March 18th, 2009

Range Calls

I’m headed for the range. It has been too long, and Ivanka needs the air. I’m assuming it’s not raining out there; the farther you go to the west, the more likely that seems. If, indeed, it’s raining to the west, I will come home and pout.

I can test the hot Cor-Bon .38 Super rounds I bought and burn off a few dozen .45 reloads, so even though I won’t be using a laser, it should be a worthwhile outing.

Geez. I better print out a Vz 58 manual. I am still fairly clueless about how to strip Ivanka and clean her.


I came home to pout. Dang it. Wouldn’t you know the dry spell would end the night before I need to go to the range.

Positive note: my second “Rambo” brand laser arrived from Hong Kong, and I also received a laser mount for the Saiga.

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