Tax New Yorkers!

July 16th, 2009

Give Them What They Asked For!

I skimmed today’s Drudgebart-linked article about Obama’s health debacle jacking NYC taxes up to about 60% on successful citizens. I think it’s FANTASTIC.

Seriously; these people voted for Obama. They need to suffer so they can learn. It’s only right that they get hit harder than the rest of us. I knew this guy was a socialist and a mediocrity from the word “go,” and so did millions of other Americans. If New Yorkers and other blue-state suckers had listened to us, we’d have the slightly less liberal John McCain in the White House. That would be bad, but what we have now is catastrophic.

It’s 2009, and there are still people who think socialism works. Forget the gulags. Forget the collapse of the USSR. Forget the prosperity lower taxes brought us. Turn a blind eye to the fact that capitalism saved China from ruin. No, none of that matters to the adherents of the religion of socialism. They are convinced that if we do something incredibly stupid correctly, we will have success. All the people who tried it before us did it wrong. That’s the problem.

Please, please, let this happen. I want to see what happens to limousine liberals when they lose their limousines. I want to see productive people flee New York and rail at the messiah who disappointed them.

Obama has already managed to alienate part of his base. Some American Jews are finally realizing he’s hostile to Israel. If he wrecks our richest city, maybe he’ll offend more devotees, and the scales will fall from their eyes.

I don’t expect it to happen. I’ll be honest. I think Obama’s supporters are utterly blind. When his simpleminded policies bring pain, the sheep will find a way to defend the shepherd. The rats will protect the piper. “He inherited this problem.” “It didn’t work because he didn’t get everything he wanted.” “George Bush snuck into his bedroom and put a chip in his brain.” Or maybe the explanation will simply be “Dick Cheney!”, combined with a knowing nod. If anything, the suffering Obama causes will make his worshipers cling to him more tightly.

I’ve realized something, and it will offend most people when I point it out. Most Americans do not care about freedom. Remember those Star Trek episodes where Kirk tried to make the aliens understand that human beings were unique, because they couldn’t be happy in cages? That was all a fantasy. It was absolute nonsense. Nothing could be further from the truth. The majority of us will gladly submit to totalitarianism in exchange for a steady supply of food pellets and fresh shavings. Most of us are either liberal or swing voters, and these are the people who vote for increased government control of our lives. Taxes equal control. Entitlements equal control. Gun-grabbing. “Hate crime” legislation. TARP. Coercive green legislation which affects our most private actions. This is us, begging the government to dominate every detail of our lives. Most of us think it’s swell.

Our soldiers fight and die to protect rights which are only important to about a third of us. It’s amazing when you think about it. How has the Constitution lasted so long?

I think Nanny Obama’s warm fuzzy government is like a sweater and mittens that are going to get tighter and tighter until we can’t breathe. I expect it to get worse and worse. We had freedom, and we used it as license to become arrogant, ungrateful degenerates, and now we’re going to lose a lot of it. We’re like the British before they faded. I see almost no hope for America the nation. I believe that from here on out, the nation as a whole will wane, and instead of blessing us corporately, God will look after individuals within the nation. And those individuals will become targets.

It must have been a little like this in Cambodia, Vietnam, Nazi Germany, Cuba, and other nations devastated by mindless personality cults. We’re not as extreme yet, but the same paradigm is in play. An inept leader much of the population finds charismatic, as though he were anointed to deliver us. A captive, fawning, obsequious press. Destructive legislation presented in such a way that anyone who opposes it is considered not merely wrong, but evil. They’re not lining us up beside ditches and shooting us in the head yet, the way leftists have done in so many nations, but the same mindset is at work. Those Eastern-bloc-style posters of Obama staring toward the horizon…they are positively creepy. We never had anything like that for the Bushes, Clinton, Reagan, Carter, Ford, or Nixon. Ordinarily, this type of icon only appears in dictatorships or in a religious context. They show that we are crossing the border between support and idolatry. And for what? A former bagman who has toed the line and opposed change his whole career. A lackey who made good. The opposite of a leader.

The Jews are paying the price. Maybe New Yorkers are next. The canaries are coughing. Eventually, the rest of us will smell the fumes.

My advice is to remember the true source of all prosperity and protection. You want a messiah? Fine. Look to the genuine article.

14 Responses to “Tax New Yorkers!”

  1. Bradford M. Kleemann Says:

    There’s a Christian commune that has everyone put their paycheck into one pot. I’m told they might have $100,000 in medical bills in a month, and they simply pay them, because they’re large enough to be self-insuring. They feed street people – about 300 a day – in their own dining room. They work, marry, have kids, make mistakes; I’m not sure what they’re doing wrong. Any system of government will work if Christ is the center. If not, the system of checks and balances that our system provides is probably the best bet.

  2. Darren Meer Says:

    Preach it brother! Until we get back to the days of “No King but King Jesus!” as our battle cry, this nation will continue its death spiral into the abyss. Thankfully, there is still peace, hope and freedom to be had (for those who believe) at the feet of our Lord.

  3. Steve H. Says:

    What people in small groups do can’t be judged by the same standards that apply to nations. Socialism as a system of government is anti-Christian and evil.

  4. Kyle Says:

    Socialism, when VOLUNTARY, is fine, because it’s voluntary.

    When it’s coerced, it’s evil.

    Steve, don’t worry, we won’t go quietly into the night. It’s getting close.

  5. Steve H. Says:

    That’s exactly the distinction. Giving is not giving when it’s compulsory, and we get no credit for it from God.
    Socialism is a sad, man-made Messiah substitute that robs us of our virtue and ends in misery.

  6. Aaron's cc: Says:

    Darren’s kidding, I hope. Part of my family came over on the Mayflower and I don’t recall his “No King…” cry ever being part of this incredible more-blessed-than-any-nation-in-history Judeo-Christian experiment in the Western Hemisphere. My recollection of history is that nations that DID have such a battle cry never merited Genesis 12:3’s blessing as their kids came home from services to torment their Jewish neighbors. I rented a room from a man sodomized by a gang on Christmas eve for having the temerity of being a Jew in Europe. You might say that gang wasn’t Christian, but the community that never sought to prosecute them and never sought to make such behavior rare certainly was.

    1/3 of American colonials were pro-Revolution, 1/3 were pro-England and 1/3 were holding their cowardly fingers up to see which way the wind would blow. It doesn’t take a majority to transform a culture for good. It takes courage and resolve.

  7. Bradford M. Kleemann Says:

    Mmmm. Food pellets. Is there anything they can’t do?

  8. ErikZ Says:

    It takes more than courage and resolve. It takes a plan.

    All I hear is upset people. I don’t hear of anyone sitting down and creating the concrete plan on what to do next.

    Without a plan, you’re just asking for the most powerful player to swoop in and implement his plan.

  9. gerry from valpo Says:

    “Those Eastern-bloc-style posters of Obama staring toward the horizon…they are positively creepy.”
    It’s as if I was the only one who noticed until now.
    Outstanding rant as usual, BTW.

  10. km Says:

    And the ultra liberal idiots, when confronted with the inherent and inevitable failure of their system – will blame it squarely and solely on Bush,

  11. Ed Bonderenka Says:

    Here’s a thought.
    We are waiting for focus for our anti-socialist ire. I don’t see it coming from the Repubs yet.
    I suspect it will have to be a charismatic leader, the “anti-Obama”.
    I hope some “fascist totalitarian” doesn’t rise up in response to the current administration/congress and ride the wave of our wrath.
    What’s the “Who” song? “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.”

  12. brian Says:

    That’s the best post you’ve done in a long time. Spot on. Hilarious and true. Keep up the good work.

  13. NYCChris Says:

    Hi Steve,

    I have been following your blog for a few years now. I saw the cover of the NY Post the other morning on my way to work, and it had the 59% tax in HUGE print. I really couldn’t believe what I was seeing… I expected taxes to go up, but 60%!!!!! Holy Cow!!

    Everyone gripes about the taxes and how expensive everything is, but there is this overwhelming sense that there is nothing you can do about it. It’s just the way it is.

    My girlfriend and I have had it, when our lease is up next May, we are leaving NYC for good. And we are very seriously thinking of Florida.
    My republican vote may actually COUNT for the first time in my life! 🙂

    Thank you Steve for your blog.

  14. Jim Says:

    Soylent Green. Regular, or Extra Crispy?

    I don’t put it past Obama to put that on the legislative menu.

    Sunk New Dawn
    Galveston, TX