Bummer for Islamic Rage Boy

November 4th, 2008


In case you didn’t know, Mike Huckabee has hooked up with The Nose on Your Face, and he is actively soliciting stuff from the site for his show!

I was not thrilled with Huckabee as a candidate, but I think he’s a natural for TV, and it’s great to see TNOYF hit the big time. Go look.

4 Responses to “Bummer for Islamic Rage Boy”

  1. Keith Says:

    Did they lose the domain name? I’m getting a blank page.

  2. Steve H. Says:

    Believe it or not, I copied that URL from their email.

  3. Ruth H Says:

    I never like him as a candidate but I do enjoy his show and am glad he is on.

  4. Guaman Says:

    The Huckabee show had Bill Maher on and it was wonderful. Governor Huckabee is gentleman, firm in his convictions, and a very refreshing add on to the “shouting” channel. Though they often speak the truth, O’Reilly, Hannity, Colmes, and others there tend to put me off with their rude behavior. This true even for the morning coffee table club. Cavuto has always been class.