The New China Syndrome

May 14th, 2009

Our Creditors Will Now Sell us Cars

Being a conservative is usually a great blessing, because we’re right about nearly everything. But it’s frustrating when we’re right about things the rest of the country did not see coming. Case in point: the Chinese are about to invade our automobile market. Who has been warning about this for ages? Me. Backward little Bible-clinging, meat-eating, non-recycling pistol-carrier that I am. I’m sure other conservatives have said the same thing. You can’t walk down the aisles in Home Depot every week and see row after row of inexpensive, quality Chinese-made tools and not realize Chinese cars are inevitable. You’d have to be remarkably stupid.

Drudgebart links to a story about it today. I figured the Chinese would attack directly and independently. But it’s even worse than that. GM is going to give the market to them! I thought future competition was what we had to worry about, but GM is capitulating before that has a chance to happen. They’re going to import Chinese cars!

The union is angry. Who cares? They were dying anyway. They had no chance whatsoever of remaining viable. Unions are parasitic, and one of the essential properties of a successful parasite is that it can’t kill the host while the host still serves a need. The UAW has never understood this. You can maintain a union like the one at UPS, because they don’t get five times what they’re worth. They permit UPS to make a profit, so UPS stays in business. You can’t maintain a union that causes a company to run at a deficit.

If a tick sucked a quart of blood a day, ticks would be extinct. Isn’t that obvious?

Autoworkers and workers in related industries are going to earn less money from now on, because of a troublesome little thing called supply and demand. They’ve managed to fight it successfully for over 50 years, but it always wins in the end. Ten years from now, you won’t see typical American autoworkers in nice houses with five vehicles. That was an unsustainable aberration.

Here’s a quotation:

“GM should not be taking taxpayers’ money simply to finance the outsourcing of jobs to other countries,” Alan Reuther, the union’s Washington lobbyist, wrote in a letter to U.S. lawmakers.

That’s true, I guess. On the other hand, the government shouldn’t be forcing taxpayers to invest in a company that union labor will eventually kill (or any company, for that matter). Okay, union labor isn’t the only problem. Let’s be fair and admit that GM also has problems because of bad management. That’s especially true now that Barack Obama is the CEO. It’s interesting, if you think about it. This is his first real job. GM is Barack Obama’s lemonade stand!

The story implies GM is SHOCKED that anyone would think they would move manufacturing to China, and they love the unions, and the percentage of cars sold here that will be made in China will be limited…blah, blah, blah. I’ve heard this kind of BS before. “Social Security numbers will only be used in the management of government benefits.” “The income tax will only be in place long enough to pay our war debts.” “None of the money from the state lottery will go to anything but education.”

“You’re the third man I’ve ever slept with.” “Don’t worry, I had a vasectomy.” “My breasts are real.” “I’ll limit myself to public campaign funds.” “My administration will be totally transparent.”

Some lies are so pathetic, on their faces, that no one should ever believe them unless somebody posts a bond.

It’s possible that cars will be made here. IF the wage drops to maybe fifteen bucks an hour. Otherwise, forget it.

Proponents of the pitiable, obnoxious, ludicrous, conceited America-as-master-race theory think the Chinese are hopelessly incompetent. I guess these folks have no idea which nationalities do best in engineering and science. Here’s a clue. When I applied for graduate study in physics, I was told I had an advantage because I was not Chinese. Universities were tired of cluttering their departments with Chinese students. Americans are not better, smarter, more talented, or more industrious. There is nothing special about us, and it is remarkable that Asians have done so poorly up to this point. Like the union thing, it’s an aberration. It’s unnatural. It is a situation that will eventually right itself.

American produced Henry Ford. It also produced the Ayn-Rand-vindicating degenerates who succeeded him. Now China has its own Henry Ford; a battery manufacturer who crushed Sony and who has now set his sights on the Big Three and Toyota. People like that are raised up by God. They don’t occur naturally, and they don’t lift themselves up by their own bootstraps, no matter what their egos tell them. We have had our share of giants, but now they’re popping up abroad, and our supply seems to be running dry. I’d trade twenty sets of Google kids for one Wang Chuan-Fu. In fact, I’d trade the actual Google kids for a good cigar.

We used to have Presidents who built and nurtured and encouraged. Now we have a spoiled, tyrannical boy who cannibalizes and reallocates and salvages and jettisons. A downsizer masquerading as a builder. Like an engineer on a battleship that has been torpedoed, he moves assets around in a vain effort to keep us (and himself) afloat.

Perry Stone thinks the US may have come to the end of its God-given run as the dominant nation in the world. The more time passes, the more I think he’s right. I think from now on, the country will wane, but individual Americans who align themselves with God’s will are going to be blessed.

Nobody wants to hear that. They want to hear “USA! USA!” while they chant along and crush Budweiser cans against their foreheads. But everything we have came from God, not from ourselves. We worked and planned and planted, but human effort is pointless unless it is also blessed.

I think the only way for an American to rise above the developing chaos is to turn back to God. I think God pounded that into my thick skull over the last few years, and I hope I can help other people reach the same conclusion.

7 Responses to “The New China Syndrome”

  1. Veeshir Says:

    My prediction? A bunch of cars will have serious defects and cause deaths.
    The Chinese will blame one guy for it, execute him and they, and the NY Times, will declare the problem fixed.

    Clean up body parts from the highway, wash, rinse, repeat.

    It’s not a problem with the Chinese people, it’s a problem with a dictatorship. Especially a commie dictatorship.

  2. Aaron's cc: Says:

    Watch Dennis Prager’s “The American Trinity”:

    We can choose to submit to pacifist Europeanism, which will mean the West will be ruled Islam in the next century, or we can elect to renew the Founding Fathers’ divinely inspired human experiment.

    I think God judges us for not obeying his commandment (no, it was not a suggestion) to slay every remnant of Amalek. That commandment has never been completed. My take is that God is telling us that we don’t deserve the end of evil until we’re willing to fight it ourselves. Instead, we shovel over anywhere from $50k to $200k to give our 17-year-old children to universities who teach moral relativism.

    There are positive commandments not to stand by idly while one’s neighbor is under duress. Probably also applies to not standing by idly when a nation is crumbling. Better another 1776 than slouching toward 620. But that would probably result in some uncomfortable choices in our creature comforts… not the kind of thing that clergy like to preach in Jeremiads from pulpits and still expect to retain their positions.

    There is a teaching that the gematria for Satan is the same as the word “doubt”. Humans settling their personal affairs and waiting for the tribulation to clean things up doesn’t seem to be sufficient justification for God to have created the universe and watch us screw things up for a few thousand years. No… humanity is going to get pounded repeatedly until it learns the lessons He wants us to learn. May even take another Dark Ages… or two. Anything less is essentially providing the pride of high school diplomas to people who haven’t morally progressed past Second Grade thinking.

  3. Aaron's cc: Says:

    Veeshir… we won’t be able to extradite anyone. Also, our exported health records in foreign data processing centers means that one disgruntled hacker can post our health history on a website.
    This is the downside of capitalism. We don’t hold the executives making short-term decisions accountable. Their actions are NOT transparent to employees and shareholders and should not be protected by corporate veils. There should be no statute of limitations on
    Until wives and future-trust-fund-children of executives are nagging their hubbys/fathers to be moral instead of seeking unearned material privilege and insulation from the hoi polloi, the laws that permit vast immoral wealth transfer to the upper class may not be harsh enough. They become the justification for immoral wealth transfer by government to the lower classes. We have the right to expect more from those with the resources to know better.

  4. Titan Mk6B Says:

    A friend of mine has acquired a dealership for a Chinese made van/truck thing. It gets 60 MPG and has a top speed of 70 MPH. Probably will appeal a lot of people especially those with light hauling requirements in the burbs. It is still just a bit on the cheaply made side but so were the early Japanese imports. I think it might be priced a bit high at 14K but we will see. The real funny about the whole thing is that GM produces the engine.

  5. km Says:

    Government Motors is trying to pay back its two conflicting pipers – the unions and the Chinese. Could get interesting.

  6. Leo Says:

    Aaron’s cc:wrote:

    “Humans settling their personal affairs and waiting for the tribulation to clean things up doesn’t seem to be sufficient justification for God to have created the universe and watch us screw things up for a few thousand years. No… humanity is going to get pounded repeatedly until it learns the lessons He wants us to learn. May even take another Dark Ages… or two. Anything less is essentially providing the pride of high school diplomas to people who haven’t morally progressed past Second Grade thinking.”

    Aaron, thanks for your rant above. Not exactly sure what happened but it touched something and set some wheels in motion. Particularily the quoted part. My own path has been somewhat torturous and twisted and a bit out of the ordinary but this one statement you made seems to speak absolute truth to something that made it a longer journey then necessary. Funny how the larger meaning (which you clearly stated) had to wind through my thoughts as if you spoke of one single thing only which then had to grow into its real meaning. If I can get my thoughts in order on this I will comment more.

  7. Steve B Says:

    I’ve been looking into the whole “post-modern” and “emergent” church movement. You can see this post-modern approach to both the Consititution/Founding Fathers and the the Bible. The idea that the old ways are too archaic, too constraining, to dogmatic, and we need new, “enlightened” ways of thinking that will bring about a better world.

    It disturbs me deeply to see our country embracing essentially new-age, feel-good moral relativism in both our politics and our faith.

    We are making ourselves the arbiters or truth and morality, and that way is the way of death.