Rotten Flowers

January 22nd, 2017

Humanity Screeches its Way Into Menopause

This is not a pleasant morning.

Last night I saw news items about the women’s march on Washington. Was it about women’s rights? No, it was about obscenity, hate, and rebellion, with women’s rights as a side dish provided as an excuse.

I saw a short video of Madonna, a near-billionaire who has the audacity to stand in front of cameras and call herself a victim. She is angry at the world because people no longer find her physically attractive. She believes we are obligated to reward her with lust and attention.

Madonna is like Cher; she used her sex appeal to become famous, and then that appeal slipped away, as it always does, and she began to be more of a curiosity than a hip entertainer. These are women who got everything they wanted during this life, and they are terrified to see it sliding through their fingers. They may not believe in heaven and hell, but they’re smart enough to know they won’t necessarily be rich, attractive celebrities in the hereafter, and it upsets them every day.

Madonna said she had thought about blowing up the White House.

What can you say about a person that deluded? She’s so angry about Donald Trump, she wants to assassinate him and kill whoever else happens to be in the White House at the time. This is a celebrity? This is a person people admire? Can that really be true?

I started to watch a few minutes of Scarlett Johannson’s speech. This is a woman who has a reputation, in real life, for being easy. She started out with a question about women visiting their gynecologists.

I shut it off. I don’t want to hear about it. You should be able to discuss your rights without discussing your genitalia.

Today I’ve been reading about the pink knit hats women wore to the march. Get used to seeing them, because feminists plan to keep wearing them all over the US. You will see them in the workplace, at stores, and in parks. You will see them when you go to your kids’ schools to participate in events.

The hats are named after women’s private parts. The color is supposed to resemble the color of women’s genitals. I won’t even tell you what the hats are called; the name contains a vulgar slang term I probably never heard until I was ten.

This is what America has become.

These women are pigs. They are depraved. They can’t tell good from bad any more. Not only are they filthy and cruel; they are self-righteous about it. If you criticize their filth, you will be criticized in return, the way sane people would have criticized these women in 1950. Evil is treated like good, and good is treated like evil.

I’ll tell you what; I don’t want to be here any more. I don’t want to live in a world where I am showered with obscenity every time I go outdoors. It’s too much.

It’s going to get a lot worse. Google photos of naked people on the streets of New York and San Francisco. The press keeps this stuff quiet, but public nudity is now legal in these places.

I’m not sure what we’re supposed to do. We’re entering an age when a simple visit to the grocery store will be a gauntlet. Are we supposed to wear blindfolds and use GPS to take us up and down the aisles?

I wonder how long we’ll have to endure this. When will God come and relieve us, as he relieved Noah and Lot? Ten years? Two hundred?

Christians can’t fit in any more. All we can do is sit and wait for it to end, like people caught in a downpour.

It’s very sad to see lukewarm Christians and prosperity-gospel Christians trying to assimilate. They’re giving up everything that makes them Christians. Many of them are giving up their salvation. Just to fit in, in this nuthouse.

They say Enoch had a place where he went off to be with God, while he was still on the earth. They say he emerged from time to time to tell people things, and that afterward, he would return home. I wish I had something like that. I am stuck here in the midst of the depraved. I don’t even have an ark to hide in.

If God permits the earth to endure much longer, we will see times that make today look like the Victorian Era. We will tell our children women used to have to wear clothes in restaurants, and that there were words people couldn’t say on television. They won’t believe it unless they see video.

It’s terrible to see women making themselves so vile. When you consider what women could be, maybe by reading Provers 31, and then you see what they choose to be instead, you can’t help but marvel at their blindness and perversity.

Honestly, if there were a bus to heaven loading up outside my house right now, I would walk out the door and get on board. I wouldn’t look back for one second. I hope my dad accepts salvation, and I would want someone to look after my pets. That’s all I care about. I have no earthly ambition whatsoever. I don’t want to join the herd. I am sick of what people have become, and I know they will continue to rot and become more disgusting.

This place is temporary. No one seems to understand that. You were never intended to camp out here, grab as much stuff as you can, and hold onto it until people pried it out of your wrinkled claws. We were never intended to kill the unborn and use their flesh to cure our diseases. We were never intended waste our lives building monuments to ourselves.

If Madonna feels bad about the way she looks now, wait ten years. She already looks bad for her age. When she looks bad for seventy, she may very well do nothing but sit in a chair and scream all day. She should be trying to make peace with God and looking for things that last. Instead she’s proclaiming her victimhood and exposing her withered buttocks to see if people still care.

In ten years, she’ll probably appear in nude photoshoots, and the people who publish them will accompany them with articles berating men for finding her repulsive.

Man, this place is a mess. I didn’t think it would happen this fast.

The devil’s children thought this election was a lock. They thought their time had come. God put Trump in place to give us time to get it together, and now the children of darkness are angry. They’re throwing a tantrum. When Trump is gone, they will do more than protest. All their pent-up hate will be released, with the power of the state behind it. They will make the Nazis look like Quakers.

I’m not telling anyone to fight it. You can’t. It’s going to happen. We’re going to lose. You can’t prevent that by buying guns or voting for Republicans. All I can say is that you need to prepare yourself. Get as close to God as possible, because you will need his help every day, and when he calls his people away, you do NOT want to be stuck here.

5 Responses to “Rotten Flowers”

  1. Ruth H Says:

    You are wise to have given up Facebook. It is abominable. I still get videos of the great grandkids, but for that I would leave. It is too hard to endure the shame.
    I see the shameless, wanton, depraved women who will, if they don’t abort, be the mothers of our future.
    I see something worse than any science fiction novel could imagine. I see them marching in pink instead of brown shirts but the intent is the same, total domination of the people.
    I am lucky to be 80, maybe I won’t be around by the time it hits.

  2. Steve H. Says:

    I have to remember the intense love God feels for these women. What I wrote about them is true, but some of them can be salvaged, and it’s not my place to decide when to give up on them.

  3. Ruth H Says:

    Thanks for the reminder, I needed that.

  4. Lee Says:

    Another thing to remember: this is not the first time the world has fallen apart; it happened to Rome also. Christian Europe was nearly overrun by Vikings in the 800s. England was lost to them and had to be re-evangelized by the Irish.

    These women are terrible, but they’re not exactly Vikings and we don’t have to take them seriously.

    Christianity may die but it will not stay dead, because our God knows his way out of the grave. (idea stolen from Chesterton)

    Best wishes,

  5. Barbara Says:

    You wrote:
    ‘These women are pigs. They are depraved. They can’t tell good from bad any more. Not only are they filthy and cruel; they are self-righteous about it. If you
    criticize their filth, you will be
    criticized in return, the way sane people would have criticized
    these women in 1950. Evil is
    treated like good, and good is treated like evil.
    I’ll tell you what; I don’t want to
    be here any more. I don’t want to live in a world where I am showered with obscenity every time I go outdoors. It’s too much.’

    I’m completely with you on that. They don’t care at all about ‘the poor oppressed yadayadayada’ – it’s just a convenient excuse to vent their nastiness. It doesn’t even have anything to do with Trump.

    I just talk to God a lot, and ask Him to please not keep me here on this planet much longer. 🙁