Shrum, Sodomy, and the Lash

April 14th, 2009

Plus Uncle Ted, the Water Dog Whisperer

The mahogany I cut to size yesterday continues its mysterious dance. Sometimes it bows this way. Sometimes it bows that way. This morning when I got up, one piece was flat.

Here’s another interesting thing it does. This wood appears dry, but it still has some water in it, and it migrates to the lower side over time. Today I found discoloration on the bottom side of the wood. I turned it over, and in forty-five minutes or so, the discoloration was gone.

I don’t think any of this matters. The box I plan to make will be seven inches long, so the warping over the length of the box will amount to about a third of a millimeter. Close enough for government work.

Speaking of government work, are you as amused as I am by Obama’s stated intention to go easy on tax delinquents? Apparently, his plan is to find them and appoint them all to his cabinet. That’s what he’s done so far. Give this man credit; he may be presiding over the disintegration of the greatest nation on earth, but he is immensely entertaining.

Readers have pointed out that Obama’s dog–a Portuguese water dog–was a gift from Edward Kennedy. This is the kind of thing The Half Hour News Hour team would have made up, but for the fact that they had absolutely no talent. You can almost picture Ted, sitting on a dock with a Scotch in his hand (or both hands), trying to teach his special dog to retrieve a dummy from a submerged Oldsmobile.

Speaking of conservative disasters, I see that the GOP has shriveled to the point where Bob Shrum now feels entitled to make fun of it. Can you imagine anything worse? This man’s name has literally become a verb, synonymous with both “fail” and “cause to fail.” “My souffle looked good in the oven, but then it Shrummed.” “Ned Rice and Sandy Frank Shrummed the hopes of conservative humor.”

You know what this reminds me of? The Star Wars scene where Han Solo is about to be fed to the giant underground worm, and Jabba’s rat-like pet is talking smack to him. The rat is an incredibly pathetic creature in its own right, but it has Jabba backing it up, and Han Solo is such a mess, the rat can probably take him. So the rat feels entitled to ridicule. If Shrum is the rat, maybe Robert Gibbs is Jabba. I’m not sure.

Geez, what happened to us? Well, I know what happened. Big-tent, amoral secularism. We used to rout the enemy, and now they rout us. Man, I wish I could find a new country to move to. A place where religious conservatives are in charge. This is the difference between me and a liberal; they always want to stay where they are and ruin the countries they live in, instead of moving to leftist cesspools like France. Me, I’d rather just get out. I wish Texas would secede so I could apply for a homestead.

Yeah, that secular conservatism…that stuff is working out real good. Let’s keep it up! We’re on a roll! The last thing we want is to turn back to God and go back to the misery and failure of THE REAGAN YEARS.

The Bible says not to worry, because evil comes of it. Too bad the GOP never learned that. We got a little worried, and we decided the item we needed to get rid of was God. Now look at us.

Hey, you know that business about letting illegal aliens vote? It’s going to continue and expand. How do I know? One of the signs that a nation is cursed is that aliens within its borders will increase and gain power over it. Look it up.

Today at our weekly breakfast, I told my dad we should just send the welfare money directly to Mexico. Why make them move? It’s cheaper for everyone to just pay them where they are.

I need to join a new party. I cannot be part of an organization so degraded it can legitimately be ridiculed by the likes of Shrum.


When I wrote this, I didn’t know Rick Perry was flipping out and trying to declare Texas a sovereign nation. Where do I apply to join the militia? I can smoke pigs like nobody’s business, and I will bring a fine assortment of deadly firearms.

16 Responses to “Shrum, Sodomy, and the Lash”

  1. Ksurfiws Says:


    Jabba the Hutts Rat was named “Salacious Crumb”

    Don’t Tread On Me
    10th Amendment, Baby!

  2. Gerry From Valpo Says:

    In case you didn’t know, Ted’s WATER DOG is NAMED SPLASH. Sad he didn’t own it in 1969. It may have kept Ted from drowning a young innocent woman.

  3. km Says:

    Don’t Texans tend to barbeque beef?

    If your pig roasting methods are readily adaptable to beef, then you’ll certainly have a huge leg up on getting asylum there.

  4. Mike LaRoche Says:

    Rick Perry is MY president!

  5. greg zywicki Says:

    “Where do I apply to join the militia? I can smoke pigs like nobody’s business, and I will bring a fine assortment of deadly firearms.”

    I think you mean you can smoke PORK. Talking about being in a militia, owning firearms, and smoking pigs scans dangerously.

    Not that the current admin has any special love for the pigs.

  6. aelfheld Says:

    “A place where religious conservatives are in charge.” Iran? Saudi Arabia?

  7. Steve G. Says:

    Not sure how thrilled Texans are with pig-barbecueing skills, but you’ve got to be a better candidate than most anyway. If you find a placement program, ask them if they accept Yankees who are willing to learn…

  8. Heather Says:

    Steve, I sent you an email yesterday about House Resolution 875, that would make growing your own food illegal, hunting and consuming your kill illegal, as well as organic farming illegal. It is being pushed by Monsanto, Archer Daniels Midland, and the rest of the big corporate food operations.

  9. Billy Says:

    Steve, we would welcome you back to Texas with open arms. Personally, being a good Georgia boy, I would personally love to have someone here who could actually smoke pork.

  10. SallyVee Says:

    “You can almost picture Ted, sitting on a dock with a Scotch in his hand (or both hands), trying to teach his special dog to retrieve a dummy from a submerged Oldsmobile.”

    Where is Gary Larson to draw this???

  11. aelfheld Says:

    No problem in this part of Texas with smoked pig or well-mannered Yankees.

  12. Chris Says:

    To be fair to Perry, it looks like he is simply reaffirming the federalism stated in the 10th Amendment, not trying to say “The Union is Dissolved!”. I’ve got no problem with a governor telling the feds to mind their own business.

  13. Steve B Says:

    Careful Steve, you might get yourself branded as a right-wing extremist by the DHS.

  14. LauraB Says:

    C’mon back to Texas. (Frankly, they could use some good pork BBQ – the beef is grand but…it’s getting dull.)

    Land is cheap, you can do whatever you wish on it, and churches aren’t considered a blight to the neighborhood.

  15. John Says:

    For those that may be unaware, we’ll BBQ any edible animal in Texas … and some that are only marginally edible.

  16. km Says:

    Alas, I think the Teddy K source for the dog story is apocyphal – I see reports that it came from a pet rescue group.

    What a shame – the image is just too perfect.