Ebony and Ivory

June 1st, 2009

Sometimes Works Better in Theory

You know how I always talk about the problem of black anti-Semitism? Here’s a great comment I just received.

When has Minister ever caused you damn jews ever harm, you are just upset that his words about you ring true. There is an old Negro saying ” If you throw a rock into a pack of dogs the only one that will holla is the ONE THAT GETS HIT.’ QUIT CRYING YOU GUYS HAVEBEEN BUSTED!

That came from “Mr. Lee X Slave.” He has a swell blog where you can read about his admiration for that idiot, Farrakhan.

This kind of garbage is not rare. The web is packed with it.

This is what happens when an entire race is exempted from criticism.

12 Responses to “Ebony and Ivory”

  1. Andrea Harris Says:

    “If you throw a rock into a pack of dogs the only one that will holla is the ONE THAT GETS HIT.’”

    Um… yeah. So? How about not throwing rocks, genius?

  2. og Says:

    sweet. Apparently racism=tolerance if you arent white.
    Amusing that he considers getting hit with a rock o.k.

  3. Steve H. Says:

    You have to wonder about a guy who can’t spell “holler.”

  4. Steve H. Says:

    Hey, show some respect for Lee. After all, if he’s an ex-slave, he’s at least 144 years old.
    Unless he lives in a Muslim country, which means he could be a little kid stolen from his parents and forced to race camels. Wonder when the Muslims are going to catch up with the Emancipation Proclamation.

  5. km Says:

    When has a minister caused a Jew harm? How about Rev, Al Sharpton and the riot he inspired leading to the death of a Jewish fellow?

  6. Aarons CC Says:

    Mr. Slave should ensure that his precious Calypso Louis should exclusively go to doctors and use medicines from his community and I’ll go to mine. Let me know when an physician named Tupac or LeDwayne or Shabazz creates a cure. Despite every major civilization jealously trying to annihilate us, we create medical and scientific gifts that altruistically benefit mankind because we have a culture that impels us to do good way beyond our own community. Let me know when there’s an Islamic or Nation of Islamic equivalent to http://www.jinfo.org/
    A little background on Calypso Louis: http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/anti-semitism/Farrakhan.html
    See also http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/anti-semitism/black98.html
    It’s pretty clear that cultural antisemitism may also be the source of the trend that radical violent Islam is the fastest growing faith in American prisons. This Orthodox Jew, for one, would emphatically support extreme Christian evangelism in our prisons as a remedy to the antisocial attitudes that led to incarceration. I’d love to see a 1000:1 ratio of Born Again Christians emerging from prisons versus Muslims. Want to get nervous about knowingly permitting a cancer to metastasize?
    Here pauseth the jeremiad.

  7. Aarons CC Says:

    I never understood the appeal of Islam to blacks. No culture has enslaved blacks more and enslaves blacks more than Arabs.
    Google “Francis Bok” and you’ll meet a slave I met with my wife and children. When have Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Maxine Waters, Barbara Lee or Calypso Louis done anything as beneficial to Africans as iAbolish.org, which happens to be run by a Jew?

  8. cond0010 Says:

    ” How about Rev, Al Sharpton and the riot he inspired leading to the death of a Jewish fellow?”
    Good point, km. Or … how about Al Sahrpton and his comment about the Somali Pirates being “Voluntary Coat Guard”?

  9. cond0010 Says:

    “as beneficial to Africans as iAbolish.org, which happens to be run by a Jew?”
    I was not aware of the website. Looks cool. I’ll have to browse through it. Thanks Aaron!
    Ya know, talking about all them baaaaaad Israelis, perhaps we should help Mr. Lee X Slave with his disdain and suggest that he boycott Israel while waitng for their destruction (like… thats gonna happen…)
    Go ahead, Mr. Lee X Slave, do it!!! (h/t Mishy for showing me this funny video).

  10. greg zywicki Says:

    You folks are taking seriously the follower of someone who teaches white people were created in an ancient laboratory experiment, and something about flying saucers i don’t recall.

    I remember listening to farakahn’s Million Man speach and talking about attonement, and the work atone. I remember goofing on it in my head thinking, “Soon he’s going to mention the musical note ‘A’ “. Not much later, he did.

  11. cond0010 Says:

    Hi Greg!
    I’m just shooting fish in a barrel. Mr. Lee X Slave is very easy to ridicule. Just having fun and his expense..

  12. baldilocks Says:

    Why do blacks hate the Jews? Why does any group hate the Jews? Because they are being led by Satan and Satan use that most ugly of deadly sins to lead Jew-haters astray: envy. It’s as old as Cain.