Musings From a Potential Parolee

April 5th, 2016

Respect Will Turbocharge Your Prayers

New stuff.

Well. Old stuff I should have known already but didn’t.

Our little monkey brains aren’t very big. We can’t contain enough information to understand everything that goes on around us, and we can’t process it adequately. You may be smart by monkey…I mean “human”…standards, but you’re crazy if you think that means your brain is up to the challenge of taking care of you by itself.

I get glimpses of things, but I can’t really understand them completely. That’s where submission comes in. You have to let God be the smart one. You don’t have to understand. You just have to accept the fact that he knows what he’s doing.

He has helped me to understand that the universe has a hierarchical structure. Beings exist on various discrete levels of authority. God is at the top. Satan is at the very bottom; all of his authority is stolen, or more accurately, provided by beings he conned into giving it to him.

If you’re having problems that drive you nuts, you’re going to have to move to a higher level of authority, by drawing closer to God. If you stay where you are, you can push things around, like rearranging furniture, but you can’t really improve your situation.

Relying on carnal solutions is like buying a bear to chase your mice. You end up swapping problems, with no real progress. In fact, you go backward, whether or not you realize it. God is your only source of real, permanent help that comes without regret.

You have no alternative. There are opiates and delusions that can ease your pain, but God is the only answer. This is why Jesus kept telling people he was the only way.

In order for a person of authority to function correctly, he has to have honor and cooperation. That’s just how it is. You can’t be an authority and grovel, beg, and manipulate, which means 95% of charismatic preachers are not effective authorities.

Being in authority is like being a parent or a husband. In order for you to function, when you show up, everyone has to shut up and defer to you. Otherwise, extremely offensive words and acts are performed and spoken, and nothing gets done. It is very offensive when a true authority is treated with contempt.

Gender feminism (male-hating feminism) is a great example of rejection of the benefits of authority.

It’s not easy to be a husband and father. You fight the world all day, and then when you come home, you’re expected to have all the answers. You’re expected to provide a cocoon of safety and abundance for your family, and that’s a scary burden.

If you come home to a spoiled, emasculating witch and a bunch of kids who think your purpose in life is to be corrected by pimply twerps with safety pins in their faces, it’s not going to work. You won’t be able to teach them anything. You won’t be able to bring healing order. If you have anything useful to tell them, it will go to waste.

Your wife will become even more of a shrew, your kids will grow up to be old, incorrigible morons, and you will accomplish nothing.

Feminism is Satan’s way of making this happen.

Men haven’t listened to the Holy Spirit. They haven’t submitted. They haven’t developed true authority. God hasn’t backed them up. That opened the door to feminism. Their women and children treat them like retarded toddlers. In a proper household, God commands the man, the man commands the wife, the wife commands the kids, and the kids suck it up, listen, and thrive. In a feminist household, everyone just rots.

There is also an anti-age movement, but Satan has managed to prevent us from naming it. I would call it “youthism,” for lack of any other term. “Mom is dumb, but Dad is an utter imbecile, and Grandma and Grandpa are basically chimps.” That’s what the youthists think.

You can’t bless the feminists and youthists. It’s as if they and wisdom were both positively charged; they actively repel it. They literally (not figuratively) hate it. Many of them dedicate their lives to the destruction of wisdom. It’s an amazing spectacle. It’s the mindset that caused God to schedule two annihilations for mankind.

When a plant needs water, you water it, and it grows. No problem. When a plant becomes unable to absorb water, you have to pull it and burn it, because there is nothing else you can do for it, and it takes up valuable space on the earth.

I really don’t care who disagrees with this stuff. It’s revelation, so believe it or don’t. Misguided opinions mean absolutely nothing to me.

Satan is like God in that he tries to turn people into little copies of himself, and that’s unfortunate, because Satan is living excrement. He has no future other than eternal suffering and humiliation. Satan loves feminism and youthism, because they make our hearts like his.

God is like a husband in heaven. He took care of everyone there. He had all the answers. There was no basis for anyone to worry. But Satan decided he knew better, so shrew that he/she is, he came to earth and tried to replace God’s perfect plan with his idiotic plan. He decided to treat God with contempt, put him aside, and be the dad. And it worked. Because of Satan’s program, most people live like monkeys and then go to hell.

In order to be God, God has to receive a certain amount of honor. It is not possible for him to abase himself past a certain point without ceasing to be what he is. He already allowed himself to be murdered by a bunch of beings who were like insects compared to him. That’s abasement enough. Now, if you want something from him, you have to approach him with awe, respect, and the intention to obey. You have to acknowledge the fact that he owes you absolutely nothing good, and you have to be grateful for whatever you get.

We don’t approach God correctly. Charismatic Christianity is full of standup comedians posing as men of God, and they teach us that God is our buddy. They teach us we can go to him abruptly and demand things, with no preparation and no respect. As a result, he is not able to give us many of the things we ask for. To allow himself to be contemned successfully would be to disrupt the order of the universe.

Preachers are unbelievable. They tell us to pray on the toilet. They tell us to pray while we’re drunk. They tell us to be familiar with God, the way we would be with a little brother or a drinking buddy. No wonder our prayers aren’t answered.

If you’re in a hurry, pray however you have to. But if you have time, give God honor before you start in with the begging. Exalt him. Tell him how much higher he is than you. Tell him how low Satan is, and how you hate him for lying to you about God. Think of the things God has done for you in spite of your evil nature, and thank him sincerely.

When you ask for things, be humble. Behave like a convicted child molester who got paroled and wants a cookie from the pantry at the halfway house. We’re not taught to do that. We’re taught to ask for silly things and then say, “I pray in the name of Jesus, so now you have to do it.”

Jehovah is a judge. He sits in a big chair before an audience, like a human judge, and he listens to evidence and requests, and he makes decrees. When you go to court, you don’t wear a thong and a straw hat and hold a beer in your hand. You don’t interrupt the judge. You don’t insult him or argue with him. You kiss his feet and give him honor, and if you blow it, you can be jailed indefinitely for contempt. “Contempt of court” means showing contempt for the court.

The reason contemnors are jailed is not to pump up the egos of judges, although many judges see it that way. We do it because to permit contempt is to threaten the functioning of the court. It threatens the order that holds society together.

Honoring God is necessary because it preserves the order of the universe.

The ancient Jews were allowed to kill their children. That sounds crazy, coming from a pro-life Christian, but it’s true. Look it up. If you had a worthless, snotty, disrespectful son, you could take him to the city gate and have him stoned.

A woman who showed contempt for a man by squeezing his genitals to make him lose a fight had to have her hand amputated. Look it up. God does not like emasculation of authorities. He really hates it.

God showed me another aspect of the principles of honor and authority: you have to limit your circle.

Depending on where you live and who you know, you may be surrounded by people who are impossible to save because of their pride, cruelty, and contempt. This is especially true if you live in a ghetto. There are places where anyone who submits to God and spreads knowledge will be treated with extreme contempt and brutality. You need to avoid those places. You need to cut off people who won’t change, even if they’re your parents. You can’t complain about the way you’re treated if you seek out imbeciles.

God himself only permits a certain amount of contemptuous behavior, and then down comes the water or the burning sulfur. The rapture will be God’s way of removing people of authority and humility from the presence of people who are determined to act and think like monkeys. God drowned such people in the flood, and he’s going to kill again.

He’s going to kill again, and it will be a relief to the rest of us. That sounds awful, but it’s true. The presence of the incorrigible is painful, and we are not going to miss them all that much, because we will be too dazed by the pleasant sensation of their absence.

I have cut a lot of people off. Sometimes it made me feel cruel and self-righteous, but now I know how right it was. I don’t miss a single one. When I imagine having them back in my life, it makes my stomach hurt. May I never see any of them again, unless they change. I can’t thank God enough for removing them from me. I know I have made him suffer the way they made me suffer. My presence was a burden to him.

Next time you talk to God, remember to honor and thank him. Approach him the way a guilty murderer would approach a judge. Expect help and have faith, but remember that it’s charity, not your paycheck for being awesome. You will get better results.

6 Responses to “Musings From a Potential Parolee”

  1. Andy-in-Japan Says:

    I’d type “wow”… but that doesn’t seem to convey the respect I have for your description above, Steve. Thank you for sharing.

  2. WB Says:

    Good word.

    And I’m super glad to see some posting activity here instead of on Facebook (of which I do not participate).

  3. Steve H. Says:

    I am posting more these days. I no longer cringe when I check to see if I have comments.

    Of course, you have the power to fix that.

  4. WB Says:


    I feel empowered already.

  5. Jason Says:

    Great writing Steve. Keep up the good work.

  6. Steve B Says:

    This is great stuff, Steve, as always. Your stuff always seems to speak directly to challenges I’m facing. It’s not always EASY to face, but that just means I need to hear it all the more!