Suddenly I Miss The Half-Hour News Hour

April 1st, 2009


Gwen Buck has posted a new Stephen Colbert video which demonstrates exactly why Glenn Beck is a disaster for conservatives.

Beck has done the unthinkable. He has made Al Franken seem sincere and dignified.

I cried a little while I wrote this.

6 Responses to “Suddenly I Miss The Half-Hour News Hour”

  1. Steve G. Says:

    Holy crap, I haven’t seen his show, so I thought you guys were exaggerating his level of crazy a bit (based on the whole hospital incident). How wrong I was. Yikes.

  2. cond0010 Says:

    I never watch Glenn Beck, but one thing I do get out of this video and it is this: I am GLAD I am not famous.
    Any show of emotion, any phrase you say, any sneeze, dorky laugh, flatulence or bad hair day can become a sound bite.
    Mix and match these moments and would be like a “boot stamping on (my) human face— forever”.
    The control of the liberals on the media is total.
    I pity ‘Joe the Plumber’ and his ilk…

  3. cond0010 Says:

    One more thing, Steve:
    We may see Al Franken as a nutjob, but because of the Liberals in the media, he’s gonna be a senator in Minnesota
    …and what of the Conservative Cassandras? Just look at how they tear apart the very unphotogenic video-clips of Glenn Beck: they’ll all have clown suits.
    Don’t worry, they need us conservative clowns for the next 9-11 mushroom cloud that looms over the US: somebody has got to be blamed for it and the Truthers will ensure that it is us. Surely, they couldn’t blame the US’ enemies. After all, if we throw our guns down and get rid of our warlike, imperialist swine-pigs in our country, there will be peace everywhere.

  4. Dan from Madison Says:

    Oh man that was devastating, especially the part where they played the audio clip of Beck lambasting the 911 families. How touching. Colbert and his writers are truly talented.

    Like I said a few posts ago, I am very happy I have isolated myself from all of these loons such as Beck.

  5. pbird Says:

    Yeah, he’s a freak and an embarrassment, but some of the stuff he is bawling about is real. But I don’t follow him because the Mormon swing throws the analysis off.

  6. aelfheld Says:

    Prior to that, the only time I’d seen Beck was in the ‘hemorrhoid’ video.

    All I can say is that I’m surprised there’s anything left of him after the hemorrhoidectomy.