March 12th, 2010


Reader and friend Ed Bonderenka has run into a ridiculous problem. If I understand it correctly, he wanted to get a better position from his company, and while he was waiting for a shot, he got a job at a second company. Then someone at the first company got him to apply for the better position he had wanted in the first place. Then he found out he wasn’t getting the better position, AND he got downsized from the new job.

Not only is that very bad news; it sounds insane. Why hire someone when you’re about to start layoffs? Sounds like civil fraud to me.

Anyway, Ed could use some prayer. This is beyond belief.

Tonight I went to my church’s all-church prayer session for the first time. They do it on Friday nights, and my prayer group meets on Saturday morning, so it’s hard to work it out, but I felt like I needed it. Boy, was I right. Unfortunately, I don’t have time to write about it.

I’ll say this; I finally learned what happens to all those prayer requests we submit with our donations. They transcribe them and pass them out to people at the Friday meetings. I’m so glad they’re not being flushed or something. At least one famous ministry got caught putting prayer requests in a dumpster.

Got to go. Sleep calls.

2 Responses to “TGIF”

  1. Wormathan Says:

    I had a similar thing happen to me last fall. I got a new job after 6 months of looking and was the first of 20 laid off 6 weeks later – 33% of the workforce.

    Sometimes life is stranger than we are prepared for.

  2. HTRN Says:

    Unfortunately, that kind of thing happens all too often in larger companies, because so many of the departments don’t talk to each other – Dept A decides it needs new worker for an XYZ position, but Dept B decides that it’s going to lay off 20% of the workforce because of reduced sales due to downturn in the economy. Human Resources takes orders from both, and you get schitzophrenic corporate behavior.