Haiti Earthquake Relief

January 13th, 2010


World Vision is already on it. Click to donate.

Sometimes I think that if you want a glimpse of what life will be like in the Tribulation, you only have to go to a nation where demon worship or atheism prevail. Look at Burma and Haiti.

4 Responses to “Haiti Earthquake Relief”

  1. Gerry N. Says:

    Another reason why a natural occurrance such as a 7.0 earthquake causes such horrible destruction in a turd world hell hole like Burma or Haiti and would be a genuine annoyance for three weeks in whichever county it hit in the US is a systemic disregard for the rule of law. Building codes, if they exist at all are all but ignored in favor of a ten buck bribe. Let the peasants be crushed like so many screaming grapes, I have my ten bucks, which is also double my take home for the month because I had to grease a dozen others in line ahead of me. And the money to keep power and water working was long ago spent on a new Yacht, Girl Friend, Wine Cellar, and Bentley for the Minister of Buildings and Graft in Port Au Prince.

    It is sad, but how can I be sure that the lion’s share of the $100 I’d like to give won’t be siphoned off into some corruptocrat’s Swiss account the instant the money gets into the system? Why bother if it’s only going to further enrich the already wealthy?

    Gerry N.

  2. J West Says:

    1. Thanks for the kick in the pants with the world vision link.
    2. Server was jammed -took about 20 minutes to complete the transaction.
    3. Probably the most worthy thing I will do this week.
    4. The first comment may be correct. Unfortunately, that is as much as I can do for those unfortunate people.
    5. The situation down there is looking uglier by the moment.
    V/R JWest

  3. Steve H. Says:

    “It is sad, but how can I be sure that the lion’s share of the $100 I’d like to give won’t be siphoned off into some corruptocrat’s Swiss account the instant the money gets into the system?”
    If you want to be really sure the poor won’t get the money, don’t donate. I would rather donate and hope World Vision’s people aren’t complete morons. My guess is that when a relief worker puts a World Vision bandage on a wounded person, nobody is going to be able to come along later and embezzle it. You do what you can and hope for the best.

  4. Ruth H Says:

    Hope you don’t mind if I post this link. I trust the Mennonites; not to say I don’t trust World Vision, just giving options.
