Amorphous Lump of Undifferentiated Cells
November 9th, 2009Ultrasound of 12-Week “Fetus” Exposes the Lie
Today I came across the Huckabee interview of the Planned Parenthood executive who quit after watching an abortion on ultrasound.
It’s amazing that anyone would object to forcing abortionists to show ultrasound videos to potential clients. It’s illegal to sell a candy bar in the United States without printing the ingredients and nutritional information on the label. What possible rationale can we have for failing to provide a mother with full disclosure when she is contemplating abortion?
Here is a three-inch-long baby. It’s an ultrasound someone posted on Youtube. This is what three months looks like. Obama wants to abort babies at 9 months. He voted to let babies die of starvation and cold when they survived abortions. Imagine killing this tiny creature with a suction tube, and then imagine how much worse it would be if it were several months older and lying naked on a stainless steel table, groping for an embrace that would never come.
How can any woman abort a baby without fear of God? How can she think he won’t see what she has done, or that there won’t be consequences? Is adoption really so traumatic that it’s worth taking a chance on God’s wrath? Surely not.
Bad acts bring curses, and curses last up to four lifetimes. When we do wrong, we may bring punishment on our great-grandchildren as well as ourselves.
I don’t care if the video upsets people. It should upset them. If it helps someone make the safe and moral choice, a little offense is justified.
Help is out there. Here’s a link to Care-Net. They help pregnant women who want to do the right thing.
November 9th, 2009 at 3:11 PM
groping for an embrace that would never come.
Now you made me cry, puts it right on the line doesn’t it?
November 9th, 2009 at 10:03 PM
Sir, Keep up the good work. Legion of fellow lurkers: chime in with your appreciation for this post. This most basic of questions that our academics, courts and legislators flee must have the correct answer, “When does life begin?” Thank you again for your post.
November 10th, 2009 at 2:59 AM
Having felt two children moving in the womb, having them respond to my voice while still unborn, no once can ever convince me that a “fetus” is anything other than a human life.
November 10th, 2009 at 5:35 PM
Having been given the traditional health talk for girls in the 8th grade, lets say that I grew up with a slightly different view of abortion. Yes, a pregnancy very early on was simply a group of cells . . . nothing more, nothing less. As a grew older, I did not hold to a liberal view of termination whenever you please. It wasn’t until I was pregnant with my first son that clarity came. I clearly saw on the ultrasound above my head that this was not some ball of cells (and it wasn’t because this was my baby). I realized that I had been fed a line, that I had actually been indoctrinated. It sickened me. What they told us was not the truth. I think an ultrasound viewing should be a requirement.