The Meat of the Matter
February 8th, 2024Seems Like no One Knows the Truth About Anything
I was praying with my wife yesterday morning, and I got off on the topic of the concealment of the truth. When I pray, I don’t just ask for stuff. I make statements. I was asking God to tell us what to do about something, which means I was asking to know the truth, and I started talking about the way the world now swims in lies.
One of the biggest areas of deception and concealment is that of coronavirus. We don’t know much of the truth at all.
1. Do the vaccines work? At first, people like Joe Biden and Rachel Maddow told us they were 100% effective. Then we heard figures like 90%. Then we heard that every person on Earth could expect to get infected, vaccinated or not. When the vaccines started looking bad, they told us that while they might not prevent infection, they would absolutely, definitely prevent every recipient from getting very sick and dying, and then they told us countless vaccinated people had died or at least become terribly ill.
2. Do the masks work? No; not at all. That’s what they said at first. Then they said they worked very well. Now they say this: no; not at all. Nearly.
3. Do vaccines hurt people? No; not at all. Almost never, they said. Then young people started dropping dead in such numbers it significantly affected official excess death figures. They said this had nothing to do with coronavirus vaccines. It had to be related to all those other giant health crises that occurred right after the end of 2019. A lot of journalists and officials still deny that vaccines do harm, but simultaneously, the CDC says this:
[E]vidence from multiple vaccine safety monitoring systems in the United States and around the globe supports a causal association between mRNA COVID-19 vaccines (i.e., Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech) and myocarditis and pericarditis.
The other day, I read that a vaccinated baby’s risk of heart problems from covid vaccination is about 2.2%. The risk of symptomatic coronavirus infection is almost too low to measure. It is essentially zero. But people gave their babies shots anyway.
A rate of 2.2% is not small. It’s astronomical. Imagine this: you see a table covered with hundred-dollar bills on a city street, and a sign over it says, “Over one in fifty people who take a hundred-dollar bill will get myocarditis.” Would you take the money? Would you drive if getting in your car carried a 2.2% chance of myocarditis?
People can be really stupid about probability. We tend to think a low risk is the same thing as complete safety.
How many babies have had mRNA shots? Let’s say it’s a million, which is not unreasonable and could be low. That’s 22,000 babies with heart problems.
How many babies have had serious problems with coronavirus? Virtually none. And doctors knew coronavirus was not a serious threat to babies before they shot a bunch of them full of experimental vaccines which HAVE given many of then heart problems.
Pretending the 22,000 figure is correct, did we kill or seriously harm 22,000 babies in order to save a couple of dozen freak babies who somehow managed to get severe covid?
Right now, leftists are busy trying to put out the sudden-death fire, and maybe they will succeed, because they distort and control information, just like their spiritual siblings in North Korea and China. When stories come out, they say dumb things like, “Anecdotal! Anecdotal!” Our knowledge of the plagues that ravaged Europe is mostly anecdotal. No one took statistics or set diagnostic standards. Was the plague imaginary?
Today, we have excess-death statistics compiled by scientists, and leftists are still saying evidence for vaccine-induced sudden deaths is anecdotal.
How do you make it NOT anecdotal? How do you prove myocarditis and pericarditis are NOT caused by covid? Is that even possible? Does the body of a 14-year-old killed by vaccine myocarditis look different from the body of one whose cardiac arrest was caused by some other problem? Journalists and people in the medical/pharmaceutical/government complex should tell us instead of presenting us with their self-serving conclusions.
What if 10 million people died from heart inflammation next month? Would they keep telling us not to connect the dots?
How do we know the risk to babies is 2.2%? That’s a hell of a question. Aren’t most cases undiagnosed? It’s pretty obvious that vaccine heart damage sometimes has no symptoms until victims drop dead. If it always came with symptoms, the deaths wouldn’t happen on basketball courts. They’d happen in hospitals, where victims would go after feeling ill.
There is no way we’re detecting all of them. What if the rate is 10%, and 2.2% represents the number we have proven to exist? I haven’t seen anyone address this, possibly because journalists are generally too stupid to deal with math and science.
Disease cases are like cockroaches. If you see one, there may be lots of others you can’t see.
When I brought up the concealment of the truth in prayer, I wasn’t thinking mainly about coronavirus. I was thinking about low-carb diets. I was asking God to tell us whether we should try them.
My wife got here two months ago, and we have been exploring American food opportunities pretty thoroughly. She is concerned about her weight, and I am not all that happy about mine. Somehow, I came across a video of Jordan Peterson telling the world he only ate beef.
I had no idea there was an all-meat diet. It sounds like a leftist caricature of the Atkins diet.
When I was a kid, a bunch of lobbyists created what we called the Food Pyramid. It told us what to eat. We were to eat a lot of the stuff on the bottom level, and progressively less as the levels got smaller.
Nobody told us food industry lobbyists shaped the pyramid, but it’s true. One would think doctors would have had a say, but our government listened to people who grew grain. As a result, with no evidence whatsoever, people in authority started telling us to pump ourselves up with grain, like beef cattle. And doctors went along with it, which is very weird.
They also told us to go easy on meat. I have no idea why, since meat also had lobbyists. I guess the grain lobbyists spent more money.
Doc Atkins popped up and told the world this was all wrong, and he was right. He said we needed to limit carbs and eat all the meat, eggs, and cheese we wanted.
He was called a quack, and the medical establishment reviled him. Darn those lobbyists.
He told us excess carbohydrates made us insulin resistant, so we craved carbs and stored fat. Other doctors hooted like contemptuous baboons.
Now, mainstream doctors tell us about the dangers of insulin resistance. But they still push carb-heavy diets. They love vegetarianism, a bizarre and unnatural practice that didn’t exist until relatively recently in man’s history.
Doctors still tell us fat is bad, even though the science that condemned it has been debunked or at least stripped of most of its luster.
Doctors literally told us how to get fat and die sooner, but they claimed they were really telling us how to get slim and healthy. Now we’re supposed to believe them when they can’t agree on their stories.
Jordan Peterson says he eats only beef. Not “meat.” Beef. That’s how far-out he is. He says he has gone from 212 pounds to 165. He says his eye floaters and gum problems vanished. He says his lifelong depression went away. He builds muscle easily. He says he sleeps better and thinks more clearly now.
Is it true? I think so. He looks like an obsessive runner, even though he isn’t. His skin looks great. His mind is sharp. He has no reason to lie. No one is paying him.
I listened to him, and I looked around the web. I started thinking my wife and I ought to go zero-carb for a few days to detox from all the pizza and cookies and bread we’ve been eating. I don’t think we should go carnivore, because even if it works, I am not willing to make the sacrifice.
When I was in law school, I went a very long time eating almost no carbs. I lost something like 25 pounds, eating as much as I wanted. I was strong. I maxed out most of the machines where I worked out. People said I would have no endurance, but I used to ride an exercise bike for 45 minutes with my heart rate at 168. I know low-carbing works for me, but I’m not going all the way. Sometimes I have to have a pizza.
Today I got up and ate 6 fried eggs with 6 slices of bacon and 3 slices of American cheese. I feel very, very good. I don’t know why, but when I skip carbs, I always feel peaceful.
I think I’ll go two more days, and then we may start eating meat and non-starchy vegetables 6 days per week, with a break on Saturday to keep us from going insane.
The annoying thing is that people are so dishonest and agenda-driven, I can’t get good information about low-carb diets. And oddly, the lines seem to be drawn between leftists, who reject God, and people who accept him. You don’t really see many left-wing low-carbers. In fact, it’s much more common to see leftists who are enraged by low-carbing. That’s bizarre, but it’s true.
There seems to be a connection between hatred of God and love of vegetarianism. Hitler was a vegetarian. A lot of really annoying godless Hollywood performers are vegetarians. PETA nuts hate Christianity, and look at their diets.
Abel pleased God. He raised and slaughtered sheep. He presented God with the blood of innocent creatures whose throats he had cut, and God was happy with him. Cain raised plants, and he had the gall to present God with produce. When God corrected him, instead of taking the hint, he murdered Abel, and he was cursed for it.
God has always been a proponent of killing animals and meat eating. He had Abraham cut animals up for the covenant of the pieces. He let Abraham cook a goat for him, and he ate it. He had Elijah set out a dead steer for him, and he sent fire to devour it. He forced the Jews to eat meat once a year on Passover. Vegetarianism was a sin to the Jews. He established a sacrificial system that essentially turned the temple into a barbecue factory.
If you could go back in time to the temple, the first thing you would notice would be the delicious smell of meat being roasted. It was there all the time, because sacrifices took place every day. A lot of sacrifices. Birds. Goats. Sheep. Cattle. The Bible says God loves the sweet smell of burning meat.
Jesus ate meat. He told his disciples to eat his flesh and drink his blood. He was called the lamb of God.
God told Peter to kill unclean animals and eat.
It’s pretty clear that God has no interest in veganism. God eats meat, and so should we.
I wish we lived in a world where people told the truth, so I could get good dietary advice everyone agrees on, but that is not possible. Human beings are too crooked. You can’t believe anything they say.
I don’t believe the people who say you should never eat plants, and I definitely don’t believe the creepy, self-righteous zealots who get angry at people who eat meat. I will continue eating meat, and I doubt I’ll ever go carnivore.
February 8th, 2024 at 6:51 PM
You have a farm – get some chickens. Get back to work on that Ruth Stout garden and grow mustard, collards, turnips, beans and other vegetables that provide nutrients and almost no carbs. You need another hobby.
February 8th, 2024 at 7:56 PM
If I recall correctly, the Federal Government first published a Food Pyramid right about the time LBJ was looking for a way to get revenge on the ranchers and dairy farmers who had so vocally and financially supported his opponents. I may be misremembering this. I should definitely eat more steak, I always feel better physically and mentally when I do. Maybe my memory would improve.
The only thing that’s ever been shown to reverse diabetes is a carnivore diet. It was first proven effective in the 1800’s.
February 8th, 2024 at 9:47 PM
Dr. Eric Berg on youtube is a proponent of a healthy diet that really helped me. In a nutshell, he skips breakfast (an extended time between dinner and the next meal lowers blood insulin to a nice baseline so you can burn your stored fat before your first meal later in the day), eats a late lunch that is a huge bowl of leafy greens and raw or low glycemic vegetables, oil, vinegar, and what-have-you toppings.
In months too cold for me to comfortably eat a big salad, I eat a similarly sized amount (300- 400 grams raw) of hot cooked greens/ broccoli etc. with grass-fed butter or ghee plus toppings. This was my compromise because I live in the frozen North and the thought of eating a huge cold salad instead of hot food when it is freezing here is just…it is not happening. I will die.
He says it is important to eat your big vegetable meal first, so you get the veggie-sourced fibers and minerals and vitamins in. If you eat your meat meal first, you won’t be able to eat a large salad later in the day. I have tried it both ways and found that this is true for me. And you really shouldn’t, it is harder to digest and you don’t want to do that towards bedtime. It kept me up, anyway. Your mileage may vary.
Then a bit later you eat a second meal featuring your proteins, especially if you didn’t put meat or eggs or fish on your big salad. Overall, you are not eating carbs in the form of heavy starches and pure sugars. Only the carbs in low-glycemic vegetables.
In order to stave off the weak ‘down’ feeling you get in the first week of low-sugar life, you need to add a little extra salt to your meals.
The first weight you lose is water and when it is flushed out of your body it carries off electrolyte minerals with it. You need salt and other minerals to feel alert and energetic. When you don’t consume carbohydrates, your body dispenses with all the extra water it has been storing to metabolize starches. The salts lost with it need to be boosted a bit during the initial adjustment, or else you will feel like crap and eat a bag of biscuits to compensate. Weight loss will stall for at least the next 48 hours.
I did this diet from March – June 2022 and lost 34 lbs in that period. I maintain most of the dictates to this day, indulge in the bad stuff occasionally, including booze, and have only gained back 10 lbs since then.
I would recommend anybody to not jump into the ‘late/skip breakfast’ thing straight off. You need to get low-carb adapted first or the cravings in the morning are painful. You need to get used to burning fat instead of sugar for energy. Your body will do the turnover for you after a little bit of time. This is the natural state of man. This is why we store fat after a heavy meal. To consume it in the hours until the next meal. Not to store it forever and keep adding to it until it poisons us to death.
Just do the general diet outlines for 2 weeks to get adjusted to the low carb first and then push the first meal back a little at a time until you get to the fast fat-burning sweet spot.
I will say, once I pushed the first meal back to 2PM and last meal to 7PM, that is when the weight loss was like, flying off me crazy fast. Energy through the roof. Hip and knee flexibility came back. Shoulder pain went away.
I’m re-starting later this month because I’m feeling plump, stiff and old again. I have months of vigorous gardening ahead of me and I want to complete the mission and love my life.
February 8th, 2024 at 10:57 PM
Google Jason Fung. He’s a kidney doctor who realized that a lot of his kidney patients were (type 2) diabetic, and that if he put them on a low/no carb diet they recovered, and lost weight.
February 12th, 2024 at 11:40 PM
I lost about 40 pounds (at one point) by basically cutting out a lot of carbs and especially junk food and pop, focusing on protein, fruits, and veggies, and doing low-impact exercises for about 20-30 minutes a day, plus going for camping and hikes on a semi-regular basis.
A lot of being able to make those changes boils down to self-control and asking for help when tempted, because food can be just as much of an addiction as alcohol or drugs. Americans have become far more obese than even 30 years ago, addictive behaviors in general are worse, and it’s hardly a coincidence that it all correlates to the overall decline of the country into its rejection of God.