Food News

June 14th, 2010

Taters Nearly do me In

Costco is selling prime beef again! I love it! Rib eyes for $8.00 per pound! You can’t beat that with a stick.

Blueberries are also very cheap. On Wednesday I plan to buy a load of them, turn them into cheesecake goo, and freeze it for church.

I tend to see Costco prime beef as an indicator of the economy’s health. When it’s there, things are not going well. Not a very scientific measure, but the availability does seem tied to the Dow.

Had a crazy experience yesterday. On the way home from church, I hit Five Guys. I skipped lunch–delicious pizza, rolls, and cheesecake–so I could have a burger and fries. I made the mistake of eating an entire Five Guys regular order of fries. They’re not that great, but they’re way better than any other fast food joint.

When I went to bed, I started feeling very hot. I couldn’t get cool enough to sleep. And I had to have ice cream! I felt like my life depended on it. I got out of bed and ate a few blueberries and drank some water, but it was no good. I got in the truck, drove to the drug store, and bought a selection of junk food. I thought maybe the sudden craving meant something, so I decided to go with it.

I bought ice cream, a Chunky bar, cookies, and Gatorade. I figured I’d watch Breaking Bad while I ate it. In the truck, I ate three cookies.

When I got home, the craving was gone. I thought about the delicious goodies I had on hand, and I thought about Breaking Bad, which I love. But the craving was gone. I put the food away and got in bed.

What does it mean? I don’t know. I do know my gall bladder is acting up a little.

I honestly think potatoes are poison. I love them almost as much as I love life, but I never feel good after eating potatoes, and Five Guys gives you about two pounds of them. I don’t like peanut oil, either. Animal fats seem to dissolve in a very natural way when you eat them, becoming part of your body. Some plant fats seem to resist assimilation, as if they were industrial chemicals. Peanut oil (used by Five Guys) is one of those fats. I just don’t like it.

Anyway, the next time I eat at Five Guys, I’m going to throw all the fries out except whatever the cup holds, or I’ll avoid fries entirely and get something else. They’re not good enough to justify the aggravation.

6 Responses to “Food News”

  1. Clancy Says:

    I have a form of rheumatoid arthritis and can tell you for sure that potatoes (white, not sweet/yams) are indeed poison. Along with other nightshades (tomatoes, peppers, eggplant & tobacco). That said, I still indulge in very moderate amounts of potato, tomato & peppers, but they do result in increased arthritis pain. (Dairy and red meat in excess also affect me.)

  2. pbird Says:

    I agree. Potatoes just don’t feel good. Bag it.

  3. pbird Says:

    You’re right about plant oils, except olive, also.

  4. Heather Says:

    Steve, I read somewhere recently that some restaurant chains are soaking their potatoes in sugar water before throwing them in the deep fryer to make them browner and crispier. I have to wonder if that “hidden” sugar, plus the potatoes turning into sugar didn’t make your body & brain crave still more sugar causing your midnight munchies.

  5. TJIC Says:

    I’ve been reading up on carbs and proteins (yes, I’m slowly turning into one of * those* crazy types).

    I’ve read that carbs up your insulin and get you to crave more carbs.

    I’ve noted that eating a big helping of carbs not only makes me hungrier, but gives me a HELL of a sweet tooth for the next hour or two.

    I suspect that that huge pile of fries got your blood sugar all out of whack.

  6. Kyle Says:

    My wife’s relatives in a remote part of SE Asia firmly believe that potatoes and other root vegetables are “cumulative poison.” People in that neck of the woods arrived at this belief through experimentation over a century or so and will no longer grow them.