Jonesing for Change

October 30th, 2008

Call me a Cynic

Here’s something the media will never tell you.

When Joe the Plumber brought attention to Obama’s socialist agenda, the left went after him. The press dug into his past, and the Obama campaign smeared him with ridiculous and meaningless assertions. They pointed to a small and completely normal tax debt, and they told us he was not licensed to do plumbing in his part of Ohio. They also dropped the following bombshell: “Joe” is actually his middle name. That was the best they could do.

Now we know that people in the Ohio government ran checks on him, using state computers. One check was performed by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services. They wanted to see if Joe was a deadbeat dad. The lady in charge of this outfit is one Helen Jones-Kelley. Her defense is that Joe made a public claim that he wanted to buy a prosperous business, and that suggested he had assets, so her people were obligated to see if he owed money to his poor battered and estranged wife and his starving kids–people who do not exist.

I feel very safe in assuring you that Helen Jones-Kelley is lying. Ohio has millions of citizens, and many are well-off, and many are well-known. I promise you, Ms. Jones-Kelley hasn’t run checks on all of them, or even on a significant percentage of them. Who is she trying to kid? Why don’t we start with the rosters of every professional sports team in Ohio? Let’s throw in every civil servant who makes over, say, $40,000, and then let’s throw in every well-known businessman in Ohio. If they haven’t been checked, her defense is a lie.

The press has admitted that Jones-Kelley donated $2300 to the Obama campaign, which is a big chunk of a civil servant’s salary. Here is what they probably didn’t tell you:

See if you can spot anything in this photo that might lead you to wonder if Jones-Kelley has a motive that goes beyond liberalism. Think hard. You’ll eventually figure it out. If you’re confused, post a comment, and I’ll give you a clue.

If other blogs are already posting photos like these, pardon me. I am far too lazy to go beyond the three blogs I read regularly.

Okay, I have done a cursory check. Looks like Ace has been here already. UPDATE: do yourself a favor and don’t click on his NSFW photo link. I wouldn’t have linked had I checked it first.

Hey, maybe Jones-Kelley has done this for other Democrat candidates, some of them white. Hmm…wonder if we could check her agency’s records and find out. Would you bet on the evidence supporting her defense?

I have a feeling one Change we can look forward to is a Change in the leadership of the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services. If Jones-Kelley is guilty of abusing her position, she needs to be replaced. When a government official does a thing like this to a private citizen, in order to squash his expression of political views, it’s not just a tort or a crime. It’s OPPRESSION. Which starts with “O.” Not that I’m suggesting anything.

Connect the dots.

7 Responses to “Jonesing for Change”

  1. Zarba Says:

    I got it!

    Look at those teeth! She obviously is prejudiced against Joe because his dental hygiene is deficient.

    no, wait…

    It’s the hair!!! Joe has a shaved head. She has hair.

    Shaved heads are also known as “skin heads”

    Skinheads are notoriously racist.

    Ergo, Joe is a racist! She HAD to check him out for our safety. He was probably only a second away form assaulting The Anointed One with a plunger!

    We need a 5-Day waiting period for plumber’s tools!

  2. Rubber City Rebel Says:

    Steve wrote, “I have a feeling one Change we can look forward to is a Change in the leadership of the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services.”

    Comrade… How wrong you are…

    We have this from today’s Columbus Dispatch…
    “The administration of Democratic Gov. Ted Strickland has said the information was not shared improperly and that there were no political motives behind the checks.”

    See…. Nothing to see here… The Democratic Governor’s office says so…. Please move along…. The Media will lead you and the other sheeple right over the looming Facist cliff….

    Sometimes I think we are doomed as a nation, but I take solice in the fact that I really do possess a peace that does surpass understanding. I pray for the people of our country.

  3. Steve H. Says:

    Haven’t you noticed that early denials mean nothing in politics? Give it a week and see what happens.

  4. Mockingbird Says:

    That woman,Helen Jones-Kelley, looks suspicious to me.
    The article on this socialist buraeucrat leads me to surmise that she would ignore, bend or even break laws to help Barack Obama in his pursuit of power and all of our money.

  5. Oh, bother Says:

    Steve, I love you, man, but even without Rubber City Rebel’s quote from the Columbus Dispatch you should have known that Jones-Kelley’s job is more secure than yours, mine or Joe the Plumber’s will ever be. I agree she needs to be replaced, along with many if not most of the bureaucrats in Ohio. Hope you’re right about the early denials.

  6. DYSPEPSIA GENERATION » Blog Archive » Jonesing for Change Says:

    […] The Hog wants it perfectly understood that he has quit writing about politics. Absolutely. I have a feeling one Change we can look forward to is a Change in the leadership of the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services. If Jones-Kelley is guilty of abusing her position, she needs to be replaced. When a government official does a thing like this to a private citizen, in order to squash his expression of political views, it’s not just a tort or a crime. It’s OPPRESSION. Which starts with “O.” Not that I’m suggesting anything. […]

  7. Guaman Says:

    A lesson was learned by going to Ace and then clicking the NSFW link; you can do very entertaining things with just MS.Paint. A creative mind is sufficient. No PhotoShop needed.