Renaissance Potential Right-Wing Terrorist Cult Loony

May 12th, 2010

What are YOU Doing Today?

Sometimes I have a fleeting realization of how weird I am. I am having one today.

I got up and wrote a long blog entry about how the Holy Spirit tells me stuff when I’m visiting museums. Then I realized I had to install an EZ-Ject kit on my Hornady Lock-N-Load ammunition press and see if I could machine the shell plates to make them work with it. I got started in the garage, and then I remembered I also had to freeze a gallon of pizza sauce and try a dough experiment. The dough was especially important. I have an idea for easy croissant-like rolls, and I have to test the recipe.

I got on Youtube, found a video of someone explaining the press upgrade (the way Hornady should have in its instructions). Then I made a big pile of dough, turned it into rolls, and put them on a pan to rise. Now I have to go to the garage and do my repairs and machining while the dough rises.

Who else has a life like this? I had to check four WordPress categories for this one post.

I’m considering writing a cookbook for my church. Not for publication. Just to help people who work in the kitchen. If these rolls work, they’ll be in the book.

I forgot to put chocolate inside them. I better fix that before they get too warm to handle.

3 Responses to “Renaissance Potential Right-Wing Terrorist Cult Loony”

  1. Bobsled bob Says:

    link to youtube please?

  2. Bradford M. Kleemann Says:

    Try not to get the chocolate and gunpower mixed up.

  3. pbird Says:

    Daughter and I call those bees in your bonnet. You have even more bees than me. Congrats.