The Big Finish

December 10th, 2009


I got my fly cutter working. Thanks for the help.

Big shock: it was not a mysterious problem. It was just bad workmanship. It appears that the relief on the bottom edge of the tool was not sufficient. It worked in the past, and I did not find any evidence that wear had changed it, but when I ground the tool over again and put a nicer radius on it, it cut beautifully.

I threw my aluminum plates on the mill and resurfaced them. I had intended to get them to 0.500″, as closely as possible, purely for the learning experience, but I had to settle for 0.498″.

I decided to get a 4″ cam action fake Heinrich vise from Grizzly. People said a 6″ vise might be unwieldy, and I noticed that the mounting holes were not a great match for my slide table. I also ordered T-nuts and countersinks. I want to sink 3/8″ screws into the bottom of the plates, and I can’t do that unless the holes are countersunk or otherwise recessed.

My dad wants to know what I want for Christmas. I may let him help me out with the VFD or motor for the drill press. I can’t resist a chance to install a VFD. As for his Christmas, all I am willing to say now is this: I was forced to call the BATF and get information about “straw purchases” before I could take care of him.

I’m so glad God has given me a great relationship with my dad. Apart from the things God has done within me, it’s the greatest treasure I have. If you’re on the outs with someone, remember this: as long as there is a sliver of light in them, it is possible for God to reach them (and you) and help you reconcile. Some people are reprobates and can’t be fixed, but others will surprise you.

This week I’m going to start classes for the prison ministry at my church. I have no idea what I’m doing; I can’t believe I’m going. Over the last year, I thought I saw changes in a very headstrong and self-destructive person, and it gave me hope that others could be turned around, so when I found out we had a prison ministry starting, something pulled at my heart. Or maybe it was God’s boot in my rear end. I wonder what it will be like. I fully expect 95% of these men to be completely dishonest and unwilling to change, but surely some will be reborn. Jesus would not have told us to visit prisons if it were a waste of time. I hope I overestimate their unwillingness to learn and change.

I’m having some difficulties right now with someone I have been praying for and trying to help in the walk of faith. Perhaps a few readers would take a minute and say a prayer. God has been so wonderful to me, I want everyone to share in it, but you know what they say about leading horses to water. And it can be very frustrating when a difficult person provokes you to the point where you worry that your own attitude and behavior grieve the Holy Spirit and put the brakes on your development. It’s easy to sound holy on a blog on the same day you told someone off, face to face.

I keep saying I expect to be perfect any day now. I can’t understand why it has been delayed.

My jowl bacon, dried apples, and blackberry jam arrived from Kentucky. It’s almost like being at Granny’s house. I guess tomorrow I’ll fry up a couple of slices. The apples are not as brown and dry as the ones I remember. I don’t know if that will affect their usefulness in dried pies.

Life is good for me. Maybe some day I’ll succeed in helping one other person have it as good as I do. Perhaps this will occur next month, when perfection is finally upon me.

4 Responses to “The Big Finish”

  1. pbird Says:

    Completely OT. I thought I would mention that my old aunt Clara who had a bad case of breast cancer and who I asked prayer for is doing well. She is still kicking. I talked to her a few days ago and she sounded strong and still has humor. She is actually doing a natural therapy instead of just talking about doing a natural therapy and she has a LOT of help from family, clinic and hosp. Just thought I would report because its a faith builder to hear how it all came out. Now she is in her 80s so I don’t expect her to last forever, but heck, she’s doing well. Thanks for the prayers all who pray.

  2. Ruth H Says:

    Have faith in the prison ministry. Where I lived in Louisiana we had a literacy program in the jail . Many of them were in for quite some time and so could be in the program long enough to do some real good. Illiteracy is very high in the prison population and I think contributes to their problems in many ways. We had some really very good results and one of them became a tutor and then a board member of our group. He was still working as a counselor and tutor the last I heard. I moved away quite some time ago so have check in about 5 years. But I think you will be very blessed to work with these people.

  3. Steve B Says:

    I am coming to realize that it’s not our job to “convert the masses.” I don’t think the “masses” want to be or can be converted. It’s our job to be obedient to God’s leading, to find those in whose heart he is already working, and minister to them in ways that leads them to salvation.

    I agree that you’ll probably find a lot of dead wood, but the two or three you do reach are worth the effort. And who knows, they may be the “seeds” you plant the eventually reach others that you couldn’t.

  4. JeffW Says:

    I agree with Steve B.
    I ran my church’s once a week ministry to the homeless in DC for three years back in the early 90’s. We provided clothes, toiletries, and also arranged for job interviews and job training. We served hundreds of homeless.
    During three years, we only managed to get one person off of the street, into a church, and a stable job (he professed to be a Christian while still on the street, but recomitted himself once in church).
    Only one person, but it was worth it. Even if no one came to Christ at that time, who knows what seeds were planted for a future conversion? Sometimes we help sow and sometimes we help reap. Both are part of His commission.
    And I prayed for you and the person you’re trying to help.