Dan Rather Working for Orly Taitz?
August 3rd, 2009I See no Mention of Mother’s Virginity
Sondra K. linked to something hilarious yesterday. California attorney/dentist Orly Taitz has produced a document which she claims is a Kenyan birth certificate indicating that Barack Obama was born in Mombasa.
I really don’t know what to make of this. There are kooks on both sides of the political spectrum (on the left, they are called “moderates”), and the air is always full of BS. On the other hand, I have no respect for liberal claims that the Obama birth kerfuffle has been thoroughly debunked or that it was never anything more than a hoax. They say the same sort of things about respectable scientists and statesmen who doubt the global warming religion, which is losing credibility week by week. Moreover, this type of attack often indicates an underlying fear and an awareness on the part of the attacker that he can’t produce facts sufficient to support his argument. Remember how Dan Rather took this path. Then Les Moonves moved Dan’s desk into the men’s room, and now Dan’s retirement plan consists of shaky lawsuits against CBS.
Hawaii produced an electronic birth certificate, and some official or other stated that he or she had seen the original. The Republican governor of Hawaii said Obama was a US citizen. I was happy to accept that. I’m not all that eager to hear the phrase “President Biden.” But it never occurred to me to think about Kenyan records. I don’t know if Ms. Taitz is the one who came up with this idea, but whoever it was is very sharp. This is the kind of thinking that makes a thorough and effective litigator. People have ridiculed her as incompetent and embarrassing, and for all I know, if I looked at her record as a whole, I would draw the same conclusion. But looking for the Kenyan certificate was a great idea.
Lou Dobbs has taken a beating over this. As he has pointed out, people are openly lying about him. He has made it clear that he doesn’t buy into the “birther” view, but frantic leftists all over the airwaves and the web are falsely claiming he questions Obama’s citizenship. The hysteria on the left does not suggest confidence. Quite the opposite. And as Dobbs has pointed out, the main thing driving the story is Obama’s unwillingness to take the quick, inexpensive steps required to end it.
I didn’t realize until today that the Obama response has been expensive. According to various sources, it has cost seven figures. That is incredible. Can it be true? If someone questioned my citizenship, and I thought stonewalling would cost me FIFTY dollars, I’d run for my birth certificate immediately. And like most halfway responsible American adults, I do have a copy of my birth certificate. It’s odd that Obama does not. You would think a pampered kid raised by doting grandparents would have a fairly orderly life.
Some Kos nut says the Kenyan certificate is a fake, because it says something like “Republic of Kenya,” and it was issued in February of 1964, and Kenya (according to a digital image of a newspaper clipping) was not a republic until later that year.
1. Kos nut
2. Unverified clipping
3. No other evidence, in spite of leftist panic and concerted effort
4. No proof that Kenya was not using the word “Republic” in official documents in February of 1964, regardless of whether the term was correct
5. World Net Daily says it looks like other Kenyan certificates they have unearthed, although they have not given dates.
The debunkers will have to do better.
My sense of this thing is that the Kenyan document will turn out to have some kind of problem. I doubt that it’s a rank fake, as Karl Rove suggested, because Ms. Taitz would be crucified, impoverished, disbarred, and if possible, burned at the stake, should leftists discover that she knowingly submitted a phony document to a federal court. At least, they’ll try to inflict these punishments on her. Maybe she’s as crazy as liberals say she is, but you would have to be nearly insane to throw your career away on a bogus document which would cause you great harm and benefit your enemies. I don’t know what other flaws could invalidate the certificate, but they will likely turn up as leftists work themselves into a frenzy, investigating it. It may be that there is a way to get a Kenyan certificate issued retroactively, based on weak affidavits or some such.
Taitz’s effort has been referred to as “a fishing expedition.” That’s not accurate. Here’s what that term means. I’ll give an example. You sue someone for negligence because you stepped in a hole in their backyard. To prove they knew there was a hole, you ask for every email they’ve sent for the last twenty years, plus all of their letters and phone records, plus all the emails and phone records of everyone they know. That’s a fishing expedition. You have no legitimate reason to believe a certain fact, yet you unreasonably seek tons of evidence which could conceivably tend to prove that fact. Here, Ms. Taitz has a facially credible document on which to base her suspicions. And if she is demanding the right to compel the production of additional evidence (the essence of a fishing expedition), I am not aware of it.
I would be surprised if this fuss amounts to anything. And I am hoping it won’t be necessary to attack Obama in this manner. He is incompetent and immature, and he has an off-putting, tyrannical, condescending personality, and he keeps betraying his supporters and breaking promises, so I’m hoping the American people will continue to reduce their support for him. He shafted the Jews, his grandmother, doctors, the UAW, Caucasians in general, and the police unions. He can’t keep sawing away at his support without consequences. It’s starting to look like the “Carter II” predictions are coming true. I sure hope so.
I can’t believe the Cash for Clunkers program. I looked into it this weekend, because my dad was considering getting rid of his Explorer and getting a pickup. Here’s how it works. If you own a really awful car which is worth considerably less than $4500 as a trade-in, you can take it to a dealer and get $4500 toward the price of a new car. It jacks up the value of your trade-in. The dealer will generally succeed in getting most of this money (or more) from you when you negotiate the purchase and financing. And while you can’t buy whatever you want, you don’t have to buy a high-mileage car. Depending on the mileage your old car gets, you may be able to buy something that gets as few as 20 miles per gallon, combined. Where does the money come from? Ultimately, taxes. In the short term, from debt financed by the Chinese and other fine friends of America, at disturbing interest rates. Which you and I will have to cover. Where do the old cars go? Do they go to charities and poor people who need transportation? Are they sold to junkyards so the parts will go back into the stream of commerce? No, they get crushed, in a ridiculous and obscene destruction of wealth.
So, to recap:
1. Dealers get lots and lots of money from buyers who can’t negotiate and do not understand how interest works.
2. Many buyers end up with cars that get lackluster mileage.
3. Energy and wealth are wasted in the destruction of perfectly good cars the poor could use.
4. We pay for it later, with interest.
It took energy to build the cars we’re crushing and the cars that will replace them. No one seems to think about that. I think it’s safe to guess that building and selling a car require energy equivalent to several years’ worth of gas. And think of all the plastic in cars. That’s oil.
Isn’t this really just another carmaker bailout?
This boondoggle will cost billions. Meanwhile, Obama has decided we can’t affort three hundred million dollars for the best fighter plane available. Remember that years from now when our flying “clunkers” are raining down in pieces (along with the limbs and intestines of our pilots) after superior enemy aircraft blow them to bits. We have cash for clunkers, but not for self-defense. Odd priorities. Defense is expensive, but it’s very cheap compared to defeat.
I better go to Thoseshirts.com and buy my “Welcome back, Carter” shirt before they sell out.
August 3rd, 2009 at 11:00 AM
As to the birth certificate issue, read “The American Thinker” from this weekend. The take is that certificate or not, this story has weight because Barry O is so alien from most .
citizens. It’s like he’s not “from here”.
I’m not sure about factcheck.org and what birth cert (with seal) they claim to have seen (it apparently is a “short form” issued copy of the original), and who made them the arbiter.
There appear to be other issues not birth related, but as to whether his citizenship was invalidated (my guess at a term for it) while he was registered for school in (and seemingly a citizen of) Indonesia.
As for Biden’s status, since the Dems would have presented an invalid Pres ticket, not just candidate, some think the ticket might be invalided (sp?). Pelosi?!?!?!?!
And for your readers who may not be aware, (I believe you said you and your classmates don’t remember him much from school) his grades and applications (with payment records) for school are sealed, unlike other presidents. Now that’s change you can believe in.
August 3rd, 2009 at 12:40 PM
Just the fact that everything is sealed is suspicious. To my way of thinking, you only restrict access if you have something to hide!
August 3rd, 2009 at 12:44 PM
IANAL, but others who are pointed out that it wouldn’t matter if he was born on Mars–his mother was American, so he is too. Actions taken on his behalf while he was a minor don’t effect that–he’d have to renounce citizenship as an adult.
Nobody disputes that his mother bore him, and Hawaii says he was born there, so what could the full certificate hold that would be of great interest? If there was anything invalidating, I’m convinced Hillary’s team would have dug it up.
(It might say that the Father was UNKNOWN or “Rat Bastard” or something else embarrassing. Not relevant or very useful to Hillary, but embarrassing)
I remember when Reagan was president. “Bedtime for Bonzo” was impossible to find, presumably because it might be embarrassing. That sort of “disappearance” just required a little pressure on a couple of people–maybe just one.
For some reason the ∅ team has pressured quite a few people to keep quiet about most aspects of ∅’s past. He gets to present himself exactly as he wishes. I don’t see how a mediocre record in school or being compelled to memorize the Koran as a youth couldn’t be easily spun by his PR people (“He’s not elitist” or “His father enrolled him”), so why would he be embarrassed?
Either his record was so wildly radical than even our leftish media couldn’t glide past it (seems very unlikely!), or he wants to completely define himself and cannot endure even a hint of imperfection. The latter suggests some psychological problems, but IANAP either.
And as for the Kenyan birth certificate, I suspect that with very little effort you could get a genuine Kenyan birth certificate for George Washington.
August 3rd, 2009 at 12:56 PM
Cash-for-Clunkers will do for the automotive industry (or what’s left of it) what the Community Reinvestment Act did for real estate.
As for the birth certificate issue, Andrew McCarthy at National Review did a nice job of addressing it: http://article.nationalreview.com/?q=ZmJhMzlmZWFhOTQ3YjUxMDE2YWY4ZDMzZjZlYTVmZmU=
Not that I have a problem with Orly Taitz doing to Obama what the Leftards did to Palin.
August 3rd, 2009 at 12:58 PM
James, I wondered the same thing, RE Obama’s mom. But I have since read that it is possible to have an American citizen for a parent and fail to qualify for automatic citizenship, and supposedly, Obama wouldn’t make the cut. I don’t know the law, but you can probably find out more if you look around the web.
August 3rd, 2009 at 12:59 PM
FYI, this from Wikipedia (yeah, I know, not the most reliable source, but I’m feeling lazy):
August 3rd, 2009 at 1:13 PM
I understand that used cars turned in under the Cash for Clunkers program have to be disabled so the engines are no longer operable. Here’s an article.
So the dealer gets a couple of tons of scrap out of the deal after selling a new car unless he decides to violate some laws. Car dealers don’t do that, do they?
We need a new bumper sticker: Honk if I paid for your new car.
August 3rd, 2009 at 1:43 PM
I love it. You “birthers” are making such asses of yourself and don’t even know it. It is just like the “tea baggers” all over again.
The Republican party is disintegrating right before my eyes.
August 3rd, 2009 at 2:06 PM
Are the Humiliating Comment-makers Netizens CHICOM or just ACORN?
Thank God for Attny. Taitz and her actions to save the US Constitution and the US, itself.
Ever notice: On ALL the search engine searches (Read they’ve been suppressing pro-birther results) the criticisms of all us “Birthers” is the same as they do in Red China?
There, the government employs a horde of “Netizens” to go to sites to humiliate & denigrate & suppress anti-government talk. They’re paid about $.25 each, I’ve read.
Just like these apparent ACORN operatives do, they ALWAYS humiliate, denigrate, and use varying terms of “Mental Illness” in volume! Buzzwords like “Wingnut,” “Birther,” “Insane,”Unhinged, “Delusional,”
That’s what happens to the average Chinese when they type out loud, and the Chinese have even more “Mental Health” Prisons as do the Russians.
The apparent wave of the future for us here in Obamaland?
But the CHICOMS have been waging economic and PSYOPS warfare on us a long time. They’ve apparently continued their terroristic use of Biblical prophesies (Remember what they did on 6/6/6?) by creating as part of The Big 0’s Economic Manchurian Candidate grooming and Legend, that he’s actually the Anti-Christ (Imagine the desired reactions.) That his name, “Barrack Obama,” means “Antichrist,” in ancient Hebrew in the Book of Luke, according to a religious researcher can be seen at this YouTube video on World Net News.
This creation of a well-groomed “Legend,” part of an overall economic warfare agenda, taking over at the top, is as old espionage craft as is planting ads in prominent Hawaii newspapers, making myth become “The Truth.”
August 3rd, 2009 at 2:07 PM
James, it took a little but I got IANAL (and it’s cousin IANAP) after a little thought.
The American Thinker article pretty much sums it up. Nothing will happen. I’m tired of His Smugness who wouldn’t even honor the flag and anthem leading (hijacking) this country.
For a while there, I was hoping that this would be the tool to stop this madness, and I imagine others felt the same way.
I still think there’s enough smoke to suspect a fire. But there’s no traction.
What are the cars being purchased under the clunker law?
What the country of origin mix?
Anyone, anyone? Beuhler?
August 3rd, 2009 at 3:35 PM
OMG, does that mean we will have a President Peloci?
F%$K! George Bush, where are you?
August 3rd, 2009 at 5:21 PM
Gotta howl every time a “Chris R” shows up.
Hey, Chris, was George W. Bush AWOL from the reserves? How much documentation do you need? Are the Killian memos valid?
August 3rd, 2009 at 5:52 PM
The birth certificate issue was pretty well handled by, of all people, Jon Stewart.
http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/wed-july-22-2009/the-born-identity It’s hard to retroactively print birth announcements in Hawaiian newspapers.
I think it’s a tactical mistake for the right to focus on it because the energy will be poorly spent if it’s a red herring created by the left to lure the right into looking silly.
Better to pour this energy into legislating in major electoral college states the requirement to provide the last 10 years of tax records for themselves and their spouses as a prerequisite for a candidate to be listed on a ballot. We’re entitled to know their biases, where they get their lobbyist money and where they donate to charities. Do NOT allow any presidential candidate to hide assets with a spouse. It wouldn’t be necessary to accomplish this nationally but if a half dozen swing states early in the primary cycle were targeted, this would effectively filter out all candidates who are sandbagging the voters and withholding info.
Make registering a fake voter a felony to counter ACORN.
Regarding “Barack Obama” transliterated into Hebrew per Rick, above, the Barack part is correctly translated (Barak was also the name of the biblical prophetess Deborah’s general… and my wife’s Irish wolfhound circa 1985) but the “obama” part is more than a stretch. The prefix before the “bama” part would nearly always mean “and” and not “from”. The letter vav (or waw) is a conjunction. There is a simple one-letter prefix, mem, which means “from” or “of”. Even the word “shel” (shin lamed) would be used and not “vav” It’s a weak exegesis for anyone familiar with Hebrew.
August 3rd, 2009 at 6:23 PM
Didn’t know about the Hawaiian newspaper. That seems like a dispositive piece of evidence. I don’t understand Obama, stonewalling at such great expense. He has a stubborn, bullying personality, though, and people like that sometimes take stupid positions and maintain them no matter what the cost. He may have decided early on to ignore this story, and his lackeys may be too scared to try to talk him into confronting it.
Chris R probably has no idea what was in this blog entry. His comment seems to have no relationship to what any of us wrote. He’s spamming for some website; he probably searched Technorati, found something he wanted to comment about, wrote a silly comment, copied it, and pasted it into the comment forms of fifty blogs.
I removed the URL of his website from his comment.
August 3rd, 2009 at 6:27 PM
“The Republican party is disintegrating right before my eyes.”
Well, good. Last time I checked, the Republican party was the “Democrat wannabe” party.
I refuse to vote for Republican anymore. It’s a suckers bet.
August 3rd, 2009 at 7:44 PM
I’ve been SCREAMING about the “Clunkers” converted to “Junkers” program on my blog for half a week.
While my perfectly good 1995 3/4 ton, 4 wheel drive, Chevy Suburban with a 454 cu inch engine today getting 9 MPG (11 MPG originally) is INELLIGIBLE for the program (and I don’t want to and never would participate in this obvious tax dollar give-away for votes program), other people with lesser “large” SUV’s and Trucks only have to dump their old (less than 25 years) vehicle–more like three or four year old machines–for a shiny new vehicle (which the likely can barely afford with the rebate) and to qualify get this…the new SUV/TRUCK only has to improve by 1 MPG to get the $3500 and TWO MPG to get the $4,500.
Do the math…this means 1 to 3 billion taxpayer dollars spent buying VIRTUALLY NOTHING in the grand scheme of things when it comes to national energy consumption and pollution relating to vehicular emissions.
August 3rd, 2009 at 8:26 PM
I haven’t paid much attention to the Obama birth certifcate stuff until just recently when I read that 950 grand has been dispersed to 11 different law firms to combat this issue.
WTF? Is this true? Are these payments verifiable?
If this is true then there has to be something here. I always thought the Birther stuff was just wishful thinking but now realise that no one would drop this amount of money unless they had something to hide.
Some are saying that this is a genius scheme to make the right look foolish. OK. Why spend nearly a million dollars then? If Obama had the goods I would think that no where near this amount of money would be needed.
August 3rd, 2009 at 8:42 PM
“I don’t understand Obama, stonewalling at such great expense. He has a stubborn, bullying personality, though, and people like that sometimes take stupid positions and maintain them no matter what the cost.”
Simple. He’s a lawyer of the worst kind…such are the tactics which generate enormous fees.
August 3rd, 2009 at 9:10 PM
My clunker (’97 Ford Crown Vic w/ 113k miles) gave me 26.92 measured MPG last month on a road trip from Galveston, TX to Orlando, FL.
They’ll pry my geezermobile from me only after they sever my fingers cold, dead (and bitterly clinging) grip from my PTR-91 rifle.
On the Clunkers program, the sin is the removal of useable, affordable vehicles from the secondary and third-tier markets.
Price of affordable transportation for low income folks is gonna get not so affordable in the very near future.
Sunk New Dawn
Galveston, TX
August 4th, 2009 at 2:02 AM
Pam…Obama “stonewalls” the birth certificate bru-ha-ha because be it true or be it false…it benefits him…and the country and both “Political Parties” have become ideologically impotent if not outright Liars in the face of placing election and re-election concerns ahead of right and wrong and the constitution since the 1930’s.
Complicating things is that the lamestream media only runs stories about the people supporting the demands for more Obama Rama Ding Dang birthplace proof (99.99 percent Conservative/Republican) as having a bad case of sour grapes while at the same time they write about Al Frankin and Penn’s “Mad Jack Murtha” and any other idiotic Democratic Senator/Representative de Jour as candidates for the Nobel and/or a MIT PHD in Physics.
Meanwhile we (the unwashed “doubters” and religous conservative taxpayer/voters) are mainly presented in a manner to be dismissed as all being just stupid conspiracy theorists and lunatics like we’re spending all of our money and time denouncing or supporting UFO’s and Crop Circles.
Media plays it as “dissent = crazy” or “organized and bussed to the event with signs and printed slogans” when Conservatives rise up–look at the Tea Party Coverage–while ignoring the fact that the ACORN leftists/socialist/Democtatic and their lamestream media surrigates spent all 8 years of Bush’s leadership carping he stole those two national elections and the constant drumbeat was JUST:
OkeyDoKey speaking “truth to power.”
August 4th, 2009 at 10:15 AM
This just makes me want to scream. Or at least to go kick a puppy.
August 4th, 2009 at 11:59 AM
Orly’s been pwned: http://washingtonindependent.com/53658/is-this-the-source-of-the-forged-kenyan-birth-certificate (via Mark Steyn)
August 7th, 2009 at 11:59 AM
I can’t help but suspect that this is all part of a pre-planned disinformation campaign intended to weaken the opposition. It sounds a little crazy, but remember which playbook these people operate from. The theory is Marx. The playbooks were written by Lenin and Alinsky.
As stated above, “Obama “stonewalls” the birth certificate bru-ha-ha because be it true or be it false…it benefits him”
Yep! Get a significant portion of your opposition to focus on something that turns out to be a waste of time, maybe slide in the occasional document to get them heated, maintain a veil of secrecy and mystery about him, and keep feeding the myth with strange behavior (army of lawyers) and belligerent resistence to take it seriously. Meanwhile, the media will play the “ridicule your opponents” – a key Alinsky tactic – and you can discount them that much more every time your own fake document, or their fake document, is proven to be so.