Doughnut Fail

March 13th, 2009

Oh the Wrongness of It

Tonight I got the dumbest junk email. It came from King Arthur Flour. The subject was “Doughnuts without frying? Here’s the secret.”

Why on God’s green earth would I want doughnuts without frying?



5 Responses to “Doughnut Fail”

  1. Aaron's cc: Says:

    Doughnuts without frying. Rugelach with lard.

  2. km Says:

    That’s like non-alcoholic beer. Or caffine-free cola.

    That’s why you consume those products!

  3. PJ Hamel Says:

    “Dumbest junk email” – WOW, far as I know we’ve never been characterized that way before. A first! Thanks, Steve. As for baked doughnuts – to each his own, huh? Not my favorite, but actually many, many customers love them, so, what the heck? To each his own. Thanks for the mention. You know what they say, even bad PR is PR… PJ Hamel, King Arthur Flour baker/blogger

  4. Steve H. Says:

    Take heart, PJ. It’s not as dumb as the emails advertising Oprah’s favorite weight loss product.

  5. tondelayo Says:

    Baked doughnut?? Umm, isn’t that just cake?