Over the Transom

February 11th, 2010

I was About to Lock Up

Late message from Heather:

Hey, could you add my mom to your prayers she has to have a PETscan at 8 in the morning, then follow up with doctor at 1P. I have to follow up with my high risk OB at 12:30. We are asking for a clean scan for her. Thanks!

3 Responses to “Over the Transom”

  1. Steve H. Says:

    If I were you, I think I would have spent more money and hired a safe OB/GYN.

  2. Heather P. Says:

    Ha-Ha!! Actually their official title is Perinatal Diagnosticians, I call them high risk because that’s what they treat and that’s what I am being that I am dinosaur old at 38 and have a history of Preeclampsia in pregnancy.
    Anyway thank you so much! God Bless!

  3. Rick C Says:
