Dessert of the Century

December 10th, 2010

Best Viewed Through Smoked Glass

Got a sick project in the oven. I’m making banana nut bread with my homegrown Orinoco banans. But there’s MORE! I got a tip from Mike, and I replaced a lot of the eggs with mayonnaise. And it’s not a loaf. It’s a BANANA NUT BREAD PINEAPPLE UPSIDE-DOWN CAKE. Made with fresh pineapple.

Even worse: a side of Haagen-Dazs rum raisin. I plan to serve the cake hot, with ice cream beside it.

I can’t wait to see what this is like.

2 Responses to “Dessert of the Century”

  1. Ed Bonderenka Says:

    I’d like to see a video of the first bite.

  2. Elisson Says:

    Banana nut bread makes a Jim-dandy French toast, too.