Mish’s New Problem Identified

March 20th, 2009


I just checked Mish Weiss’s blog. Her fever is fluctuating. Here is the bad news:

Enterococcus is the bacteria, and with counts as low as Mish’s sepsis can occur. Because this bacteria is sometimes antibiotic and multi drug resistant, it is especially difficult to treat.

This girl can’t seem to catch a break. Her parents are gone. She had problems with addiction. She got leukemia. She turned out to have a genetic makeup that made it harder to treat. Curative chemotherapy didn’t work. Now this. Yet she still fights. How many people would do that? I don’t know that I would. I know that the afterlife is better than this life; I don’t think I could hold on as hard as Mish has.

Please keep her in her prayers. Hopefully the variety of bacteria she has will respond to drugs. This is not the time for the people who care about her to give up. This is when faith matters most.

4 Responses to “Mish’s New Problem Identified”

  1. Ruth H Says:

    Not good news, but still time to pray. I will be praying for all of the above, too.
    Pray from my grandson, he just lost his first baby, a tubal pregnancy, but a wanted one. They are doing well now that it is over. She had 12 days of pain before they decided it was an emergency and did surgery. Not nearly as bad as his cousin’s baby, though. Even with that, it is not as bad as what Eric and Kelly went through.

  2. cond0010 Says:

    Ya know, I think about all the problems I have had in my life and I realize that many of my problems were based on the choices I made.
    Man made problems.
    Compared to what Mish is going through, my problems pale in significance. Wishing for a new car? Hoping for that raise? Whining about someone not talking nice? Bah!
    Mishs problem is REAL.
    Worthy of praying for a miracle from G_d.
    Please G_d help her live through this illness. Let her Live.

  3. Pam Says:

    Praying that God’s hand wipes away the fever and comforts her, her friends and family.

  4. km Says:

    The hits just keep on coming for her, don’t they?

    May G-d have mercy on her.