Reader Asks for Prayer for Mother

December 4th, 2010

Help Out

From a reader:

Hi Steve. XXXX here, longtime reader, occasional commenter. I’ve noticed that you take prayer requests from time to time. I started to detail what it is I wish you would join me (and others around me) in praying for…. but it’s so long and convoluted that I think I’ll just say this: my mother is in danger from my father. Last week, in a fit of rage, he had her by the throat and pointed a gun at her head. Now they both behave as if nothing happened. (he doesn’t know that I know about this – I got details from my aunt, his sister, but this is not out of keeping with his behavior since my childhood) My mother refuses to leave, and he refuses to get help. And so the cycle goes as it has for decades, but the involvement of a gun strikes me as a critical escalation of his behavior. I love my mother and my father, but this situation is untenable as it stands. I would like you to pray for safety for my mom and for peace for my dad. Right now, there is nothing I can do if neither of them will ask for or accept help. I feel helpless and afraid. I have told them about your blog in the past; I don’t know if they read it, but if you do put a prayer request out, please keep the details vague for everyone’s safety. I don’t mean to put a caveat on how you choose or do not choose to pray – it’s just a safety consideration. I have been wanting to send this to you for a week now, but have hesitated because its difficult stuff to talk about, and I don’t know if you would want to be involved or not.

5 Responses to “Reader Asks for Prayer for Mother”

  1. Alan G Says:

    Sometimes it takes more guts to walk away than to fight. My prayers are with this family. May God hold them in his hands.

  2. Heather Says:

    This is such an awful situation. Prayers ascending for your father to get help or your mother to get away from him.

  3. Ruth H Says:

    There are so many ways to have peace. I pray this family does. As scary as it sounds, they need medical and legal interventions. Why would a sister keep quiet if her brother might murder his wife. I pray for an intervention that they all get help.

    I also need more prayer for my brother. He cancer spread to his lymph nodes and is not in any condition for surgery or radiation.

    My younger brother needs prayer for his health also. He has been diabetic for many years, also has scleradoma and lupus. Those medications have damaged his liver. Pray for healing of his liver.
    Thanks to all of you for your prays.

  4. pbird Says:

    Oh Sovereign Father, have mercy on these people and heal them as you will. May they be a testament to your love. b’Shem Yeshua

  5. blindshooter Says:

    And I complain about my troubles!
    Prayers for a good resolution to your family’s trouble.
    More prayers for Ruth’s family as well.