No Holds Barred

August 8th, 2009

Reese’s Ups the Ante

I have to tell you about a diabolical new plot. You know how hard it is to deal with Reese’s peanut butter cups? Sure you do. You have to peel the paper off, and you get chocolate under your nails, and half of the chocolate sticks to the paper, and then it gets on the steering wheel or the surgical instruments or the flight yoke or whatever you’re handling at the time.

Well now Reese’s has gone medieval on us. They are selling enormous BARS of their trademark confection. Yes, you have to gnaw through the paper, but after that, it’s pure uninterrupted pleasure.

Stay away from these things. Reese’s was never intended to be this easy.

8 Responses to “No Holds Barred”

  1. Elisson Says:

    Reese bars? Ai yi yi!

    Have you ever had the Elvis Memorial Reese’s cups? Chocolate, peanut butter, and some sort of banana-flavored goop. It’s a hunka hunka burning calories…

  2. Heather Says:

    Why did you tell me this?? You know what stress I am under, now I will be even more stressed out looking for those!

  3. wormathan Says:

    Those bastards…

  4. Mumblix Grumph Says:

    I can’t resist the Reese’s Big Cup. It’s like two regular cups in one big-ass cup. It just seems to taste better than two small ones. Especially if you keep them in the fridge.

  5. Randy Rager Says:

    Put it in the fridge for a couple of hours first, if you can force yourself to wait. It’ll pop right off that paper.

  6. Steve H. Says:

    “if you can force yourself to wait”
    I assume this is a typo or something.

  7. J.M. Heinrichs Says:
    … certified acceptable by my nephews.


  8. Pam Says:

    I absolutely will not permit myself to enter another grocery/convenience store in the near future…I was just complaining last week that the hardest part of being mature, responsible, and in control of the calories I take in was not having had one single peanut butter cup in six weeks.