Dementia is Contagious

April 1st, 2016

It Spreads from Left to Right

I am really looking forward to the end of this election.

My feeling is that Trump will get it. I can live with that. It will give Christians and Jews a little time to repent and get it together as the US descends into chaos. You can plateau on the way up; you can also plateau on the way down.

If Hillary or Bernie wins, the devil gets a big push, and our decline speeds up. It will be a rough time for anyone who cares about the church, the unborn, Israel, freedom of speech, or the right to self-defense. Increasingly, we will be treated the way worthless Cuban revolutionaries treated the successful, intelligent people they tortured and killed in their backward country.

It seems like none of what’s happening makes sense in the natural. That’s Christianese; “in the natural” means “not in the supernatural realm.” The Bernouts are completely irrational; no news there. That’s the left for you. But lunacy is increasing on the right.

Trump is attracting supporters who rival the Obamites in their refusal to see his faults. Cruz is a fairly good common-sense candidate, but he’s not going anywhere. He can’t catch fire.

Conservatives who hate or worship Trump are so irrational it’s startling. It’s a real education on the vulnerability of the flesh. Liberals love to talk about right-wing “rage,” but it has always been a ridiculous myth…until recently.

Trump-dumpers are calling Trump-pumpers bigots and racists. They’re calling them ignorant and hateful. Does that sound familiar at all?

It’s exactly the kind of slander we hear from the left, concerning all conservatives. How are we going to walk that back after maybe a third of us start repeating it?

Bigots and racists (only the white kind) are drawn to the GOP and Trump. It’s true. They share certain interests with the GOP, and it’s not because the GOP is a racist organization. It’s because racists can’t be wrong about everything.

Even Hitler got some things right. He built lovely tanks, and he is the father of the superhighway. He brought us rocketry and the jet engine. That doesn’t mean everyone who likes rockets is a Nazi.

Racists want Hispanics out of the country for racist reasons. Conservatives want illegal immigrants out of the country for common-sense reasons unrelated to race. If conservatives stand up against illegals, obviously, racists will support conservatives.

Criminals and their families overwhelmingly support Democrats. It doesn’t mean everyone who voted for Obama likes crime.

I thought conservatives understood these things, but as usual, I overestimated the human race.

Another liberal idea that has crossed the aisle is the empty threat to leave America. Some conservatives say they’ll leave America if Trump wins. No, they won’t. Come on. If America is too liberal, where do you go? Canada? No guns, and socialized medicine? Singapore? No guns and strict limits on speech? Japan? They won’t let you in; they really ARE racist.

I have even heard that Trump is a Clinton mole, and that he’s only running so Hillary will win.

People. Please. Think about this.

Let me explain why Trump is not a mole. If Trump ran fraudulently, it would be a felony, committed over 2 years, in front of cameras, in at least 51 jurisdictions. You can’t have a hoax campaign legally.

Trump is worth billions of dollars. He is healthy. He has grandchildren. He is constantly surrounded by fantastic attorneys who advise him minute by minute. There is no way he would put his throat under the boots of 50+ attorneys general in his autumn years.

He could be prosecuted in every state, Puerto Rico, the federal courts, Guam (does Guam have a court?)…actually I’m not sure about the territories. But anyway, it’s at least 51 jurisdictions. He would lose, and the attorneys’ fees would run to several hundred million dollars.

He would have to have dozens or even thousands of accomplices, and they would all have to keep quiet. They would all be liable, criminally. No way! That’s not a campaign. That’s a cult. It’s not happening.

He would have to trust the Clintons! Do I have to explain why that’s not likely?

But what if he fooled them all?

Yes. Trump fooled his entire family, every advisor, every ally, and every journalist. If he could pull that off, he’d be worth trillions, not billions.

So anyway, people are really losing it on both sides of the aisle.

Liberals keep comparing Trump to Hitler, the guy who walled off his country to keep people IN. The socialist who nationalized business after business. Does that make sense to you?

I got tired of wondering, so I looked up a few things, and it turns out Hitler really was a leftist. Because someone on the Internet said so? No, because he did what socialists do.

Hitler jacked taxes through the roof in Germany. He introduced socialized medicine and wrecked the German medical system. He created government busy-work jobs. He taxed wealth (not just income). He used tax money for social engineering.

It was like Bernie’s vision of heaven, except for the genocide and conquest.

Liberals say Hitler was on the right because he fought socialists and labor unions, but that’s a horrible argument. Socialists have always had internal fights. Trotsky was killed by a socialist. Hitler wasn’t trying to stamp out leftism. He was just trying to kill off the competition.

To a bureaucrat, priority one is always “my job,” not political principle. Hitler and his underlings were bureaucrats. If there had been a second Nazi faction with exactly the same platform, Hitler would have done his best to kill them.

So yes, Hitler was a socialist, not just in name, but in practice. Saying Hitler wasn’t a socialist is like saying a prison rapist isn’t gay. Own it.

I guess I’m digressing.

Trump’s only resemblances to Hitler are that he recognizes external threats and arouses emotion-based support by stirring up people’s spleens. He’s no worse than Sanders, Clinton, and Obama, demonizing “the rich,” the police, and anyone else who does anything worthwhile.

Hitler probably thought things out more carefully than Trump. I think Trump is planning as he goes.

How are we going to put the right back together after the convention? Will the Trump-dumpers suck on a pacifier and be quiet if they lose? Will the Trump-pumpers engage in rare white conservative riots if he loses? Will we hate each other forever?

I feel like God gave us a holiness-hating, carnal Democrat as judgment, and now he may be about to give us a carnal Republican, to prove to us that being right politically isn’t enough to solve our problems.

I don’t think Cruz is going anywhere. I think the Enquirer story will continue to develop. A real journalist from The Washington Times has confirmed that Cruz had at least two mistresses, and The Enquirer’s batting average in this area is devastating to politicians. It appears that The Enquirer exposed itself to big-time liability by publishing identifiable photos of the two non-public-figure “mistresses,” and they are not stupid enough to do that without something to back it up. The National Enquirer will falsely say that Liz Hurley got a facelift from Martians, but it won’t falsely say an obscure identifiable person slept with a politician.

I think Cruz has offended God by allowing crooked dominionist prosperity preachers to proclaim him “anointed.” If Cruz wins, those jokers will be all over the air, saying it proves their demented doctrine is right. If Trump, a very hands-off Christian, wins, it won’t prove much of anything with regard to religion.

I can’t endorse anyone. I will vote for Trump if he gets the nomination, but no one will ever hear me say God approves of him. I will vote for Trump for the same reason I would run into a Mormon temple during a tornado.

I’m so glad I don’t get agitated about this stuff. Things will get worse and worse. The socialists or Muslims will eventually take over, and we will have no rights at all. We need to be prepared spiritually. If I can’t deal with a Democrat in the White House, how will I have peace when we’re part of the caliphate, or when morons from the ghetto come to my house with government badges and tell me it’s now an Obama field office?

I hope a Republican wins, and that we get two or three more Supreme Court justices who aren’t nuts, but in the end, my peace has to be based on my relationship with God, not external circumstances. Some people are “prepping” by buying bullets and dried food. That has a little value, but the only prepping guaranteed to work is spiritual prepping.

If you’re still tossed around by political waves, I highly recommend getting right with God. Get baptized with the Spirit, pray in tongues as much as you can, and learn how to dominate instead of being dominated. If you don’t, you won’t be ready when the S really HTF, and you will be pawing around in the dirt with carnal tools, like an animal displaced by a mudslide.

4 Responses to “Dementia is Contagious”

  1. Whiskey Bravo Says:

    “…pawing around in the dirt with carnal tools, like an animal displaced by a mudslide.”


    Nicely put. If I had to estimate it, I’d be forced to say that probably 80 to 90 percent of Christians won’t be ready.

    Isaiah 4.

  2. Whiskey Bravo Says:

    And they won’t be as lucky as Tsutomu Yamaguchi was, that’s for sure. . .

  3. Steve H. Says:

    The guy who went through Godzilla’s digestive tract twice?

  4. Whiskey Bravo Says:

    I know. Unbelievable, right?

    Talk about God giving you two extra chances. . . I pray he didn’t waste them.