Helpful Testimony for Teens

October 13th, 2009

Eat all the Fried Food You Want

The funniest thing happened to me today.

I was on the way home from the grocery store, where I managed to back the Death Star into a normal-sized parking space, much to my delight. Every day I try to set time aside for some mid-day prayer, and I often screw up and miss it, and today I was late. So I decided to get to work on it while I drove. I was praying about a conflict between me and another person, and I felt faith rush through me so hard, I didn’t know what to do. I started pounding on the fold-down console in the center seat. Then I held onto it, as if bracing myself for a strong wind.

I can’t explain it. What was it?

I thought I should document it. I get tired of hearing testimonies about things that have already happened. You know what I mean; phony psychics do it all the time. It’s December of 2008, and they announce they PREDICTED THE OBAMA VICTORY! What good is that? Do you really have to be a psychic to predict things that have already happened? Fine, I predicted…let’s see…the big 2004 tsunami, Hurricane Katrina, and Susan Boyle. I just didn’t feel like telling anyone until today. I’m shy about my gifts. You know how humble amazing people like me usually are.

Here’s something weird. I had a pimply thing developing on my upper lip today, and it was really painful, and during my prayers, I mentioned it, and now it’s barely there. Like forty minutes later.

I must be the king of insignificant skin-blemish miracles. First the warts I got rid of, and now this. I’m not knocking it. I hate little nagging skin problems that cause pain or disfigurement. But this is not the kind of thing that made the book of Acts. “Hath anyone among you a zit? Let the elders come and anoint him with oil, and verily, he shall be delivered in time for the prom.”

I guess anything big enough to annoy a believer is big enough to annoy God.

I have to go take another look at this thing. This is too weird.

2 Responses to “Helpful Testimony for Teens”

  1. km Says:

    Is this where the getting it down that “I predict” that Obama will prove over time to be an umitigated disaster for people with tradtional values, morals and beliefs?
    And just where are the directions as to eating all the fried food I want?

  2. TC Says:

    Working the Rosary to Our Lady of Benzoil Peroxide again, eh?