Leah and Mish

April 21st, 2009

More Prayer

Mish Weiss has this to say about Leah Friedman:

Leah needs prayer. ?? ?????? ???? ????? ??? ?? ???? Leah Meira bat Rina. She went in for tests and a minor procedure and there are some serious complications today. My hands are shaking so hard right now it’s all I can do to type this.

I apologize if the Hebrew (which may or may not display correctly here) contains profanity; with Mish, you never know.

Seriously, remember Leah today. If you go to her blog, you can find out just how delicate her situation is.

Mish also says:

Infected central line CVC. Not fun. Fever has an origin now. Their debating removing my CVC and placing this one in my internal jugular vein. Will know more later tonight. Antibiotics are on board. Fever is up and down, I have intense pain around the CVC line.

For what it’s worth, not all of Mish’s signs are bad; her hemoglobin is at 6, whatever that means, and for her, that suggests an arrested decline.

One Response to “Leah and Mish”

  1. km Says:

    Two young ladies going through remarkable ordeals.