Go Ask Steve

July 25th, 2009

When He’s Ten Feet Wide

What IS it they put in McDonald’s breakfasts?

I just ate a McMuffin, a greasy biscuit sandwich, and three hash browns, and I’m pretty sure I’m high. I can’t get enough of this stuff. The only breakfast I like better is a big Southern breakfast with country ham and biscuits and gravy. And jelly. And honey. And red eye gravy. And Dr. Pepper.

There has to be a drug in this stuff. It can’t just be grease and flour and eggs.

I look forward to this all week, because I diet every day except Saturday. All week long, it has been oatmeal, oatmeal, oatmeal, OATMEAL. I have breakfast with my dad on Tuesdays, and on those days, I have a tuna sandwich, because eggs are bad for my gall bladder. Once a week, I have to have something I can actually taste.

I stopped losing weight. I guess I manage to eat so much on Saturdays, it kills the rest of the week. I may have to adjust my calories downward. But I’m not giving up Saturdays. I don’t care if the other days go down to three hundred calories each. I have to have decent food on occasion.

Speaking of decent food, I had a magnificent Costco steak this week. I went down there hoping the local Costcos was one of the stores where they had started selling prime beef. Sadly, it was not. But I picked up some choice rib eyes, and beef grading is not an exact science, and what I ended up with was pretty much the same thing as prime. I pan-fried one for dinner, and it made my eyes roll back in my head. I think it pays to study the beef you buy, because you will occasionally find something better than the grade on the label indicates.

Dinner is pretty dull for me these days. Roasted chicken, grilled fish, pork chops, or pan-fried steak, plus a couple of boring vegetables that are low in carbs. The food is good, but there is no imagination in it. And it’s a little monotonous. Lunch is almost always a tuna salad or salmon salad sandwich and a little fruit. If I didn’t break loose on Saturday, I’d go insane.

Imagine eating a gorgeous rib eye with steamed snap peas and Brussels sprouts. This is what I am reduced to.

In my book, I advised people to cook steaks outdoors on a propane-powered griddle, and that gives incredible results, but lately I’ve been using a cast-iron skillet on the stove, right under the vent fan. The smoke has been tolerable. Seems like a piece of cast iron will start imparting a wonderful flavor to steak, if you cook steak in it regularly. Maybe I should dedicate that skillet to rib eyes and CFS.

I believe a Christian has to have self-control, and that means you can’t eat everything you want. Like Jim from SOTW says, it’s irritating to hear a big, fat, sloppy preacher with a 50-inch waist and giant wattles make the ridiculous claim that it’s a sin to drink moderately.

Why are Christians so fat? Is it my imagination? The people at my church look pretty normal, but if you turn on religious TV, you will see some real porkers punishing the pews. I guess we take the energy we can’t channel into other sins and put it into gluttony. If you’re letting your physical urges ruin your life, you’re sinning, aren’t you? How is weighing 300 pounds significantly different from taking drugs or being a drunk? I realize obesity has fewer ill effects on you and your family, but it will still kill you and make everyone around you miserable. Have you ever sat next to a fat person on an airplane? Do you have a fat relative who ruins your meals because of the way he or she eats? Do you have someone who makes it impossible for anyone else in the house to get anything good to eat, because he or she nails it as soon as it comes in the door? Do you have a fat relative who always gets the best seat in the car because he can’t get in the other ones? Fat people hog the bathroom, because they have to. They ruin furniture. Fat women destroy wooden floors with their tiny heels. If you’re huge, you’re probably making your family suffer. You should try to do something about it.

I wrote that silly cookbook, but it wasn’t intended to be a set of rules to guide you through every day of your life. I am fat, and I will never claim it’s okay, and while I will continue cooking good food as often as I can get away with it, I will never stop working on my weight.

Speaking of drinking, I haven’t made beer in ages, and I really need to get back to it. I rarely drink, but it would be a shame to get so good at homebrewing and then throw it all away. When you drink very little, you ought to make it count. Have something really good. I can’t remember my last drink of hard liquor, but I can promise you it was something excellent. I can afford it because one bottle lasts two years.

I wish it were next Saturday already, so I could hit the drive-through again.

11 Responses to “Go Ask Steve”

  1. RubberCityRebel Says:

    Might just be me, but I NEVER thought EWYLADLAM was a guide book on how you should live everyday. I saw it as more of a political protest against all of the Nanny-State folks who are just too happy to tell you how you should live your life, and now are willing to criminalize the same behavior either because they think you are too “Stupid” to make decisions for yourself, or because you are hurting the collective.

  2. Ruth H Says:

    I just thought of it as a fun and witty book.
    Now, about steaks in a cast iron skillet, that’s a wonderful thing. Aunt Marian used to put plenty of butter on the pan and on the top of the steak. She lived to almost 90 and didn’t die of a heart attack.
    A man I thought was old at the time, (he wasn’t as old as I am now) once told me to heat the oven to 450, heat the skillet very hot, sear the meat quickly on both sides, then put in the oven for 5 minutes and you would have the perfect steak. He might have been right, I never tried it. I do occasionally pan fry steaks in an iron skillet but I usually leave it up to my husband to do on the grill outside.

  3. Steve H. Says:

    Thanks, Ruth. My only problem with using the stove is the smoke.

  4. Andrea Harris Says:

    Steak with steamed snap peas and brussel sprouts sounds pretty good to me, but I like steamed snap peas and brussel sprouts.

    I hear you on the weight thing. When I moved up north I vowed that one thing I’d do is lose weight. My goal is fifty pounds off by Christmas. I’ve already lost about ten pounds. It helps that this town is very hilly, and most stuff is in walking distance, so I can get a good workout just walking. Also I’m eating less, and watching my calories, etc. I think it also helps that the weather is rarely so hot that it kills me to be outside more than a minute, so that all I’m able to do is sit indoors in the a/c gorging on snacks. I think that’s one reason there are so many fat people in Florida — the weather is simply too miserable and unless you’re young you don’t have the stamina to go outside for exercise or a walk. (Don’t say I should have gone to a gym. I find gyms dreary, the ones in the apartment complexes all got taken over by obnxious young guys, and the commercial ones are expensive.)

  5. Steve H. Says:

    I’m not saying I don’t like vegetables. But imagine the same steak with a big sloppy baked potato, full of sour cream and butter.

  6. BlogDog Says:

    If McD’s sold its sausage in my local grocery store, I’d buy that in a heartbeat.

  7. Aarons CC Says:

    I’ve often thought of a male version of Curves, for guys like me who are much closer to a keg than a six-pack. But it would have to have a poster of Tom Cruise on the door and anyone aroused walking in wouldn’t be allowed to join. When your BMI gets below a certain number, you graduate and your membership ends.

  8. gerry from valpo Says:

    WalMart sells delicious pre-cooked sausage patties that are as good if not better than McD’s. They come in different flavors such as sage and maple but hot and spicy is my favorite. They are in the frozen food aisle in a large white bag at a bargain price.

  9. Virgil Says:

    A zillion years ago I was a owner/partner and tennant in a commercial office building in north Atlanta that had once been a real estate office before it was sold to us at public foreclosure auction.
    It took us a while to understand, but what appeared to be really nice hardwood floors in the foyer had a pebbled texture from heavy high heels pounding across it and no amout of sanding could remove the effect. The texture tapered off as you moved on down the halls and into more remote areas and individual offices… but to this day I can’t help but want to do the calculation in pounds per square inch when I see certain people walking around in spiked heels.

  10. wormathan Says:

    I think your followup book should be “Drink What you Want and Dir Like a Man”.

    I agree that when you drink it should be as enjoyable as possible. A good drink in the right setting with the right people (or maybe no one at all) is bliss.

  11. Pam Says:

    I confess.

    I dare not approach the driveway of MickeyD’s, lest I drive-thru and purchase fries. Super-sized. 6 or 7 of them.

    There’s a potent, addictive drug in the oil they use for fryin’ and in the shortenin’ they use for bakin’.

    They’ll never go out of business.