
February 2nd, 2010

Great News

I just looked at Osama bin Laden’s latest video, and I saw something really encouraging. I made a still capture. See if you can figure out what I spotted.

I considered calling this entry “51.”


3 Responses to “Nine…Eight…Seven…”

  1. Dave R. Says:

    I assume Oscar is making one more prediction? I had to do a Google search, to be honest – I had a slight inkling about him, but I’ve been out of the pop culture thing for a while.

    Judging by the glazed look in OBL’s eyes, it’s starting to look like he’s already joined the choir invisible, and his henchmen are pulling a “Weekend At Bernie’s”.

  2. Milo Says:

    Yeah, the cat in the pic has been cropped in.
    The original picture of that cat comes from a news article @ about a cat in Rhode Island that has predicted 50 deaths in a nursing home.

  3. Elisson Says:

    Oscar, the Death-Kitty! Oh, boy!