Today’s Observations

April 13th, 2009


Couple of things.

As expected, the Obamas demonstrated remarkably bad taste in choosing their dog. They chose the Portuguese water dog, which, whatever its positive traits may be, is a remarkably ugly creature. I have never understood people who buy hairy dogs that gather drool, snot, and eye secretions in their face hair, like mops.

The shocking part? They chose a working breed.

If I had to have another dog, I think I’d look for a Shepherd mixed with something else to tone down the inbreeding and avoid the hip problems. And now that I think about it, those are good considerations to keep in mind when choosing a wife.

I don’t know why they bought a dog. Liberals and dogs don’t mix, except in the sense that liberals often have to be pried loose from the jaws of watchdogs and dogs belonging to the police. Liberals are supposed to own cats, who, like the people who vote for liberals, consume wealth and attention and in return, provide nothing but scorn.

Here’s a fact for people who think George Bush is dumb: he was smart enough to choose a dog that bit reporters whenever possible.

Second thing: I notice that a tennis player named Federer has married his “longtime girlfriend.” Ladies who choose to live with single men (every man who is not married is single), let me tell you what it means when your live-in boyfriend proposes after a period of years. It means he gave up and decided you were the best he could do. If he had thought you were a catch, he would have married you sooner, to keep someone else from getting you. Or it could mean he hates being with you less than he hates dating.

Felicitations. You are a reserve parachute. Who says romance is dead? Get down on your knees and thank Gaia no one better showed up.

9 Responses to “Today’s Observations”

  1. km Says:

    For some reason I suspect she’s already spent plenty of time on her knees.

    But he may have just gotten tired of screwing around (or wants kids)

  2. Firehand Says:

    Two of the best dogs I’ve ever had were the same mix: German Shepherd and Border collie. Smart as hell, playful, really good critters.

  3. Alan Says:

    Ted Kennedy’s dog is a Portuguese water dog. Any editorial comment on that factoid is your own.

  4. Mike LaRoche Says:

    Liberals and dogs don’t mix

    Tell that to Helen Thomas.

  5. DYSPEPSIA GENERATION » Blog Archive » Today’s Observations Says:

    […] The Hog is in rare form. Ladies who choose to live with single men (every man who is not married is single), let me tell you what it means when your live-in boyfriend proposes after a period of years. It means he gave up and decided you were the best he could do. If he had thought you were a catch, he would have married you sooner, to keep someone else from getting you. Or it could mean he hates being with you less than he hates dating. […]

  6. ralphie Says:

    I understand that Obama did not buy the dog…it was a gift from Ted Kennedy. Obama needed a dog to endear him
    to common folk–kind of like Honest Abe growing a beard.
    Well I’m here to tell ya, it doesn’t work for me. But then,
    nothing The One does thrills me…it is going to be a long four
    years listening to that whistling “s”….

  7. og Says:

    Appropriate that Ted Kennedy gave them a water dog.

  8. aelfheld Says:

    My cats keep me conservative.

    If and when I get another dog, it will be either an Irish Wolfhound or a Scottish Deerhound. In the event of an economic collapse I’ll need something to ride.

  9. Virgil Says:

    Miniature Long Haired Dachshunds RULE…all the spirit of a giant 150 pound hound blended into a 10 pound package that travels well in a car/boat/airplane and craps tootsie roll sized turds that I never step on in my own yard.