Guided Missile

July 24th, 2009

Crowley Bringing the Kryptonite?

This thing with Obama and Cambridge cop James Crowley is amazing. Crowley may possibly be the worst person on earth Obama could have picked on. Crowley’s initial interview on TV was nothing short of astounding; no attorney or handler could have improved on it. And he looks like a movie star; if they made a movie about Russell Crowe, Crowley could play him. And he was picked by his black police chief to teach about racial profiling. On top of that, he tried to save a black NBA star by giving him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. And he didn’t play that card! His mother did!

The class and shrewdness Crowley displayed in his interview are exactly the types of traits Obama lacks. The contrast between the Crowley video and the video of Obama’s idiotic slander is instructive.

I think many events in life have a supernatural origin. This guy may have been fated to breach Obama’s hull. He is almost too perfect for the purpose.

The cops are demanding an apology, and there is absolutely no doubt that one is necessary. Obama doesn’t have a leg to stand on.

Obama is a very small, insecure, and arrogant person, so I see three possible outcomes, ranked in order of descending likelihood:

1. No apology; the Messiah can do no wrong. The unbelievers are the problem! Attacks on Crowley and those demanding an apology will be mounted, if at all possible. Robert Gibbs sends out for a fresh crate of Maalox and ends up looking even more slimy and condescending than usual.

2. Mealy-mouthing tarted up as an apology. “I regret the misunderstanding.” “I am sorry the Cambridge police [stupidly] took it this way.”

3. An apology which looks sincere when displayed on a teleprompter, but which Obama will be unable to deliver without making his contempt and anger obvious. Followed by a quick exit and a weekend of pouting.

Maybe 2 should be on top. Depends on whether the handlers have any luck when they beseech the Anointed One.

8 Responses to “Guided Missile”

  1. Steve_in_CA Says:

    I think the media will still “Joe the Plumber” Crowley and the “MESS”iah will be unscathed.

  2. baldilocks Says:

    Number 2–and I mean that in more ways than one.

  3. km Says:

    Bingo – #2 it is.

    Invite them both to the WH for a beer! Well, don’t waste the good stuff on some two bit racist cop. O certainly looks like the sit around and have a beer kinda guy, right?

  4. Steve H. Says:

    Honey! Have the chef get me a straw!

  5. km Says:

    Have the chef serve it on the rocks too!
    And with a spritzer.

  6. Chris Says:

    “O certainly looks like the sit around and have a beer kinda guy, right?”
    Remember how much the left loved people’s characterization of Bush as “the kind of guy you’d want to have a beer with”?

  7. Guy S Says:

    His hubris, his messianic “wanna-be-ness”; if ever there was a case of “pride comith before a fall”, Obama is almost predestianed to be a textbook example.

    Will this unfolding story be the example? I don’t know. But the officer who was put up to ridicule by agents of the left, and those professional race baiters out there, has got the tools, the personality, and professionalism, to put them all … including Gates and Obama, in their places.

    And yeah, I would love to share a brew or three with President Bush. He wasn’t perfect (no president is), but his overall view of national defense, and such was so very much closer to what was needed than that of the current resident of the oval office.

  8. Pam Says:

    I agree with Baldilocks – #2…and I know what she means.

    I mentioned to someone not long after the coronation that The Won must have looked at his wife in bed that night and asked just what heck he was gonna do now that he actually got what he asked for. Based on the ever-graying hair and multiplying wrinkles, I’d say he ain’t figured it out yet.