The Importance of Being Frank

July 2nd, 2023

Clarence Thomas has an Heir

One of the things I hated about practicing law was watching lawyers rationalize.

People say lawyers lie all the time, and it’s not true in the way they mean it. They think lawyers lie to judges, juries, other lawyers, and opposing parties all day, as a matter of routine. This is untrue. Lying to a judge is a serious offense. Where I live, it can get you disbarred. Lying to opposing counsel will also get you in trouble with your bar association. If you lie to a jury, you can pretty well expect your opponent to have something to say about it, right then and there.

When lawyers deceive, they generally deceive themselves, their co-counsel, and their clients, about the facts and law surrounding their cases. Their untruths usually aren’t plain old lies. They are rationalizations. Things they can’t be punished for saying.


Lawyer Bill: So Tom, when you were driving home from the bar and plowed through the rec room of an old folks’ home, would you say your head hit the steering wheel?

Drunk Bob: Well, I think it may have brushed against…

Lawyer Bill: I’m sorry, did you say it DEFINITELY SLAMMED FORCEFULLY?

Drunk Bob: Well…

Lawyer Bill: Because if it did, then when you were found staggering around by the police, it may be that you were ADDLED by the blow and not stinking drunk on two-for-one margaritas.

Drunk Bob: Oh, it was forceful, all right. It’s amazing I didn’t get a concussion!

Lawyer Bill: Where did you go to medical school?

Drunk Bob: You mean before beginning my career hauling manure?

Lawyer Bill: Because if you’re not a doctor, you can’t possibly know if you had a concussion. So shut up about that. We will let my friend Prescription Factory Ben decide if you have a concussion. Let me get him on the phone. Ben, you’re on speaker. We need you to look at my client Drunk Bob and see if the steering wheel…

Prescription Factory Ben: Way ahead of you. Concussion for sure. Of course, I’ll have to examine him for the bargain price of $5000.

The unfortunate thing is that many lawyers actually buy into their rationalizations, so when they present them to finders of fact, they can’t really be accused of lying. And when rationalizations are being crafted, you don’t want to be the only one in the room who raises his hand and ruins everything.

I think about these things when I watch the nuts on the left, spewing their insane theories about victimhood and so on.

Today I saw a white girl say all white people are racist, without exception. When I say “white,” I don’t mean she was 100% white. She had olive skin, and she clearly had a few drops of black blood. But she was not nearly dark enough to be half black. She was white. Call it what you want, but if she has kids with a white man, it will probably be impossible to see any African influence in them.

She started talking about racism, which means animosity based purely on race. The definition of racism is old and correct, and I just gave you the whole thing. There are no asterisks. “It’s not racism if this.” “It’s not racism if that.” No. Doesn’t matter what the other facts are. Doesn’t matter whether the person with the animosity is white. Doesn’t even have to be a person. A dog can be racist.

She had a look on her face like she just figured out the cure for AIDS, and she started saying racism was about power. She said white people’s existence is racist because it supports a system that supports white supremacy.

She had convinced herself this was a brilliant revelation, but it was neither brilliant nor original. You can find all kinds of idiots on the web saying the same thing.

Today I feel very discouraged about humanity, because I am being reminded that there are billions of people out there who, when it comes to the capacity to admit error and improve, might as well be tree stumps. There is literally nothing you can say to these people, no matter how obviously true, that will change their corrupted, dishonest, arrogant, hateful minds. They start from anger and a desire to control and murder the rest of us, and that, not reason, drives their rationalizations. You can’t get rid of the lies because the hate which is their root can’t be pulled up.

The tribulation will be God’s last effort at evangelism prior to the millennium. He will not use gentle words or miracles. He will burn people with fire. He will starve them. He will let them torture and murder each other. He will give them agonizing diseases they can’t contain, mitigate, or cure. He will destroy their environment. He will even send animals to tear them up. The tribulation will be characterized by the harshest type of evangelism there is.

The Bible says stripes, meaning wounds from flogging, are for a fool’s back. It says, “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.” If you listen to counsel, you don’t need to be flogged, so you are spared. If you think you’re always right, get ready for the lash, because it will come, and if you’re lucky, it will only come in this life.

Satan is gaslighting leftists, and they are gaslighting everyone who doesn’t hear from the Holy Spirit and pray in tongues. Many people think Christians are protected from deceit, but that’s not true. If it were, Christianity would not be disappearing, and it is.

Only Christians who are guided by the Holy Spirit every day will avoid being persuaded to join the body of the antichrist. Christians who are complaining about perversion today will be waving rainbow flags next year.

I come here and write this stuff, and maybe 5 people believe it. I feel like holing up here with my wife and baking cookies until Yeshua comes to extract us, because trying to help people is like trying to befriend rabid dogs. Yeshua said such people were swine, and they would turn and tear us up. It’s happening every day, so when do you know it’s time to throw in the towel and avoid them?

I feel like every Christian who knows the Spirit will eventually have a Scott Adams moment, but unlike Scott Adams, they will identify the hate group correctly. It’s not black people. It’s people who aren’t Spirit-led. It’s a big group.

If you’re tired of secular gaslighting, I have a resource you might enjoy. The other day, my wife and I discovered him independently. I saw him on Youtube, and she saw him on TikTok. He’s a Nigerian named Frank Stephen. He puts up brilliant videos debunking leftist gaslighting. It’s hard to stop watching him, because it’s so weird to have someone tell sane people they’re right.

Example: a morbidly obese singer named Lizzo is whining because people pick on her for being enormous. In her act, she wears things like thongs. It is almost horrifying. She is physically grotesque, she insists on displaying as much flab as she can, and leftists keep telling her she’s gorgeous.

Frank Stephen points out that there are a whole lot of really fat celebrities out there, and they are not crying about being persecuted. Maybe the difference is their choice not to put naked blubber in front of the camera and tell people they’re beautiful.

In case you want to check him out, I’ll try to embed a video, but Youtube is persecuting him dishonestly by age-restricting his material, so you may have to click a link instead.

I’ll embed it anyway, since it is just barely conceivable Youtube’s propaganda/censorship squad might make a mistake and remove the restriction some day.

My wife says she has been binge-watching him. He reminds me of Trump’s Twitter glory days. No one tweeted like Trump. Set up, debunk, accuse, withdraw.

Secular material isn’t always helpful, but God is being attacked via secular arguments, so I believe Frank Stephen is a healer. The left throws sand in our eyes, and he washes it out.

One Response to “The Importance of Being Frank”

  1. Ed Bonderenka Says:

    That guy’s a hoot!