Christians and Fishing Still go Together

March 10th, 2010

More “Coincidences”

Sometimes I think I should rename this blog “”

Last night I made pizza at the church. There were problems. The pastor who led the service didn’t mention the cafe or pizza to the congregation, so we didn’t get nearly the traffic we got last week. The pre-service traffic was excellent; I could barely keep up. I got rid of 8 pies in a hurry. But I believe we only sold two afterward. Then something went wrong with the ovens; maybe the propane was running out. I couldn’t keep the temperature up. I had to quit.

I threw out maybe eight dough portions. Sad. I arrived at the church at about 4:15, and I didn’t leave until 10:45, and I achieved nearly nothing.

We’ll do better next time. This is how churches are; efficiency is not what Christians are known for.

When I got home, I had to take the birds out for half an hour each. I had forgotten to do it before going to church. I got to bed at 1:30, and then my eye started bothering me. I don’t know if it’s conjunctivitis or what, but I looked carefully in the eye and used drops and washed it out with water, and I still was not able to get to sleep for quite some time.

I figured I’d sleep late, but my father had other plans. He had an appointment to meet someone at his boat at 10:00 a.m., and he wanted me there, so he woke me up.

The boat had three problems this week.

A freshwater pump needed to be reinstalled; it had quit working earlier in the week, and I had removed it yesterday. I checked the motor, and it ran fine. He took it to a store, and they looked at the pressure switch, and it worked. So today it had to be reinstalled, and I had to check the wiring.

A cable on a transmission had fallen apart, and it needed to be fixed or replaced. I looked at this yesterday, but I couldn’t see a way to repair it.

Last time we took the boat out, the GPS couldn’t get a signal. I poked around yesterday, trying to find an antenna problem, but I couldn’t see anything wrong with it. When I turned the GPS on, it worked.

Today we still had to worry about the pump and the cable. We also needed to install some 12-volt bulbs in the engine room.

I was grumpy for several reasons. First, I was born that way. Second, I had not slept well. Third, the boat guy was late. Fourth, my morning prayers had been derailed. My dad left to buy some mounting screws for the water pump; he had lost the ones I removed. That left me sitting on the boat alone.

I rewired the water pump and put it in place without screws, and then I decided to try to catch up in prayer. I ordinarily do half an hour of prayer in the Spirit every morning, so I started the stopwatch feature on my phone and got started. After 12 or 13 minutes, I heard the boat guy, Juan, out on the dock. He was on his cell phone, talking to someone for business purposes. I prayed he would keep at it long enough for me to get to 30 minutes.

At 29:55, he stepped onto the boat, and we started talking. He had been working at his own church until after 2:00 a.m. He had to redo a bunch of audio wiring under the altar, and naturally, it was so screwed up it took forever to fix.

He started working on the cable, and my dad showed up. He loves to give Juan a hard time about religion, so he brought it up. He said he was starting to think there was something to it, because every time he had a problem with the boat, I showed up, and the problem disappeared. That’s not quite true, but it’s not far from it.

That got Juan going. He started telling my dad how good his life was because of God. His marriage worked. His job went well. His kids were doing well. I’d say he gave my dad a good half-hour of testimony. He told about his involvement with the Promise Keepers. He’s also an avid hunter, and he helps with a Bible-based hunting camp for kids. He said he had been filmed for one of the outdoor channels, teaching kids to hunt. He said he’d bring the video next time so we could watch it on the boat.

My dad used to be extremely hostile to Christianity. It made him angry. It filled him with contempt. But his attitude has gotten more and more open. Today he almost sounded like he was ready for a visit to church.

I left the boat ahead of my dad and thanked Juan in the parking lot, and he said he talks to my dad like this all the time. I had no idea. It means much more when this kind of thing comes from someone outside of your family, so this is a big deal.

The dockmaster was standing next to Juan when I approached him, and I explained what I was thanking Juan for, and it turns out he’s a Christian, too. And a hunter. I used to let him hunt on my land in Kentucky.

What a morning. I didn’t feel like going over there and crawling around in the engine room on this particular day, but I told myself there would be a blessing for me if I did the right thing and honored my father, so off I went. And look what happened.

Now my dad wants to buy me lunch, so I guess I’ll be blessed with a Dan Marino’s cheeseburger. That’s gilding the lily.

5 Responses to “Christians and Fishing Still go Together”

  1. krm Says:

    Intermittent problems are the absolute pits. I have an intermittent squeak in the new car. I know where it is – but can’t figure out how to fix it (and it won’t squeak for the dealer).

  2. Heather Says:

    In my prayers, I always ask that you and your sister will be able to bring your dad to know Jesus Christ as his savior. I am so happy that he is becoming more receptive and that others are moving him as well. That’s just wonderful news!!

  3. Bradford M. Kleemann Says:

    From GFS to GPS, that’s quite a week!

  4. Mike James Says:

    Hope this is sufficiently on-topic, but have you heard about the Administration’s plans to restrict sport fishing?

  5. pbird Says:

    Yeah, hang loose. Just like making pizza.