We Don’t Love Lucy
February 19th, 2009WAAAAAHHHHHH!!!
At this writing, the Dow is down about 50 points. Wow, that Obama recovery is really something. This morning the futures looked good. We were expecting a rally because of “overselling.” Now it looks more like underselling is what actually happened.
I saw a funny Youtube this morning. It showed clips of CNBC’s Jim Cramer, talking about the new exciting BULL MARKET! And if the person who put the Youtube together was honest, Cramer was saying these things in the fairly recent past. And he was not playing around. The bear market was OVER; no ifs, ands, or buts. And CNBC’s Rick Santelli was in the video, telling Cramer how wrong he had been. Cramer claimed otherwise, but the clips seem to prove Santelli right.
A Drudge-linked story says inflation is here, but it’s based largely on temporary peaks in energy prices. Look at oil prices now, and tell me January is meaningful.
It’s amazing how poorly Obama is doing. He’s not just average or mediocre. He is a full-blown train wreck, and not all of it is related to the economy. He can’t even do a competent job of appointing cabinet members. How hard is that? When it looks like you’re going to be elected, you tell your people to find good prospects. You give them a simple list of questions to ask, and one of those questions is, “Do you pay your taxes?” Everyone knows this. Remember how we ended up with the catastrophic Janet Reno DOJ regime? Bill Clinton’s top choice didn’t pay her taxes. The tax question is routine and obvious. If you don’t ask it, you risk hiring someone who causes the death of two dozen kids, because she has no idea how hostage negotiations work. We waited 444 days to get the Iran hostages out safely, and they were adults. After 51 days of trying to extract innocent children, Reno decided it was time for the tear gas and tanks.
Not all of Obama’s choices are tax evaders. Richardson paid his taxes but may also have paid off political supporters.
Suddenly Bristol Palin doesn’t look so bad. Although when I say that, I am trying not to think of her shameful Fox interview, which I’m sure you’ve all seen. And she’s a kid, not a governor or Senator or whatever.
Cartoonist Sean Delonas is in trouble for drawing a cartoon of a dead chimp, suggesting a chimp wrote the Porkulus Package. People say it compares Obama to a monkey. One problem: Obama didn’t write the bill. This is another one of his giant failures. He has no idea what’s in this bill. He broke his promise to post it on the Internet before signing it, and there is no possibility that he has had time to read it. I’m not sure the Internet is big enough to hold it. You know, I’m considering spending a low four-figure sum for a lathe, and I’m taking weeks to get it right, and it’s a relatively small sum which will have absolutely no effect on my future. Can’t we take weeks before we decided how to spend eight hundred billion dollars?
For the cartoon to reflect on Obama, he would have to have authored the bill. That bit of logic, like most others, is lost on the openly anti-Semitic Al Sharpton, who encouraged blacks to riot in Crown Heights, leading to the brutal murder of Yankel Rosenbaum. Sharpton thinks the cartoon is troubling. I guess Delonas needs to atone by drawing a cartoon encouraging chimps to kill Jews. Or portraying Jews as chimps. Or something. Cartoons like those would be just fine by Sharpton’s standards.
If you check Youtube, you can find videos of real secular prophets: people who knew the economy was doomed, and that Obama would make it worse. One example is Peter Schiff. He was a Ron Paul supporter, which means not all of his Eggos have popped out of the toaster, but he pointed out something chilling. He said the boom we experienced after 2001 was based on excessive borrowing and inflated housing prices, which gave consumers economic leverage that was not based on real income or assets. Whee. Does that mean what I think it does? It seems to mean the real economy–the one we would have, had we not mortgaged the entire country–has been tanking for almost a decade, and now we’re just getting the bills. Which are bigger, because we prolonged the “boom” by borrowing.
Nothing is worse than borrowing money in anticipation of higher income, and then getting lower income. And when the lower income is partly caused by the borrowing…it’s like M.C. Escher economics.
I wonder if Escher is available to be a cabinet member.
Schiff says to buy guns and ammunition. I guess you could call that “bearish.” My response? Way ahead of you, bucko. Let me know if you find a place that will sell me Claymores.
“Carter 2.” That’s what the smart money was betting on, but it looks like Obama is going to make Jimmy Carter look like Ronald Reagan. Or, if you’re a partisan who can’t admit Reagan’s greatness, Abraham Lincoln. I compared Obama to Gilligan the other day, and I’m still going with that metaphor. Although you could also compare him to Lucille Ball, trying to keep up with the machine at the candy factory. I won’t compare Biden to Vivian Vance, because Vivian Vance tried to help Lucy, while I’m pretty sure Biden has been chloroformed and stuffed in a closet.
What we need in the Oval Office is a guy like Fred Mertz. An old bald veteran who will pull his huge pants up way too high, spit in his palms, and get the job done.
I think Biden still can’t believe his luck. Judging from reports about the process by which he was chosen, Obama’s people were frantically making calls to anyone they could think of, and they got Biden on the line, and they said, “Vice President or Secretary of State?” And after Biden threatened to find out who their parents were and turn them in for making prank phone calls, he chose the job which would enable him to have the highest profile while doing the least. So he’ll be Ed McMahon or Hank Kingsley, which is about as hard as being a stuffed penguin, and Hillary has to bust her hump being Doc Severinsen.
BDS sufferers won’t remember this, but George Bush didn’t start out this way. He looked pretty good for a long time, and to rational people, he still doesn’t look as bad as BDS would suggest. Obama is doing so badly, he’s not going to get a hundred-day honeymoon, and this, from the press that used to suckle him to sleep and leave mints on his pillow.
I may buy a little gold. You never know.
I really wanted to get a lathe and a mill, but I seriously think that if I wait a month, someone who has lost a business will actually pay me to take them.
February 19th, 2009 at 1:30 PM
Obama is doing so badly, he’s not going to get a hundred-day honeymoon, and this, from the press that used to suckle him to sleep and leave mints on his pillow.
I hope you’re right – but the press would have to admit they were wrong at some point. I figure they’d rather go down in flames than do that.
February 19th, 2009 at 1:32 PM
Maybe you should roll it all together and get a gold trimmed mill or lathe! Fancy tools plus financial stability.
February 20th, 2009 at 3:49 PM
I think Biden was intentional. As a gray-haired white guy with decades of Washington experience and a blue-collar Catholic background — talking impressions here, not necessarily reality — and as someone who had been personally vetted in a national campaign (the primaries) — he gave Obama cover. That was his sole purpose, and it worked marvelously. Especially after McCain had a rush of blood and chose an unvetted hyper-ambitious neo-feminist tom kitten with no media savvy and a Brittney Spears family. Independents and Catholics, against all odds, to Obama. Game, Set, Match.
February 20th, 2009 at 4:17 PM
If he was Obama’s first choice, why was he given the option of becoming Secretary of State? If you really want a guy for VP, you offer him VP, period.
February 21st, 2009 at 7:48 AM
You have GOT to draw a cartoon of Obama as Lucy. I really think you cold sell it or at least make ME laugh – which is of course most important.
February 24th, 2009 at 2:29 PM
“Nothing is worse than borrowing money in anticipation of higher income, and then getting lower income.”
Nothing? You could have a spouse you just prohibited from saying either “nest” or “egg”.