Put Away Childish Things

April 2nd, 2016

Starting with the Sack of Meat That Runs Your Life

I keep getting new revelation, and it’s relatively useless if I keep it for myself, so here I am to pass it around.

It’s funny, but God can give you revelation without telling you anything new. He can take old information and give you new understanding of how important it is, or he can help you remember to apply it in the heat of battle. It’s a reminder of how much we need him. He can put a tool or weapon in your hand, and you can still be unable to use it unless he gives you additional grace.

He can instantly provide you with the ability to use a tool you already have. That’s a wonderful thing and a relief.

Today he increased my understanding of the importance of battling the flesh, and he gave me greater desire to do it.

If you go to college and petrify your brain with philosophy courses, they will tell you about “dualism.” It’s an idea modern academics feel they have discredited. Basically, it divides man into two parts: mental and physical. More or less. Academics think this is silly, and that you have to integrate the two parts, which means giving in to the flesh and co-governing your life. If you’re lecherous, look at a little porn, or fornicate. If you like weed, smoke it. Win by surrendering unconditionally.

That’s incredibly stupid and dangerous. It assures that you will fail, and that you will live in defeat. It may be pretty defeat. It may feel like victory to you. But when you get to the throne of judgment, you will be shown that it was defeat and rebellion.

Dualism is valid. It’s Biblical.

The flesh is a narcissist and a sociopath. It craves pleasure and admiration. It craves immediate satisfaction. If you don’t train it, it will do unbelievably stupid things that go against even its own interests. For example, it will tell you to smoke cigarettes, which cause cancer, which kills the flesh.

Bad decisions are among the major problems sociopaths face. A sociopath is extremely selfish and wants to look out for Number One, but a sociopath also has poor impulse control, so they get in trouble a lot. They commit crimes. They fornicate like crazy. They destroy relationships. They invite poverty.

Think of Esau, who was a great example of a fleshly man. He sold Eretz Israel–not just modern Israel, but a huge piece of the Middle East–for one bowl of soup. One bowl.

Adam sold the world for a piece of fruit, but at least he expected to receive wisdom.

Letting your flesh rule you is like going on a road trip in an SUV full of toddlers and letting them tell you where to stop and what to do. A one-day trip would take a month. You’d stop at Chuck E. Cheese three times before dinner. You’d stop at Toys R Us and load up your credit cards, buying a trailer, if necessary, to haul your new junk. You’d plow off into the swale to look at horses. You’d eat Skittles until you threw up, and then you’d eat more. You’d turn around and drive the wrong way.

Kids are foolish. That sounds mean, but it’s Biblical. They don’t know much of anything. You do not put them in charge.

When you own a dog, you walk the dog. You don’t let the dog walk you.

Your flesh is literally no better than a dog. Look at the self-destructive things people do every day and tell me I’m wrong. I dare you.

People get face tattoos. They buy time shares. They pay unlicensed kooks to split their sex organs and put rings in them. They jump off bridges wearing wingsuits. People who know crackheads try crack!

You will never win this argument, except maybe in your own mind.

Take a look at this well-known Youtube video. It shows an abused child ordering his mother to give him cupcakes.

People think he’s cute. Especially ghetto people who are used to defeat and immaturity. I know a lot of ghetto men, and many are just like this boy.

They thought it was cute when my two-year-old relative of mine put her hands on her hips and told adults off. Now she’s homeless and has lung cancer and a felony conviction.

It’s easy to look down on this kid and feel superior, but think about this: he is a picture of what’s inside you right now.

Your flesh is just like the brat in the video. You don’t rule it. It has very little respect for you. It’s not afraid of you. You negotiate with it. You plead with it. You give in so it will shut up. As a result, it has great power over you. The structure of authority in your life is inverted. You may have the flesh partially trained, but you’re not the master of the house.

You may think you’re not like that. Do you overeat? Do you stay angry at people? Are you proud? Can you resist sexual temptation? Do you have debt? Are you out of shape because you don’t exercise? Are you a bad housekeeper? You didn’t agree to failure in these areas. The flesh forced it on you.

One of the worst things the flesh does to us is to convince us that we’re in charge.

I’ve spent a lot of time fighting spirits. God showed me that Christians have demons, so I worked to cast mine out. I had a lot of success. But sometimes the results came undone. Sometimes I could not conquer the problems. Now I realize I did things in the wrong order. I was throwing these spirits out of the house, but the flesh was holding the front door open and inviting them back in, and I was not fighting the flesh directly.

The flesh is worse than Satan. Satan doesn’t owe us loyalty. The longer he can screw creation up, the longer he will stay out of the lake of fire. The smartest thing he can do is to fight God and work to destroy you. What choice does he have? It’s not right, but it’s not like he can enter a program and change course. The flesh, on the other hand, belongs to us. When it fights us, it’s a betrayal.

In war, enemy soldiers are imprisoned and fed when they’re captured. Traitors and spies are executed. That’s because what they do is lower. It involves treachery. The flesh is your traitor. The devil is just an enemy.

God has told me I’m going to live in victory. Is it just because I run around saying no weapon formed against me will prosper? No; you can claim God’s promises and die full of tumors. It’s because God is fixing the authority structure in my life, and that means he is putting my flesh in its place, supernaturally.

I want this. I want a victorious life.

Look at Jesus. He had one bad day in his life, and he chose that. The gospels contain no example of anyone defeating him. He is never depicted as ill or afraid. When he told the murderous Jews of Nazareth he was the Messiah, they took him to a cliff to kill him, and he turned around and walked away. He walked through the crowd. They couldn’t see him.

I want that. Maybe I can’t get to that level, but I can be unafraid of other people. I can be confident that my illnesses and injuries will be undone. I can live in peace, regardless of what goes on around me. Those things can happen, but only if my house–my temple–is in order.

That’s worth whatever God asks of me, which is not much. A little prayer and honesty is all he wants. If you take care of those things, the rest will come about on its own.

The problems we face in this life are just manifestations of the problems with our relationships with God. Up to a certain age, we can’t be held accountable, and we can’t defend ourselves, but if you’re 40 and you are mentally able, you are responsible for your own vulnerability.

Jesus understood this. Because he was smart? No. Sorry if that sounds like blasphemy. He understood it because the Holy Spirit told him.

Jesus knew the flesh was his main enemy, so before he started his ministry, he went into the desert, fasted for 40 days, and broke his flesh like a horse. Modern ministers don’t do that. They accept salvation, then they decide they’re perfect, and then they go out and use God as an excuse to swindle people and take their houses and IRA’s.

We have to break our flesh, and we can’t break the flesh with the flesh. We can’t do it by trying really hard to be good. We have to get the Holy Spirit behind us. We have to pray in tongues to build our faith, change our hearts, and give us knowledge and wisdom. Then the flesh has no chance, because it’s not fighting itself. It’s fighting God.

This is what God is showing me now, and it’s a gift of unimaginable value. For centuries, human beings have groveled at the feet of the flesh and doomed spirits. We have been tossed and battered by every wave. Now, thanks to the cross, we have the power to turn that upside down. This is what the Bible means when it refers to making our enemies our footstool. God made that promise to Jesus, but if we are Spirit-led, we are part of Jesus.

I am sick of worry. I am sick of uncertainty. I am sick of the things inside myself that I don’t like. I am sick of losing. God has been giving me more and more victory, and I want that to continue and increase. I don’t care what I have to give up. It’s all excrement anyway. I’ll be dead in 40 years. None of it will last.

The boy in the video will go to prison. That’s assuming he doesn’t change. He is already in prison. He is imprisoned in a body controlled by a human animal. He is along for the ride, but he can’t steer or brake. He’s not cute. He’s psychologically diseased, and he is headed for death. I do not want to be like him. I have felt that my own iniquities were cute. I don’t want that attitude in me any more.

Iniquities and illnesses are handles and doorways the devil uses to grab you and enter your house. It’s not a joke. It’s not something you can get away with ignoring. It’s very serious.

The future is bleak for Christians. Satan is going to win; we know this from prophecy. He is going to control the world and treat us the way Hitler treated Jews. The only people who will be able to bear it will be Spirit-led, not flesh-dependent. If Jesus had relied on his flesh when the Jews took him to the cliff, they would have thrown him over, and his brains would have been all over the rocks. You have to decide whether you’re going to be prepared for persecution. It’s already starting.

You can’t prepare with guns, walls, gold, dried food, or bomb shelters. God can sweep those things away in an instant, and so can Satan. He and his people are much, much stronger than you are. You have to prepare from the innermost part of you. Your heart has to be your panic room. You start building your stronghold there, and then it expands into the outer world.

Pray in tongues. Beg God for correction and humility. Listen. Drop your defenses and lying excuses. Let the healing in. It will work. But you have to start now.

Speak to your flesh as if it were a demon, because it’s a friend of demons, and it’s under your authority. Once you have faith, get up every day and say things like, “I speak defeat to my flesh in the name of Jesus, and I speak victory to myself and the Holy Spirit.” Do this only if the Spirit says to. It works. You can also use your power to fight urges. You can say, “I forbid my flesh to crave alcohol.” You can even say you forbid your flesh to have illnesses, depending on your faith. You will have setbacks and bumps in the road, but overall, you will improve and win.

By the way, your flesh will mount a counterattack. It may get sick. It may cause you to do something stupid, like committing a crime or a major sin that has repercussions. Don’t be surprised. Pray against it in advance so the effect will be blunted. Don’t be foolish enough to be surprised when an enemy fights back. I was.

If you try this, come back and let me know how it works. Or let other people know. I hope to hear stories of success. And remember, keep on not sending me your tithes, offerings, and “seed gifts.” That’s very important.

5 Responses to “Put Away Childish Things”

  1. Ruth H Says:

    The video reminds me of another so many think is cute and just precious. It is of a little girl poking the little boy and being very bossy to him. Every time I see it I think if it were a boy they would be aghast at his violent tendency and think it was horrible. It is horrible but it is the actions of a little girl and they think it is cute. Pity her, no one to tell her the right way. She may end up well but this is not a good start.

  2. Stephen McAteer Says:

    The flesh is weak…

  3. Whiskey Bravo Says:

    There is an old Polish saying,
    “The weakest link is really the strongest one. Because it can destroy what all the other links are doing, simply by failing.”

    Quite profound and definitely applies to, among other things, the flesh.

  4. Whiskey Bravo Says:

    And no, I didn’t hear it from Banacek.

  5. Whiskey Bravo Says:

    And what is with that little monster calling his mother by her first name. That’s disrespectful in every way. Parents are such idiots for allowing things like that–and yet they wonder why their kids turn out the way they do.