America Resuming Consciousness?

November 23rd, 2009

Iwon Losing Comedy Demographic

Via Sondra, I saw a crude but extremely funny SNL video this morning. I can give you the basic idea. The Chinese premier or president or whatever is on a stage with Obama, and Obama tries to talk tough and self-righteous about trade issues and human rights, and the Chinese guy responds by utterly trashing Obama’s wasteful and unsuccessful economic programs, and by pointing out that we owe China $800 billion. And even though the sketch appeared on one of liberal NBC’s most liberal shows, the actor playing Obama was not given any clever responses. They made Obama look like a fool. And the New York audience howled!

Everything smart people on the right predicted about Obama is coming true. He is amateurish, embarrassing, and completely inept. He has succeeded in piling up so much debt, our future socialism is virtually assured even if he turns into a Libertarian tomorrow afternoon. His ego has become an offense to a wide segment of the American population. And he is so hostile to Israel, it is hard to conclude that anything other than heartfelt anti-Semitism can be at work.

It wouldn’t be so hard to watch, were he not a tremendous clod. I will never get over the photograph of Obama after the Presidency-debasing “beer summit.” His race-pimp professor buddy slandered a cop, and Obama followed suit, and neither was man enough to apologize. After the awkward beer drinking, the gracious cop helped the professor down the stairs. While Obama skipped toward the cameras like a kid rushing the door at Toys R Us.

I guess the consolation here is that with his popularity dropping, Obama will be skipping toward the cameras less and less. His dealings with the press will be less like full-body massages and more like trips to the principal’s office. Maybe he will be improved by the experience of facing hostile journalists for the first time in his life. I tend to doubt it. Clods have a problem perceiving their own faults, so they do a poor job of correcting themselves. Obama will probably react defensively, releasing his West Wing flying monkeys on the press at large, the way he released them on Fox News. If so, the results will be even more disastrous and humiliating. Obama got his rear end handed to him by a single cable network. If he goes after the MSM, he is going to go home to Illinois in a collection of Zip-Loc bags.

People call him Carter II. I hope that makes Sarah Palin Reagan II. We know all the dirt on her now, including dirt that was completely made up. There isn’t much left to hit her with. When Sarah Palin writes an autograph, the AP assigns a team of reporters to fact-check her signature. Old dirt isn’t as good as fresh dirt. What are they going to sling at her in 2012?

She’s a little weird, but she did a bang-up job in Alaska. Prior to resigning, I mean. And she had no choice about that. The left’s policy of criminalizing conservatism made it financially impossible for her to remain in office.

I’d vote for her in a heartbeat. She prays. She thinks for herself. She’s conservative. She’s a hardcore gun-rights supporter. She hates taxes. She isn’t corrupt. Name one other Republican who fits that description and who has a high enough profile to be elected.

I don’t know what to pray for when it comes to Obama. Do I pray he turns to God and gives up socialism and learns to be sincere, or do I pray he crashes and burns so horribly no one will be able to stomach the Democrats for forty years?

You have to pray for people to improve. That’s what I’ll do. But unless he has a life-changing Damascus Road moment, I would hate to see him in power in 2013.

I guess I can pray that the damage he does will be reversible.

Today is a great day. I have some time, and I have some things I want to do. Motorcycle repair. Machining. Yard stuff. I’m going to choose some things I think I can get done, and I’m going to get on it. The weather is right, and it’s going to be even better later this week. I no longer have the excuse of heat stroke.

Maybe I should start by vacuum-sealing all of my pork sausage.

I am always reluctant to say God told me this or that, but over the last few days I’ve felt great faith that I will be getting out of Miami before long, and that God is going to give me a career other than law. And I’ve felt faith that he’s going to do a few other major things for me. I hope this is all true, and that I will be able to avoid screwing it up.

Miami is a place that attracts cursed people. It is not a happy city. It used to make sense for my family to be here, but I think we’ve done our time. God willing, I will be found worthy of an area where the people are more conservative and more in touch with God. That would sure be nice.

5 Responses to “America Resuming Consciousness?”

  1. Steve_in_CA Says:

    I got to thinking about canning sausage. You say you cannot use sage in canned sausage. Why don’t you leave it out, then add it in once you go to use it?

  2. Alan Says:

    I don’t think prayer is ever wasted on our leaders, but with Obama, it would have to be a Damascus Rd. moment for it to take effect. Our economy can’t take this kind of abuse and survive.
    I hope that you can find that place that you will be at peace. Everyone should find that sort of calm place.

  3. aelfheld Says:

    Do I pray he turns to God and gives up socialism and learns to be sincere, or do I pray he crashes and burns so horribly no one will be able to stomach the Democrats for forty years?

    The latter, to my way of thinking, would be better for the country; the former unlikely, unfortunately.

  4. jdunmyer Says:

    I watched that SNL skit and thought that they jabbed TheWon pretty hard. He’s toast, IMO, if he can’t keep the SNL writers on his side. Leno’s poking him now and then also….

  5. pbird Says:

    Steve, I will say, I’ve never seen so MANY churches as there are in NC. Good grief. Maybe in the old days every large farm had one, but in the cities too. I realize western WA st is relatively unchurched, but wow. I’ve seen types of Baptists I wouldn’t have believed.
    I bet people there are kinda conservative and looking to God too.