The False Messiah Teaches us Diplomacy

June 5th, 2009

Reward Repentance With Self-Righteous Excoriation

I just saw Obama speaking at Buchenwald with Angela Merkel beside him.

Did I hear him right? I believe he listed the Germans’ evil deeds, including “using rape as a weapon of war.”

The memory of the Holocaust has to be kept alive. No doubt about it. But there is such a thing as tact. What does this amateur hope to accomplish by speaking in such pointed terms? The Germans have nearly turned repentance into an industry. The Holocaust ended sixty-five years ago, yet they are still gracious enough to promote its remembrance by allowing foreign heads of state to speak from the sites of concentration camps. Am I crazy, or could Obama have taken a more constructive tone?

It’s like Louis Farrakhan had a baby with Karl Marx and Steve Urkel. Obama can’t do anything right. Isn’t this exactly the kind of nationalist “arrogance” he himself complained of?

It’s hard to believe that any President would have the gall to be self-righteous about the Holocaust, while allowing Israel’s enemies to build nuclear missiles.

10 Responses to “The False Messiah Teaches us Diplomacy”

  1. aelfheld Says:

    There is no matter so profound or trivial that this walking testimony to narcissism can’t be self-righteous about.

  2. davis,br Says:

    I dunno. I’m starting to agree with my wife’s persistent observation …to wit, that Obama is simply not very …umm, bright.
    I mean …just because someone has learned to read a teleprompter in an accomplished fashion (i.e., has learned to read their lines well like an actor) does not imply that they are also smart.
    And. When you add-in that his books may have been ghost-written (purportedly by the slimy Bill Ayers), and factor in his bewildering lack of performance in any subject (except public speaking from a prepared text) and rampant narcissim and appalling lack of maturity …it’s almost a stereotype of a certain type of ignoramus.
    …even Col. Foghorn Leghorn had a sonorous voice.
    So. I’m beginning to agree that there’s not much there, there.
    It certainly explains a lot of …the unattractiveness …that we’re …repeatedly …seeing.
    If the [political and economic] tragedy weren’t so urgent, the irony (cf, the contrast with the Left Media’s, and the Left’s, characterization of Bush’s intellectual deficits of the past eight years with his generally adequate competence and performance) of us electing such an empty suit might border on delicious hilarity.
    I’ll let you know when I start truly laughing over it …since right now I’m so angry I could spit.

  3. Ed Bonderenka Says:

    O’reilly has a segment on body language. I’ve e-mailed him, asking his expert to evaluate that smug look Obama gets when he speaks after delivering a line. He tilts his face back a bit and pauses. I saw it repeatedly in the Cairo speech.
    Even the left is getting fed up with him:

  4. Leo Says:

    I think the man is a rudderless ship. Given to drift in whatever direction is the easiest spewing words that would have meaning if they weren’s so shallow and meaningless (much like that sentence). I also think Michelle wears the pants in the family and I feel sort of sorry for the pooch. Whipped is the operative word here.

  5. pbird Says:

    I think Angela Merkel’s face said it all.

  6. km Says:

    The classic Leftist gameplan. Beat up on our allies, on points as to which they’ve already beaten themselves up.

    Ignore our actual enemies and/or appease them, while always blaming their bad behavior on some real or imagined past slights.

  7. Billy Says:

    While I was at the gym, I saw Charles Krauthammer ask why we need 15 different “czars”. I’m pretty sure that it’s because the great One can’t actually do anything except talk.

  8. Charles Cardwell Says:

    Ed Bonderenka has noticed something about Obama’s body language which I have observed for some time. I am an old codger who remembers many pre-WWII newsreels. I see Benito Mussolini. Mussolini started out as a Socialist and rapidly went on to Fascism. I remember shots of him on a balcony above a sea of adoring Italians with his hands on his hips, his head tilted back and his chin thrust forward. Every time I see Obama speak he tilts his head back and thrusts out his chin in the same smug way. I don’t know if this means anything, but it makes me vaguely uncomfortable.

  9. Steve H. Says:

    I have to disagree about the Obama/Mussolini comparison, Charles. After all, Mussolini was brilliant and highly accomplished.

  10. davis,br Says:

    The One may not be as bright as Mussolini …but I really think using the appellation Il Duce – in as deliciously ironic a fashion as possible – fits him quite to the “T”.