Bring a Folding Chair
My sister has been losing her mind over the prospect of an Obama Presidency, so she decided she had to be in the voting line at 6 a.m. today, and she managed to persuade me to go, too. I thought she was nuts, but by the time the polls opened at 7, there was a line down the block. Does this mean there will be lines all day, or did I just encounter a bunch of hysterics and people who can only vote before going to work? I don’t know. But here’s what I have to say.
Democrats smoke a lot of dope and get up late because they don’t have jobs; we can get an edge here by making sure we make it through the lines by the time the polls close.
It was a little nauseating, listening to the white housewives in the line as they talked about how much they and their friends worshiped Obama. A lot of white people are voting for this guy just so they can brag about voting for a black person. If the country goes under the Magic Obama Bus, that’s fine. They got to feel good and grandstand a little. These are people who have no idea what capitalism is or what socialism is, or why one works and the other leads to tragedy, totalitarianism, poverty, and despair. All they know is, Obama gives them a warm fuzzy feeling, and he wants to save all the kitties and bunnies and trees.
It’s really unfortunate that women are allowed to vote. Whatever problems would arise from male-only suffrage, at least we would be safe from socialism and pacifism, and we would always be allowed to defend ourselves and our families.
It’s too bad the Republicans don’t have a great black hope, but since we have such a hard time finding decent candidates regardless of race, it isn’t surprising. The white candidates aren’t exactly inspiring, so why would anyone expect us to be able to come up with black candidates who were any better?
Obama is a sorry excuse for a candidate; for some reason, everyone on the left is mesmerized and can’t seem to perceive that he is a far-left junior Senator with no executive experience, no notable achievements, anti-Semitic ties, and anti-white leanings. They don’t see it, but it’s true. John Kerry was ten times the candidate Obama was. So was Hillary. I would say the same about Al Gore, except that I think he may be mentally ill.
It’s very odd that the left is so worked up about this guy, or at least that they think they are (in reality, the polls are fairly close). He’s like Salieri in Amadeus; a patron saint of mediocrities.
I hope all of you will vote, and that you will not forget to pray. It really, really matters. Open your Bibles and look at all the accounts of God choosing leaders. Look at all the accounts of God’s people overcoming powerful opponents by faith. The polls don’t mean anything, if God is with us.
I am glad I got this over with. Tomorrow I’ll get up and decide whether it’s time to celebrate, or time to buy weapons Obama and the Democrat-controlled Politburo will ban next year.