most of it, I’ll be overjoyed.

Personally, I think a lot about Tennessee, but maybe Florida is the place to be. Only God knows. I hope with all my hoping power that God is the reason leftists are leaving.

It’s hard to describe the pleasure of living in a conservative, Christian-heavy county in a state governed by Ron DeSantis. I’ve told my wife she’s spoiled. She hasn’t seen the real America yet. People here are warm, kind, and patient. They make Texans look like New Yorkers. What a privilege it is to live here.

No, wait. Not a privilege. Definitely not. It’s terrible. Like having shingles. Stay away. They won’t even let BLM block streets and beat motorists here. What kind of state is that? Florida made it illegal to hire illegal aliens. These wonderful, diverse criminals will have to go elsewhere to enrich the culture with burglary, murder, rape, squatting, drug dealing, and kidnapping. It’s appalling.

At least two Florida sheriffs have held press conferences in which they encouraged citizens to shoot burglars. How can we live in a place where burglars have to risk their lives in order to make a living and supply their families with crack and meth? Stay in New York, where you can be viciously beaten by the same mugger twice in one day.

We have a new law allowing sheriffs to arrest squatters immediately. How backward we are. Where are illegal immigrants supposed to stay if they can’t move into our houses, have us arrested for protesting, steal and sell all our stuff, rip out the walls without consequences, and charge us to move out? No, no. New York is where you want to be.

Incidentally, and more seriously, I don’t recommend listening to those sheriffs. They are fine public servants with great attitudes, but you always, always, always let the police do the shooting if at all possible. Hide with your family and some rifles and wait, if you can. The police can kill 50 burglars (or innocent people, for that matter) on your property without exposing you to any kind of liability. If you decide to shoot, you take a chance on being sued or even charged by the feds, who jump for Joe Biden, not your conservative mayor or governor.

Just a tip from a lawyer.

It’s also best to refrain from shooting anyone who has not entered your home. A dead body in your foyer is strong evidence of self-defense. A dead body in your yard could cause you problems.

You do what you can, under the circumstances. It’s always best to run instead of fighting, and it’s better to let the police do the fighting. It’s too bad George Zimmerman didn’t have time to wait for the police. He was completely innocent, but a Florida prosecutor perjured herself in order to railroad him.

Anyway, I support NBC this time. Florida is horrible. Stay away. I encourage Northerners who have been here for decades to pull up stakes and get out while they still can.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Lord. Please, please continue.

Happy Abomination Sunday

Sunday, March 31st, 2024

Senile, Pandering President Outdoes Himself

I wrote about Biden and his wife banning religious-themed designs from their silly White House Easter egg roll. Commenter Juan Paxety noted that Biden had also proclaimed Easter and Passover the “Transgender Day of Visibility.”

This year Easter and Passover come more or less at the same time.

So what is transgender visibility? It sounds like perverts are supposed to go out in public and make a show of themselves. If this is the case, then every day of the year is the Transgender Day of Visibility, because perverts love showing off. In fact, many of them get sexually aroused by showing off.

It sounds like a day designed to offend decent people.

Organizations that pretend to be churches are having special events to celebrate sexual perversion today. Who do you turn to when churches belong to Satan?

Fake Christians who support perversion always do what their father does: they make false accusations. “Devil” means “slanderer,” which means Satan is a gaslighter. He wrongs us and then accuses us of being the wrongdoers.

Fake churches are calling God’s clear position on perversion “hate,” and they are patting themselves on the back. “Hate doesn’t live here,” and so on. They are demonizing people who are trying to give self-destructive people the helpful information they need.

“Hate” may keep your confused son from castrating himself and making himself sterile and unmarriageable. It may keep your confused daughter from letting a monster in scrubs slice her healthy breasts off, skin her arm, use the skin to create a fake penis that doesn’t work, and then skin her leg to cover the arm. That’s hate?

Marriage is good. Reproduction is good. Knowing God is good. Let a deranged surgeon mutilate you sexually, and you are likely to miss out on all three of these things.

Homosexual men who call themselves trans women have worse problems than mutilated girls, who can hold onto their uteruses, deliver by Caesarean section, and have relationships with other lesbians. Typically, mutilated men have sick dreams of being wooed and wed by tall, hunky, heterosexual men who look like Chippendale dancers. In reality, heterosexual men find them just as sexually repulsive as they do homosexual men who still have their organs. “Trans women” have to settle for other people who have let Satan turn them into disturbing oddities.

Finding people of your own sex sexually repulsive is not bigotry. It’s not something learned. It’s good and normal. It’s an essential part of heterosexuality. Attraction is not based on decisions. It’s based on natural inclinations with biological causes.

Males treated with puberty blockers also fail to grow to normal adult heights. They tend to be tiny and weak. Smaller than most adult women. Noted hormonal trainwreck “Jazz Jennings” (pseudonym) is about a foot shorter than his normal brothers. He is much shorter than his mother. He has friends in the same boat.

Dating is hard for everyone. Imagine what it’s like when you’re a man with a huge wound where your reproductive organs used to be. You’re only going to attract fetishists. Dream of Brad Pitt and Chris Hemsworth all you want. Fantasize about firemen and lumberjacks. You’re going to get sad kooks with demonic preferences that are all about uncommitted sex and have nothing to do with love. You’re going to end up with rejects, if you find anyone at all.

I know someone who was approached by a mutilated pervert on a dating site. The pervert said he wanted to show this person his “beautiful butterfly,” referring to the grotesque surgical creation between his legs. It’s hard to describe how the phrase “beautiful butterfly” hits a heterosexual man in this context. The revulsion is difficult to put into words.

Here’s something most people don’t understand about disgust. It depends on appeal. For example, not all bad smells are disgusting. The worst ones combine unpleasant odors with odors we find appealing. Human feces smell a lot like food, and that’s why the smell of feces is so repugnant.

A man with a hole carved in his crotch is extremely disgusting because normal men are drawn to female genitalia. A mutilated male combines some of the attraction of female genitalia with the strong sexual repulsion of another man’s naked crotch.

What’s worse? A pile of cat poop all by itself, or a pile of cat poop on top of a beautiful cake?

When I’m out on my farm, I walk by pile after pile of cow manure, and it doesn’t bother me at all. Put one on top of a pizza, and my reaction will be a lot different.

The demoniac who approached my friend was completely unable to empathize with normal men. He could not imagine the bone-deep disgust his filthy remark engendered. He thought he was a big temptation. A seductress. In reality, he made other men want to heave.

If you don’t want to hear more about artificial vaginas, stop reading now. They never heal. They don’t clean themselves. They have to be pried open over and over, because like all unnatural wounds, they try to close up and heal. They fill up with bacteria and fungus, and they stink.

You can find perverts themselves complaining about these things online. This information doesn’t come from the pope or the Southern Baptist Convention.

As for women, they lose all appeal to heterosexual men. They lose their figures. They lose all the sexual functions of breasts. They lose the ability to breastfeed. They look like they’ve been in house fires, because they are covered in skin grafts. If you’re a girl, and you go this route, you face a life of lesbian relationships, at best. If you’ve had a phalloplasty, most lesbians will reject you.

Lesbians have bad relationships. I should add that. They have the highest rate of domestic violence of any type of couples. They break up frequently. Their relationships are usually short. Women don’t get along well with each other, and lesbianism doesn’t change that.

All these things are true, yet today, a president who lies and says he’s a Christian used two events that are sacred to Christians and Jews to encourage sick people to taunt normal people with their revolting and tragic mental problems.

God hates homosexuality. He calls it abomination. He doesn’t call rape or murder abomination. Think about that. It’s a very serious thing.

He also calls pride abomination, along with lying and rebellion.

Leftists who hate Christianity keep trying to give Christians Christianity lessons. They keep telling us it’s all about being nice and refraining from calling out sin. Not true. Jesus hit people with a whip. He called religious leaders children of Satan. He called them snakes. He criticized sinners in public.

Telling your effeminate son he’s wonderful and dressing him up as a Disney princess is not love, any more than telling a heroin addict he’s wonderful, and giving him more heroin, is love. Having your daughter’s breasts cut off because she’s going through a short phase is not love. It’s abomination. It has consequences.

This stuff doesn’t work. It doesn’t actually prevent suicide. It makes it more common. It doesn’t lead to fulfillment. It leads to loneliness and rejection. It ruins people’s relationships with the Holy Spirit. It takes people to hell if they never repent.

Nonetheless, our senile, malicious, spineless, corrupt, greedy, unintelligent, lie-loving president is using our White House and two sacred holidays to promote it.

What comes after this? What is worse? Will he have naked trans nuts sacrifice pigs to Baal in the Rose Garden on Christmas Day? It will be hard to top this. If we’re not at the end of the age, we must be very, very close, because Satan is running out of gimmicks.

What other days will Biden proclaim? National Incest Day? National Stealing Day? I forgot…now that Democrats don’t prosecute thieves, every day is National Stealing Day.

I’ve said this many times: if it’s this bad today, what will it be like in 6 months? It’s like there is a Moore’s Law for abomination and pride.

In the Big Chocolate Rabbit we Trust

Saturday, March 30th, 2024

Uncle Sam’s Brief Tryst with God Comes to an End

Easter should be the biggest holiday of the year, and it should not be called “Easter.” “Easter” is the name of a false goddess, which means it is named after an irredeemable creature that will end up in the lake of fire, which is the spirit world’s toilet. Easter is really Passover, and we should call it that.

We get all excited about Christmas, when we celebrate the birth of a person who had done nothing yet to save us. If Yeshua had ascended to heaven as a baby, everyone reading this blog would be on the way to hell. We should celebrate the day when he allowed blaspheming Jewish leaders to have him murdered by godless pagans. That’s when everything changed.

How do Christians celebrate Passover? On the wrong day, we feed our kids chocolate rabbit idols and give them dyed boiled eggs which aren’t good for much of anything.

One of the childhood memories which most reminds me of the love my mother felt for me involves Passover. When my sister woke up on “Easter” Sunday, each of us would find a basket full of synthetic grass, containing lots of candy. It was a wonderful gesture in some ways, but it’s sad that the celebration was so soiled with paganism.

At our White House, presidents acknowledge Passover with an egg roll. Not the good kind you eat with duck sauce and Chinese mustard. The kind that involves rolling dyed boiled eggs around on the grass.

I don’t know much about egg rolling. I didn’t hear about it until I was an adult. Maybe it’s a Northern thing. It seems really stupid.

This year, Joe Biden and his “doctor” wife, who has the same weak doctorate Bill Cosby has (Ed.D.), are hosting an egg roll that comes with an egg-decorating contest. Kids are encouraged to send their designs in, and winning designs, which will probably feature homosexual themes and themes supporting invasion by illegal aliens, will be painted on real boiled eggs by “artists.” I put “artists” in quotation marks because we’re all familiar with the type of people leftists honor as artists.

If Michelangelo were alive today, he would be doing commercial illustration. The art world would crush him.

Notably absent from the egg art submissions: Yeshua and all mention of religion. Joe and Jill have banned religion from the event. An event which exists only because of Yeshua.

To me, this looks like the day. It looks like the day our leftist establishment signs the papers divorcing America’s left from the loving God who rules the universe and who let his innocent son be tortured to death by blasphemers in order to save leftists and everyone else who applies.

Why hasn’t the tribulation already started?

Biden is still supporting Israel, so we can’t say nothing he does pleases God, but he is supporting Israel reluctantly while excoriating Israel’s Israel-first Prime Minister behind closed doors. Biden is sending Israel limited amounts of weaponry in order to keep Jewish donations flowing into his campaign and prevent Jewish voters who are still deluded by left-wing propaganda from voting for the party that actually supports them.

I hate this place. I hate the world. My life here is very, very pleasant, but I feel like I vacationed in a nice resort in Mexico and then wasn’t allowed to fly home.

I am in a tiny minority of people who know the Holy Spirit. I am surrounded by bona fide mental cases who pushed us to the point where Victoria’s Secret stores put up huge photos of male perverts in ladies’ underwear. I have a demented, warlike, unintelligent, utterly dishonest president who is immersing us in a war between two far-off nations involved in a dispute that has little to do with America and which is likely to blow up into a global war. A huge percentage of the youth of my once-Christian nation are soft, self-obsessed, mindless perverts who think Christianity is the world’s greatest problem. The streets of cities around the globe keep filling up with proud Jew-haters, and Israel is being tarred as genocidal after being attacked by murderous sexual deviants who fired guns and shoved knives up the vaginas of Jewish women and raped and castrated Jewish men.

I would like to be elsewhere.

Insanity used to be exceptional. Now most people are insane. I live in a world where I have to humor nearly everyone. I have to be careful about choosing the people to whom I tell the truth. It’s like living with my dad while he was dying from dementia, except there are billions of demented dads.

My dad used to get angry and rant after his mind started to fail. He did this when he was young, too, but when he was young, he had a better understanding of what he was saying. When my dad started losing his faculties, and he made wild, irrational remarks, I told friends it was like being rained on. You don’t get mad at the rain. You don’t argue with the rain. You keep your mouth shut. You wait for the rain to stop. When the rain stops, you move on with your day. These days, reading news sites and watching videos of famous people who are generally regarded as competent is like enduring brief rain showers. They can’t be corrected, so there is no point in responding. Their inane babbling can’t be taken seriously. You endure it or get away from it, and you move on.

When my dad said nutty things, he could not help it. I tried not to take it personally. The leftist kooks who rage these days don’t have the excuse of deteriorating gray matter, but I still try not to take their ravings personally, because taking them personally serves no purpose.

Jon Stewart just did a show in which he accused Donald Trump of fraud because Trump said his properties were worth a lot, while Letitia James noted that Trump’s estimates far outstripped government tax assessments. Stewart really did this, even though every person who owns a house or building knows that tax assessments are about taxable value, which is totally different from market value. Blogger Tim Pool noted that Stewart asked for, and received, over $17 million for a condo with a taxable value of under $500,000. Stewart’s response was to flip out and mention Trump’s other alleged misdeeds, which are unrelated to James’s frivolous, soon-to-be reversed case. He didn’t even try to be rational, because, as Pool says, “Orange man bad.”

Without reaching the question of why we look to professional clowns for serious political analysis, I have to note that this is the kind of sophistry we have to listen to now. We get it from overpaid TV jesters, and we also get it from judges, prosecutors, and pundits who know better.

Trump was convicted of a crime for negotiating. He negotiated legally. Every appraisal ever done in the history of the world was subjective. There is no such thing as an objectively correct value for anything. Like all borrowers, Trump gave optimistic appraisals to banks, and he invited them to do their own due diligence, which they all did, confirming that his assets were valuable enough to serve as collateral.

Every person who has ever paid capital gains on the sale of inherited property has given the IRS a subjective appraisal of the value at the time the property was obtained. There is no other way to do it. Every person who has had a property appraised before buying it paid for a subjective appraisal. Every person who has bought a property has given the seller a subjective evaluation in the form of an offer. This is how commerce works. There is no way around it.

Steward is too crazy now to see the obvious, and he is too small to admit he’s wrong. Worst of all, these days, these flaws make him normal.

The James case is exposing a lot of celebrities as financial imbeciles. They come by money very, very easily, so apparently, many of them never learn how to manage it. They say Floyd Mayweather put $27 million in his checking account and left it there. Apparently, Stewart and many other celebrities who back James are about as sophisticated as a barely-literate boxer.

People and nations are now calling Israel genocidal based on “facts” cited by Hamas, a known terrorist organization which has done nothing but lie since before it was created. Can we get any crazier? Hamas says tens of thousands of civilians have been killed by the IDF. This is the same organization that begs for ceasefires as soon as it starts to lose, receives them, and violates them almost immediately. The same organization that puts paramilitary installations in hospitals, schools, and mosques, claims they aren’t there, and then calls Israel genocidal when it takes them over, goes inside, and shoots video that proves Hamas lied.

When hundreds of millions, or billions, of people believe Hamas without investigating, and they persecute Jews who are not Israelis or IDF personnel, you know the world has gone insane. When Ivy League schools, which have historically been criticized as Jew-dominated because Jews have done so well in them, are aiding in the libeling of Israel and the persecution of paying Jewish students, you can’t reasonably say we live in a world that is substantially different from a mental asylum.

Last night my wife dreamed she was in Zambia. The skies were full of fighter jets and some kind of advanced craft that was much faster and more powerful than jets. The jets and spacecraft were destroying houses. They were ripping corrugated metal roofs off.

My wife and her relatives had a house of thick concrete or stone, including the roof. The jets and spacecraft couldn’t damage it much.

We both saw it as a Passover dream. God was releasing his vengeance on the world, and only a few people had protection.

Demons and fallen angels aren’t the only spirits that kill people and destroy. God sometimes sends his own spirits to punish human beings. The big difference is that you can’t fight spirits sent by God. They’re not under our authority. We can’t cast them out or bind them.

I wish God would go ahead and pop the boil. Let’s get it over with. I want anyone who can be saved to be saved while we wait, but this world is nuts, and I don’t want to be here when I’m 90.

Flour Power

Sunday, March 3rd, 2024

Satan’s Children Project as Well as he Does

Sometimes when I make predictions, I am proven wrong, or it turns out the bad things I predict are not as bad as I thought. For example, I was convinced that when Bush and Obama printed money with no basis in real wealth, our economy would quickly experience a disastrous crash. It didn’t happen, although it looks like we are experiencing monstrous inflation as a delayed effect. And young people can’t buy homes or survive as one-income couples, the way couples supported by factory jobs did when my dad was young.

Generally, I turn out to be right, and the weird thing is that it always shocks me. It amazes me that what I expected has happened.

Unfortunately, the things I’ve predicted about antisemitism are coming true, faster than I expected.

Antisemitism is now acceptable and considered virtuous by perhaps 60% of the population. And the change has been like the changes we saw regarding acceptance of homosexual pseudomarriage and the sudden decision that a Confederate flag was no different from a swastika. It’s not taking a decade. It’s happening in a much shorter period. This indicates a supernatural cause. Entire populations can’t change their minds that fast without help from spirits.

People are talking about the “Flour Massacre” now. Hamas, an organization made up of lying, raping savages, says the IDF fired into a crowd rushing a truck delivering food, and of course, they say there was no provocation.

1. “Flour Massacre” will stick. You watch and see. Even when Israel’s defenders talk about the event, they will call it the Flour Massacre. Hamas always wins the PR battles, no matter how obvious the truth is.

Satan really does rule the mainstream media, and it controls the thoughts and opinions of most people. That will not change. Only the Holy Spirit can fix this problem. Most churches teach rejection of the Holy Spirit, and only a tiny percentage of people hear him.

2. The IDF says troops were helping with food distribution, as they had on several preceding nights. They say there was a panic and stampede, and many people were trampled to death by fellow Gazans. They say a few menaced the IDF and had to be shot as the IDF retreated. This explanation is being characterized as military propaganda from a guilty state.

3. Why would anyone believe Hamas over the IDF? How many lies does Hamas have to tell before people stop listening? Hiding a terrorist facility in a school, mosque, or hospital is a lie. Calling a dead terrorist in civilian clothes a civilian is a lie. Calling for a ceasefire you know you will violate shortly is a lie. Blaming the IDF for the deaths of civilians you hold as human shields is a lie. Calling Israel an apartheid state when Muslims can be generals, cops, judges, and Prime Ministers is a lie.

Known, proven savages are lying. The Jews, who have a great reputation for struggling not to hurt civilians, are correcting the lies. And people are listening to the savages.

Someone needs to explain why the IDF would help with food distribution for several consecutive nights and then suddenly perform a massacre the next night. It’s not credible.

Here’s an important point: if you are presented with two stories, one from the IDF and one from Hamas, and you choose to believe Hamas, knowing what Hamas is, how do you explain your decision if you’re not antisemitic? Can you point to a long history of Hamas telling the truth and Israel lying? Do you think the incessant stream of lies that has characterized the public pronouncements of Palestinians for almost 80 years should be ignored for some reason? What reason is that?

The explanation is that you don’t like Jews. An opportunity came up, and you were given the choice between believing Jews and believing filthy, raping, burning, looting, mutilating, torturing, lying savages, and you decided, without evidence, to believe the savages. You are an antisemite.

People are claiming they disagree with Israel but are not antisemitic. They say disagreeing with Israel is not antisemitism. There are serious problems with these claims.

Israel does wrong sometimes. Every nation, even if generally guided by good intentions, does wrong. Israel is a nation generally guided by good intentions. It is exemplary in this regard.

It’s fine to say you think this or that action by the Israeli government is wrong, if you have good reason. It’s not fine to blurt out your accusation without evidence or any effort to learn the truth. Going to nutty leftist websites is not a credible effort to learn the truth.

It’s okay to say Israel needs to make something right. It is NOT okay to say Israel should be abolished because of its government’s actions. Saying Israel should be abolished is always antisemitism. Always.

Israel was reestablished fairly. The events of the last century (and the last year) prove the Jews are not safe without a homeland. There is no other piece of land available for them. Without Israel, Jews will be abused and murdered wherever they go in exile. Real genocide, not the absurd imaginary genocide claimed by uncountable Muslims, will happen.

It’s also wrong to attack random Jews because you disagree with Israel.

In many places around the world, Jews are now being attacked because of the Gaza war, which Gaza started for no reason. Not Israeli officials. Not IDF officers. Business owners. Random pedestrians. College students who have to cower behind locked doors while pro-Gaza animals try to get in to beat them. Jews who are against Zionism and support Hamas.

That’s antisemitism. Hatred of Jews for being Jewish. It’s everywhere now.

If you’re not against Jews for being Jews, and you are only against Zionism and the Israeli government, why would you attack individual Jews who don’t appear to have any connection with the government of Israel and whose positions you don’t know?

I feel safe in making more predictions. Things will get much worse for Jews, very quickly. It will be worse for Jews than Christians because Jews are fewer in number and have generally rejected their Messiah.

Many leftists and Muslims, along with phony Christians who reject the Holy Spirit, have been looking to the left and right, at other people, trying to find out what kind of antisemitic language and behavior are tolerated and encouraged. They’ve been quiet because they’re cowards and herd creatures, and until recently, the herd wasn’t telling them it would protect them and join with them. Now the herd is changing direction. As soon as these people think they’re in a safe majority, they will spring out and go after Jews very openly.

We are not supposed to look to the left and right to find out what is correct and moral. Other people are evil, and they have no authority. We are supposed to look up to God and do what he tells us. But very few people do this.

We will see mainstream Jews, not just a few early birds, openly looking for options. We will probably see a big increase in things like gated communities. Maybe there will be a wave of people moving to Israel, figuring it has to be safer than any country full of treacherous gentiles.

We are already seeing changes in Jewish attitudes. Some are buying guns. Some are abandoning leftism and the fashionable two-state solution. These changes are coming too late, so they won’t do much good. The time to buy guns, move to Israel, partner with conservative Christians, and drop leftist fantasies came maybe 20 years ago. Jews are changing too slowly, as they did in Europe, so a new shoah will start. They will not be ready.

One strange thing about all this is that religious Jews like Islam better than Christianity, the religion of the Jewish God. They say Christianity is polytheistic and Islam is monotheistic. They think Allah is Yahweh. They say a Jew who becomes a Muslim and kills Jews is still Jewish, but a Jew who accepts Yeshua and serves quietly in the IDF is a gentile.

The world is a big lunatic asylum now. Everyone believing a thousand impossible things before breakfast.

Is there anything Christians can do to help Jews? Can we shelter them? I have always hoped so, but it didn’t work well in Europe, and how do you hide people in the age of the Internet?

Israel is winning a war of bullets and bombs, but it has already lost the more-important PR war. Israelis are smart and tough, but they are few in number, and unless God himself protects them, they can’t survive without help from other nations. Israel is entering permanent pariah/scapegoat status.

Israel is getting what Hamas deserves.

It looks like Zechariah 14 is starting. If that is true, the remarkable protection Israel has experienced since 1948 is going to end quickly, and we will soon start to see scenes from Israel resembling the destruction in Gaza.

There is nearly nothing I can do about any of this. All I can do is observe and tell the truth. I can pray and donate, and maybe I can help a few individuals, but prophecy can’t be changed, so the overall picture is very bad.

I Call Mr. Snagglepuss to the Stand

Wednesday, February 28th, 2024

Not Today, World

I was going to write about a crazy woman who says she considered suing a veterinarian for refusing to treat her deluded, entitled, ruined son, who say he’s a cat. I have decided not to, because I don’t think it would do any good. I don’t feel like engaging because I expect no reward for my efforts.

“Cat” is a gender now, according to certain leftists. It is not clear whether they realize cats come in two sexes or whether it matters to them, but it is very clear there is no point in asking them.

I was feeling worried about the future earlier in the week, for no good reason. I knew what the problem was. When I pray in tongues a great deal, I feel good, and things go well. When I don’t, I get jittery and problems pile up. I start to feel overwhelmed, which makes sense, because people who don’t pray in tongues are trying to shoulder their own problems, which is disobedient to God.

Over the last couple of days, I have managed to put a lot of time in. I have prayed in tongues quite a bit. I didn’t leave the bedroom today until around 11 a.m. I feel much better. On the other hand, I feel more distanced from our insane, demon-controlled world.

I have made a little effort to watch the Fani Willis scandal unfold, and today I decided to Google Ashleigh Merchant, the lawyer who threw Willis in the fire. As expected, Ms. Merchant is not a Trump attorney. She represents a codefendant.

Trump seems to hire his attorneys on the golf course and perhaps at barbecues peripheral to CPAC instead of making an intelligent effort to find competent people, so he hires a lot of nuts and nincompoops. He hired Rudy Giuliani after he became senile. Of course Trump’s own high-priced lawyers failed to notice Willis’s ethical problems. It would be bizarre if a Trump lawyer did anything intelligent.

I’m not worried about Giuliani suing me for calling him senile, because he can’t afford to pay the fees for filing the case and serving process. And he is, in fact, senile.

For a while, my opinion has been that Giuliani would have done a better job in his youth, because he was a great prosecutor and mayor, but now that I think about it, you don’t have to be a genius to be a prosecutor who puts disgusting mobsters in prison. Maybe Giuliani was always a bad lawyer, but he had easy cases.

Let’s see. He was cum laude at NYU, a very good law school. He was on the law review. He had to be reasonably competent.

He’s senile.

I was looking at information about Ashleigh Merchant, and I saw the usual stuff we hear about lawyers. Her commitments to the profession. The community. Truth, justice, and the American Way. It makes me wince to think about it.

When I was in law school, they pushed that kind of nonsense on us. I didn’t want to be there, but most students did, and most came from non-legal families. Many were extremely proud of their status. Professors and speakers filled their itching ears with spin about the nobility of the profession and our duty to the public. They described lawyers like they were saints and martyrs, but the truth is that nearly all of us were there to line our pockets. I certainly was. I wasn’t out to do anything immoral, but my only reason for attending was to provide for myself.

Lawyers are like movie stars. In front of the public, we virtue-signal like crazy, but behind the scenes, it’s all cynicism and self-promotion.

So far, I have personally witnessed two lawyers–students, actually–talking about our civic duty when they weren’t being paid to do it. One was sincere, and the other was making a stomach-churning, clumsy, fumbling, phony, woke speech in order to get another law student to have sex with him. She appeared to be eating it up, although that doesn’t mean she believed a word of it.

Women like marrying lawyers. This is especially true of women in law school. My mother went to law school for the purpose of getting married.

I will digress.

My grandfather was a big man in Kentucky. He had no sons. He wanted my mother to be a lawyer. She wanted to have fun at school and spend his money.

She was an undergrad at the University of Kentucky, and he told her he would buy her a car if she went to law school. She jumped on the deal. But she had no degree.

She was given an appointment with the law school dean. As a favor, he signed a paper waiving the degree requirement for her. As he did so, he said, “Go on over there and get married.” And she did. I think she quit after one year. If she knew anything about law, it was never apparent to me.

She eventually wrecked the car near Middlefork, an unincorporated area in Powell County, Kentucky, on a curve on Highway 15. She had a bunch of friends in the car. When my grandfather sued the Greyhound company, he claimed their bus crossed the center line. It may even have been true.

I have no idea what kind of person Ms. Merchant is, and I’m not criticizing her personally. I’m just reacting to seeing the “noble profession” stuff repeated one more time. It’s almost always BS, and it’s a plate of BS I have been served many times in the past.

While I was Googling, I saw something about people having a duty to take certain jobs in order to save the world. Boy, do I reject that. If you’re drafted to protect your country, you should serve, but other than that, no. I reject the notion that everyone who has an ability is obligated to use it to do this or that for society. No one will ever be able to make me feel bad about quitting law or failing to pursue medicine and sew up little cleft palates in Haiti. The world is too crazy for me.

Truthfully, I believe I do more by minding my own business, interceding, and giving than I ever could have done taking some kind of service-motivated job. And I am not constantly embroiled in the psychosis that has taken over the world.

Kid says he’s a cat. He really says that. Mom agrees. The right blue-state jury would agree.

Garfield v. Reality. Affirmed, per curiam. Costs and fees to the plaintiff.

My sister had a mental (demonic) break once and decided she was a frog. She jumped into my dad’s pool and wouldn’t come out. My parents didn’t bring her a plate of flies.

To get anywhere in service-motivated jobs that use your talents, you have to jump into the mosh pit and curry favor with the people who run Satan’s world. You have to network and socialize with people you neither like nor respect. You have to deny your beliefs. These days, you have to proactively extol our new Satanic morals. It’s not for me. The world will have to go on without me.

I have to wonder what would happen if I took a pro bono case and refused to call a perverted judge or attorney “she.” Thank God I will never find out. Good luck, little pro bono clients. You’re on your own. Someone else will have to help you get your uncontested divorces, undeserved green cards, and DV restraining orders.

I looked at Rachel Levine today; the fat old Jewish guy who wears a dress and serves as Assistant Secretary of Health. His picture should be on the American flag. Get rid of the old flag, which is clearly performative and transphobic. Give the new flag a pink field. Put Rachel’s picture in the middle, and make sure he’s wearing rainbow body paint and nothing else. That’s America. Everyone salute.

Trump may win. Great. A few things may change for the better, temporarily. America will still be lost and no longer worthy of my misguided secular participation.

Yeshua has been rejected. The Holy Spirit has been rejected. Everyone who belongs to them, including me, has been rejected. I’m not going to keep trying to join Satan’s club. If new cheerleader tryouts are held, I will not attend.

Here’s something interesting I just realized: I have never heard anyone in my family talk about our obligations to society. No one ever told me to run for first grade class president or become a hall monitor. My grandfather was a circuit judge, as was his less-gifted son-in-law, and neither of them ever talked about public service. My dad’s first cousin was a circuit judge. My cousin is a prosecutor. His sister got a degree in psychology. My sister was a prosecutor. I never heard any of them talk about our duty to improve society.

My mother got a degree in social work, so there’s that. While doing practical work as a student, she found out that poor black people could be ungrateful and dangerous. One huge crazy guy forced her to run her hands over his face and tell her she and he were the same. Maybe that’s why she quit. She liked helping the individuals who didn’t terrify her, but to get to them, she had to be around the others.

Anyway, I don’t feel like writing about the cat guy in any depth. I might as well go outside and make mud pies, for all the good it would do.

Whores, Whores, Whores, Whores

Monday, February 26th, 2024

I’m a Qwitter

I joined Twitter around a week ago, and I just deleted my account. I could not take it any more.

Twitter is full of people shrieking at each other and spreading lies, just like Facebook and Instagram. The big difference is that conservatives and Christians are not completely marginalized. Other than that, it seems about the same.

Here’s what happens when you join Twitter. First, no one reads anything you say. Second, two kinds of Twitter users start following you: whores and people who are trying to sell things. The whores are easy to spot because they look like whores and say whorish things. The salesmen are easy to spot because they promote things you can buy, like Bitcoin and get-rich-quick courses. Generally, these people are not verified, and the whores have few or no posts.

It’s just like joining a church.

On the first or second visit, the pastor comes over and tells you how he and his wife love you. They pray for you. Then you never see them again except from your seat, and they spend a lot of their time prying money out of you and discouraging you from having anything to do with other churches.

My dad was an atheist for most of his life, and he really hated preachers. I think my opinion of them may actually be lower than his.

Whores on Twitter. Whores in the pulpit.

Whores, whores, whores. I like saying and writing that word a lot, because this blog is the only place where I’m allowed to say it.

I was allowed to say it on Twitter, and that was good, because whores are a huge problem now, and we need to talk about them a lot. We have whores who are at or close to billionaire status, and they influence many millions of foolish people. They need to be exposed. The privilege of discussing whores was not worth the misery, however.

While I was on Twitter, I was reminded that just about everyone is distant from God and concerned about the kinds of things rats would be concerned about if they were as smart as we are. Admiration. Fame. Money. Vanity. Inflicting pain on other rats. Getting other rats to serve them.

Elon Musk owns Twitter and Tesla, and I kept getting posts about his ridiculous exploding cars. Some were from Tesla, but a lot were from shill accounts. Regular guys who just happened to post about the wonder of Tesla cars 50 times a day. I suppose this means Musk is one of the salesmen who came after me on Twitter, although he didn’t follow me.

I saw numerous vitriolic posts about genocide. Unfortunately, most were supporting genocide and claiming self-defense, by Israel, was genocide. That got tiresome. “Devil” means “slanderer,” and the devil has lots of children.

I saw a lot of posts supporting our dangerous, wrongheaded involvement in Ukraine. We are squandering munitions that will take several years to replace, and China is probably going to invade Taiwan this year while we still have a senile president. I don’t think we should defend Taiwan, but when we decide not to, it shouldn’t be because a demented president and a bunch of Hollywood warmongers made us too weak to make any other decision.

There were a lot of posts from Christians trying to make money. “If you think Jesis is the king of kings, say YES!” Disgusting. I also saw nuts from cults posting garbage blessings over and over. I saw a kook from Bethel–one Coy Barker–doing this many times a day. I don’t know why he doesn’t just go and sell timeshares. “God is going to give you a FINANCIAL MIRACLE this week!” It would be a financial miracle if this guy received a dime from me.

God once said this to me: “I will walk with you through the deep waters.” Spiritually, waters are the voices and words of many beings. Twitter is like a deep lake full of sewage, and when you’re logged in and taking part, it’s like you’re swimming under the surface with your mouth open.

Twitter is like a little model of our filthy world.

Having had my Twitter experience, I now hate this world more than ever. I want to leave, just like I wanted to leave Miami. This is literally the roof of hell. The closer I get to God, the fewer people I can communicate with. I feel like I just landed on another planet. I know there are other people who know God here, but in my life, there are very, very few.

I looked at Zechariah 14 today. Here’s how it starts:

Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, and thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee.

For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city.

Then shall the Lord go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle.

He’s talking about Israel, and these things have not happened yet, so they are about the future. They’re about things that happen to a nation that blasphemes and rejects its Messiah. Rabbis literally make a living from blasphemy. They could write “Blasphemer” on their tax returns.

Israel is not as safe as it should be, so bad things that did not have to happen will happen. October 7 was just the beginning.

Look at what Zechariah described. Houses rifled, women raped, and people being held hostage. That has started. Hamas also rapes and castrates Jewish men and boys, but mercifully, the Bible doesn’t mention that.

God says he will gather all nations against Israel. We are just about there. America is Israel’s biggest ally, and under Democrats, we are joining the other side. Biden hates Netanyahu and calls him obscene names in private, and he is pushing the Jews to call another suicidal ceasefire Hamas can violate a few days later.

Can it be said that we are already against Jerusalem because we would deny the Jews the right to self-defense? I don’t know, but we’re close.

The timing is not clearly explained.

The day of the Lord is the millennium. I have said it was the tribulation, but that’s not quite right. With the Lord, a day is as a thousand years, and the tribulation only lasts 7. I suppose the day of the Lord starts with the marriage of Yeshua, which takes place when the favored are raptured to be God’s guests. For people who reject Yeshua, there will be 7 years of tribulation, but for those who are sufficiently blessed to be raptured, there will be 7 years of celebration at the wedding.

Yeshua will return at the end of the tribulation, to appear publicly and take over the world. This is what is known as the second coming.

So will Jerusalem be besieged right away, before the tribulation, or will it happen during the tribulation? It looks like it will start shortly, meaning Israel will go through another holocaust that lasts at least 7 years.

That makes sense to me, because the Antichrist will appear midway through the tribulation, and he will hate Jews. He will surely be a new Haman. He will probably confirm all the nutty theories about Jews ruining the world and mobilize everyone else to bring a solution to the Jewish Question.

Jews will probably help bring him to power, because he will be an enemy of Christianity and a proponent of secular salvation, which they love. Jews are always looking for a way to fix the world without God, and they constantly vote for their enemies.

It’s surprising they didn’t learn anything from the USSR, which they helped establish. The existence of the phrase “Soviet Jewry” should have made them wonder if they were doing anything wrong. I remember when everyone was concerned about the plight of Soviet Jewry. Israel is full of Jews who left the socialist utopia they helped create, because it abused them.

God has given Israel a great deal of protection since 1948, but it looks like he will remove most of the hedge before long, and America won’t be there for Israel to run to. We’ll be on the other team.

There is prophetic significance to the use of tunnels to attack Israel. When we displease God continually, our enemies and problems grow in places where we can’t see them. Then they pop out suddenly and lay us low. It happened to Belshazzar. It happened to the Philistines; they let Samson grow his hair back.

I would rather see all this come sooner than later. If you have a painful condition that will never heal, it’s better to get the treatment over with instead of prolonging the misery.

The sooner everything blows up, the sooner Yeshua will rule, and we will have a thousand years of peace and love. We will be much happier under a divine dictator who is always right than the fools we elect in our blindness.

Fully Furnished

Wednesday, February 21st, 2024

You Will Dwell in a Land of Walmarts and Chick-fil-A’s

Life here continues to amaze.

My wife and I have been painting the inside of our house. Today we did some other things. We ordered bedroom furniture and had a fantastic Italian meal at a local restaurant run and staffed by Mexicans.

As we were walking into the furniture store to place our order, I told my wife furniture stores would look a whole lot different if there were no women. Mattresses, recliners and maybe some breakfast tables. That’s all we need.

We went with Amish furniture. This is a type of furniture which is popular these days. It looks very good without actually being made of quality wood. They use alder, a second-tier wood, and put wonderful finishes on it. Are the builders really Amish? Well, they clearly use a lot of power tools, so no.

I mean, they could be Amish. They could be like the Orthodox Jews who spend most of their time trying to figure out how to disobey God. “You can’t turn the heat on on the Sabbath!” “Okay, we’ll hire gentiles to do it!” “We can’t carry stuff on the Sabbath outside our homes!” “Okay, we’ll put a tiny wire around our area and pretend it’s an enclosure, which we’ll pretend is a home!”

Oh, boy. Why can’t they figure out a way to justify bacon?

Maybe the Amish have figured out how to run power tools while pretending they’re not running power tools.

Anyway, we are getting Amish furniture. Good wood is too expensive. I’m not blowing $10,000 on a bedroom.

We looked for used stuff, but there are some problems with that. My wife insists on a king size bed, and they were not popular back when ordinary people owned real furniture. Also, when things turn up, they tend to be huge and ostentatious. Like Oskar Schindler’s stolen bed in the movie.

It’s sad, because you can get quality used furniture for much less than you would pay for new “Amish” furniture.

I don’t know why we can’t get good wood. Russia and China are giant reservoirs of hardwoods. I think. Maybe it’s just Russia.

Our bed will be made of dozens of tiny alder planks glued up into panels. The big trees are gone.

Without getting into TMI material, I will say we need a big bed because a certain person thrashes around all night and throws elbows.

We need a couple of couches. Looks like we’ll be paying at least $5K for those. I want reclining couches. I’ve thought it over. We will never have a hoity-toity Architectural Digest home because I refuse to be afraid of my own furnishings. I refuse to have furniture I’m afraid to sit on all day, with or without pizza and beverages. And we expect to have kids. I’m not stupid enough to put a kid on a $7000 couch.

Reclining couches are not all that chic, and they will clash with the traditional style of the house. Tough. We’re getting them.

I found out most reclining chairs and couches are built to fail in 5 years. The industry couch-stuffing standard is something called 1.8-pound foam. If you want a couch to last, you need 2.5-pound foam. We can pay $2500 for couches the manufacturer fully expects to be junk in 2029, or we can pay considerably more for couches that will make it to 2034.

If you buy a La-Z-Boy reclining couch, you have two options. The reasonably-priced one La-Z-Boy knows will collapse in a hurry, or the one that costs $500 more and lasts twice as long. La-Z-Boy isn’t very honest about it, but they do let people know they can “upgrade” their couches.

Their policy is a problem, because retailers other than La-Z-Boy appear to be unwilling to add the optional padding. Other retailers sell La-Z-Boy cheaper than La-Z-Boy, so if you want the padding, you probably have to go to a La-Z-Boy showroom and pay full retail, on top of shelling out for the foam they should give you by default.

Is La-Z-Boy a good brand? Not really, but there really aren’t many good brands. Companies that were great 5 years ago now sell Chinese junk. Oddly, there is now a Chinese company that sells excellent recliners. It’s called Hydeline. American companies ruined their reputations by selling Chinese garbage, and the Chinese themselves fixed the problem. Really nice.

Hooker. Bradington Young. Go ahead and tell me about the great company that made your recliner, thinking I don’t know about it. I’ve looked them all up. The wonderful chair you bought in 2015 is probably not available now. Best you can do is a copy full of flimsy foam.

I don’t really like Hydeline couches. They don’t look great, and they don’t come in fabric. I may give up and go with La-Z-Boy.

Fabric is actually better than leather. It costs less. It breathes. It’s more comfortable. It’s less likely to be destroyed by spills.

In the far past, leather was for peasants and fabric was for patricians. If you bought an expensive limousine, the driver sat on leather, out in the weather, and you sat inside on fabric. Look it up. Things have changed, and modern people have no idea they’re paying extra for servant trappings.

I’d like to have a leather chair and two fabric couches. Maybe we’ll find what we want.

I love our mattress. It’s a Novaform I got at Costco for my dad. When he died, I cleaned it to surgical standards, and now we use it. I want another foam mattress. They are fantastic. I would never have another pre-2000-technology mattress.

Foam mattresses don’t need box springs. I’m not actually sure why any mattress needs one, but anyway, I want a mattress that sits right on a wooden platform. Foam gives perfect support. It’s cool, which is nice in Florida. It comes with a cover you can take off and submerge in cleaning solution if something bad happens. And it’s cheap.

My mattress cost $500, and it’s still not too far from that. It has a 20-year warranty. I want one as much like it as possible.

At one time, I somehow ended up sleeping on a conventional Sealy mattress my mother had paid over $2000 for. I threw it out. It was like a concrete sidewalk. Never again. If I can get something better for about $500, and it will last 20 years, I’m all over it. If it doesn’t work out, and I can’t return it, I can buy a different $500 mattress the following year and not worry about it.

I like a nice mushy mattress. I don’t know how people sleep on hard ones. What I really like is a somewhat firm mattress with a layer of mushy stuff on top.

Today we went to Sam’s Club to look at their signature foam mattress. I figured we could lie on one so my wife could put it up against her princess genes to prevent her from finding problems with it after purchase. No such luck. Sam’s Club sells mattresses they won’t let you try. But they guarantee them. They must have a huge markup, like conventional mattresses. If they’re willing to pay you to take a nearly-new mattress to the dump and pay you for it, instead of letting you try it in the store, they can’t have paid more than 50 bucks for it.

We left without a mattress. We also went to TJ Maxx so my wife could look at 4,000 pairs of cheap shoes.

So that’s what we did today.

We drove home in the twilight on I-75. It was beautiful out. The temperature was 68 degrees. The sky was kind of a dark lavender above, with darker purple near the horizon. The trailers on the big trucks seemed to shine like silver tea services. The taillights gleamed like backlit rubies. Very odd. I commented on this to my wife, and she agreed.

I told her I had the feeling this area was like a farm where God raised people like livestock. Everything was provided for us. Life was easy. Lots of stores. Not much traffic. Enough good restaurants for a reasonable person. Great people.

She agreed. We are very sheltered.

We talked about our marriage. People told us things would get worse when we were together day after day, but the opposite happened. We had a little friction on a couple of our trips, but here, things go smoother and smoother with the passage of time. We enjoy each other more. We’re not just mates. We’re buddies.

We went home, and I looked at X and saw lunatics making death threats toward conservatives. I saw men trying to breastfeed. It was like spying on a planet where a virus had made everyone insane. I felt like Gulliver checking out the Yahoos.

People are hopeless and angry now. Their lives are falling apart. They’re waiting for civil war. Some look forward to it. They go home and watch violent movies and listen to ghetto whores singing about their vaginas. They go to work and get pushed around by perverts who insist they lie about their genders or get written up.

It’s different with us.

Prayer in tongues is what makes the difference. The more you do it, the more you will be aligned with God and others who pray in tongues. I wake up at night and hear my wife praying and singing in the master closet. I wake up in the morning and pray in tongues silently while she sleeps next to me. It works. God has graciously given us the ability to make ourselves do it.

I believe God moves people away from Yahoos as they draw closer to him. I believe he pushes people into lower circumstances as they move away. I think prisons are full of people who are far from God. They are moving toward hell, and prisons are about as close to hell as you can get while you’re alive.

I think God moves Spirit-filled, cooperative people to places like the county where I live. Maybe there is a nicer county we’ll be moved to if we keep cooperating. Eventually, we will be raptured to an even better place, or we will die and go to heaven. That’s how it looks to me.

I don’t believe people who are really close to God and highly informed live in defeat. The Bible says such people are blessed and victorious. How can you be victorious if you live in defeat?

I hear singing right now.

I’m not claiming we’re good people. There are no good people. We are rewarded for listening and cooperating, not for perfection.

Time to have a beer and see what the wife is up to. I hope God sees fit to keep us separated from the insanity.

Sometimes Being Disinvited is the Greater Honor

Wednesday, February 21st, 2024

Back to the Twitterbox

I decided to create a Twitter account (again) to see what it was like to be on social media, say things that were obviously true, and not see them deleted right away or receive a ban or suspension. I also wanted to receive news that was concealed by the MSM, other social sites, and our government. I wanted information to counter the constant flow of lies. I also wanted to post things God had told me.

It has been interesting. It’s really something to be able to post words like “whore” and “Nazi” again. It’s amazing to be able to write about ivermectin on a social site. When I first signed up, I felt intoxicated by the freedom everyone in America had until maybe 15 years ago. That’s sad and telling. Look what leftists have done to us.

I said I felt like an old circus bear in Azerbaijan, cautiously sniffing the grass as activists tried to release me from a steel box. Since then, however, X has worn on me.

I feel like I’m visiting New York or Miami. I feel tired and alienated. I’m tired of swimming in the hostility of modern culture, and I am reminded that I can’t really be part of the world. I feel frustrated because I see people doing and saying so many stupid things I can’t help them stop doing and saying. They’re so proud, it’s like they’re deaf. Grown people, showing off their mud pies.

I wonder if Yeshua feels this way. He sits on the outside, watching determinedly trashy damned people he can’t do anything to help.

I see a lot of conservatives who are no better off than the leftists they zing over and over. They think Trump and other politicians can solve our problems. They don’t even mention Yeshua. They’re “big tent” people. Bring the atheists in. Bring Jews and Hindus and Muslims in. We’re all brother conservatives.

Conservatism is correct, and God is conservative, but conservatism won’t save us. Holiness is what saves nations, and you don’t get it by compromising and letting people who hate Yeshua lead. Conservatism without Yeshua is just another Satanic cult. It’s like Mormonism.

I see a lot of conservative lies. The problem can’t compare to the problem of leftist lies. Leftism is built on a foundation of lies, and leftists endorse lying. But it’s still bad. People are posting debunked theories and bad syllogisms and comparisons. Lies don’t help anyone, and they ruin the credibility of the people who think they’re trying to fix America.

Without credibility, there is no power.

I’ve also seen a lot of blatant racism from conservatives. Blacks, people say, are “low IQ people” who can’t control their impulses. We are told they still belong in the jungle.

You’re supposed to “follow” a few people on Twitter, so I followed Scott Adams. I wanted to see what he was really like. He was canceled after an angry rant about black Americans.

He is still angry, and he is very tiresome. He floods the web with posts conveying his anger. I haven’t seen him say anything helpful or pleasant yet, although he does say a lot of intelligent things.

I find his Israel/Gaza position confusing. He has said a lot of supportive, i.e. correct, things about Israel, but one of his posts seemed to excoriate Israel for going too far. Maybe I misunderstood.

Let’s talk about felony murder.

Let’s say I take over a WaWa and hold people hostage. The police shoot at me to save the hostages. A hostage is killed.

Who gets tried for murder? The police, of course!

NO. I get tried for murder, even though I didn’t kill anyone. It’s called “felony murder,” and the idea is that I am responsible for contributing to the killing of others when my crimes lead to the killing.

I can be tried for murder if the police kill my accomplice, which is more like what’s happening in Gaza.

Hamas is holding the entire population of Gaza hostage. They can’t leave. Hamas puts weapons and various terrorist facilities in hospitals, mosques, and schools and requires civilians to continue using them. Israel absolutely must continue the war to prevent more Hamas murders, rapes of women and girls, and sodomy of Jewish men and boys. Israel strives to avoid killing civilians, to the point where many Jewish lives are being lost, but it can only do so much.

In Florida, Hamas would be guilty of felony murder. In Gaza, the same principle applies.

The principle is stronger in Gaza because Gazans are accomplices. Very few of them failed to vote for Hamas, and they knew exactly what Hamas would do to Jews. Very few of them do not support Hamas right now, even though they are all hostages. “Civilians” caused this problem and cheered the actions of the subhuman pigs who left their pen and attacked innocent unarmed Jews. They are getting justice, not unprovoked genocide.

Hamas has always had the power to surrender and end this situation, just as an armed nut in a WaWa would have the power to lie down and accept arrest. The guilt is ALL on Hamas and Gazans.

Scott Adams is very smart, so I would expect him to agree with this, but I don’t know. I unfollowed him because being bombarded with his depressing posts was a downer with little up side.

I have been followed by three accounts: all women. One had a profile photo displaying her grotesquely-enhanced buttocks in yoga pants. This is what happens when you join X. Fake accounts show up and follow you, and their creators hope you will follow them back in order to see more buttocks or whatever. This seems to work really well. Any moderately-attractive woman who is willing to display body parts can be a quick success on the web.

I haven’t reciprocated.

I feel like dumping X again. The feed is like a prison. It’s like being trapped in a tiny cell in hell with Libs of Tiktok and Lara Logan. It’s not that the people in my feed are so bad; it’s that I can’t seem to break out of it.

As of today, I have subscribed for $3 per month. I wanted to be able to publish longer posts. Oddly, now that I’ve subscribed, the content seems more varied. Is that how it works? Guess I’ll find out.

It may seem odd to subscribe when I’m thinking about quitting, but I want to know what I’m giving up before I check out.

Here’s something funny: X will not let you use Paypal to subscribe. Elon Musk, the X-Man himself, started Paypal. I guess his affection has withered since the breakup.

If I quit, I’ll be losing my whole three-dollar investment. Life is full of risk.

I’ll probably write about this again if I quit.