Maybe I Should Write Something Occasionally

January 10th, 2010

No; That Would be Crazy

This week at my prayer group’s Saturday meeting, I learned that our leader had suggested we keep journals. This is pretty funny, in my case. I’ve been blogging since late 2002. If you bound my Internet writing, it would be thousands of pages.

Nonetheless, it makes sense to keep a private journal. I would have a lot more freedom.

He said we should write down three goals every day. One for our church and two for other reasons which I forget. Because I didn’t write them down. Couldn’t find my pen, which was jammed down in the corner of the pocket of my George Bush chore coat. I have to email him and get him to repeat it.

Lists are great. You get things done when you make lists, provided you make an effort to do the things you write down. Three goals…that’s a list.

Back when I was Piano-Obsession Man, at the end of every day, as I lay in bed, I listed the musical accomplishments I had achieved that day. It was a great way to maintain motivation. Unfortunately, I eventually realized I could not remember piano pieces the way I used to remember pieces for guitar, banjo, and mandolin. I quit playing. It seemed pointless. Learn a piece, learn another piece, and forget the first piece, because I wasn’t practicing it. I had a two-tune repertoire because I couldn’t hold the pieces in my mind. I figured it was senility.

A while back, my second cousin (married to one of the finest classical trombonists) suggested I learn to sight-read, in order to compensate for the memory problems. Recently, I decided to give it a shot. I’m making progress. I think this is one of the things I could write about in the journal. It would be nice to be able to compare one week’s entries to those of an earlier week. I feel like I’m getting nowhere, but I know that’s because I haven’t documented the improvements.

Practice is strange. It breaks down into note reading and timing practice. Note practice is extremely tedious. I’m just figuring out which key to hit. I have to be at a keyboard for this, because I have to move my hands around. Timing practice is very different. I just have to hit one note, over and over, at the correct times. I don’t really need an instrument to do it. If I were pressed, I could do it in my head, holding the book in front of me while sitting in a chair.

Timing practice is less tedious, because the beat pulls me through it. I think it’s also the most important part of the venture. Timing is extremely complicated, and you have to be able to do it instantaneously. Notes…there are only nine on a staff. Surely note reading has to come together faster.

Today I realized I can now imagine musical measures in my head and hear the timing. Very odd. Maybe I can eventually practice my timing without piano or music. My head will be like the Matrix. More than it already is.

I have to figure out how to keep a journal in Microsoft Word, without losing my mind. Imagine keeping track of 365 documents per year.

5 Responses to “Maybe I Should Write Something Occasionally”

  1. Tziporah Says:

    You could also use some free blogging platform that only allows “freinds” to view the content.

  2. rightisright Says:

    Just make it a single document in Word. Above each new entry put the date. That way you will be able to search by date if needed.
    I do this when taking notes during the progress of a large project.

  3. Tziporah Says:

    Another thought – I use Google Documents to make notes to myself.

  4. Cliff Says:

    Create a private blog on blogger

    Simple, and the anti-Christian anti-American anti-Western wealth monopolists at Google will pay for it.

    A four-fer.


  5. greg zywicki Says:

    Great to hear you’re back at the Piano.

    I’ve always found the one thing I have to have with music is a reason to play beyond my own enjoyment. That motivates me to learn new songs and techniques. Maybe, once your reading improves, you can find some reason.

    Another step, after sight reading, is music theory. You probably know a lot already. Learning theory is good, because then you can compose, which is what you want to do anyway.