You’re Breathing Their Air With Stolen Lungs
April 26th, 2024Pay Up
Is it antisemitic to say a person looks Jewish?
I ask because I saw a remarkable video about antisemitic protests in New York.
The answer to the question is “no.” It is not antisemitic to say a person looks Jewish, any more than it is wrong to say a person looks Far Eastern or white.
Google photos of Barbra Streisand and deceased New York mayor Ed Koch. Case closed.
Yesterday, I saw an amazing thing. There was a protest at NYU, in New York City. This, incidentally, is a backup school for kids who can’t get into Columbia.
Someone interviewed a couple of girls who were visiting from Columbia. They were very gung ho about protesting Israel. One girl wore a mask to hide her identity and insulate her from repercussions from her shameful, idiotic behavior. The other showed her face. No question about it. She is Jewish.
The person with the camera asked them about their objections to what was happening in Gaza, and they admitted they didn’t know much of anything about the situation! But there they were, protesting and fanning the flames of antisemitism. One said she wished she were better educated. I wish that for her, too.
In various places on the web, I have been asserting without proof that Jews were out there protesting Israel along with the other antisemites, and now you see why I was bold enough to do that. If the Jewish people were one person, he would have been on suicide and self-harm watch since leaving Egypt. The Jews have a long history of helping their enemies and fighting their friends. I knew some of them would support Hamas. Questioning it would have been asinine.
Dathan has more children than Moses.
Why do I say “the other antisemites”? Because Jews who join the protests are antisemites. Jews can be antisemites if they want.
In related news, a black man named Khymani James, who claims to be some other flavor of sexual being (unclear) is getting attention for calling for Zionists (like me and, for that matter, God) to be murdered.
James is a typical Columbia student. He gets attention by saying stupid things that impress leftists who have no brains. He has said, “Zionists don’t deserve to live.” Defending his remarks later, he said, “I feel very comfortable, very comfortable, calling for those people to die.” He supports the murder of Benjamin Netanyahu.
He also says he carries a gun, even though there is no way he has a permit.
Far as anyone can tell, this dangerous nut is still a student in good standing. Columbia will not reveal what, if any, discipline he has faced. They made me leave for a year for shooting harmless bottle rockets out of a window, so now you have a basis to form ideas about their priorities.
Finally, in today’s list of horrors, a genocidal crank at George Washington University in DC was spotted carrying the Palestinian flag and a sign calling for the “final solution.” This phrase, for all you kids who were educated by false-breast-wearing men and Tiktok, refers to the murder of every single Jew on Earth. This is the “solution,” and Jews are the problem.
Their EXISTENCE, not their behavior, is the problem that must be fixed, according to the guy with the sign.
The man with the sign was not attacked or driven off, as far as I can tell from the news. That means he’s better off than Jews who have been attacked by racist protesters like the Jewish girl at NYU, and he’s also better off than the Jew in London who was told by racist police to leave a rage-filled protest because he was disturbing the peace.
I wonder what peace the police were referring to.
People who don’t know the Holy Spirit have no idea what’s going on. It has never been about coexistence. Ever since the human race was contaminated by servants of Satan, it has been about exterminating the people who belong to Yahweh. People, including many Jews, think the turmoil will end if there is enough appeasement. Give the savages this piece of land and that piece of land. They’ll be satisfied. That’s not how it works. The other side’s goal is to end Jewish existence, and they also want to remove Christians from the world.
Jews love to appease. They keep giving things away. They even gave the Egyptians the entire Sinai peninsula, which contains oil wells, after the Egyptians lost it in a racist war of aggression.
American Jews are the worst appeasers, because they are terrible virtue-signalers, and because they don’t have to deal with terrorism every day, the way Israelis do. They think their grandchildren will live in big houses in New Jersey and Miami, holding hands and singing Joni Mitchell songs with the friendly gentiles they have pacified. They think October 7 was just a speed bump. A temporary disturbance that will be put behind them, just like the 1948 war.
What’s happening now will wake some, but not most, of them up. Suddenly, the threat of terrorism and genocide isn’t a far-off thing that only happens to crazy zealots who leave rich America and Europe to live in a shaky country where they make you serve in the army and you can’t get a decent bagel. Now you have to ask yourself if you want to wear your yarmulke when you go out for lunch. Is it worth risking a beating? You have to ask yourself if your kids should go to Columbia, the best school in New York State, where they may be spat on and otherwise abused.
Columbia has long been a haven for Jews. A pogrom at Columbia is like a Trump rally in Martha’s Vineyard.
It’s not a speed bump. It’s not going to blow over. It’s going to get worse.
The New Testament, which is not read by many Jews even though it’s a Jewish book written by Jews and for Jews, about a Jewish God, explains what is happening.
Yeshua, the rejected Jewish Messiah, has now been rejected by the vast majority of gentiles as well as Jews. The 2000-year period of evangelism is over. If the world were a restaurant, employees would be putting chairs on the tables right now.
Satan has received the popular vote once again, and Yeshua is returning as an election denier. God hates elections. He hates democracy, which came to us from boy-molesting Greeks. God is a monarch, and he is returning to claim his kingdom.
The Bible says the tribulation will be terrible, because Satan knows his time is short. When the tribulation ends, he will be bound in hell for a millennium, so he is getting his last licks in now. He is throwing a tantrum like a leftist protester who doesn’t want to go into a police van.
Satan is even more furious than usual, and he is also terrified. He is going to do as much harm to Jews and Christians as he can before his humiliation begins.
Jewish religious authorities haven’t heard from the Holy Spirit since about 400 BC, so they have no idea what’s going on. They make wild guesses for a living, and a lot of their work is based on the faulty, blasphemous premise that Yeshua is not the Messiah and not God, although Isaiah said he was both. If Jews still heard from the Holy Spirit, as they used to, they would be talking about the end and the millennium just as Christians are.
They don’t know the Bible well. Not even the Old Testament. They are taught not to study it too much. They are told that if they try to understand it without help, they will just get themselves in trouble. They might even come to the horrible conclusion that Yeshua is who he says he is.
They listen to arrogant old men who read what other arrogant old men have written. Wow…am I writing about the Jews or about most Christians? Same thing. Most Christians are in the same boat. That’s why we have homosexual priests. I mean the kind who admit they’re homosexual.
The Old Testament says to meditate on God’s word, which is the Bible. The rabbis say to meditate on the Talmud, the Zohar, the Gemara, and the Kabbalah. Hmm.
If God’s word is good, why is it better to read things Jews wrote after God destroyed their nation? Obviously, those Jews were doing something wrong.
Spammers used to try to sell me Oprah’s diet tips. Oprah was enormous. Depending on the year and month, she might have been as big as 250 pounds. She finally lost weight at the age of 70, way too late to enjoy it, by taking a drug and lying about it, while serving on the board of Weight Watchers and urging other people to rely on discipline.
The spammers still thought I would buy her diet tips. It’s a bad idea. It would be like listening to clergymen who haven’t heard from God in 2400 years.
It’s going to get worse. The Holocaust is starting up again. New York and Miami Beach aren’t going to protect anyone. Judging by Zechariah 14, neither will Israel. It’s a very bad time to double down on rejecting Yeshua and the Holy Spirit.
Check out this New York Post article, which identifies a bunch of Jewish supporters of the genocidal, antisemitic mobs. Soros figures prominently, as does Noam Chomsky.
April 27th, 2024 at 3:34 PM
Steve, can you and your wife please remember me and my family in your prayers? I am increasingly in the position of trying to determine who is most credible and least crazy, as we navigate the waters of end of life care for my father, who suffers from Parkinson’s.
April 28th, 2024 at 5:33 PM
Wow, God answered that one quick. Hallelujah! And thank you.
April 28th, 2024 at 9:15 PM
John, I have to apologize. I was going to pray with my wife, but somehow it slipped my mind when we were together. I’m glad you got the help you needed. We will remember tonight.