Potential Terrorist Christian Survival Boy Stores More Food

September 19th, 2009

Prosperity is a Lot of Work

I must have 25 bags of frozen lime and key lime juice now. I wanted my trees to be productive, but I’m starting to wonder where the juice is going to go.

I just put away five half-cup bags, after slicing and freezing a Costco beef loin. I’m turning into my grandmother! I have a pressure cooker, I grow food, and I’m considering learning to can. What next? Knitting?

You have to be a good steward. That’s the pitch. Back in the 80s, they used to say God would bless you with prosperity and health as long as you sent Jim Bakker and Robert Tilton enough money. It didn’t really matter what you did the rest of the time. And of course, it did not work. Oddly, God did not reward people for buying evangelists purple Bentleys and mink toilet seat covers.

These days, the message is somewhat more balanced. Give alms; don’t just send checks to questionable TV preachers. Repent. Pray. Fast. Go to church. Behave responsibly. Robert Morris writes and speaks about this stuff, and I think he’s right. It’s a little insulting to claim you can be a monumental jerk and get God to bless you, but it’s also insulting to say God doesn’t reward people. So anyway, I am afraid to throw out the fruit and herbs I grow, and I try not to spend like a total fool. Hence the freezing and bagging.

It seems to pay off, at least with regard to bananas, limes, herbs, and peppers. Actually, things are going very well with me in general. People close to me have it harder than I do at the moment. I can’t talk about every good thing that’s happening in my life. Wish I could.

Hey…what if I had paid more attention to my elders when I was a kid? I would have been doing a lot of this stuff a long time ago. Doh!

I’m going to try to get a flu shot now. I was going to take two friends to church, but they both got the flu. Coincidence, I’m sure. It’s not like there are any forces out there that try to keep people from turning to God. Never. Couldn’t happen.

We’re still on for next week.

6 Responses to “Potential Terrorist Christian Survival Boy Stores More Food”

  1. Steve in CA Says:

    Donate your food to local soup kitchens. Volunteer some of your time there too.

  2. Virgil Says:

    I bought that Sorbent Systems ( http://www.sorbentsystems.com/sinbosealer.html ) vacuum sealer you recommended and 100 each of two sizes of bags.

    They fumbled around getting it shipped to me from California and it just arrived this morning. I was getting ready to have to open a butcher shop because we’d been buying larger than usual quantities of chicken and beef & pork for the past week on sale in anticipation of it’s arrival.

    First impressions is that it works pretty well…we had to print the instructions off the website because there’s no manual in the packaging.

    It has power cord storage space in the back and being able to adjust the vacuum and having lights which tell you what it’s doing seems to be worth the money.

    I also bought some oxygen absorber packets to put in with the more precious cuts of meat to further extend the freezer life. Thanks for doing the homework and making the suggestion Steve.

  3. Steve H. Says:

    “Hi, I have seven limes for the homeless. I’ll burn three gallons of gas and have them to you in an hour.”
    I dunno.

  4. Steve in CA Says:

    Well, obviously, one or two at a time does not make sense, until you get your economy Ram 3500 4wd diesel that gets 23 mpg. But seriously, contact the local soup kitchen and let them know you have surplus fruit, they might send someone weekly to pick it up. Alternatively, take it to your church; the folks there could use them.

  5. Virgil Says:

    Maybe you can make ethanol or biodiesel with your limes and burn that in your new truck…

  6. pbird Says:

    Knitting. Sure. Why not? Many major dudes in history have also knitted. I knit all the time. Keeps me thinking.