Gadgeteer Completes a Project

February 16th, 2009


If you’re wondering whether I ever finished the gadget I made to receive outfeed from my wood machines, the answer is yes. Today I mounted it on my sawhorses.

Here’s the result:

I was too lazy to actually plane something to test the gadget, but I ran my planing sled over it, and it’s very obvious that it’s going to work. I need to replace the spacers with something harder than softwood, but they’re okay for now.


2 Responses to “Gadgeteer Completes a Project”

  1. Ed Bonderenka Says:

    That’s mighty fine looking.

  2. ksurfiws Says:

    Good Gadget…

    But now I am even more puzzled…
    What kind of car is that! It’s freaking me out!