
May 16th, 2010

I was Right About Cheesecake, Wasn’t I? Same Deal Here

If, like me, you “collect” anointed teachers, you need John Gray. He spoke at Trinity Church again tonight. God said so much to me through him, I can’t even try to capture it here. If you get a chance to see him in person, don’t miss it. I know what it looks like when the Holy Spirit will not leave a person alone, and that is this guy’s situation.

Join his mailing list. He won’t try to sell you anything.

I’m pretty sure he won’t.

Join anyway.

2 Responses to “Recommendation”

  1. Bradford M. Kleemann Says:

    I take it that you don’t mean this John Gray; I saw him on a PBS pledge drive last weekend:

  2. Flor Fina Says:

    My personal favorites are John Piper and James MacDonald. Piper wrote a book called Desiring God that I read 20 years ago in college and it forever impacted me.

    James MacDonald has a web site Walk in the Word and a radio program. He has some pretty intense books as well. Really deep.