RNC Humor
February 3rd, 2010FAIL
Today I got an annoying letter from the Republican National Committee. They put it in an envelope that looked like the ones the government uses, and they put the word “audit” on the outside of it.
They do this to scare people, so they’ll notice their junk mail and take it seriously. It must seem like a pretty good joke to their marketing people. I didn’t think it was all that funny. Audits are not very pleasant, and in these times, a lot of people are getting real audit letters, and the IRS is proceeding to ruin their lives. Why not put “FORECLOSURE” on the envelope while you’re at it?
I sent them an email demanding they remove me from their mailing list and informing them that I was all done sending money. They can pull their jokes on someone else. I supported them, and they rewarded me with a juvenile postal prank.
This is the kind of marketing that cost us Congress and the White House. It is astounding that they would do something this crass, tactless, and counterproductive. Terry McAuliffe and James Carville must be their fundraising advisors. The Democrats should send letters like this out, pretending to be the RNC. It would win them a lot of new voters.
February 3rd, 2010 at 5:21 PM
I give to individual candidates, not the RNC, because the RNC has done NOTHING to force candidates to be unequivocal about completing the border wall. The RNC will not get a dime from me until a wall is completed. I’ll even accept an inferior wall. It’s the principle. Dubya and his dad did immense harm to the GOP, but patrician Pappy Bush never liked Reagan, anyway. I will not vote for another Bush. From that family.
February 3rd, 2010 at 6:07 PM
I got that letter too and was also annoyed with this use of fear. I will let them know that I am not going to support them too; at least until they stop sending me US Mail spam.
February 3rd, 2010 at 8:31 PM
Does Joe Biden work for them? That seems like the kind of humor he’d appreciate.
Saw The Book of Eli last night. You were right.
February 3rd, 2010 at 9:15 PM
Rivrdog wrote a post on this a few days ago. I simply send the RNC return envelopes with all the paperwork and a piece of 10 ga. steel plate. Must cost the idiots a pretty penny. I also have a word pad note I print to put inside telling the morons why in 24 point red all caps and no words more than two syllables.
They still don’t get it. Maybe I’ll have to visit my State Republican Chair in person and punch him in the face. Maybe that’ll get through.
Nah, he’s way dumber than that, waste of effort.
Gerry N.
February 3rd, 2010 at 10:53 PM
Like Aaron, I’ve given to individual R candidates, but never the RNC. But I still get their crap almost every week. Yes, I got the “audit” letter, too. I scrapped it.
I like that idea of sending it back w. some sheet metal! But I don’t think the Retardicans (sorry, Sarah) will ever get it.
That said, if you are ever getting audited, rest assured the REAL IRS will send you a CERTIFIED letter, signature required…….. or so I’ve heard….. Anyone with any sense would know that. It’s still a crappy tactic by an out-of-touch party.
February 3rd, 2010 at 10:58 PM
I got audited once when I was teaching physics and making the princely sum of $13,500 per year. I didn’t know I had been audited until they sent me a letter telling me they had already done it. I can’t figure out how that works, but my policy with the IRS is never to communicate with them unless they insist on it, so I never asked.
One year they sent me a check for four grand. I still have no idea what that was all about. They can have it back whenever they want.
I don’t cheat on my taxes, but I have a paranoid theory that everyone can be put in jail for tax evasion if the IRS feels like trying to make a case.
February 4th, 2010 at 2:33 AM
I suppose you’ve heard of the 66 shotguns the IRS was reported to be buying. You have to wonder. Not really.
February 4th, 2010 at 6:48 AM
The IRS can destroy lives very easily with little accountability. I don’t cheat on our taxes, in fact I do not claim some minor deductions that are legit but seem to raise red flags with the IRS. I would rather lose out on the $30 than get a letter from them…
February 4th, 2010 at 4:32 PM
Comic Elayne Boosler once said she never understood why “F*** y**!” is used as a curse, given that it’s an activity that is quite enjoyable under many legitimate circumstances. She suggested “Audit you, buddy!” as more suitable for wishing long term suffering on the target.
February 4th, 2010 at 5:15 PM
The RNC has been issuing fund-raising letters in that sort of envelope for a while now.
Don’t know why they keep sending them – I told Lee Atwater & Co that I had no intention of joining the circus they planned in their ‘big tent’ & haven’t given them a dime since.