Strange Bedfellows

May 15th, 2010

Needs Wheels

Here is some good news. It turns out Plano makes a good, economical case that will hold an AR10 with a scope. Unfortunately, it’s so huge, you really need to put two rifles in it. Fortunately, the case that came with my PSL was pretty bad. So…

2 Responses to “Strange Bedfellows”

  1. Milo Says:

    Plano cases are made up near Chicago in the little town of Plano Illinois, go figure on the name of the case,,,,,

    Did you ever get a replacement trigger group for your .308 AR blaster?

  2. Steve H. Says:

    I always assumed it was Texas.
    I have a Bill Springfield trigger group on the way. I thought I’d try the simple route before getting something I could screw up.