I haven’t looked into his personal history so deeply, but judging from his self-described history, I have no idea how this guy got to the truth so well. It seems that he figured it out with no help from anyone.
The one weird off topic thing that strikes me about this guy…. He simply talks realistic politics, but judging from the angle of his hat, I don’t think I’d run into this guy if it weren’t for the internet. That said, he makes sense, he is logical, and he is creative. I get along with folks like that. I think I”d happily invite him to a barbecue, and get into a friendly argument about the virtues of smoke and dry rub. Then I’d ask him if he wanted anything on my next trip to the cooler. Friendly arguments are friendly after all.
I’m just amazed by this guy. He speaks truth. He is straightforward, and charismatic. From his self described history, it must not have been easy to get there.
Steve Wrote “I was much crabbier before I turned around, and it’s very obvious in my writing. Life seems brighter every day, and I say so, over and over. What is it that causes Carl to perceive things differently?”
Anthony Writes: I think Carl enjoyed your old rants about Jesus Land, Mormon Magical underpants, Pedofiles named Mohammad, etc, etc,… Crabby as those rants were, is it possible Carl did not precieve them as such because Pagans like it when religions & people are put down? And Crabby as your current blogging is NOT, pagans may preceive people at peace as Crabby.
I can’t remember how I stumbled on to this guys YouTube video, but he is awesome. Can you imagine where we would be as a Nation if more black people would listen to the likes of him and less to the likes of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson? We should all pray for him and his family, pray for his safety and pray that God uses him.
November 1st, 2008 at 11:51 AM
I haven’t looked into his personal history so deeply, but judging from his self-described history, I have no idea how this guy got to the truth so well. It seems that he figured it out with no help from anyone.
The one weird off topic thing that strikes me about this guy…. He simply talks realistic politics, but judging from the angle of his hat, I don’t think I’d run into this guy if it weren’t for the internet. That said, he makes sense, he is logical, and he is creative. I get along with folks like that. I think I”d happily invite him to a barbecue, and get into a friendly argument about the virtues of smoke and dry rub. Then I’d ask him if he wanted anything on my next trip to the cooler. Friendly arguments are friendly after all.
November 1st, 2008 at 11:56 AM
Ho. Ly. Cow.
That was better than the debates. All put together.
And that guy is better without a tele-prompter than Obama.
Just wow.
November 1st, 2008 at 7:00 PM
Ted, I’ve met him. Lovely, intelligent, happily married conservative christian man.
November 1st, 2008 at 7:52 PM
Yep. There’s a black man I’d vote for.
November 1st, 2008 at 8:16 PM
Obama will ship him off to Gitmo for that.
November 1st, 2008 at 10:44 PM
I’m just amazed by this guy. He speaks truth. He is straightforward, and charismatic. From his self described history, it must not have been easy to get there.
November 2nd, 2008 at 12:10 PM
Steve Wrote “I was much crabbier before I turned around, and it’s very obvious in my writing. Life seems brighter every day, and I say so, over and over. What is it that causes Carl to perceive things differently?”
Anthony Writes: I think Carl enjoyed your old rants about Jesus Land, Mormon Magical underpants, Pedofiles named Mohammad, etc, etc,… Crabby as those rants were, is it possible Carl did not precieve them as such because Pagans like it when religions & people are put down? And Crabby as your current blogging is NOT, pagans may preceive people at peace as Crabby.
November 2nd, 2008 at 1:08 PM
Steve, PULEEEZE tell me how to forward this You Tube to my friends. This guy says it all!!!!! And rather quickly too! He is amazing.
November 2nd, 2008 at 1:26 PM
Double-click the video to go to Youtube. Then you can copy the embed code or URL and put it in your email.
November 3rd, 2008 at 11:01 AM
I can’t remember how I stumbled on to this guys YouTube video, but he is awesome. Can you imagine where we would be as a Nation if more black people would listen to the likes of him and less to the likes of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson? We should all pray for him and his family, pray for his safety and pray that God uses him.